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Opinion: Do you guys/gals think that the ETs help make the pyramids?

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posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by hoonsince89
reply to post by jeichelberg

I could agree with that statement more than being carved with copper tools... but, it still doesn't add up.
If they poured it, they still are going to have to transport objects far to heavy.

What "far too heavy, " objects would need to be transported?

Plus the perfectly level chambers to the (1 mm) and the Air shafts on the 45 degree angles.

Concrete actually solves the leveling issues, FAR BETTER than chiseling block...

I bet you couldn't find my a single piece of architecture in the world that in to the 1mm straight. Its just unheard of. If it was poured the would be major variations.

Again, take a look at any concrete dam...They are BLOCKS OF CONCRETE...poured at different a matter of fact, ALL MODERN CONCRETE STRUCTURES are simply poured in placed or are pre-stressed fabricated BUILDING together just like Legos...

And to have the shafts on the 45 angle, they would have to have pre-fabricate molds and would have to strategically place every rock so it matches up. and to get those shafts perfectly level... impossible.

Please see my last answer...PRE-FAB in action..

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:18 PM
Why in the hell would aliens travel millions of light years to build a fancy pile of rocks? The idea is ludicrous to me. I'm impressed with the pyramids, sure, but they really are just neatly cut and stacked rocks.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
Why in the hell would aliens travel millions of light years to build a fancy pile of rocks? The idea is ludicrous to me. I'm impressed with the pyramids, sure, but they really are just neatly cut and stacked rocks.

To watch a bunch of ants take their technology and ideas and evolve only to kill and destroy ourselves. Then proceeed to the next planet and do the same and watch.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:23 PM
Nope. ETs did not do it. Humans did it. Simple as that. How they did it - up to speculation, but they did it. And proud they shall be.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Domo1
Why in the hell would aliens travel millions of light years to build a fancy pile of rocks? The idea is ludicrous to me. I'm impressed with the pyramids, sure, but they really are just neatly cut and stacked rocks.

There's no evidence that suggests that Aliens didn't built those pyramids!!

So they most likely did!

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by MarkScheppy, but why would Egyptians line up the three great pyramids to reflect the stars in Orion's belt?

So why would ET have these pyramids line up to reflect Orian's belt.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Flow101
There's no evidence that suggests that Aliens didn't built those pyramids!!

So they most likely did!

Well actually there is..........the Egyptian hieroglyphics depicted on the pyramids shows men manoeuvring the slabs........but no ETS depicted..........also no documentation mentions that the pyramids were built with the help of ET.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Logical one

Originally posted by IndigoValor
Pyramids can’t possible be built by the Egyptians; first of all, the Pyramid of Giza has about 2300000 stones that each weigh about 40 tons

A bit of exaggeration there Indigo!

Most of the 2.3 million blocks were of Limstone and weighed in the region of 2/3 tonnes.........the granite slabs in the King's Chamber were much heavier though.
Still an astonishing feat by man.

But your calculations are off by some way Indigo

he maybe over exaggerating the blocks for the pyramids, but 20 ton 40 ton & 80 ton blocks was used in its construction,

Still some of the largest solid blocks was 200.000 Tons

If you seriously believe cavemen cut a 200.000 ton solid block of granite out a quarry 100 miles away dragged it over a mountain range & popped it on a boat then moved it across a sandy deserts then more fool you my friend, thats 5x more then the largest land cranes on earth can lift today, really?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:18 PM
I don't believe that "ETs" per se, (Greys, Space Ships), but I do believe that there are forces outside of our perception and nature that has contributed to past intelligence. It's kind of like how we can lean over a colony of Ants or another organism without them taking any distracting notice. I think consciousness has a great deal to do with it as well. We're in an anxious, drunken state at the moment, people tend to lunge at others or go with the general view of most things.

I'd like to say that fourth dimensional beings outside our time/space, tapped into mana or some flow of energy and were able to manipulate large and heavy objects and be precise. See how hard that is?

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

he maybe over exaggerating the blocks for the pyramids, but 20 ton 40 ton & 80 ton blocks was used in its construction,

Yes but my specific response was to Indigo calculation of how long it would take to build the pyramids based on 2.3 million 40 ton slabs.

The average weight of the slabs has been estimated between 2-3 even though there were some granite slabs in the Kings chamber in excess of 40 tons..........Indigo's calculations would STILL be out by a country mile.
How they managed to get the larger slabs in place is still hotly debated.........although ET involvement seems more unlikely than the other theories out there.

Just because we find it hard to achieve something today with modern equipment doesn't mean it must have been "impossible" for the Egyptians.

Modern man has been condition to rely on modern machinery and equipment.........If tomorrow a huge solar flare rendered the whole of the Western world's electricity disrupted and everyone was forced into the jungles of the world to get food and water.........who would stand a better chance of survival........primitive hunter gatherers......or modern day man?

There would be many "skills" that primitive hunters could teach modern who knows what "skills" the ancient Egyptians had that could still be a revelation to modern day man.

If it was ET that helped then how come the Egyptians didn't make any mention of them or the techniques used by MR ET?

edit on 12-11-2011 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:58 PM
The Egyptians were far from being cavemen and the quarry wasn't 100's of miles away. there were different quarries for different stones with the main quarry conveniently located at Giza.


The Great Pyramid Quarry

edit on 12-11-2011 by dcmb1409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Logical one

Originally posted by BRITWARRIOR

he maybe over exaggerating the blocks for the pyramids, but 20 ton 40 ton & 80 ton blocks was used in its construction,

Yes but my specific response was to Indigo calculation of how long it would take to build the pyramids based on 2.3 million 40 ton slabs.

The average weight of the slabs has been estimated between 2-3 even though there were some granite slabs in the Kings chamber in excess of 40 tons..........Indigo's calculations would STILL be out by a country mile.
How they managed to get the larger slabs in place is still hotly debated.........although ET involvement seems more unlikely than the other theories out there.

Just because we find it hard to achieve something today with modern equipment doesn't mean it must have been "impossible" for the Egyptians.

Modern man has been condition to rely on modern machinery and equipment.........If tomorrow a huge solar flare rendered the whole of the Western world's electricity disrupted and everyone was forced into the jungles of the world to get food and water.........who would stand a better chance of survival........primitive hunter gatherers......or modern day man?

There would be many "skills" that primitive hunters could teach modern who knows what "skills" the ancient Egyptians had that could still be a revelation to modern day man.

If it was ET that helped then how come the Egyptians didn't make any mention of them or the techniques used by MR ET?

edit on 12-11-2011 by Logical one because: (no reason given)

Don't be so ridiculous, if we can't think of a way they could have done it today, or if are much more efficient machines can not achieve that, then we simply didn't build them, that's just common sense & logic at its most basic, we live in the space age for god sake, yet have some how been out done by cavemen,

When you have ruled out all possible options, what you are left with, no matter how strange, must be the truth,

If it was ET that helped then how come the Egyptians didn't make any mention of them or the techniques used by MR ET?

When we look at the the scriptures, they tell us exactly who built them, "the sun gods" RA, the sun gods taught us civilization, how to read & how to write & the knowledge to build the pyramids,

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by dcmb1409
The Egyptians were far from being cavemen and the quarry wasn't 100's of miles away. there were different quarries for different stones with the main quarry conveniently located at Giza.


The Great Pyramid Quarry

edit on 12-11-2011 by dcmb1409 because: (no reason given)

We know that, some of the MUCH MUCH larger stones come from 100 miles away over a mountain range,
on the opersit side of the Nile,

They said, they cut through the mountain range & calved out a trench, filled it with water & floated the stones out on barges, almost as clutching at straws as the ramps theorys for the completion stages of the pyramid when they realised it would have required more materiel then the actual pyramids it self

Care to show us where these massive canals through mountain ranges are?

the should no doubt still be there, because they sure as s**t didn't drag 200.000 tons over a mountain range

edit on 12-11-2011 by BRITWARRIOR because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:31 PM
There is plenty of proof this was not only very possible, they have uncovered most of the methods to create the structures. It was done over a very long period indeed.. some surmise up to 50 years. And it was a national project of sorts - people volunteered to be involved.

Consider that the Egyptians, like many other cultures (like the supposed all-knowing Mayans), were very religious minded. What they did in their lives was more to prepare for afterlife than anything. If aliens had come down and built pyramids, we'd see not just a few scribbles.. we'd see entire works of art dedicated to the "gods" who helped build these structures. Not an anomalous red blob on a floor in a hidden chamber - we'd see stuff on all temple walls, etc. No.. I think this was a completely human endeavor.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Domo1

Why in the hell would aliens travel millions of light years to build a fancy pile of rock? The idea is ludicrous to me. I'm impressed with the pyramids, sure, but they really are just neatly cut and stacked rocks.

Oh right LOL

There just a neatly stacked pile of rocks, yet you're impressed by them? sure they are, there more accurate then any structure on the planet, thats quite some stacking after cutting with copper tools

Why in the hell would aliens travel millions of light years to build a fancy pile of rocks

To help along civilization...the same reason you're government goes to Africa & build schools

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
There is plenty of proof this was not only very possible, they have uncovered most of the methods to create the structures. It was done over a very long period indeed.. some surmise up to 50 years. And it was a national project of sorts - people volunteered to be involved.

Consider that the Egyptians, like many other cultures (like the supposed all-knowing Mayans), were very religious minded. What they did in their lives was more to prepare for afterlife than anything. If aliens had come down and built pyramids, we'd see not just a few scribbles.. we'd see entire works of art dedicated to the "gods" who helped build these structures. Not an anomalous red blob on a floor in a hidden chamber - we'd see stuff on all temple walls, etc. No.. I think this was a completely human endeavor.

what like these

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 12:21 AM
Well I Dont Think An Ancient Civilisation Could Create Massive Pyramids Most Of Them Would've Died From The Heat

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by BRITWARRIOR

here is a less fuzzy picture of your first example

a plant in a jar?

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by BRITWARRIOR

You offer opinion without offering where your histories come from. There are many theories about transporting stones that do not involve a cosmic station wagon carrying primitive (tool marked) stones to Giza. Why didn't the aliens use exotic metal? surely their crafts were metallic and not stone also the metal would make production faster and impenetrable to the dumb masses and material easily accessed from the local belts or space metal warehouse zone.

No wear and tear that stone eventually goes through in erosion or vandals and easier to create for an advanced civilizations with a slave force than tooling and moving rock.

Theory of transporting stone on the Nile for use at Giza


The Pyramid Builders


Who Built the Pyramids? Nova special
edit on 13-11-2011 by dcmb1409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by BRITWARRIOR

I just wanted to clarify (even though I believe the pyramids were poured in place, eliminating movement of any block)...are you saying TWO HUNDRED TON BLOCKS or TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND TON BLOCKS? What is your source for reference in either case?

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