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Ahmadinejad: Iran won't retreat from nuclear path

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posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

exactly..the nuke issue is just smoke and mirrors to cover the real reasons they want to go after iran.. easiest way to get people to play their game - scare them into doing what they want done and what better way than the spectre of the 'bomb' thrown at them..

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

Originally posted by 547000
Please. Don't tell me you believe this guy won't arm his country with nukes. That's just being naive.

I personally believe Iran has aborted their nuclear weapons program a long time ago. But due to all the recent threats against Iran from the usual suspects I would not be surprised if they would seek nuclear weapons. That being said I still have not seen one iota of evidence proving that they seek nukes.

I challenge you to show me proof. The IAEA report doesn't even have any evidence. The only "evidence" we have seen is unproven leaked allegations from the mainstream media. Sorry, I don't consider biased and untruthful press releases as evidence. Do you?

I hope you do know that countries have intelligence that doesn't always makes the media. For instance, did you know Iraq was financing terrorists, with Russia as its backer?. A British intelligence officer revealed this on youtube, but it never went mainstream.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by 547000


Do you mean the same type of intelligence they gathered before Iraq?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by 547000

The only intelligence they hide is what works against their agenda. If they had any real intelligence that would condemn Iran on the world stage they would have released it by now.

All this "Secret Leaked Intelligence" is put out there to fool the fools because they are the only ones believing it

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 09:53 AM
Pakistan swore blind that they were not developing nuclear weapons.........................................right up until the time they tested their first weapon......................................and then they helped Iran with their nuclear weapons program.

Of course Iran is developing nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, it is ludicrous and deceitful to pretend otherwise - more worryingly, they are the obvious prime destination for black market nukes as well as N.K nukes for sale.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:03 AM
reply to post by JohhnyBGood

And, why are we no invading and bombing Pakistan, after all the west knew about their nuclear program from the beginning, or ("intelligence only work for the countries of interest") you know, those that have natural resources like Iran, Iraq and Libya.

How about in Korea, if my memory doesn't fail me Rumsfeld was very much involved in the talks when the country was making them.

But is just one difference between countries like China, NK, Israel and Pakistan, they really do not have any resources to be looted and exploit.

Don't be so naive my friend it is an agenda you know and it has nothing to do with nuclear programs, the agenda is as old as Papa Bush regime era.

For oil and wars, the geopolitical agenda. Google it you will find a treasure of information.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

if i was incharge of Iran , i would tell the world the same thing, even if i was devloping nuclear weapons. What do you expect the man to say " we are six months away from having the bomb, try and stop us " Once they have a nuclear option they can just say they wanted it so they can protect themselves fro the west and Isreal.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by 547000

intelligence operatives lie, steal, blackmail,bribe and kill people all the time as a part of their work.. not exactly the most moral, honest or reliable members of society..
theyre far from being trustworthy. take anything an intelligence operative tells you with a lorrie load of salt - especially when it matches the propaganda governments feed to the public. NEVER trust the word of an intelligence operative.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Did you even bother reading the full report ?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
Pakistan swore blind that they were not developing nuclear weapons.........................................right up until the time they tested their first weapon......................................and then they helped Iran with their nuclear weapons program.

Of course Iran is developing nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, it is ludicrous and deceitful to pretend otherwise - more worryingly, they are the obvious prime destination for black market nukes as well as N.K nukes for sale.

So what, you're making absolutely no sense.

Iran and Pakistan are two different countries just in case you didn't know.

If you want to get technical, Israel still officially will not acknowledge their nuclear arsenal. I don't see you asking them to disarm. Also, the USA is the only country to officially nuke an enemy. So you're whole argument is just baseless.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 12:13 PM
It looks like Mahmoud had more to say. Of course the Western sources leave this part out. At least from the sources I have read so far.

IAEA report unbalanced, politically motivated: Iran envoy

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that the U.S. orders have discredited the UN nuclear watchdog.

Ahmadinejad made the remarks in an address to a large gathering of people in the city of Shahr-e Kord, in the southern province of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province, on Wednesday.

“Why do you sacrifice the credibility of the IAEA to carry out the U.S. orders?”

“It will be in your interests if you be a friend of the Iranian nation,” Ahmadinejad stated.

More real talk from Mahmoud. I know a lot of you hate it, but he doesn't tip toe around like the clowns that are constantly lying about his country.

Here is what Russia had to say:

Russia on Tuesday criticized the report, saying it would dim hopes for dialogue with Tehran on its nuclear ambitions and suggesting it was meant to scuttle chances for a diplomatic solution, Reuters reported.

“We have serious doubts about the justification for steps to reveal contents of the report to a broad public, primarily because it is precisely now that certain chances for the renewal of dialogue between the ‘sextet’ of international mediators and Tehran have begun to appear,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

According to Bloomberg, Russia also said that it suspects “political dishonesty” in the report.

Russia suspects the authors of some of the comments in the report of “political dishonesty and pursuing goals that have nothing to do with the task of eliminating the well-known concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear program,” according to an e- mailed statement sent by the Moscow-based ministry before the report was released late Tuesday.

Allegations contained in the report about a Russian scientist date back 10 years and amount to “nothing new or sensational,” the ministry said.

And there is always China:

China warned on Wednesday against turmoil in the Middle East from action over Iran’s nuclear program but declined to comment on the possibility of new sanctions (on Iran), Reuters reported.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said that Beijing was “studying” the IAEA report, and repeated a call to resolve the issue peacefully through talks.

“I’ve already pointed out that China has consistently advocating using dialogue and cooperation to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue,” he stated during a daily news briefing when asked about the possibility of new unilateral U.S. sanctions on Iran.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by gravitational

Thank you for proving my point

That's a pretty vague report. The worse thing it mentions is that Iran is not wanting to let inspectors in. But we all know that is a lie even. Iran has always been co-operational regardless of what your bastard media tells you.

Who ever highlighted that whole portion of the report really wasted a lot of ink

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

Well ofcourse they want nuclear weapons, every other kid on the block out there has them even Pakistan. I wouldnt buy what Ahmajinedad says for a nickel. You don't get to play with the other big kids until you become a big kid too. Until then youre stuck sitting at the kiddie table at thanksgiving. Its a natural response to think "well, we have nuclear power and a reactor, why not go ahead and make some bombs too since were so close to it anyway?"

Everytime in history man has created something that is dangerous he has been trying to figure out how to use it to kill other people. It happened when gunpowder was invented, it happened when nitoglycerin was discovered (that particular fellow blew himself up instead of other people), it happened when we figured out how to split the atom and it won't stop there. Anything can be used as a weapon when you have a mind and means to use it that way, which is why there will never been an end to war. Mankind is stuck on exploding things and making them die and eventually we will destroy ourselves because we have gone down the path of destruction and once you start down that path it takes an act of God to turn yoou about. Ask any career criminal out there how hard it os to deviate from their personal paths of destruction. Very hard indeed.
edit on 9-11-2011 by lonewolf19792000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:55 PM
Why would Iran retreat from that path. They have signed the NPT. Israel didn't and threatens its neighbours with those nukes.

Anyway the whole thing just comes crashing down with these Wikileaks cables anyway ...

Nuclear Wikileaks: Cables show cosy US relationship with IAEA chief

When Yukiya Amano took over as the head of the UN nuclear watchdog last year, American diplomats described him as "director general of all states, but in agreement with us"

edit on 9-11-2011 by ALF88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:56 PM
I love how everyone thinks it will be the US attacking Iran, it will be Israel.

But here lies the problem. Like a beast with a hook in its mouth being pulled by a chain, the US will have to defend Israel, but I don't think we (the US) really wants to.

Israel is like a spoiled child who gets everything, they lie and continue expansions in Gaza etc....
And now the US pres has even been caught mumbling about Israel.

Iran chose a path that it knew THE WORLD was against. Why?
Because nuclear weapons are BAD!
Nuclear power is BAD!
That region of the world is in total chaos and now throw some MORE nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs into the mix?

Insanity on ALL sides!

And now because of Iran's choice, right or wrong, they will get bombed by Israel, right or wrong, and well, lets just hope it does not spread...but I think it will.

I hate the fact that the US takes the stance it does on Israel. It is suicidal fanticism if you ask me. That whole region is messed up, and the potential is there for it all to become one big glass blob if TPTB do not handle this right. Sadly, I have lost faith in my governments abilty to lead on a global scale.
A lot of the world hates us for trying to do the right thing, even if it turned out wrong.
I love my country, I just hate where I see it all going.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 01:59 PM
Here is a song for all of you people on the war wagon.

You will love this.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by gravitational

Thank you for proving my point

That's a pretty vague report. The worse thing it mentions is that Iran is not wanting to let inspectors in. But we all know that is a lie even. Iran has always been co-operational regardless of what your bastard media tells you.

Who ever highlighted that whole portion of the report really wasted a lot of ink

As usual you see only what you want to see.
It's like arguing with an spoiled infant.

1- Iran is in violation of the Non-Proliferation treaty.

2- Iran has been testing detonators and other components that are only used for nuclear weapons.

3- Computer modeling of a core of a nuclear warhead.

4- Preparatory work for a nuclear weapons test.

5- Developing and mounting a nuclear payload onto its Shihab 3 missiles.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by gravitational

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by gravitational

Thank you for proving my point

That's a pretty vague report. The worse thing it mentions is that Iran is not wanting to let inspectors in. But we all know that is a lie even. Iran has always been co-operational regardless of what your bastard media tells you.

Who ever highlighted that whole portion of the report really wasted a lot of ink

As usual you see only what you want to see.
It's like arguing with an spoiled infant.

1- Iran is in violation of the Non-Proliferation treaty.

2- Iran has been testing detonators and other components that are only used for nuclear weapons.

3- Computer modeling of a core of a nuclear warhead.

4- Preparatory work for a nuclear weapons test.

5- Developing and mounting a nuclear payload onto its Shihab 3 missiles.

The report made no such claims as this. Find me one claim you listed that is concrete and linked to some real evidence and not "might be", "maybe", "possibly". Don't come here and act like I'm not going to call you out on your LIES.

These statements of yours are LIES until you can show me where in the report that these statements are proven. I have read the report and know the report does not solidify these claims so you might be reading for a while

Did you just copy and paste that off some web site and expect me to be too stupid to call you out on it?

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:21 PM
The Truth is out there

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

The more you argue, the more stupider you make yourself look.

1- Iran is in violation of the Non-Proliferation treaty.

Page 8 section 39

2- Iran has been testing detonators and other components that are only used for nuclear weapons.

Annex page 4 section 21, page 8 section 38, 39, 40...

3- Computer modeling of a core of a nuclear warhead.

Annex page 9 section 47, page 10, page 11 section 59, page 12 section 60

4- Preparatory work for a nuclear weapons test.

Annex page 8 section 36, page 11 section 58

5- Developing and mounting a nuclear payload onto its Shihab 3 missiles.

Annex page 9 section43, page 12 section 64...

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