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6 Things That Occupy Wall Street Has Already Accomplished

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:33 AM
People seem to slam OWS regularly on here and many claim that they are not achieving anything at all. I found this article and found that it makes some very good points in regards to what the movement is achieving.

While I will keep this brief, I find there is a lot of truth here. Let's try not to turn this into an OWS slugging fest and try and just acknowledge that they are having an impact all around the world. While you may not agree with some of the politics behind some of the people participating I think we can all agree that the basis for the protests is justified. The Elite control the world, and they are destroying it, people are poorer than ever while they are richer than ever, this is a toxic situation that needs to be fixed, and that is what they are trying to do.

1. NOW YOU KNOW YOU ARE NOT ALONE – Although the movement against big banks and government corruption has been steadily growing for a number of years, many people who have found themselves in this struggle still felt incredibly isolated from the rest of society. Now, with hundreds and thousands of like-minded people getting together in various cities across the world, activists are beginning to realize that they are not alone. There are now events in thousands of different cities, where you can go to meet other people who are concerned about the future and want to change the status quo. The Internet has exploded with activist information and those of us who were once looked upon as a “fringe community” are now becoming a strong force in the political landscape.

4. MAINSTREAM MEDIA CORRUPTION HAS BEEN EXPOSED LIKE NEVER BEFORE – The coverage (or lack of coverage early on) that the mainstream media has been giving to the OWS movement has majorly backfired and has exposed the dying institution for the fraud that it is. Many of your average hard-working Americans who spend most of their lives just trying to make ends meet have long relied on the evening news to let them know what’s going on around the world. When thousands of people were camped outside of Wall Street for months and half of the country still didn’t know about it, it raised some new concerns in the hearts of those who still trusted the word of the mainstream media. The fact that the pundits on the news only say what their paid to say, and what they are allowed to say, has been proven on a daily basis since these protests started.

5. THE NEW AMERICAN POLICE STATE IS EXPOSED – For the most part, these protests have been entirely peaceful. The majority of the violence that we have seen has actually been unprovoked police assaults on innocent protesters. Thanks to advanced technology, images of peaceful protesters being maced and roughed up by police went viral on the Internet and showed the world how police brutality works in America. As the independent media began to investigate the details, it was uncovered that J.P Morgan chase alone “donated” 4.6 million dollars to the NYPD. When we follow the money it is plain to see that the police officers aren’t here to protect us, but here to protect the highest bidder. This has been going on for some time, but luckily we now have cold hard proof and documented evidence of the corruption that exists between the financial sector and law enforcement.

6. WE ARE FINALLY STARTING TO LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN - After watching Bush Sr., Clinton, Bush Jr., and Obama systematically destroy our economy and take away our freedoms over the course of various Democratic and Republican presidential terms it has become apparent to the American people that they really have no say in their political system. Americans now realize that going to the polls at election time is going to do absolutely nothing to change the foreign or domestic policies in this country. These policies are dictated entirely by big banks, multinational corporations and international think tanks that operate through Wall Street and the financial district in London known as “the city”. The worst of these organizations -- the Federal Reserve, committee of 300, the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the world’s dominant banks -- are not being specifically called out enough yet, but you can rest assured that they are starting to get extremely nervous. If we can keep up the pressure and continue to educate those around us about the intricacies of this struggle, then we have the potential to create an unprecedented change for the better.

Link to article

edit on 6-11-2011 by sir_slide because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:40 AM
A revolution, if nonvoilent, takes time to do stuff. We all should understand that. Give 'em time, they'll give you results... It's been what 2-3 months?? You wanna change the world in 2-3 months?? LOL... Good changes take a f-load of time.

Or if you want faster results, JOIN THEM AND DO SOMETHING!

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by DoctorSatan


people need to understand that movements need time to grow, and it is through the hard line response to this movement world wide that the general public can start to see what is really happening here. It will become obvious who the police and politicians are truly looking after here, and it ain't us...

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:43 AM
I wish the MSM thing was to more of an extent.

I mean, people are still buying the BS about OWS. All conservatives, even ones in the Tea Party that are well aware of how the MSM misrepresents. It's lunacy.

I hope more of the police black bloc-ing is exposed. Agent provocateurs.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:44 AM
Reply to post by sir_slide

I would argue number 6 is not true. Most people at these occupations seem to be overwhelmingly liberal. Therefore still stuck in the two party muck, therefore not really understanding the negative things each party has done, and thus not really more aware.

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:51 AM
7. The people are waking up and exercising their power to demand for change. There was a time when the people think that they are helpless to whatever the government and the big banks want to do with them. Not anymore.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:57 AM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Have you attended a protest? If you have then you probably met people from all over the political spectrum. OWS is NON PARTISAN. You will find a mixed number of liberal and conservatives.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 12:59 AM
reply to post by sir_slide

1.) This movement has only made me feel even more alone. I am not rich, nowhere near rich, but I certainly will not ever agree that capitalism is the source of everybody's problem, especially since capitalism does not exist and has not ever since I have been born and long before that. The grossly regulated market stupidly called a "free" market is not anything near capitalism, but this increasingly arrogant "movement" insists that I am no longer alone. I feel horribly alone.

2.) Only now, after years and years of people from all walks of political ideology have been exposing the main stream media for their corruption and antics, have the "been exposed like never before". Taking credit for the actions of many people who have diligently worked at exposing this corruption hardly serves as an accomplishment.

3.) The "new American Police State" is as old as the ill advised "war on drugs" and if these arrogant "Occupy" people are just now waking up to this tired Police State then their ignorance is as profound as their arrogance.

4.) The only American President to never belong to any political party was George Washington, and in his farewell address gave dire warnings to the evils of political parties. Everyone ignored him then, and people largely ignore that warning today. Maybe the "OWS" is "finally" looking behind the curtain, but this is hardly an accomplishment.

All of this sounds like Georgie Porgy pudding and pie, who pulled out a plum and declared: "What a good boy am I?"

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:01 AM
Reply to post by

Yes I have. Most people there were democrats. I mean realistically I did not ask all of them their political affiliation, however I feel like it was obvious from the personal beliefs on some of the signs. I mean there were a very vocal group of libertarians but outside of them, there was a general atmosphere of condeming conservatives.

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:01 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

oh come the hell on...... cookie cutter response if I ever heard one.

"just add water"

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:02 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
Reply to post by

Yes I have. Most people there were democrats. I mean realistically I did not ask all of them their political affiliation, however I feel like it was obvious from the personal beliefs on some of the signs. I mean there were a very vocal group of libertarians but outside of them, there was a general atmosphere of condeming conservatives.

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Isn't it possible that liberals hold a higher presence in your locale?

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

oh come the hell on...... cookie cutter response if I ever heard one.

"just add water"

Uh-huh. Let's take a look at your reply, and then consider this again. If you have nothing valid to offer in terms of rebuttal, do not expect to be patted on the back for logical fallacy.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:09 AM
Reply to post by

That is very possible, I was actually thinking about that after I responded. I mean it seems like the left (from MSM) is in support of these protests so I just kind of related that back to my experience. But I dont know that for a fact so, point taken.

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posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

1.) This movement has only made me feel even more alone. I am not rich, nowhere near rich, but I certainly will not ever agree that capitalism is the source of everybody's problem, especially since capitalism does not exist and has not ever since I have been born and long before that. The grossly regulated market stupidly called a "free" market is not anything near capitalism, but this increasingly arrogant "movement" insists that I am no longer alone. I feel horribly alone.
Capitalism isn't corruption. All of the protesters I've talked to are not against capitalism, in fact they're all supportive of it, they just don't like our current system which is rigged. The wealthy elite have taken control of our government, and they make the rules which allow them to profit while they leave millions to suffer.

2.) Only now, after years and years of people from all walks of political ideology have been exposing the main stream media for their corruption and antics, have the "been exposed like never before". Taking credit for the actions of many people who have diligently worked at exposing this corruption hardly serves as an accomplishment.
I agree, I think the way they've treated Ron Paul was another big eye-opener for many.

3.) The "new American Police State" is as old as the ill advised "war on drugs" and if these arrogant "Occupy" people are just now waking up to this tired Police State then their ignorance is as profound as their arrogance.
Some people are completely oblivious though, not necessarily the occupy protesters. Many people justify every new security measure, even those that violate the Constitution, as protecting us from terrorists or threats. But seeing a nonviolent movement being assaulted, maced, flash banged, tear gassed, or even sometimes nearly killed must have woken some of those people up.

4.) The only American President to never belong to any political party was George Washington, and in his farewell address gave dire warnings to the evils of political parties.
If only we'd listened...

Everyone ignored him then, and people largely ignore that warning today. Maybe the "OWS" is "finally" looking behind the curtain, but this is hardly an accomplishment.
A large scale awakening of tens of thousands of American citizens to an element of our government which has contributed to screwing this country up bigtime? That's a pretty big deal IMO.

Since you generalized about occupy protesters being against capitalism, it's my turn to generalize. I've noticed that people who are against occupy protests completely oppose them no matter what they do. Rather than conceding anything to them, the response is always negative. Why is that? Have you subconsciously declared them your enemy, and the idea of them being even minutely successful fills you with frusturation and denial? Is your perception of the movement as a whole blinded by your political affiliation that our buddy George warned us about?

There's no way that you disagree with everything they say, because the message of corruption in our government being a problem is clearly universal. So instead of always, no matter what the occasion, bashing them, why not try to find some common ground with them, and maybe even help them out? Since you're unimpressed by their accomplishments, why not lend some of your time and show them what they can really get done with an intelligent fella like yourself involved?

Nah, it's easier to criticize them on the internet. Maybe voting will fix this country, you can just wait until election day and our problems will be solved

edit on 6-11-2011 by TupacShakur because:

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by sir_slide

1.) This movement has only made me feel even more alone. I am not rich, nowhere near rich, but I certainly will not ever agree that capitalism is the source of everybody's problem, especially since capitalism does not exist and has not ever since I have been born and long before that. The grossly regulated market stupidly called a "free" market is not anything near capitalism, but this increasingly arrogant "movement" insists that I am no longer alone. I feel horribly alone.

2.) Only now, after years and years of people from all walks of political ideology have been exposing the main stream media for their corruption and antics, have the "been exposed like never before". Taking credit for the actions of many people who have diligently worked at exposing this corruption hardly serves as an accomplishment.

3.) The "new American Police State" is as old as the ill advised "war on drugs" and if these arrogant "Occupy" people are just now waking up to this tired Police State then their ignorance is as profound as their arrogance.

4.) The only American President to never belong to any political party was George Washington, and in his farewell address gave dire warnings to the evils of political parties. Everyone ignored him then, and people largely ignore that warning today. Maybe the "OWS" is "finally" looking behind the curtain, but this is hardly an accomplishment.

All of this sounds like Georgie Porgy pudding and pie, who pulled out a plum and declared: "What a good boy am I?"

ye cats
if you're so smart to have this figured out so long ago
why aren't you down there doing something too?
i mean every single response there
boils down to I ALREADY KNEW THAT
so what? i already knew it too, but now there are people trying to make a
positive change.
it's clear from your postings that you're quite an intelligent individual
imagine how you could use that intelligence to educate and help people
instead of griping now that they're catching up.

oh, and you've posted that georgie peorgie thing before, what does it even mean?

your avatar seems increasingly appropriate
every word from you just makes you look more and more like a stereotypically grumbling old man

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by
reply to post by acmpnsfal

Have you attended a protest? If you have then you probably met people from all over the political spectrum. OWS is NON PARTISAN. You will find a mixed number of liberal and conservatives.

Op asked not to turn this into a slug fest,so I will be brief.


OWS is not apolitical. I have been to an OWS protest. Peaceful? Yes. . To many recall republican Governor signs to even think that. To many Union members to think it. Mixed in with the Liberals and Conservatives were Socialists,Marxists,Communists,Anarchists.

Those six things that OWS is saying it has accomplished,the Tea Party before them did. Many people have wakened up since 9/11. I see nothing truly accomplished.
edit on 6-11-2011 by sonnny1 because: fix

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by sonnny1

OWS is not apolitical. I have been to an OWS protest. Peaceful? Yes. Non-Partisan,No. To many recall republican Governor signs to even think that. To many Union members to think it. Mixed in with the Liberals and Conservatives were Socialists,Marxists,Communists,Anarchists.
Then why do I see so many Ron Paul signs at occupy kc? Are those just Democrats kidding around? Have you personally asked a good amount of the protesters what their political views are, and confirmed this for yourself?

You confuse me, you say in your post that it's not non-partisan, but then you proceed to list some of the different political views that attend them. So, which is it? A partisan movement, or a non-partisan movement?
edit on 6-11-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:25 AM
All of your posts on this subject only serve to betray you and expose you for who you are my friend.
edit on 6-11-2011 by Screwed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by TupacShakur
reply to post by sonnny1

OWS is not apolitical. I have been to an OWS protest. Peaceful? Yes. Non-Partisan,No. To many recall republican Governor signs to even think that. To many Union members to think it. Mixed in with the Liberals and Conservatives were Socialists,Marxists,Communists,Anarchists.
Then why do I see so many Ron Paul signs at occupy kc? Are those just Democrats kidding around? Have you personally asked a good amount of the protesters what their political views are, and confirmed this for yourself?

You confuse me, you say in your post that it's not non-partisan, but then you proceed to list some of the different political views that attend them. So, which is it? A partisan movement, or a non-partisan movement?
edit on 6-11-2011 by TupacShakur because: (no reason given)

Im sorry Pac,Partisan is what I meant to say. I Will fix it... Apolitical though? No way. Their wasn't many Ron Paul signs,a few at my rally,but not many.....Yes I actually did ask a bunch. It wasnt too different then a Tea Party Rally,except you didnt have to ask what someones view was when they had a I am a socialist sign,or Recall the Governor signs. I found 3 like minded individuals. I actually asked questions like "what do you plan to accomplish?" How can we change this? Most wanted JOBS. That was what I heard the most.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by DoctorSatan

Unfortunately we live in a soundbyte-driven, instant gratification sort of culture. our attention spans are being whittled down by "minute updates" on our 24-hour news cycles, blurb-ish articles in newspapers and magazines, and who can forget, tweets? Even the sorts of media one expects to take the time to explain a subject - say, nature documentaries - seem like they were produced by someone suffering ADHD and chronic incontinence.

Took nine years between Rosa Parks sitting down, and actual civil rights legislation. We're not going to be able to (re)build America in a day.

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