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Alien abductions may be vivid dreams: study says

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posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
The painfully known case Barney and Betty Hill, others who involve abduction after encounter on the highway - explain to me, they were dreaming, they feel asleep while driving? Then they dreamed how their cars went off and they dreamed on the road ABOUT the road and aliens ON the road?

No, they were lying.

Betty's aliens originally resembled Jimmy Durante, according to her own statements.

Give me a break.


posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:39 PM
I hope people soon realize that most alien visitation experiences are actually negatitive astral entities.
edit on 28-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by SuperSmartGuy

An emo chick that is over seven feet tall and has gray skin and a proportionally larger head than an everyday human who lives in a spacecraft with white interiority and an orange mantoid who pilots her ship. Wow... we must really be weary about these emos. Maybe they are up to taking over the world, because the RIAA keeps preventing them from illegally downloading their favorite songs online.

I am being sarcastic by the way.

Again, the photo you post to us does not give enough detail to verify what you are saying about her. We have no reference point to see her height, and her colouration could be the result of makeup or even lighting effects. Ask your friend if she is willing to be photographed with a less-human-appearing member of her crew, with some of her instrumentation and possibly even an earth human for scale.

If you are asking us to believe, and providing 'proof', please ensure that your proof cannot be mistaken for anything terrestrial or pedestrian like any number of goth girls walking down the street.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Oh really? this supposed study, if the study says so, it must be true
speaking of alien aductions what about the implants that doctors have found after people were taken? or has some people have gained strange talents?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:07 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

Oh really? this supposed study, if the study says so, it must be true
speaking of alien aductions what about the implants that doctors have found after people were taken? or has some people have gained strange talents?

yes, what about them? I want to see them...where are the scientific studies about this technology?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:20 PM
Absolute BS. Contact, nightime or daytime. Sitings of crafts, that black choppers chase. And others witness!
Yes its all a bad dream, maybe they even have a drug for it.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by flexy123
Don't get me wrong, Mack etc... sure was a good man.

I saw a movie recently about Alien Abductions with Mack in it (forgot the name tho, was it "Touched" ???), anyway it featured some Abductees and how Mack did the regressions....and sometimes Mack was *clearly* leading the hypnotized people and i did not like this.

The Abductee was just lying there and basically confirming whatever Mack "told him" about Aliens and UFOs..confirming with "yes" or "no"......

EXAMPLE (not actual): Abductee mentioned some vague shapes he sees, and Mack then "So..those shapes you are talking about...they are the Grays from the ship, right?" Abductee then: "Yes"

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by KILL_DOGG
Research center says pre-sleep activities influenced 'E.T.'-like encounters

Researchers say they have conducted "the first experiment to ever prove that close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials are a product of the human mind."

In a sleep study by the Out-Of-Body Experience Research Center in Los Angeles, 20 volunteers were instructed to perform a series of mental steps upon waking up or becoming lucid during the night that might lead them to have out-of-body experiences culminating in encounters with aliens.

According to lead researcher Michael Raduga, more than half the volunteers experienced at least one full or partial out-of-body experience, and seven of them were able to make contact with UFOs or extraterrestrials during these dream-like experiences.


This makes much more sense than people actually getting "beamed" onto a spaceship and having sensitive areas probed. What do you all think?

How can you exsplain the implants then? The strange marks on the ground, the cattle mutilations. ARE all these dreams to? I guess COWS and other animal mutilations are dreams also. I believe that alot of people joke around and kid about such things and maybe do dream about such things, but some people do exsperience these things and come back with implants under the skin.
If i had an implant, i would keep it.

edit on 29-10-2011 by cloaked4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Harte

Originally posted by Imtor
The painfully known case Barney and Betty Hill, others who involve abduction after encounter on the highway - explain to me, they were dreaming, they feel asleep while driving? Then they dreamed how their cars went off and they dreamed on the road ABOUT the road and aliens ON the road?

No, they were lying.

Betty's aliens originally resembled Jimmy Durante, according to her own statements.

Give me a break.


Could be lying, could be humans abducting humans,

Either way this article is either paid crap like all the articles frm the type of 'Coca-Cola is useful' [Insert reasons in a crappy article why it is so], or they really believe people can't distinguish a dream from reality, I said i've made my own experiments, I havent had any abductions dreams, just strange symbols, UFO sightings, then I wake up and I know it is a dream.,

Screw these articles Internet is full of BS plus I went to the link only tp see that even UFO sightings are dreams (wasn't sure if it talked about abductions or even sightings but it really was tons of clueless people making assumtions just so we have some rational explanation when there arethings in the world that dont have rational explanation)

Stubborn, dumb skeptic denying everything and being of type I have logical explanation about everything because I know everything and I cant see further than my feet is as bad as dumb believer who falls for every story, video or photo.

So denying everything doesn;t make you special, doesnt make you more correct, doesnt make you smarter, doesnt make you less of an idiot that a beleiver. And I noticed you are from that kind.

I do not believe the Betty and Barney hill story despite the left stains and things on her dress but I definitely dont deny it for a fact, I just dont know what it is, but I do not exclude any possibility. You seem to have never watched her interview or read anything about cases, you just come with your beliefs of how you have explanation for everything and impose your beliefs as if it is some fact and you know, when you know NOTHING...

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:22 AM
As someone who suffers from narcolepsy. Most… not all of the abduction, ghost encounter, out of body experiences, and other stories can be explained by sleep disorders. Before you respond with the ‘not in bed’ or ‘not at night’ reasons a sleep disorder doesn’t apply. Educate yourselves on the disorders first. You can still believe in the alien phenomenon and bring more validity to it by honestly looking at the encounters and weeding out the ones that are obviously due to sleep disorders.

There is a lot more to narcolepsy than just being tired all the time.

You would not believe some of the stuff I’ve seen, felt, and sensed through out the day and night. My disorder affects me twenty four hours a day the only thing I do not experience is the cataplexy, thank god. The first few episodes of that must be terrifying.

I will admit I do not believe in the alien phenomenon anymore, and I’m not saying anything bad about those who do believe. Be open minded and look into the research. Educate yourselves and you might be surprised. I am still open minded on the subject but just haven’t heard of any encounter that cannot be explained. If I wasn’t genetically lazy I’d write a book on all the stuff I’ve researched and experienced.

Have a great weekend all.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:35 AM
Implants cannot be dreamed. The doctors who examine and perform surgical removal of the implants are not dreaming. Video recordings of the surgical removals are available for those who need 'pics' to believe.

Science is a business where scientists earn their living by trying to prove theories. This is just one of many theories that will take up space and time so that some scientists can earn a regular paypacket until their next assignment.

People who are Contactees and Experiencers know that articles such as these are just disinformation meant to distract people from the truth.

Much Peace...

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Imtor
I do not believe the Betty and Barney hill story despite the left stains and things on her dress but I definitely dont deny it for a fact, I just dont know what it is, but I do not exclude any possibility. You seem to have never watched her interview or read anything about cases, you just come with your beliefs of how you have explanation for everything and impose your beliefs as if it is some fact and you know, when you know NOTHING...

Well, I know what Jimmy Durante looked like, just like Betty did. I watched him plenty of times on live television, again, just like Betty.

I also saw the premeire of the episode of "The Outer Limits" that Betty (and Barney) based their changed story on, just like Betty.

I've been around a while, and heard Betty's story on the news when it first came out.

Weren't you in the womb at the time?

I know how her story changed, unlike (apparently) you.

Seems I must have read something on it then, doesn't it?

I know plenty. What you don't know is that I am a know it all. Literally. LOL

No, really, I don't post about things I know nothing about. I do, however, make fun of those who do - the vast majority of posters in this section.


EDIT: Oops. Sorry. Wrong section of the forum. I wouldn't know too much about the ignorance (or lack thereof) of the majority of posters in this particular section as I limit myself here to (primarily) ancient ET claims and not modern ones.


edit on 10/29/2011 by Harte because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 04:40 PM
One way I try to judge people is how good liars they are. From the interview of Betty Hill I saw she was talking about her abduction with a smile, she explicitly said she thought it was a good thing. Nothing suggested me talking about this seriously unless it is because so many years had passed. Abductions have always been vague so I always watch them with caution, the possibility of being a lie.

Lying is bigger possibility than people not distingiushing a dream from reality. This inability to make differnece would only come when you take some specific mushrooms. There is no doubt some who tell their stories have taken such things and their mind starts malfunctioning.

I've talked to a guy who says he sees how he is like a soul seeing his body on the bed, how he wakes up screaming. He talks about ghosts, he has taken such things in the past, so it all makes sense.

But are all high on drugs? Hardly, I just dont know, abductions and close encounters of the 4th/5th kind, all these stories i dont give them much credit, SEEING IS BELIEVING. Board me aliens? No because you take the good guys im too hostile for you

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:04 PM
reply to post by NotReallyASecret

I never heard of anyone being able to film something in their dreams, sleep paralysis is only a small part of abductions, what about all the other unusual stuff involved apart fro the paralysis?

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

I have actually made a topic thread that very much agrees with this.

This was the thread:

Added the link to my favorites.
edit on 29-10-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by truthseeker2012
reply to post by NotReallyASecret

I never heard of anyone being able to film something in their dreams, sleep paralysis is only a small part of abductions, what about all the other unusual stuff involved apart fro the paralysis?

Yeah but even I am NOT supporting the dreaming hypothesis

I'm saying the dreaming hypothesis is close.

The real actual cause is combination of spontaneous astral projection/OBE, spontaneous astral sight, negative astral entities etc.

P.S. Of course there may be some occasionally rare physical abductions.
edit on 29-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by NotReallyASecret

I am interested in your comments.
You state you believe there are rare cases of physical abduction.
How do you come to this realisation?
You compile a list of what you believe is the dream state/abduction phenomenon but concede that there may still be abductions.
Can you please elucidate so I understand how you came to your conclusions?

Much Peace...

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

I have actually made a topic thread that very much agrees with this.

This was the thread:

Added the link to my favorites.
edit on 29-10-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

This means when you were a kid you were fine, when you moved to college and you started thinking clearly your 'clear' thinking was aliens are demons LMAO NOT

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 10:07 AM
i call bs. there is no way that that many ppl are having the same exact dream.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by ninjaxams
i call bs. there is no way that that many ppl are having the same exact dream.

You are right.

They are not dreams.

It is a combination of spontaneous astral sight, negs etc.

If you are in sleep paralysis you automatically gain astral sight in my personal expereience and also according to Robert Bruce.
edit on 30-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

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