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Alien abductions may be vivid dreams: study says

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posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 01:58 PM
There was a Harvard study that also concluded that alien abduction is related to sleep paralysis and dreams.

Scientists are not too far off.

They just have to realize that astral projection and related phenomena are DIFFERENT than dreams.

They have to also realize that there are NONPHYSICAL entities out there.
edit on 27-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by NotReallyASecret
There was a Harvard study that also concluded that alien abduction is related to sleep paralysis and dreams.

That's part of Schnabel's hypothesis - particularly related to the activities of the temporal lobe in the brain.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by dtrock78
Flawed study with a very flawed conclusion. Anyone with the least bit of scientific background would rip this apart in a peer reviewed journal.
You're dead right mate. Kudos to you.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by mcrom901
what about the tectonic strain theory?
It is interesting but does not explain all of the evidence. It is impossible to get multiple witnesses or participants to a tectonic strain event.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

This an MSM debunking story to console the masses who are afraid of everything paranormal.
As well as further proof that the Earth is flat.

They do have a valid point but what they are not aware of is the fact that the Aliens themselves are using this same dimension aka the Astral Plane to communicate and contact the abductees.

This is how they can approach an abductee w/o causing duress by simply putting them to sleep.

Many abductions are occurring while people have been awake as well, one in particular was Betty and Barney Hill's case for example where they were driving in their car before they were abducted.

There are also countless cases of physical evidence, in the form of scars and implants even cases where pregnant women have had their fetuses removed during their abduction and years later even met their child.


posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by Pimander

Originally posted by dtrock78
Flawed study with a very flawed conclusion. Anyone with the least bit of scientific background would rip this apart in a peer reviewed journal.
You're dead right mate. Kudos to you.

Do you peer review stuff for a living? Just askin'

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:45 AM
You know thats an interesting thought because there are so many abduction stories that I wonder could they all be lying? No surely they can't but I do find the stories sometimes seem a little exaggerated.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 08:53 AM
While we're somewhat on the topic of OBEs in this thread....has anyone here ever experienced one?

In my early 20s, I would experience them quite regularly (I've heard they diminish as you age).

Mine would all start out the same way - I'd hear a whooshing, or whirling noise, that got faster and faster until it became a steady noise. I would then "roll" out of my body as if I was rolling down a hill, yet time/reality was pixelated, as if someone was rapidly pressing the "Play/Pause" button on a remote.

At this point I would panic, and will myself awake.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by Pimander

Originally posted by mcrom901
what about the tectonic strain theory?
It is interesting but does not explain all of the evidence. It is impossible to get multiple witnesses or participants to a tectonic strain event.
What I meant by that is, any explanation that depends entirely on effects on the brain will not produce multiple witnesses...

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 11:02 AM
The painfully known case Barney and Betty Hill, others who involve abduction after encounter on the highway - explain to me, they were dreaming, they feel asleep while driving? Then they dreamed how their cars went off and they dreamed on the road ABOUT the road and aliens ON the road?

Really? I am making my own research on dreams based on my dreams. I have never had abduction dreams but I have had UFO sighting dreams and make a record of i.e write down about the dream the morning. So how do you explain people being abducted on the road?

Dont you know that when you dream, unless you are worried about something, you dream about totally different things. And dreaming about aliens while driving on the road and falling asleep? Maybe this article is right about some cases but NOT ALL are dreams... it is full of bull# articles though..

And this stupid article is further telling that people can't recognize a dream from a non dream? I call this retarded rubbish.

It also claims if we have to judge by the title UFO sightings are also dreams? Gee how come with my experiment I know it is a dream and feels like a dream (i've had dreams wher I can FEEL but then I wake up andI know it was a dream), how come there are real sightings, what are this moronic articles you get? Im tired of idiots, all over the internet, posting their own crap whether about knowing alien civlizations or someone explaining the actual real UFO sightings as dreams, IDIOTS..
edit on 28-10-2011 by Imtor because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by Pimander

Originally posted by dtrock78
Flawed study with a very flawed conclusion. Anyone with the least bit of scientific background would rip this apart in a peer reviewed journal.
You're dead right mate. Kudos to you.

Then what about the major Harvard study from a few years ago that also concluded that alien abduction has to do with sleep paralysis and dreams?

The researchers were interviewed for an ABC special on aliens. Even one of the Harvard researchers had a sleep paralysis episode herself that freaked her out.

Here you go:
edit on 28-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by NotReallyASecret
Then what about the major Harvard study from a few years ago that also concluded that alien abduction has to do with sleep paralysis and dreams?

The researchers were interviewed for an ABC special on aliens. Even one of the Harvard researchers had a sleep paralysis episode herself that freaked her out.
That was not this study. However interesting that study is, it also does not prove that it is ALL to do with sleep paralysis and dreams. To conclude that you have to ignore too much of the evidence.

How many times do I have to repeat such an obvious fact?

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by Pimander

Originally posted by NotReallyASecret
Then what about the major Harvard study from a few years ago that also concluded that alien abduction has to do with sleep paralysis and dreams?

The researchers were interviewed for an ABC special on aliens. Even one of the Harvard researchers had a sleep paralysis episode herself that freaked her out.
That was not this study. However interesting that study is, it also does not prove that it is ALL to do with sleep paralysis and dreams. To conclude that you have to ignore too much of the evidence.

How many times do I have to repeat such an obvious fact?

Well I do not agree 100% with the science either.

Scientists have to realize that astral projection and related phenomena are DIFFERENT than dreams.

If you listen to that video, that Harvard scientist had a typical spontaneous astral projection herself.

Scientists also have to realize that there are NONPHYSICAL entities out there.
edit on 28-10-2011 by NotReallyASecret because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by SuperSmartGuy

dude, thats an emo chick, not an alien

An emo chick that is over seven feet tall and has gray skin and a proportionally larger head than an everyday human who lives in a spacecraft with white interiority and an orange mantoid who pilots her ship. Wow... we must really be weary about these emos. Maybe they are up to taking over the world, because the RIAA keeps preventing them from illegally downloading their favorite songs online.

I am being sarcastic by the way.

Originally posted by falseveils
reply to post by HomerinNC

I'm not going to debate you exactly what that is, but from it's appearance I must say I don't trust it and would probably stab it if I wake up and it was next to my bed.

If your first instinct is to kill, then you have problems. At least, HomerinNC, even though he was being pathologically sarcastic, which makes me think he is suffering from his own sort of mental illness, he is at least attempting to respond in a normal manner.

I mean seriously, if a tall gray woman with enormous assets was sleeping right next to you. And you try to pull out a knife and attempt to hurt her, do you honestly think you'll succeed. What if she is way stronger than you and breaks your arm clean off the shoulder bone, because you attempt to harm her. What do you think you just accomplish? And if your first reaction to any sort of situation where you encounter something out of the ordinary is by being violent, then surely won't be able to live a very long and happy life.

Pathological violence is the very first sign of someone suffering from psychopathy, the medical condition of a psychopath.
edit on 28-10-2011 by SuperSmartGuy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by NotReallyASecret
Well I do not agree 100% with the science either.


Scientists also have to realize that there are NONPHYSICAL entities out there.
In private so many scientists do agree that it is likely. That is different to getting funding and then publishing work on the matter. There are careers to think about and political issues.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by NotReallyASecret

Reaching a conclusion such as they did is like concluding "A person sneezed on me and I got a cold. So therefore that must mean being sneezed on is the source of all cases of the common cold."

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by NotReallyASecret

My two personal experiences on alien visitation, NOT abduction, have always been after I enter sleep paralysis. However, the only time I have ever witnessed an actual unidentified flying saucer about 60 feet away from me was when i was awake and conscious. I was not dreaming, i was talking and walking and fully awake. It was right there hovering above a house and it was huge. I've been tempted to pay a visit to a hypnotherapist to go back to that day and find out exactly what happened. This event has bothered me for years and I want to know exactly what went down that day.

If i do, i will keep you guys posted.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by blackmetalmist
reply to post by NotReallyASecret

My two personal experiences on alien visitation, NOT abduction, have always been after I enter sleep paralysis. However, the only time I have ever witnessed an actual unidentified flying saucer about 60 feet away from me was when i was awake and conscious. I was not dreaming, i was talking and walking and fully awake. It was right there hovering above a house and it was huge. I've been tempted to pay a visit to a hypnotherapist to go back to that day and find out exactly what happened. This event has bothered me for years and I want to know exactly what went down that day.

If i do, i will keep you guys posted.

I would suggest that the two events may not be related.

I would also suggest to read the works of Robert Bruce, especially the "Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook"

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

The real abductees are not from this era, they are from the 50s through 90s! Ha ha ha

These researchers have completely lost touch with what an alien abductee is. People do not volunteer for abductee surveys when they have had an alien encounter, they keep it a complete secret.

People rememeber seeing UFOs, but a block of time is erased from their memory. It is not always or only hypnotism, the person cimply lays down on a couch and calm down enough to recollect. The stories were all the same. Just like the lie dectectors in the Travis Walton case were a 1 and million odds since there were 6 people involved, but the odds are the same that people who have waken up with physical evidence of an abduction and have laid on a couch, telling the same unique story. Reality or not those odds prove that it is much more than a dream.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by KILL_DOGG
This makes much more sense than people actually getting "beamed" onto a spaceship and having sensitive areas probed. What do you all think?

Once you realize that the vast majority of "abductions" happen in crowded, urban areas (such as NYC) and many of those happen in high rises, then obviously this makes more sense.

I mean, duh.

Saucers are floating people out of their high rise apartment windows in the "City That Never Sleeps" and nobody sees it except the "abductee?"

I don't think so.


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