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BBC News: Demos Think Tank Fears Conspiracy Theories In The Classroom

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:06 AM

What is this garbage?

"I was searching on Google and I believed the first answer that came up, to be honest.. but Google is a trusted site"


Are these people serious? What kind of low grade propaganda is this?? Pathetic.

In my country the government installed video cameras in all the classrooms when I was 12th grade. The reason was "to prevent cheating on the state matriculation exams". I mean, come on.

I for one am glad conspiracy theories are being discussed at schools. We can't have an "authority" to dictate reality and what is acceptable as a point of view.

It's getting harder to brainwash people, since the collective has discovered the power of the Internet. Vast oceans of available information. That's why it will inevitably be attacked by those anxious to perpetuate the control grid and ultimately become censored/monitored.
edit on 18-10-2011 by falseveils because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:17 AM
this story is complete bull sh1t.

So what is wrong with critical thinking ?
Teachers are complaining children are mis-informed.
So what, fair play for them searching for information at the very least.

They won't get the truth from the teachers or the brain washed news.
Good luck to them.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:43 AM
I'd be more apt to believe a websites information over what teachers are told to teach our children these days. When government gets involved in telling schools what they can and cannot teach, there is a very high probability they are teaching propaganda rather than truth. Christopher Columbus comes to mind.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:02 AM
Is it really that bad? Surely giving kids the tools to help them critically think on the internet is a good thing. I mean do you believe everything you read on ATS and if not why not?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:08 AM
People should be being taught a well rounded set of ideas, and being taught critical thinking.

Now - the government could help by... NOT putting out so much garbage. If you can't tell people something, then tell them that you can't tell them something.

Their own are part of the problem.

Media barons control most of the information. The problem with this is so obvious that even the peoople with half a mind know it.

The fact is...there are conspriacies, social experimentation, groups with agendas. Asking everyone to swallow your perfect world whole, holes and all, without question is making them wretch. They may not know exactly what is wrong, but they know something isn't quite what is being presented.

Then they start to climb the ladder of inference fast. Making up stories is a human trait, you aren't going to get rid of it because it inconveniences you except when you want to use it to your advantage.

Thinking people with a good set of facts are so very dangerous, that you've set the stage for a living in a tsunami of backlash that you've helped perpetuate.

Yeah, we may be a bunch of imbeciles - but it is worth noting that even one of the imbeciles on Jersey Shore is a god damn lawyer.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Of course I think critical thinking is important (that's the point of ATS, remember? "deny ignorance"). But this story has all the characteristics of the usual government propaganda.. putting "conspiracy theories" in the category of disinformation, implying conspiracy theories by definition are not credible.

Besides, I've had my experience with the educational system. I know exactly how much "critical thinking" my teachers inspired in the classroom. It's good that children are not afraid to vary from the mainstream and go on the internet and look for information. Critical thinking is something you have to develop for yourself, who are you going to trust to teach it to you? The government? The schools? Kids need to know culture and society impose barriers on the pursuit of truth and they need to know how to navigate the information they're receiving and analyzing.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Y'all wanna read the report in my signature

Ask a question of anything and you are a KKK Jew hating racist

edit on 18-10-2011 by Pockets because: Sry

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Pockets

You're not just a KKK Jew hating racist. You're probably a TERRORIST and dangerous to society if you question the mainstream.

You need to be taken care of, you need to be dealt with.

We can't have our children contemplating conspiracies exist, can we?
edit on 18-10-2011 by falseveils because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 09:40 PM
I like how they tried to legitimize their message by mentioning valid points about critical thinking / seeking truth.. then dismisses critical thinking by suggesting a conclusion: the internet is full of untruthful information characterized as "conspiracy theories"..

Double think .. think critically and seek truth from everywhere but here.

With good being bad and up being down these days, I'm thinking it's a reflection.. in reality.. kids exposed to explore near unlimited information / opinions are stimulated into critically thinking more than ever, too informed about the various shams around them by the damned internet. Time to re define a few things/

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