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Love and Fear aren't Good and Evil.

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 01:27 PM
I used to believe that love was good and fear was evil, but now I'm playing with the idea that perhaps fear and love can be both.

I am also playing with the idea of how mass is interchangeable with energy as in e=mc^2, so that makes us energy (the ability to do work). Since we are energy, our most primal function then is work (service). You can either serve yourself or serve others. That's what I think its all about. I don't think its about fear and love anymore, I think its about service.

Moreover, to put it more accurately, I think that energy is better termed as intelligent energy. The reason I believe this is by my observations of how seemingly inanimate matter is able to organize itself into complex intelligent patterns to become more efficient through the utilization of intelligence. Thus you have energy making itself more efficient through implementing intelligence.

So I think fear and love are not paths to walk. I think the paths are service to others or service to self. Fear and love are used on both paths as teachers, as everything teaches in some way or another. Teaching and learning are the actions of intelligent energy. So when I talk about service, I am mainly talking about teaching and learning. You are intelligent energy, this is what you do.

Service to self and service to others when the work being done is teaching and learning can really only be understood by considering oneness. All is one. So if I am serving others, I am also serving myself, and if I serve myself, I am also serving others. That's why its complicated. But, there is a difference. There is something that sets service to others apart from service to self. But, you have to keep in mind that all is one to understand it.

When someone is doing something for you, you are serving others if you allow that action to be done for you. When someone is doing something for you, you are serving yourself if you deny that action from being done for you. See the difference? This is key.

Fear and love are forms of intelligent energy that perform a service as well. They both teach. Now you can see the application. A service to self energy form would deny the service that fear and love have to offer. A service to others energy form would accept fear and love.

Also notice that if you deny the source of fear, it becomes worse, but if you accept it, it isn't so scary anymore. Also, if you deny the source of love from having an effect on you, it goes away, but if you accept it, it grows.

So the real good and evil aren't love and fear, it is acceptance or denial. All is one is energy.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:10 PM
Again, I love how you think.....

My view:

Yes service to others is extremely important and with anything there is a line that must be drawn.

Take Edgar Cayce for example. He knew his service to others would lead to his death. There are many more examples such as a woman who is battered and so on.... but there is a line to draw.

I think our emotional energies do come into play. If you are a person that is scared to live this will indeed have an impact on your after life as far as I am concerned. We must not forget the law of cause and effect too. Hell has been visited by many, including Jesus. I happen to think it is a temporary "stay" until the individual is able to accept his wrong doings and not be "scared" by the actions themselves.

When we die there is a transition for the energy that has been housed by our flesh or attached thereto. This transition is different with each entity as is their birth, only this is an effect from the cause made by which we either reached the goals or not....and if it is the latter we may have a lot of guilt and or fear that indeed has a "place" to go. short I do want to say that for me.....fear and love are major role players for us when we make our transition to go back home. Fear has no place in a heavenly realm so there must be a place whereas this emotion is set free to where it belongs. Make sense?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:16 PM
Interesting topic. I have been thinking about this myself lately. What I believe is that LOVE is definitely GOOD. In fact I believe that LOVE is all there is. Fear is simply the absence of Love. It's the absence of feeling loved. It's the absence of loving ourselves. Fear can certainly be GOOD too because it provides us with an opportunity to grow and learn spiritually. Suppressing fear or feeding the fear only makes it stronger, and we will project that negativity onto others. I think we are all both service-to-self and service-to-others. Everything that each one of us does affects the whole. We are all one. One Love.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Hitsuzen
Interesting topic. I have been thinking about this myself lately. What I believe is that LOVE is definitely GOOD. In fact I believe that LOVE is all there is. Fear is simply the absence of Love. It's the absence of feeling loved. It's the absence of loving ourselves. Fear can certainly be GOOD too because it provides us with an opportunity to grow and learn spiritually. Suppressing fear or feeding the fear only makes it stronger, and we will project that negativity onto others. I think we are all both service-to-self and service-to-others. Everything that each one of us does affects the whole. We are all one. One Love.

My thoughts...

Yes, I agree....they (love and fear) are major role players.

I also want to add that yes, Love is all there is yet the opposite being fear is something we are to be aware of and perhaps change our way of thinking where it is then suitable for only a loving emotion because you cannot be of service to someone out of has to come from a heart that has an intent of love.

When it is all said and done (when the soul reachs perfection) we may become one with the I AM..with the ONE. We (all of us in the flesh) are many spirits trying to evolve into a perfect harmony of love and thank God (and the Word, Jesus) we have all of eternity to manifest this pure sense and one day be lead back to the source all all things.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 02:45 PM
Actually, I think love is a higher divine reality being expressed to us in the only way it can. I don't think that the love we feel or can feel is a full manifestation of what love really is.

The service to others path unfolds the essence of love. The service to others path is that of acceptance. You accept everything for what it is, even if a horrible image is being displayed. Thus, you cope.

The service to self path entraps you in fear. The service to self path is that of denial. When a horrible image is displayed, and you deny its effect on you, you are doing so out of fear. You effectively can turn good things into fearful things this way.

All is one. To allow service from others is to serve others. To demand service from others is to serve self. Free will is important. To deny service from others is to block the transference of mental energy to support your own ego for power.

When one is still and there is no direct physical service being done, the service is learning and teaching. When there is no physical action, you still perform this service.

I imagine that if the transference of mental energy by the inward actions of allowing and accepting coupled with the outward actions of physical service and outward mental service were constant, the transference of energy would become increasingly efficient and what you would have is a state of blissful oneness tapping into higher realms or vibrations of existence.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

In the flesh we are very limited to where the love that is manifested is not the full capability of said emotion. Our sense's ....our emotions in the after life are more surreal that when housed by the flesh.

There is a love that was had by Adam and Eve......Christ and the Love one can have for another while in the flesh can be so intense that you will lay down your life and die for another. Loving another as you love yourself is very important and is shows its effects through our works here on Earth. This Love will indeed manifest once we make our transition back home.

The creator, imo, is ALL in "a sense", yet we are individual souls perfecting from the cause and effect laid before us on day one.

We have free will to do whatever we choose. We can have all the finest things while on Earth and we can be of service to our fellow man....BUT....the love has to be there to. Intent is either an intent of love or it isn't.

I have this hanging in my reminds me daily.

" If I speak in Human and Angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a resounding gong or clashing cymbal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries, and all knowledge; if I have faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing." Corinthians chapter 13

Yes, the Bible is a history book.

Yes, men have messed with it and confused so many to no end for.....control.

Yes, we can still learn the deeper message and meaning because that did not change.

Jesus, in my opinion is the spoken Word. Believe what you may but at the end of the day when contemplating also bring in the makes everything come together like a doughnut.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:11 PM
Fear is a perfectly working system hardwired into your brain to warn you of danger. It is not evil.

Ignoring your fear is absolutely stupid.

Loving something to the point of ignoring everything else is not Good.

Neither is good nor evil. Both are functions of your brain, intended for survival and propagation.
edit on 2011/10/17 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:21 PM
Also, I think that there is no such thing as "evil" when you are a being shining your light of love it can be quite easy to change your way of thinking to a good state ......although to know good you have to know "bad". Bad is not "evil" though. Bad can be good depending on how your looking at the experience.....this in my opinion is the Universal law of cause and effect.

States of awareness are temporary, however in the state of "bliss" or "heaven" your sense's are more in tune because you are now in your "true state" of awareness.

For example...... I do something I consider bad and my neighbor thinks its great because it benefits him. Is it bad per my intent? Who will judge?

I killed someone. This is an example of a "bad" intent. Was it good for someone? Does that matter?

I look at it as my intent was a non loving act toward my brother/sister (Cain and Able). I will not be bound to hell for all of eternity but when I make the transition back home if my intent is judged to be "bad" then I will reap what I sowed in that instance. If my intents were measured in a will my intentions measure out? This is where I may either see light or the depths of fear while making my transition.

The love we know is in no comparison as to the love we came from and will know again. Fear in a heavenly realm is not has no place there so where does all our intentions not based on love go? Every thought is a creation in and of itself. The emotions have a place in my opinion and when it comes time they will be measured and dumped before we can make our way toward the light.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Fear is a perfectly working system hardwired into your brain to warn you of danger. It is not evil.

Ignoring your fear is absolutely stupid.

Loving something to the point of ignoring everything else is not Good.

Neither is good nor evil. Both are functions of your brain, intended for survival and propagation.
edit on 2011/10/17 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

Sure...depending on the context of the can be to warn you of something you should be AWARE of or beware of something.

If one is in fear of the bridge collapsing when they drive over it (every time) then how will life in the flesh be for that individual? How many bridges do you go over in a lifetime? I use this example because my cousin is always fearful of bridges. Some are scared of storms and so on...this is no way to live while in the flesh because it hampers your life and for a Jesus lover....he makes it very clear to not have fear.

Be aware...but have no fear. Change your way of thinking.

Be aware of the abuser because the abuse may lead to death. Do not fear aware and change your way of thinking so you are able to have a mind set that will allow you to separate yourself from said abuser. Make sense?

Loving someone to a point where you forget yourself and have no love for others is toxic love and one should be aware of this emotion that has grown roots and become an ivy that will choke the life out of the individual. Fa sho!

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
I used to believe that love was good and fear was evil, but now I'm playing with the idea that perhaps fear and love can be both.

I am also playing with the idea of how mass is interchangeable with energy as in e=mc^2, so that makes us energy (the ability to do work). Since we are energy, our most primal function then is work (service). You can either serve yourself or serve others. That's what I think its all about. I don't think its about fear and love anymore, I think its about service.

Moreover, to put it more accurately, I think that energy is better termed as intelligent energy. The reason I believe this is by my observations of how seemingly inanimate matter is able to organize itself into complex intelligent patterns to become more efficient through the utilization of intelligence. Thus you have energy making itself more efficient through implementing intelligence.

So I think fear and love are not paths to walk. I think the paths are service to others or service to self. Fear and love are used on both paths as teachers, as everything teaches in some way or another. Teaching and learning are the actions of intelligent energy. So when I talk about service, I am mainly talking about teaching and learning. You are intelligent energy, this is what you do.

Service to self and service to others when the work being done is teaching and learning can really only be understood by considering oneness. All is one. So if I am serving others, I am also serving myself, and if I serve myself, I am also serving others. That's why its complicated. But, there is a difference. There is something that sets service to others apart from service to self. But, you have to keep in mind that all is one to understand it.

When someone is doing something for you, you are serving others if you allow that action to be done for you. When someone is doing something for you, you are serving yourself if you deny that action from being done for you. See the difference? This is key.

Fear and love are forms of intelligent energy that perform a service as well. They both teach. Now you can see the application. A service to self energy form would deny the service that fear and love have to offer. A service to others energy form would accept fear and love.

Also notice that if you deny the source of fear, it becomes worse, but if you accept it, it isn't so scary anymore. Also, if you deny the source of love from having an effect on you, it goes away, but if you accept it, it grows.

So the real good and evil aren't love and fear, it is acceptance or denial. All is one is energy.


But now I want you to think of something else. You talk about intelligent and intelligence, what is the Source of that intelligence? Logic! Logic is also the Source of Love but Hate & Fear are NEITHER logical, thus, they are not of the same Source as Love, thus an Illusion.

Hate & Fear have to be learned/taught, thus, their Source is your conceptual perceptions.

Are you now getting what I've been trying to show you in the other threads, where We've been discussing this world's Reality?

Trinity of Reality:

1. Conceptual
2. Perceptual
3. Physical

The first two are an Illusion, the Physical is the only One that's Real.

To overcome our flaws, We must understand the illusions of Duality and embrace the factual Singularity, to then become the ONE!


edit on 17-10-2011 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Fear is a perfectly working system hardwired into your brain to warn you of danger. It is not evil.

Ignoring your fear is absolutely stupid.

Loving something to the point of ignoring everything else is not Good.

Neither is good nor evil. Both are functions of your brain, intended for survival and propagation.
edit on 2011/10/17 by Aeons because: (no reason given)

Danger exists without fear. Example, to stick one's hand in a flame will burn it, thus, it's dangerous to one's self to burn one's hand but to fear that flame is taking the danger to a level beyond logic. To understand danger and kNot fear it, is logical but to fear it, isn't logical. So it is LOGIC that warns you of Danger, kNot fear.

I agree that to ignore fear isn't logical, you must understand your fear to overcome it and you cannot understand your fear if you ignore it. Basically, fear won't go away on its own, it will stay to haunt you forever if you ignore it.

As to your comment about "loving something to the point of ignoring everything else is not Good." That is misplaced Love, because True Love teaches us kNot to ignore anything.

"To possess Wisdom is to not possess Love but to let Love possess you instead, for Wisdom teaches us to set our Love free into the Universe so it can permeate the very pores of Time and Space and Wisdom comes from filtering Knowledge with Love!" - Old Toad Proverb


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:18 PM
I don't disagree.

Too many people are being taught to ignore their fear. Women are bombarded with societal imperative to ignore fear.

Never ignore your fear. Identify it so you can deal with it.

How many people have been in a dangerous situation and after something bad happened to them and said that they knew the person that hurt them was a problem, but they didn't want to be impolite, or they thought they were being silly?

You don't live in fear, but you ignore several billions of years of hardwiring about it at your peril.

The power of society - you can literally program people to ignore the most sophisticated system they have to warn them of danger, because it just isn't convenient.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by MamaJ

you cannot be of service to someone out of has to come from a heart that has an intent of love.

And yet look how many serve God out of fear of what he will do to them if they don't serve him. It's a misconception about God that plagues this planet.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by NightGypsy
reply to post by MamaJ

you cannot be of service to someone out of has to come from a heart that has an intent of love.

And yet look how many serve God out of fear of what he will do to them if they don't serve him. It's a misconception about God that plagues this planet.

God/Source is logical and logic teaches us kNot to fear anyone or anything, including God/Source.

Have you ever wondered why Logic isn't taught in K-12 grades?
You can take it in college but considering logic is involved with everything, how can you understand anything "properly" if you don't understand logic first?
Also, if you are without sound logic, it's easy to control you.


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:28 PM
Love, fear and things such as anger, jealousy etc. are all “good”. If you can control these emotions, they could be used for your benefit and they are your body and mind's defence mechanisms. To say one is “evil” or to wrongly suppress it is to not accept your own body and mind.

It becomes evil when you wrongfully or deceitfully make others have these feelings for your own benefit.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
I don't disagree.

Too many people are being taught to ignore their fear. Women are bombarded with societal imperative to ignore fear.

Never ignore your fear. Identify it so you can deal with it.

How many people have been in a dangerous situation and after something bad happened to them and said that they knew the person that hurt them was a problem, but they didn't want to be impolite, or they thought they were being silly?

You don't live in fear, but you ignore several billions of years of hardwiring about it at your peril.

The power of society - you can literally program people to ignore the most sophisticated system they have to warn them of danger, because it just isn't convenient.

It's like I explained to a friend, how can you understand the Light if all you dew is run to it and away from the Dark? You must first understand the Dark to obtain the Light, so stop running to the Light and turn around and chase your shadow instead and once you've caught your shadow, the Light will come to you.

"Truth & Love are like the opposite ends of a Rainbow, with all the beauty of God in-between but don't waste your time trying to catch a Rainbow, catch Truth & Love first and the Rainbow will then come to You!" - Old Toad Proverb


posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

We are very joyful to hear your words!

I cannot tell you, "you are on the right path!" because there is no right or wrong, there is, in the truest of truths, only one path, and that path leads (back) to one source. And you, of course, are on that path, as are we All; but you are aware of that path, while others are (yet) not.

Indeed, it's all about service. All one can truly do is serve, whether it-self (egocentrically) or other-selves (selflessly). But as you have cogently stated, by serving your-self you are invariably serving other-selves, and vice versa; for either provides catalysts and opportunities for the other which seeks the "opposite" kind of service! (Negative allows positive and positive allows negative)

I know you understand this, but I take this opportunity to support your words, so that others may hopefully understand this even further, or at least, ponder these concepts in their minds.

Ever wondered why a magnet has two poles? Why electricity has to poles? Yet there is ONE magnet. And there is ONE electrical current.

Electromagnetically-speaking, Creation is and must have both negative and positive poles/charges/energy directions, and be ONE as such. You may call it two halves of a circle, but it is ONE circle nonetheless.

Polarity/duality is an essential part/experience of Creation. And yet... at a certain point in the evolutionary cycle, even polarities must be and indeed are reconciled/merged with each other. It is then that there is true Oneness of being, or a neutrality of sorts. This is, however, when one reaches a closer proximity/intimacy with that One primal thought or "source", and has, in a manner of speaking, integrated/assimilated/accepted all that is negative and positive. This is true balance and harmonization.

The purpose of all of Creation/Creator is to teach/learn and learn/teach to and from Itself. Thus, in truth, there is only one service, and that is to the One Infinite Creator which is primarily, and ultimately, yourself.

Once you become aware of it, you may more "consciously" begin to partake of this game/experience.

edit on 17-10-2011 by RKallisti because: Additions.

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by RKallisti
reply to post by smithjustinb

We are very joyful to hear your words!

I cannot tell you, "you are on the right path!" because there is no right or wrong, there is, in the truest of truths, only one path, and that path leads (back) to one source. And you, of course, are on that path, as are we All; but you are aware of that path, while others are (yet) not.

Indeed, it's all about service. All one can truly do is serve, whether it-self (egocentrically) or other-selves (selflessly). But as you have cogently stated, by serving your-self you are invariably serving other-selves, and vice versa; for either provides catalysts and opportunities for the other which seeks the "opposite" kind of service! (Negative allows positive and positive allows negative)

I know you understand this, but I take this opportunity to support your words, so that others may hopefully understand this even further, or at least, ponder these concepts in their minds.

Ever wondered why a magnet has two poles? Why electricity has to poles? Yet there is ONE magnet. And there is ONE electrical current.

Electromagnetically-speaking, Creation is and must have both negative and positive poles/charges/energy directions, and be ONE as such. You may call it two halves of a circle, but it is ONE circle nonetheless.

Polarity/duality is an essential part/experience of Creation. And yet... at a certain point in the evolutionary cycle, even polarities must be and indeed are reconciled/merged with each other. It is then that there is true Oneness of being, or a neutrality of sorts. This is, however, when one reaches a closer proximity/intimacy with that One primal thought or "source", and has, in a manner of speaking, integrated/assimilated/accepted all that is negative and positive. This is true balance and harmonization.

The purpose of all of Creation/Creator is to teach/learn and learn/teach to and from Itself. Thus, in truth, there is only one service, and that is to the One Infinite Creator which is primarily, and ultimately, yourself.

Once you become aware of it, you may more "consciously" begin to partake of this game/experience.

edit on 17-10-2011 by RKallisti because: Additions.

Why dew you think a magnet only has two poles?

How can two opposite ends exist without a middle?

What you don't realize is that the Positive and the Negative dew not exist without the Neutral, although the neutral does kNot necessarily have to be present. Case in point, atoms. All atoms, with the exception of one, have Protrons (positive), Electrons (negative), and Neutrons (neutral). The exception is Hydrogen, which only has one protron and one electron, no neutron.

A coin is no different, it doesn't have two sides, it has three:

1. Heads
2. Tails
3. Edge (both and/or neither)

A "two sided" coin cannot exist without the middle, the edge, just as a magnet cannot exist without the middle neutral and just because We are incapable of detecting the neutral segment of a magnet, doesn't mean it isn't there.

Yin-Yang is also another good example. The two elements in the center can be said to represent Positive & Negative, while the circle that encompasses them, represents Neutral, and the symbol of Yin-Yang, in that context, is nothing more than an Inverted Magnet.

So Life isn't about Duality, it's about the Trinity and learning the Duality portion is an illusion, to then embrace the Singularity and becoming ONE with the ONE!


Ps: In this purely positive dimension, there are two mathematical aspects (ends), finite & infinite.

finite infinity = 1 to finite
infinite infinity = 1 to infinite

So the Neutrality there is the middle crossing ones, which signify the One We seek to be.

I = Infinite
f = finite

If = 1
edit on 17-10-2011 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

So Life isn't about Duality, it's about the Trinity and learning the Duality portion is an illusion, to then embrace the Singularity and becoming ONE with the ONE!


Ps: In this purely positive dimension, there are two mathematical aspects (ends), finite & infinite.

I don't have time to get to all of these post right now, I will later, but I was skimming through, and I saw this and it reminded me of something.

You exist in 3 dimensions: length, width, and height. You only see 2 dimensions: width and height. If you saw 3 dimensions, you would be able to see behind objects. You never see length, only width and height. You are aware that there is length by observing relativity and how objects change in size with a change in distance (length), but you never actually see length.

Also, try to imagine a line as an object. It is impossible. You must imagine something that has at least 2 dimensions.

So then, what is length if it can't be imagined or observed? Is it real? Does it exist? Well, not directly. The 1st dimension (length) only exists by relative comparison. Check out this thread:

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by smithjustinb

Love = Admiration
Fear = Ignorance

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