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First Lady Criticized By Kerry

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posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:12 AM
Kerry reaches ALL-TIME low by criticizes First Lady on Swift Boat ads.

In the interview she is asked, "Do you think these swift boat ads are unfair to John Kerry?"

"Not really," she replies. "There have been millions of terrible ads against my husband."

The First Lady couldn't be more right. Pro-Kerry groups have been dumping 140 million dollars blasting Bush and yet Kerry still whines and complains. I just wonder how much whining the American people are going to put up with before they drop Kerry.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:17 AM
I understand her being angry about the ads about her husband but for her to lend her support in any way to these ads which have been proven over and over again to be outright lies is wrong. I would have expected better from her.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by AntiPolitrix
Kerry reaches ALL-TIME low by criticizes First Lady on Swift Boat ads.

The First Lady couldn't be more right. Pro-Kerry groups have been dumping 140 million dollars blasting Bush and yet Kerry still whines and complains. I just wonder how much whining the American people are going to put up with before they drop Kerry.

I agree with Kerry whine but Ms. Bush is finally 'outing' herself. It's good that Ms. Goddie-two-shoes' finally shows everyone she is just as much a hack as Karl Rove the rest of the "bible-thumping", "family-value" crowd.

I'm glad she said this. Too many people for too long have thought Ol G.W. must be alright because because he has such a NICE wife- well she just proved she is a trench fighting, mud-slinger just like G.W.

Keep it up Laura! Great school teacher, huh? Now we can see why school kids in Texas cause so much trouble

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by goose
I understand her being angry about the ads about her husband but for her to lend her support in any way to these ads which have been proven over and over again to be outright lies is wrong. I would have expected better from her.
These are not lies these are truthfull opinions of people. Take a look at this web site and tell me that these old men that have fought for our country and have seen people friends die right beside them should not have a say in thier country. They are the reason you are here so at least take a look at what they have to say .... go here .... .... What has anyone proven wrong about anyone ?

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by AntiPolitrix
Kerry reaches ALL-TIME low by criticizes First Lady on Swift Boat ads.

In the interview she is asked, "Do you think these swift boat ads are unfair to John Kerry?"

"Not really," she replies. "There have been millions of terrible ads against my husband."

The First Lady couldn't be more right. Pro-Kerry groups have been dumping 140 million dollars blasting Bush and yet Kerry still whines and complains. I just wonder how much whining the American people are going to put up with before they drop Kerry.

uhh... wasn't this started by the republicans, promoting the view of kerry's wife as a "loose cannon"?

also, i notice laura bush doesn't say the swift boat ads are true. she just says "well, kerry attacked bushes record" as if it's some kind of justification for retaliation. what happened to the truth in all this?

-koji K.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:41 AM
She was asked a question and she answered it truthfully, saying that "In the interview she is asked, "Do you think these swift boat ads are unfair to John Kerry?"

"Not really," she replies. "There have been millions of terrible ads against my husband."
AND LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING SHE SHOULD HAVE SAID NO THEY ARE COMPLETELY FAIR THEY ARE THE TRUTH OF CAPTAINS THAT HAVE SERVED THIS COUNTRY WITH THIER LIVES AND THAT THEY HAVE MORE RIGHT TO SAY WHAT THEY BELIEVE AND HAVE SEEN MORE THAN YOU OR ANYONE ELSE ... B/c here are what those captains said ... Here's the breakdown: Of the 19 Swift boat skippers pictured, 12 oppose Kerry, 4 are neutral, two have died, and 3 now support Kerry. The four officers not present for the photo all oppose Kerry.
I can get in more detail ... if you want .. Lets see here ... John O'Neil said "We resent very deeply the false war crimes he made coming back from Vietnam in 1971 and repeated in the Book "Tour of Duty"". that has been recalled b/c the Kerry knows that he was wrong and is trying to take back something that he believed enough to put into PRINT ??? Think about that kerry is saying something now he is putting in print what it a couple months from now he realizes that all his morals are wrong ... And tries to give his presidency back or what about when he went to fight for our country and then came back talking bad about it ??? Hmm .. sounds liek he is trying to make everyone happy. But above all that it goes on to say .. "we believe, based on our experience with him, that he is totally unfit to be Commander and Chief."

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by koji_K
uhh... wasn't this started by the republicans, promoting the view of kerry's wife as a "loose cannon"?

also, i notice laura bush doesn't say the swift boat ads are true. she just says "well, kerry attacked bushes record" as if it's some kind of justification for retaliation. what happened to the truth in all this?

Koji, The Republicans don't need to promote THK as a loose cannon, she does just fine on her own. Nothing better than her "Im rich, Love Me" speech at the DNC. If the Kerry team thinks that going after the First Lady, thats thier choice will help distract people from the questions of his war record then so be it. Smacks of desparation IMHO

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by PublicGadfly
[Keep it up Laura! Great school teacher, huh? Now we can see why school kids in Texas cause so much trouble

Yea the numbers look bad but what about other States? Or is Texas the only state with out of habd school kids. Whats the states on New York?

For one, like Bush, she never said she supported the Swift Boat ads. She was asked if she thought the ads where unfair, and she said "Not Really". How does that mean she supports the ads, she was never asked if she supported anything. This is the problem with Todays Democrates, they like to stretch the truth to fit their agenda.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:50 AM

uhh... wasn't this started by the republicans, promoting the view of kerry's wife as a "loose cannon"?

also, i notice laura bush doesn't say the swift boat ads are true. she just says "well, kerry attacked bushes record" as if it's some kind of justification for retaliation. what happened to the truth in all this?

-koji K.

Bush doesn't say anything she just answered the yes or no question and all you Kerry Fans are like Bi polar people you have to take everything outta whack if Bush came out and said There was something bad happend in Russia people woudl try and pin it down on Bush .... it is crazy ... Let's be rational people don't change .... Unfortunately they are who they are ... Remember that when it is time to choose who you want for the next four years and look at what each has done with the last four that hey have had .. lets see Bush has kept this nation running and only raised the COLA .01 % through these hard times he can't control the Terrorism but he can try and prevent and help the country out which he is doing a reallly really good job with the Hands he got dealt with Clinton leaving and The terrorism and everything... Let's see Kerry has voted out every bill that has been through the senate and been allowed to vote on ... But lets see he has voted AGAINST EVERY BILL trying to help the WAR I wonder if he is has been doing this in a hopeful effort to make Bush look like he is not trying to help the war or the fact that he is just and Ignoramous and realize that the bill for Extended Armor for our troops might have alrady saved a couple lives over there it might not seem like alot of lives to Kerry ... but to Bush who knew it would save Lives , he knows it is worth the 4 million dollar research that would have already been over there that is just now getting over there b/c of votes like people from Kerry who Vetoed the bill ... to give allowances for these type things. that is just one of the 17 that he voted against.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by bet555
John O'Neil said "We resent very deeply the false war crimes he made coming back from Vietnam in 1971 and repeated in the Book "Tour of Duty"".... Kerry knows that he was wrong..."we believe, based on our experience with him, that he is totally unfit to be Commander and Chief."

Glad someone else sees the truth. He can try to make 'Everyone' Happy but not me, I will vote for Bush!!

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:59 AM
HE IS TRYING TO TAKE BACK BOOKS THAT HE RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC ... YOUR PRESIDENT IS # 1 A LIAR or someone that changes his mind more than anyone else that has ever ran for ANY OFFICE. Peoples word used to mean something and it is people liek him who are tearing down Respect and Honor our countries True Originations.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by goose
...these ads which have been proven over and over again to be outright lies...

Really!?!? Just exactly when, where and HOW were these "proven to be outright lies"??? Please show us some evidence to back up your baseless claims that these are lies. In fact, as evidenced by Kerry's ddr214 and ddr215, more questions regarding Kerry's alleged "Heroism" have come to the forefront and cast further doubt on his war record. I am really VERY interested in reviewing this evidence that the swiftboat accusations are "outright lies." Thanks in advnace for providing these details.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 12:28 PM
I wonder. How do you get from here:

"Mrs. Bush's statement in support of the swift boat smear ads is more sad evidence that these attacks have been coordinated from the top down at the White House," Kerry campaign spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said in a statement.

to here:

Originally posted by AntiPolitrix
Kerry reaches ALL-TIME low by criticizes First Lady on Swift Boat ads.

She basicly did come out in support of the ads, and I am not buying the �we�re Victims also� excuse for her support.

Cutter�s statement is not an attack on Laura Bush, anyway. It is an attack on the Bush campaign. If she can�t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

[edit on 30-8-2004 by HowardRoark]

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by AntiPolitrix

Yea the numbers look bad but what about other States? Or is Texas the only state with out of habd school kids. Whats the states on New York?

For one, like Bush, she never said she supported the Swift Boat ads.

Or the school in France or Iraq or China or - - -

The broad is a boasting Texas teacher! Texas!

Typical- "I don't support little Johnny giving your son a bloody nose but Billy looked at him really dirty!"


Two wrongs- If St. Laura is going to portray herself as a saint she needs to act 'saintly.' "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" The woman has about as much sense as Teresa Ketchup does.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 01:50 PM
also, i notice laura bush doesn't say the swift boat ads are true. she just says "well, kerry attacked bushes record" as if it's some kind of justification for retaliation. what happened to the truth in all this?

Everyone should quit all their pissin' and moaning. Don't any of you realize that " ALL " Politicians are degreed 'PROFESSIONAL LIARS" All of them...
There are NO exceptions to this... Get used to it.

[edit on 30-8-2004 by thethrall_nb]

[edit on 30-8-2004 by thethrall_nb]

[edit on 30-8-2004 by thethrall_nb]

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 02:55 PM
Show me where Kerry criticizes Laura Bush.

"Mrs. Bush's statement in support of the swift boat smear ads is more sad evidence that these attacks have been coordinated from the top down at the White House," Kerry campaign spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said in a statement.

Huh? Show me.

Kerry reaches ALL-TIME low by criticizes First Lady on Swift Boat ads.

This just in: Kerry campaign analyst draws implications from First Lady's statement. Zillion of right wing heads explode in abject disgust! Mock outrage at 11.

ALL-TIME low indeed!?!

I wish the right knew shame and understood irony. :shk:

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by RANT
Show me where Kerry criticizes Laura Bush.

"Mrs. Bush's statement in support of the swift boat smear ads is more sad evidence that these attacks have been coordinated from the top down at the White House," Kerry campaign spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter said in a statement.

Well in all deference to the original poster, Cutter is the spokesperson, so anything she says is inferred to come from Kerry, the same goes for anything coming from a Bush spokesperson, or even a Bush family member making a statement. You know, like LAURA BUSH JUST DID. If you don�t think that what she said was carefully crafted in advance, then I have some land in Florida that I�d like to sell you.

She did come out in support of the ads. She is just as much a spokesperson for Bush as Cutter is for Kerry. Therefore, the Bush campaign has officially come out in favor of the ads.

[edit on 30-8-2004 by HowardRoark]

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark

Well in all deference to the original poster, Cutter is the spokesperson, so anything she says is inferred to come from Kerry, the same goes for anything coming from a Bush spokesperson, or even a Bush family member making a statement.

Thank you but she never said she supported anything. She wasn't in Veitnam so she wouldn't know if they are true or not. The Swift Boat ads are opinions from people that saw Kerry in action, they are simple telling it like they saw, they have the right to free speech.

She did come out in support of the ads.

I don't think so, like i said before, she did not support anything, she was asked if she thought the Swift Boats ads were "UNFair". She replied with "Not Really". She NEVER supported anything, never. I imagine she thinks the Swift Boat Vets have their right to voice their side of the story. After all, they didn't have a chance to voice their opinions after Kerry's 1971 speech to Congress.

So Rant, Kerry campaign spokeswoman Stephanie Cutter doesn't speak for Kerry? Is that why she is called the "Kerry Campaign Spokeswoman".

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by RANT

ALL-TIME low indeed!?!

Yep, Kerry saw the polls that shows Bush is up on Kerry 50-47. Kerry is now scared so he is going to attacking the First Lady. That Rant, is an ALL-TIME LOW.
50-47, Goooo Bush! Bush Leads BEFORE the convention even starts

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by PublicGadfly
If St. Laura is going to portray herself as a saint she needs to act 'saintly.' "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" The woman has about as much sense as Teresa Ketchup does.

Nice post, sounds like you know what your talking about. How did she not act saintly, because she said what was on her mind? That is the kind of people i want in the white house.

Keep Tryin PG!!

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