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Video Shows Violent Confrontation Between 2 Customers, Cashier At Manhattan McDonald’s

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posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by MrWendal

How can you say they didn't have deadly intent? If I was attacked by multiple people , female or male, no difference, and after the initial strike the attackers continued to assault by jumping a barrier , well. I'm not sure how you cannot see it . I would respond with all I had on hand to stop the attack. Those women got exactly what they asked for. As for blaming Mc Dees, Well, that is the Ameeican way isn't it. Oh boy , I can here the stampede of lawyers from here. You guys are funny . Willing to go to war and kill millions on nothing but a lie but jump all over one guy defending himself. Every day the land of the free gets more and more entertaining. Thanks guys


posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:32 AM
i too think they got what they deserved.

they lept that counter with the intention of beating that man further.

however he was in a rage it was obvious this man is no pussy 10 years in any joint gonna give any man a temper or incontinence, personly i'd rather have a vicious hatefull angry take no # temper than a sore arsehole and a squeaky voice.

the laws the law thou he going back to prison anyway.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Fishticon84

So basically what you are saying is that nobody deserves a second chance if they make mistakes in their life? For each ex-offender who flips like this, there are probably loads more who learn their lesson and lead a better life for their experiences. But of course that's too positive for this world, so its best to just concentrate on the isolated bad events and paint a picture based on that.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 10:44 AM
What do you expect to happen when you start harassing and assaulting somebody? In a group no less.

There are enough reasons to not act like a lunatic. Simple decency being the most obvious one. Another less likely but perhaps far more important reason is the person you are harassing may just be a rage-prone ex-con who wont put up with it.

And why the surprise that he would be working at McDonalds? I've spent over 15 years in the food service industry at all levels from burger flipping fast food to jacket and tie truffle on your pasta and if there's one constant along the entire spectrum of food service it's that druggies and felons are abundant in the kitchen, working tables, making deliveries, etc...

There really isnt any other place for them to go. Nobody will hire them because of work history, lack of education and criminal records. We got the clean smart people stuck in offices pushing paper and the filthy half-tards making your breakfast.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:09 AM
If two crazy women hit me and then jumped over the counter to hit me some more, I can't say I wouldn't do the same thing as the employee. The rush of adrenaline tells you to protect yourself. I think he was justified. And I am not a violent person. Never hit anyone but I would if I was threatened.
Being a felon doesn't mean you can't work at McDonalds.
edit on 15-10-2011 by outandopen because: me

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:56 AM
When people act like animals, they need to be treated as such. That woman slapped him, thinking " the law will protect me, he won't dare hit me back" and the other believed she would not be punished in any way for acting like a fool. Drunk? An excuse. The guy who fought back in my eyes may have gone over the line, but if you've ever worked in retail, you'll see him as a hero! I don't care if he was Charles Manson or Winston Churchill, you don't slap another person without some repercussions. Cracked skull? She was a crackhead to begin with. The other one will at least have a scar to remind her to not be such an idiot again. I doubt that these failed abortions will learn from their actions, however. I know I sound pretty bad, voicing my support of the McDonald's worker, even though he was convicted years ago.... but you push anyone, ANYONE to their limit, and there will be a severe bill to pay. The females were lucky to have lived. Unlucky for the taxpayers who will continue paying for their worthless, wasted lives.
edit on 15-10-2011 by volafox because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by josh2009s

So the post is really not about McIntosh but the 2 skanks that attacked him? The man was defending himself he has a right to do that you know. The way you word your title you make it sound like it was his fault he was attacked. These hoes were already violating the law by being publicly intoxicated and then they jump the counter and assault the man committing yet another crime. So what does any of this have to do with the man's past?

Some people can't just leave people alone. The man did his time and paid his debt to society. You need to stop being prejudice and just let the man get on with whats left of his life. I am sure he didn't beg them to assault him. Just leave the guy alone already. And people wonder why when these fellows get out of prison they end up back in, it's because people just wont leave them alone, they pick on them and ostracise them and will not forgive them evne though they've lost years of their own lives for their crimes. If you want to rehabilitate someone, you don't do it by purposely punching their buttons and trying to provoke them.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 12:34 PM

Originally posted by Expat888
sounds more like self-defense.. Only in amerika defend yourself and end up being the one charged...
The "ladies" (using that term very loosely in their case) got what they deserved maybe next time they will think before they attack someone.

I've never worked at McDonald's but I guarantee he broke company policy.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by josh2009s

Originally posted by ChaoticOrder

PS- if the OP changes the title to "McDonalds hire murderer and he beats up two female customers" I bet the thread would reach the front page in no time at all. :lol

I guess we'll put that to the test, haha. I wonder, if it were not for his prior convictions, if he would have been legally safe claiming "Self Defense."
He could still legally claim self-defence. His prior history might not be allowed at trial.

Simply put, I wouldn't bet down a person like that, but if someone charged me, they'd get that first smack--and fully deserve it.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 12:43 PM


posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by josh2009s

He's been conditioned to be like that though. He was in PRISON for 10 years.....and although he got himself there in the first place and probably isn't the smartest or calmest person, being in prison conditions you to be on edge and always keep your guard up.

They attacked him, at his place of work, by going into a restricted area.

Look at it like this people. Say those 2 women were trying to jummp behind the counter and steal money.

Now is it ok for him to do what he did ?

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 01:07 PM
moral Of the story? don't attack random people or you might regret It. I'm sorry but I do not feel sorry for those 2 girls In the least. If the roles were switched and It was a guy that slapped a girl and jumped over the counter we would have a very different new report.
edit on 15-10-2011 by TruthWizard because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Firstly McDonalds has their employees check any bill 20 or over with a reactive pen looking for phonies.That women first assaulted then jumped the counter near his cash draw.That's the 2nd thing to get her arrested.Yes the Guy may have over reacted but being an ex con he was probly on instinct.The drunken women are responsible for the whole situation,IMO.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 01:59 PM


posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 01:59 PM
It could be argued he went a bit OTT with defending himself BUT they attacked first and nobody knows what they had concealed about themselves. Just because they are women is no reason to be complacent they can be just as vicious as men.

The women should go to jail for the unprovoked attack and intent to cause harm.
The employee should be given a non custodial sentence and a mandatory anger management course.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Cashier: "Is this a REAL bill?"

Lady: "As far as I know, YUP!"

~cashier verifies authenticity of the bill, tenders order and hands over change~

Cashier: " Thanks...your order will be right up...~cashier audibly addresses the public~...may i help the next customer please..."

Thats what should've happened. reasonable question, reasonable answer.

but the ladies answered a simple question with violence, thereby receiving a violent response in turn..and more than what they bargained for and that's THEIR fault.
(disclaimer: I personally do not condone violence towards women, but intolerance towards unprovoked and unreasonable violence)
edit on 15-10-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:36 PM
the 2 women have been charged. one was cut one has broken skull and broken arm that required surgery. For the person who asked about the murder 11 years ago, here is a snippet

McIntosh served more than a decade in prison after being convicted of shooting and killing Oshan Litchmore, 17, a classmate at Bronx's Evander Childs High School in 2000, when he was only 19 years old. The two teens were outside Macy’s at the Galleria Mall in Westchester when they got into an argument. The fatal bullet passed through Litchmore and hit an eight-year-old passerby in the leg.

McIntosh, who presently lives in the Bronx, was sentenced to 10 to 12 1/2 years in prison. He was paroled last March after serving 11 years, and has been working in the Village McDonald's since then, according to police sources.

McIntosh is due back in court Oct. 18.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by josh2009s

Bet this'll make people think twice about jumping the counter at McD's!

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 02:48 PM
While I think the guy was justified in defending himself,I do think he should've stopped once they were on the ground and no longer a threat. Like someone else said,I think that's where his instinct from being in prison kicked in.he definately went to an extreme,but I think most of us of would've reacted the same way.Except perhaps without taking it to that extreme..And I hope if those to 'women' do sue mcdonalds,they lose. Mcdonalds is in no way responsible for what this guy did.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 03:11 PM
The 2 women are wrong in their attacking of him......he is wrong in his retaliation.....all around...everyone was wrong.....from what I understand...according to the laws of the land....all will be punished... end of story.

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