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Will the real useless eaters Please Stand Up!

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posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 10:45 PM
I’m tired of hearing how over populated the Earth is and how we should all feel guilty for existing. We tell ourselves and each other that we are raping the earth and killing off wildlife and polluting the environment. We tell ourselves and each other that humanity is a cancer on the earth. Sooo… I made this thread to debunk that.
We humanity, people are not the ones doing this, it’s TPTB /Global Elitists/ Illuminati/ Secret Nazis …your term here… they call us useless eaters, although they produce nothing the create nothing, instead they pillage, murder , poison the air water and land and make war they are the parasites .
I am linking a series of videos to illustrate my point,which is this ,we the human race need to stop collectively owning guilt that is not ours to share. Assuming blame for these and a litany of other outrages committed by TPTB is fueling their power by deflecting the consequences and punishment for their crimes onto us.
I will not blame my neighbors or the poorest most powerless of us for the evil perpetrated by the psychopaths who rule us by stealth and trickery . Instead of bearing the blame we should demand an accounting .
here is an onslaught of videos to drive home my point. I’m sure no one reading this supports any of these things ,so in the interest of being awake and aware lets all shake off undeserved culpability and stand united for healing ourselves , our societies and our world

thank you for reading


War profiteering




posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

My being here is not my doing...

My parents got frisky one night after a county fair in April

I cant help instinct took over them...

I'm here, not my fault... I'm not killing myself
Or gonna live under a rock...

So you know... "When in Rome"

I enjoy eating too much,
running my air conditioner full blast
Taking extended cross country drives
Using harsh chemical to make things cleaner
using pesticide to kill those mean evil wasps/ants/spiders
those cans of hair spray from the 80's... wish i had a case!
I enjoy bon fires
hunting and fishing

as long as I am here i am gonna enjoy my life...
sorry if someone thinks i am a waste of time and space

they can _____ me

edit on 9/29/11 by EvolEric because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 08:34 AM
haha that was a good thread title. They call most of humanity the useless eaters, yet they are they useless eaters. They are useless in the sense that they perpetuate all this suffering unto the rest of humanity through greed and stratification of society.

Indeed, the elites who have done such things (not all "wealthy / elites") are the "useless eaters"

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by MrsBlonde

I’m sure no one reading this supports any of these things

Are you sure about that, do know how many Hybrid people are out there?

Sometimes I wounder how many are in ATS, some really hates to talk about this and even ignore it so the subject dont take flight or go away.

I agree with you thought.

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:47 AM
thanks for your replies

remember that my further extension of this is the majority of humanity accepting the blame for the heinous acts committed by these useless eaters. I believe things will really change for the planet when we wake up and realize that the planet wide destruction that we are seeing in things like the BP oil spill fFacking, War and much more

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by MrsBlonde
thanks for your replies

remember that my further extension of this is the majority of humanity accepting the blame for the heinous acts committed by these useless eaters. I believe things will really change for the planet when we wake up and realize that the planet wide destruction that we are seeing in things like the BP oil spill fFacking, War and much more

Well said.

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