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Ancient Aliens - Do you believe?

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posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 05:19 AM
IMO there's far too many legends & myths from all of the ancient peoples of the world to totally discount the premise of an Ancient Aliens Theory until the MSM come out & disclose evidence then it will get ridiculed by most people but definitely worthy of consideration.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by Lucifersjester
If aliens did visit us why did the teach us such dumb stuff why did they teach us how to build usless pyramids, rows of standing stones, why didnt they teach us how to build proper houses, how to use soler energy, and learn us proper medicene, I think that 99% of this show is BS the other 1% well I dont think we will ever now,

for a long time, my view was that since people always wanted jobs, they gave the idiots someting to do.

building pyramids solved the problem(unemployment is 9% !), and kept trouble makers busy.
the rest could be kept busy with wars, it's possible they grant what we ask for.
which would explain the lack of logic.

for medicine, Euroropean imperialism has destroyed much of what human cultures knew, in the last 500 years.

but now i see these projects as possible power sources, that we have lost the technology to.

edit on 10-9-2011 by citizen6511 because: add on

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 08:15 AM
Do I believe?

Of course I do, way too many coincidences to say that it definitely didn't happen but not enough evidence to say it definitely did. It would explain a lot though.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 08:41 AM
The Ancient Aliens documentary is our personnal disclosure ...the unofficial one ..

I love the show ..

the information/facts are compacted inside so much that its enlightening watching it
perfect to learn the truth once and for all
about our ancient past and possible future

After someone watch the entire episodes list
if you still dont believe in other intelligences species
after they show you many visual proof of their presence in our ancient past

It became simply logic and credible that we are not alone
if you still believe we are alone in the universe then you are not mature/wise enought
to advance the mind into another level of awareness

We are now so advanced in the yrs 2012 (few months)
and our technologies cant even reproduce the way they have lifted and carved stone in the past
and their precision architectures matching the stars

Pyramids, Baalbek, Stonehenge, Sacsayhuamán...How was it done ? .. Answer: Alien tech

Look at all the writings from our encestors
speaking about gods coming from the sky
and the presence of many metal glowing objects that make thunder and fire

Conclusion .. Aliens have been visiting us for a long long time
long before humans existed ... we might even be a splicing experiment
The bible do say we were made in the image of the gods
and soon they will come back has they did before
when they were respected by all populations worlwide

edit on 9/10/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 09:56 AM
I haven't see any episode, but I don't think the "ancient aliens" explanation for things we do not understand is the best one.

After all, it's the same thing as saying "god(s) did it, because I don't have an idea of how that was possible".

Our own ignorance does not prove that there are other beings doing the things we don't understand.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
I haven't see any episode, but I don't think the "ancient aliens" explanation for things we do not understand is the best one.

After all, it's the same thing as saying "god(s) did it, because I don't have an idea of how that was possible".

Our own ignorance does not prove that there are other beings doing the things we don't understand.

Well i strongly advice you to watch all episodes
it will worth your time

after watching it .. think again about the question if we are alone in the universe
it cannot be more obvious then having the facts given to you in a simple way

edit on 9/10/2011 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Ben81
Well i strongly advice you to watch all episodes
it will worth your time
I doubt it, I haven't ever seen anything from the History Channel that I thought was worth my time.

after watching it .. think again about the question if we are alone in the universe
That was not the question, the question is about aliens on Earth, doing things for which some people cannot find an answer.

it cannot be more obvious then having the facts given to you in a simple way
That's what I don't like, facts chosen for me. How can I know if their choice of facts (or even if those are facts) is unbiased?

And, no, believing has nothing to do with knowledge, I don't want to believe in any thing, I want to know.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

Haven't seen anything from History Channel worth your time?

Wow, I'm shocked.

Just last night I watched a show I'd recorded from it about the symbolism of the US dollar bill that was fascinating and gave the real story of them and not the conspiracy crap about the same subject that's on ATS (example, did you know that famous Freemason and first President Thomas Jefferson wanted the national bird to be a wild turkey because he thought eagles were too devious and immoral to represent the country but non-Masons in committees outvoted him by a large majority)

Personally speaking, I think ancient aliens could be the reason we have so many myths in so many cultures about people from the sky teaching them and giving birth to religions even if things like the pyramids were more than likely built using human slave labour than anti-gravity devices but it's still a fascinating subject.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 11:34 AM
if we start with the idea that an alien civilization is travelling here either by distance, dimensionally or by time travel, then I think it is just a very small step to say they have been doing it for thousands of years or even longer, so the basic idea of ancient alien contact is one I am open minded to

I just don't see any evidence that they were the inspiration for hindu goddesses or leviatated blocks for the pyramids

I get a little soured on the idea when every single accomplishment that looks difficult is explained with aliens. it's lazy thinking to be honest

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by curious7
Haven't seen anything from History Channel worth your time?

Wow, I'm shocked.
I just watched the first 150 seconds of the first episode from season one, and that was enough, because they start with a lie, saying:

In May of 2008, a startling proclamation was issued by the Vatican. For the first time in its 2000 year history, the Catholic Church aknowledged the possibility that intelligent life could exist on other planets, and that a belief in extraterrestrials did not contradict a belief in god.

There was no proclamation issued by the Vatican, it was the personal opinion of the Vatican's chief astronomer, Father Gabriel Funes, expressed in an interview.
You can read a translated version of the interview here.

(example, did you know that famous Freemason and first President Thomas Jefferson wanted the national bird to be a wild turkey because he thought eagles were too devious and immoral to represent the country but non-Masons in committees outvoted him by a large majority)
Yes, I read about that some time ago.

Personally speaking, I think ancient aliens could be the reason we have so many myths in so many cultures about people from the sky teaching them and giving birth to religions even if things like the pyramids were more than likely built using human slave labour than anti-gravity devices but it's still a fascinating subject.
The subject is interesting, but that doesn't mean that I should spend 90 minutes of my time to get the same information I can get in 10 minutes on the Internet (if I don't know about that already).

PS: today's most popular theory is that the people building the pyramids were not slaves, and that many were voluntaries.

PPS: I think most videos are a waste of time.

posted on Sep, 10 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by Lucifersjester
If aliens did visit us why did the teach us such dumb stuff why did they teach us how to build usless pyramids, rows of standing stones, why didnt they teach us how to build proper houses, how to use soler energy, and learn us proper medicene, I think that 99% of this show is BS the other 1% well I dont think we will ever now,

I was hoping the aliens would have taught us proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Sadly, as we can see they did not.

Haha, joking aside, who says that the aliens taught us anything? According to the story of Prometheus in Greek mythology, he gave us 'fire' against the wishes of the other 'gods'. He was punished severely for this infraction. If we are going to use mythology to create a possible hypothesis in relation to ancient aliens, wouldn't this be an important clue?

If Prometheus only gave us one little thing and then they had crows peck his eyes out for eternity in punishment, than we can safely assume that IF this has any truth to it, aliens didn't teach us anything. In fact it looks like they actively covered up many important facts from humans on purpose to keep us from advancing too quickly.

So I would have to say I am rather skeptical about it. I would have to say that even considering that there is aliens up there right now, there is only a low probability they taught us very much at all.

Prometheus could be one of the few dozen actual encounters where practical useful technological information was imparted by the aliens to the humans.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 12:28 AM
I own all of season 1 on blu-ray, and I can say that most episodes have some compelling evidence/theories. I do agree that some episodes are better than others (some by a long shot), but as a show altogether I do think they have their stuff straight. It borrows from ideas already put out there, too. For instance, I read Chariots of the Gods years ago which was definitely one of the first books to propose the Ancient Astronaut theory. Now it's so popular that it's getting syndicated on tv.

And to whoever said that the info can't be real because it's programmed on tv is just silly. While I can understand your viewpoint since the media IS controlled, this idea has been out there, like I said, way before this show hit the air. There's just a whole mess of disinformation out there that it's hard to separate the fact from the fiction, but I wouldn't automatically rule this show out just because it's on a popular channel on tv.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 12:48 AM
watched the first two seasons.
its a theory. could very conveniently explain some "mystery" of ancient culture..
which is all fine and great.
try not to rule out human ingenuity.
some episodes are genuinely interesting.
others..put me sleep.
that hair.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by kmarx
try not to rule out human ingenuity.

This is true, but human ingenuity can 100% be ruled out in some cases. We weren't supermen in the past (at least the history we're aware of), and some of the things from the past we couldn't even do in the present.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by maidenforce19
We weren't supermen in the past (at least the history we're aware of), and some of the things from the past we couldn't even do in the present.
It's possible that we cannot do it in the present because we are looking at it from a different point of view.

Whenever I see people doubting human ingenuity I remember a short story I read years ago, about a small town with a rail-road crossing it. One day a large boulder rolled down from a nearby hill and stopped half over the tracks. As the boulder was too big for the town's resources nobody knew what to do, they couldn't move the boulder and the train would arrive next day, as usual. One guy that was always sleeping on the side of the road said that he could solve the problem and that in the morning everything would be as usual. When the morning came the boulder had disappeared, the train came and everything worked as usual. How did the guy solve the problem? He dug a hole beside the boulder, the boulder fell into it and he covered the hole.

Some things are easier to do if we stop and think about it for a moment.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 08:48 AM
I believe that there were scientifically and technologically advanced civilizations in ancient antiquity and that they were both human and terrestrial in origin.
edit on 8-2-2012 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 08:54 AM
When it comes to ancient Aliens, if I am to believe my lucid dreams then I was one. Apart from that I am sure there is more than enough physical evidence and written evidence for anyone whose mind is functioning. Why do so many believe in the bible but cant believe in Aliens? And even that collection of writings has references to them.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 10:04 AM
I watched both seasons last year. Lots of interesting theories (some sounding pretty good, others......well they felt WAY out there, heheh).

To me the show wasn't some authority, nor did I watch it to believe something. However, I also did not feel it was a waste of my time. Mainly because I can tune out parts that I find outlandish, or do not think will hold water.

What that show did for me was simple: it pointed out some places of ancient culture that I'd not read or heard about before. THEN I can go to the internet and look up more information about those places.

The guy from Florida and all those huge coral stone rocks: I remember reading a very short something about them years ago. The episode that talked about him, prompted me to look up more information.
Better yet, it made me start wondering about rocks and magnitizing them.

So I called up a good friend of mine who teaches geology up in Virginia and asked him if coral rock could be magnatized. He asked if I had been drinking...heheheh.
He reminded me that coral stone is calcified lime stone (made from the fossils of animals basically) and is very poor in iron.
I was disappointed that he'd popped my bubbling idea, but then he said something to me that made me choke on my coffee:

"If you want to move a large rock with magnets (why is beyond me), instead of magnitizing the rock, it would be a LOT easier to just attach large pieces of iron to the rock. Then use your super magnet. But that would be silly. Just get a crane for goodness sakes!"

Made me think: Hrrrrmmmmm. That's not a bad idea. Work Smarter, Not Harder....

The point is: even as outlandish as many theories were on that show, by watching it, it still got me to thinking, and wondering, and better yet: asking questions. So for me, no, it wasn't a waste of time.

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by draknoir2
I believe that there were scientifically and technologically advanced civilizations in ancient antiquity and that they were both human and terrestrial in origin.
edit on 8-2-2012 by draknoir2 because: (no reason given)

I'm starting to believe this, too, as well as civilizations existing long before thought possible. Kind of like another dominant race (Reptilians?) that preceeded humans, as if the planet reset itself and there's barely any traces from that long ago.

posted on Feb, 9 2012 @ 03:14 AM
haven't watched whatever you mean probably, but we are from space. We are aliens. Neandarthal man has no dna link to our own dna !!!

Many say that the size of people in Ejypt carvings means how important they were; what they say has to be B.S. because of how some of the drawings were shown. They were not the only giants. Caucasus mountains, perhaps others?

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