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Ron Paul is a shill for TPTB?

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posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:53 AM
spot on dude!!

politics and voting is a great example of einsteins definition of insanity!- repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results!!

i just wish more of the sheep would wake up... especially the ones that use this site!!!

its all politicians do is tell you what they think you want to hear!!

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by HauntWok
30 years in Washington? Of course he's sold out to the powers that be.

He's just as corrupt as any of them. He does what every politician does, makes you think he's on your side when he's really on the side of the rich and powerful.

My last post in this thread says different. Instead of making false accusations & assumptions, why not try to back them up with some sort if evidence?

Go on, get the searching. We'll be waiting.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by fooks

Now I'm fairly new to ATS but I refuse to believe the people on this site ever supported Palin. You sir are talking out of your butt. Ron Paul is no attention whore, but Palin certainly is.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by fooks

I must say, I am amazed that you are still attacking Paul after readin that short post of his accomplishments, whether they came true or not. It should be clear that this man is trying his best to make a change for the better but is obviously the minority in Washington. It's literally him vs them, & as our history shows they have been winning via lies, deception, & corruption. Ron Paul is none of those things from what I'm seeing. What do you see, I wonder? Who do you support, I wonder? Why do you bash RP so much, I ask? You actions in this thread are questionable & I only hope no readers take you seriously.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by fooks

Wait a minute, what exactly is your problem with Ron Paul? I would like a chance to take up your argument but if you're going to sit there with your arms folded and hate on Ron Paul simply because he is Ron Paul then I can't do anything.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

This is undoubtedly the worst stretch of reality I have seen in a long time. Just goes to show how worried people are about Ron Paul shaking things up. The more people try to discredit or ignore Ron Paul the morre people will flock to him due to it being so obvious what is going on. Unlike Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and the rest of the brain dead runners. There are no Religious Radicals , no sex scandals, no power broking behind the scenes like Obama and the Fast and Furious scandal, etc. can be found. Therefore to fabricate something similar to scenes from the twilight zone or such craziness is all they have left.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:51 PM
What really surprises me here, is the number of posts that are so eager to shoot this down. Who ISN'T talking about RP these days? I say,that is a conspiracy in itself! IMO, I think he is part of the TPTB. Reminds me of Obama during his campaign and everyone got starry eyed listening to his every word. The Ron Paul lovers on this site are quite overwhelming.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by alohagirl21

Nobody can convince you unless you do your own homework.

There are probably hundreds of Ron Paul threads on ATS now, a simple google search can tell you the exact differences between Ron Paul, Obama and the rest of the GOP presidential candidates.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 03:08 PM
My question is, why is everyone giving this thread the time of day? I'm not a full blown RP supporter but I do agree with him on most issues. The question of whether he is a shill or not, is irrelevant because sadly he will not get elected, again. and thus he will retire.

edit on 5-9-2011 by Kingbreaker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 03:49 PM
Some of you who think you are "enlightened" are more controlled than you want to believe. TPTB have you by the balls, so even if a real candidate came about, you wouldn't even vote for him because you're brainwashed into believing he is like all the rest. You're attitudes do absolutely nothing to help the situation, and you are being controlled just like the people who get all their info from the MSM.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 03:49 PM
edit on 5-9-2011 by OMsk3ptic because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:07 PM
I get so sick of threads like this, because it is obvious that the poster has not done their homework, and instead has sought out insignificant pieces of information to piece together into something that doesn't exist. If you, op, would simply start with Ron Paul's political history, taking care to view his voting records as well as proposals, etc, you would see that he is no shill. Rather, he has stuck to the Constitution for the entirety of his political career, which probably started before you were born, which is just a guess.

It is obvious you do not closely follow politics, because if you did you should understand things better.
I don't care if Ron Paul was secretly a fascist-muslim supporter of communism, as long as he consistently voted based solely on the CONSTITUTION.

The US Constitution was drafted by men smarter than you or I, and is in place to protect our interests against politicians, among others. That is why we should stick to it, and that is why Ron Paul is the best choice for president of the US. How can you argue with that?

How can you argue with a consistent voting history based on the Constitution and what it does and does not allow? You can't, and you shouldn't. Since you in fact are, I can only assume that you either have an agenda, are completely misinformed, or are not intelligent enough to piece together political information and understand what it means. So which is it?

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:14 PM
What are you trying to say? Satanist and illuminates are bad people? I throw the horns all the time to show my Satanic/Rock loving/Illuminati buddies who I am!

But seriously, who doesn't throw the horns? who isn't a fan of rock and roll? actually the sign means many different things.

wikipedia on the sign of the horns

\,,/ Rock On Ron Paul!! \,,/

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

What makes Ron Paul different from any other candidate?

If you can't figure that out for yourself, then there's no need for any of us to waste our time trying to explain it to you..

Again, I ask.. if Ron Paul were a product of TPTB, then A) why wasn't he elected in 1988 or 2008 and B) why does the media ignore or discredit him? And please don't say "reverse psychology", that's a crock of spit if I've ever heard one. Rick Perry has clearly been groomed, attended Bilderberg in 2007 and (unless for some amazing miracle) is GOING to get the republican nomination.. it's his first time running, he jumped to #1 in the polls within 9 days of announcing his candidacy, and it's because he got the proper push from the media

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by bacci0909

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

What makes Ron Paul different from any other candidate?

If you can't figure that out for yourself, then there's no need for any of us to waste our time trying to explain it to you..

Again, I ask.. if Ron Paul were a product of TPTB, then A) why wasn't he elected in 1988 or 2008 and B) why does the media ignore or discredit him? And please don't say "reverse psychology", that's a crock of spit if I've ever heard one. Rick Perry has clearly been groomed, attended Bilderberg in 2007 and (unless for some amazing miracle) is GOING to get the republican nomination.. it's his first time running, he jumped to #1 in the polls within 9 days of announcing his candidacy, and it's because he got the proper push from the media

Ding Ding Ding. We got a winner! I understand there's this thing called free speech, but this thread is a waste of everyone's time. He isn't even throwing up the horns (which is totally plausible anyway since he is a Texan... longhorns), he is throwing up the "I love you" sign. OP is just looking for an emotional, irrational argument.

If you want to understand who RP is, you should probably visit his website instead of basing your opinion on a 4 second clip in which it's claimed RP throws up the horns sign... which he doesn't. The video is proof of nothing, zip, nada, zero. And the handshakes... there are clips of 2 different types of handshakes in the video, so which one is it... and how does a video explain in fact that the limp handshake is that of the illuminati. Keep searching though, and goodluck.

you = OP

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Ghost375

So he's been lying for 30 years? Been snowballed and ignored by the media ever attempt he's run for President, only so he could what? If hes a shill "TPTB" why would the media be hiding him? Why does he only have support from grassroot supporters? No, if there is a TPTB and he was a shill then they wouldn't want to hide the good Doctor they wouldn't want to try and discredit him or make him out to be crazy, they wouldn't want him exposing their schemes would they?

Honestly I love how some people have elevated the government the government to godlike. Why does it rain?!! Because of the governments secret weather machine! The Freemason built who are controlled by the illuminated who are secretly reptilians form outer space!!!!

I'm starting to think you are shill!!! worried that Ron Paul will be undoing all your masters work!

Prove me wrong.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Swills

Originally posted by HauntWok
30 years in Washington? Of course he's sold out to the powers that be.

He's just as corrupt as any of them. He does what every politician does, makes you think he's on your side when he's really on the side of the rich and powerful.

My last post in this thread says different. Instead of making false accusations & assumptions, why not try to back them up with some sort if evidence?

Go on, get the searching. We'll be waiting.

This is the same paid troll script that I have had laid on me time and time again.

I make an assertion that is OBVIOUSLY not one that can be backed up with any real proof (look at the title and nature of this site if you question why I, or the OP would do such a thing), followed by a bunch of people attacking my assertion because there is, aha!, no proof.

(lets not forget the hand gestures that are shrugged off by most of the other shills as silly...yet...why do all the politicians do it? Ohhh right, it's sign language, or, a mistake made because hey, no one always has control of their hands! geez!)

Get a real job. Either you are also a paid shill, along with your cohorts, or you've seen them operate and think that's how rational people work.

Obama was the most unlikely candidate with again, a PERFECT RECORD. He even played both sides of the black vote by attending Rev. White's church.

He perfectly opposed bush because he was the opposite of bush....and now we have RP opposing obama and his obvious residence in Isreal and TPTB's collective back pockets playing the exact opposite role of anti-centralized banking etc.

It is CLEAR AS DAY to some of us that Ron Paul is simply their next evolution of too good to be true and yes he is put there as an insurance policy for if the general population collectively runs to the store to buy the cheapest roll of tinfoil, forming their very own hat like the rest of us.

Obama made my eyes tear up during his speech at that stadium, along with every other person, and look at what he has obviously lived up to be: A Joke. Another puppet.

Ron Paul is NO DIFFERENT. You really think his Daddy was a Freemason, and he isn't???

His son followed in his footsteps and is in politics, yet, oh no Ron has nothing to do with his father.

Give your heads a shake. It is a shame that there is nowhere online where we can go without being bombarded by TPTB and their paid troll whores.

and no, I do not have proof. This is a conspiracy site for discussion.....

and to the paid trolls....have you no mercy for your fellow man? Do you really think they'll spare you?

Look at ron's freakin eyebrows.

edit on 5-9-2011 by Navyblue because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-9-2011 by Navyblue because: eyebrows

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

Originally posted by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

Originally posted by SpaDe_
reply to post by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien

Thank you for your attempted straw man argument. You sir are the OP, and the burden of proof is on you. All you have provided is a roughly thrown together Youtube video that brings no arguable point forward to which Ron Paul could even be construed as a shill.

ETA: Where is the evidence backing up the claim that the Saddam photo even came from an official Ron Paul video? You need to back your claims.
edit on 9/4/2011 by SpaDe_ because: (no reason given)

Here's the video, the original video of the Saddam picture subliminally being in the Ron Paul on Bill Mahers "Real time".

It's from 0:36 - 0:40 watch in those frames

Did i break your confirmation bias, or are you still gullible?
edit on 4-9-2011 by RadeonGFXRHumanGTXisAlien because: (no reason given)

Am I missing something here?
You do know that this video has nothing to do with the campaign in any way, right?
It was first shot, cut and edited by the Bill Maher show, and then cut and edited again by some youtube poster.
The only way for Saddam's picture to show up there is if either the Bill Maher show or the youtube poster put it there. & I think I remember seeing that picture on the Bill Maher show intro regularly, I can't say that for sure though. But whatever you're trying to proove, you're methods are a bit of a stretch. Just keep practicing, you're going to make a great little stooge someday. Someday.

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Navyblue

So then who is a better choice for President in 2012?
Who would be better, for the people, as the next President of the USA?
And why is Ron Paul a bad choice?

edit on 5-9-2011 by w4HoO because: asdf

posted on Sep, 5 2011 @ 10:30 PM
When enough people have had enough of the deception, it will end one way or another.

The only solution that I can see is spreading the word in a peaceful and loving manner and live the change that you wish to see.....maybe they have your/our best interest in mind? I don't know.

I would say vote for RP anyway....You got healthcare out of obama even though he is a puppet...maybe you'll get a little out of Paul.

But I will not believe that RP is anything other than an actor in an elaborate script.
edit on 5-9-2011 by Navyblue because: didn't answer the question

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