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DreamOracle's Dreams Of Worthy Mention

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posted on Dec, 4 2017 @ 02:13 AM
Hi ATS, it's been a while but I'm still around...

Things have changed though, as I develop my abilities my DB's have also changed... I no longer have to sleep or be in REM to get them and they work in a similar fashion when wishing to intentionally look forward into a chosen subject.

My latest offering: I saw the Whitehouse and then Trump, his face was covered in soot... tears on his left eye had washed away some of the soot. Wether or not it's metaphoric??? I don't know but there it is.

posted on Dec, 16 2017 @ 05:34 AM

DB: Terrorist Attack,World Financial Crash, Conservatives out of positions of power. Events unfolding in that order.

I've been looking back through my thread and have made a startling observation... There is a 2 year gap, give or take months, between Prediction and event. Page 5 referring to 2016/17/18 and so on and so fourth.

So my latest being for anytime around 2019/20/21... late 2019, during 2020 or early 2021.

edit on 16-12-2017 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2017 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: DreamerOracle

I am still here, always waiting and looking for your next post, wish there were more of them, even if the precogs don't make sense to you or they feel too cryptic to you.



posted on Jan, 10 2018 @ 05:56 PM
a reply to: Andromerius

Do you interpret dreams? Or are you looking for people with prophetic dreams?

posted on Jan, 18 2018 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: Mrjyn1248

i do not interpret dreams nor do i look for people with prophetic dreams, i do however have an interest in the dreams themselves.



posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 05:37 AM
Yes it's somewhat of a quiet time, that being said I have become more adept and no longer have to wait for random Precogs, that I still have from time to time. So as I never get asked to pry into anything I don't get many.

My latest DB: 1. In the back of a store/shop with a few other people getting into the required uniform, it was white... All of a sudden the front of the shop was attacked by a gunman, shooting indiscriminately... we all ran out the back to there car an old 50's style pearlescent estate car. Another car pulled up and a guy with a light jacket got out, he reached under his right arm for a revolver in a holster and started to shoot as the employees began to escape. His car was a metallic colour again old in style, it was modern times and the cars were somewhat customised.

2a. DB: Standing in front of a grassy mountainside and buried within debris and a grassy slope, in the mountainside was a triangular archway cut out of the rock, it was a ancient tomb entrance.
2b. DB: I was trying to narrow down the search for this real world lost tomb and needed a better view, I turned myself into a hawk and flew above the site... it seemed the whole area was green with mountainous random out crops all around.

2.a & 2.b were the result of watching a short study about the Book Of Thoth... I think I may have narrowed down the region. Dangerous book won't be sharing that position... yet.

edit on 20-1-2018 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2018 @ 05:51 AM

originally posted by: DreamerOracle
Hi ATS, it's been a while but I'm still around...

Things have changed though, as I develop my abilities my DB's have also changed... I no longer have to sleep or be in REM to get them and they work in a similar fashion when wishing to intentionally look forward into a chosen subject.

My latest offering: I saw the Whitehouse and then Trump, his face was covered in soot... tears on his left eye had washed away some of the soot. Wether or not it's metaphoric??? I don't know but there it is.

Trump Tower Fire

edit on 20-1-2018 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2018 @ 02:48 AM

originally posted by: DreamerOracle
Yes it's somewhat of a quiet time, that being said I have become more adept and no longer have to wait for random Precogs, that I still have from time to time. So as I never get asked to pry into anything I don't get many.

My latest DB: 1. In the back of a store/shop with a few other people getting into the required uniform, it was white... All of a sudden the front of the shop was attacked by a gunman, shooting indiscriminately... we all ran out the back to there car an old 50's style pearlescent estate car. Another car pulled up and a guy with a light jacket got out, he reached under his right arm for a revolver in a holster and started to shoot as the employees began to escape. His car was a metallic colour again old in style, it was modern times and the cars were somewhat customised.

2a. DB: Standing in front of a grassy mountainside and buried within debris and a grassy slope, in the mountainside was a triangular archway cut out of the rock, it was a ancient tomb entrance.
2b. DB: I was trying to narrow down the search for this real world lost tomb and needed a better view, I turned myself into a hawk and flew above the site... it seemed the whole area was green with mountainous random out crops all around.

2.a & 2.b were the result of watching a short study about the Book Of Thoth... I think I may have narrowed down the region. Dangerous book won't be sharing that position... yet.

Hotel Siege

Staff dressed in white may be kitchen staff... but still could be yet to come.
edit on 21-1-2018 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2018 @ 06:21 AM

DB: Death of Princess Ann and something to do with blades...

posted on Feb, 22 2018 @ 04:47 AM
22/02/2018 DreamBurst(DB): A tank rolling into an event, lots of people, a celebration... A soldier sat on top behind a heavy machine gun mounted on the top. A man mounts the back of the tank and tries to pull the soldier from the gun to then turn it on to the crowds, the soldier manages to kick the man back but he tries again... suddenly then a gun shot( A hidden armed perp), the soldier falls to the floor and the man take position on the gun to begin to fire at the crowds of innocent people.

posted on Mar, 24 2018 @ 03:59 AM
24/03/2018 DB: Failed Assassination attempt of a leader, but they do manage to kill officials that are in his entourage. The leader drops to the floor and takes a woman he was with and covers her, making sure she was ok and then crawling to those shot to stabilize them or help them... btw not Trump he would probably use the woman he was with as a human shield as he runs away like a Tw$t. Further on that it was followed by A Pine tree in the snow??? not sure to what that refers, being time frame or a person.
Now I know who this leader is and I am taking steps to inform them.

DB: A woman is grabbed by a man and he explodes into a cloud of greenish grey gas.

posted on Apr, 16 2018 @ 06:43 AM
DB, 16th April 2018: 39 Planes/jets....???

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 10:56 AM

Latest DBs

I decided to have a peek forward yesterday instead of my usual, waiting to receive...

Precog 1: Witch Down, Russia.

Precog 2: Destroyed ship, followed by an image of a submarine.

Precog 3: Sheffield FaceBook Government in hot water.

posted on Apr, 27 2018 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: DreamerOracle

Evil bigot evil.

End of black magic must come for they will make things worst. Curse after curse after curse to no way out. Karma is real and nobody can play it.

posted on May, 22 2018 @ 10:56 AM
Busy time of year and here's my latest.

21/05/2018 DB: A blonde singer wanna be golddigger saying,"I'm going to have Keith Shields"... She was a complete bitch btw, nasty piece of work.

Makemap, Evil Bigot? And who's using black magic? I'm confused?

posted on Jun, 7 2018 @ 02:56 AM

Todays Precognitive Dream in the style of a short brief news item on tv, as I saw it.

07/06/2018 Dream: Food Shortages, Food Riots and Clashes.

That was it... my theory thus far to these types of dreams, snippets of future nows are very short as you have to understand, if it is that I'm actually in that moment the amount of energy to achieve that must be immense thus only experiencing a mere few seconds. I do get other types of Precognitive Dreams that last a minute or so (that's 3 minutes in Dreamtime btw) but they are usually more metaphoric or cryptic, e.g Trumps face covered in soot, a single tear down his cheek... . The one tear obviously being the one man dead.

Just thought I'd make it clear as to the nature of my precognition... I can also induce the dreams as required and into any subject, except for the gain of wealth or money as I actually hate the concept and find it a wall to human endeavour and progress, it seems it will be our undoing as those with the desire to collect all of it have the most power. 2182....

posted on Jun, 8 2018 @ 02:46 AM
The above link was faulty, here's a new one. Trump Fire

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 02:54 AM

17/06/2018 DB: Ganymede News.

It's a no-brainer, salty ocean, life and capable of habitation.

posted on Jun, 17 2018 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: DreamerOracle

I've been looking back through my thread and have made a startling observation... There is a 2 year gap, give or take months, between Prediction and event.


we, or at least I can interpret that to mean that Your Astral 'self' could be out there in the void of space/ on
Planet X itself or somewhere where your 'asteral' environment is approximately 2 light-Years distant from Earth ...

so we can rule out 'Heavan' which uses the Galaxy Center yardstick to time Prophecy events here on Earth (a ~26,000 year window between 'Sol' & the Galaxy Center)

ever try relocating your Dream/Vision location by-way-of 'Entanglement'

posted on Jul, 28 2018 @ 02:49 AM
a reply to: St Udio
So I decided to try your suggestion... I used Ophiuchus as my heading and traveled towards it, remembering not to go too far in, obviously. I picked a star and centered on it but it was quite odd, it was a small system with about 6 or so big planets in it may be more as that wasn't the oddest part... The Star was surrounded by a... Pyramidal structure, metallic, on each face, were large circular markings. I hypothesized while watching, all the planets and moons were terraformed and each had artificial suns powered by the structure surrounding its sun and ultimately control the suns burn through a field generator at each point of the structure inside. It was quite amazing but then I have seen a similar design a while back. Smaller and more detail on how it worked. More of a Dyson Pyramid rather than a sphere.

edit on 28-7-2018 by DreamerOracle because: (no reason given)

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