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Making Crop Circles without rope, boards, and bar stools......

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posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:32 AM

Evidently, it has finally come to pass that journalists covering the scientific community have begun to reflect a more compelling example of how the scientific community, as an institution, view crop circles.

I say finally because for the longest time all we hear from the skeptically biased analysts are the memes of old, relying on relatively old admissions of hoaxes and some cases where people demonstrated they could mimic the phenomenon. Of course to the skeptic community if a crop circle "could" be hoaxed, then they must ALL be hoaxed, right? Well, not really. After all, even the most hardened of sincere skeptics are not disingenuous enough to deny there are some crop circles that still defy explanation....



According to a fascinating article in Science Daily the publishers of Physics World (Institute of Physics. "Physics could be behind the secrets of crop-circle artists." ScienceDaily, 31 Jul. 2011. Web. 1 Aug. 2011.) show there is hope for a genuine approach to the study of these crop circles. (By "genuine", I mean an attempt to identify the mechanics of the phenomenon, rather than the simple rejection of offered theories.)

Some interesting points from the article (all subsequent bolding emphasis is mine):

Today's crop-circle designs are more complex than ever, with some featuring up to 2000 different shapes. Mathematical analysis has revealed the use of constructions lines, invisible to the eye, that are used to design the patterns, although exactly how crop circles are created remains an open question.


An admission of ignorance, the first sign of true study.

According to Taylor, physics could potentially hold the answer, with crop-circle artists possibly using the Global Positioning System (GPS) as well as lasers and microwaves to create their patterns, dispensing with the rope, planks of wood and bar stools that have traditionally been used.


Microwaves, Taylor suggests, could be used to make crop stalks fall over and cool in a horizontal position -- a technique that could explain the speed and efficiency of the artists and the incredible detail that some crop circles exhibit.

Apparently the paper indicates claims have been made that they can reproduce the cellular damage done to crops flattened using a magnetron and a 12 volt battery. Using the magnetron to emit microwaves along with the precision of GPS satellite positioning the scientist theorize that "Crop-Circle: artists can make intricate designs.

Does this sound likely, I don't know. But if they are attributing microwave emissions as the force behind the most peculiar "non-destructive" bending technique, it's a start in recognizing that wood, rope, and barstools just don't cut the mustard when explaining some of these marvelous creations.


edit on 1-8-2011 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:43 AM
Seems like they are really reaching to ridiculous levels to explain these things.
I bet you could show them 2 suns and they would say that some farm boys must have put a mirror into space and it's just a reflection.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:53 AM
When i see a crop circle that is not in a field that has track lines that hoaxer's could easily walk down (without leaving tracks themselfs) i will start to take a little more interest.

Its almost always the same MO

- fields with track lines.
- close to the road.
- made at night so no one can see.
- In the summer when its not to cold to be out all night.

Dont forget that grass is easy to flatten. Now if the designs took out a few large bush's or trees ie something that would take more than a couple of guys do then you would have something worth talking about.

Also at night the is a lot of condensation that forms on crops and when they are wet its a lot easier to 'bend' them. Then when the sun comes up they dry out and people cant understand how they got flat without breaking the stems.

edit on 1-8-2011 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 09:56 AM
I'm confused Jibby. You don't think that's plausible at all?

Flying Saucers from different galaxy's, reading our books, and then interpretting them and making signs and sybles is better explantion?

Or just very light planks that BEND the wheat instead of snapping them, and leaving an electromagnetic discharge afterwords?


Microwaves and energy directors sounds possible.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:03 AM
I've always thought that if (big if) crop circles had appeared one day with and out of this world explanation, it would be prudent for someone to contract a couple of blokes to go out making them with boards just cover up the true explanation.

All fantasy I suppose.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by niceguybob
I'm confused Jibby. You don't think that's plausible at all?

Flying Saucers from different galaxy's, reading our books, and then interpretting them and making signs and sybles is better explantion?

Or just very light planks that BEND the wheat instead of snapping them, and leaving an electromagnetic discharge afterwords?


Microwaves and energy directors sounds possible.

I seem to see the opposing opinion of any "official story" of unexplained phenomenon always goes right to the aliens. I never said space aliens make these, but I do not trust any private or gov't funded organizations or spokesman.

Could be solar + magnetic geometric impressions for all I know, could be alien tech, could be our satellites making them, I'm open to anything including boards and rope which are how many are made, not all though.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:36 AM
Being relatively new to the ongoing (but cooling) debate about this stuff... has anyone ever heard of or seen a "duplicate" crop circle? Has anyone ever said of one "That could be done with boards and rope!" and then proceeded to "duplicate" the crop circle in question?

I am a bit dubious of the idea that frying one side of the cell walls of every stalk of whatever crop to make it "lie down" and then have that cell heal in that manner after the fact is feasible. I could be (and have been many times) wrong about this, but such precision belies the idea of the casual or narcissistic hoaxer doing that.... yet, my mind remains open.

I have even heard of "flattened" animals in such fields, but I don't think microwaves can do that to an animal... only kill it.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:42 AM
Most likely some guy behind a computer clicking away, using CropCirclePro 6.0
using the satellite as a stylus of sorts...........

And remember the crop circle with that binary reply to the cosmic message that was sent out ? Reminds me of folks with no life, logging in two different names in a chat room, answering their own questions to generate conversation elle oh elle .

The guy in the next cubicle is rocking MindChangerDeluxe, using the same satellite............
edit on 1-8-2011 by gypsychology909 because: filled out

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 10:56 AM
I definitely think that all crop circles are man made.

There is no other explanation.
Want to know why?

Because they keep getting more detailed as technology progresses.
If we had circles from 100 years ago that were this intricate, I'd be less skeptical.

But since we only have pictures from the last 30-40 years or so...

The use of GPS is apparent.
Using some sort of laser or microwave device sounds reasonable too.

I agree with the poster above.
Always done at night, in the summer months.... how convenient.
Never taking place during the night or in winter wheat months.
Never in America, only what seems to be in England.
Almost like a group of people are creating them...oh wait.

They are.

Need I say more?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by havok

You're entitled to that opinion, of course. But your facts are not 100% unless I am mistaken. There have been crop-circles in America, and other places, and there are historical accounts of them (I lack the mans to cite examples at the moment, but I'm sure someone can help with that.)

In any case, it still remains to be seen what kind of "artists" don't take credit for their work. Over such a long period of time, and why the mystery, even on the part of the scientific community, remains so vibrant.

edit on 1-8-2011 by Maxmars because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Maxmars
reply to post by havok

You're entitled to that opinions, of course. But your facts are not 100% unless I am mistaken. There have been crop-circles in America, and other places, and there are historical accounts of them (I lack the mans to cite examples at the moment, but I'm sure someone can help with that.)

In any case, it still remains to be seen what kind of "artists" don't take credit for their work. Over such a long period of time, and why the mystery, even on the part of the scientific community, remains so vibrant.

Plenty of people explain how they make these deisgns. Theres even videos on youtube on how they do it.

I think that a lot of crop circle makers dont want to take credit for their work because like the street artist Banksy they realise they could get into trouble for destruction of property.

I do think that in the past there have been some important UFO sightings in fields where some physical evidence has been left in the way of flattened crops but these have always just been small areas of flattened crops with no design to them. But IMO these intricate designs are all hoaxs.

edit on 1-8-2011 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:28 AM
reply to post by doubledutch

The earliest known crop circle, known as the "Mowing Devil," is shown on this woodcut from Hertfordshire, England, 1678.



Certain evidence, such as the Mowing-Devil, suggest the appearance of crop circles before the 20th century. Nevertheless, there are important differences between that story and modern crop circles. The story of the mowing devil involves the cutting of the crops following a dispute over crop harvesting and an invocation of the devil, no geometric patterns were reported. [edit]

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by boncho

ok fair enough - but the god damn devil made that one!!! that's got to better than a bunch of spods with planks and rope right!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:32 AM
Here's the article;


And a photo of the actual document:


Thanks for that!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Maxmars

no problem -the crop circle phenom is an interesting one, and im on the fence... We have obvious hoaxes / man made ones but there are also some that just seem to complex to be made by men in one night. There are also a testament of a pilot who claims to have flown over a field in the morning and again over the same field a few hours later and a crop circle has appeared, in broad daylight, it's on YT somewhere. I don't have time to find it now...... I don't know anymore but I would like to think that there is more to this than pranksters and farmers out to make quick buck

As you suggested earlier, id like to see someone reproduce one of the really big complex ones.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

Thanks for the videos.... I know that one guy who contracted for the (now-defunct) News of the World piece has made several such crop circles for various media productions.. although they're not exactly as 'intricate' as I would have hoped. Sadly, there is a measurable difference between the ones he creates, and the one's that are found to involve cellular growth change in the crop itself. As well as the anomalous electromagnetic measurements some circles have been shown to include. Unless they have been known to seed sites with uncommon materials and the like.

Still, obviously, these shapes are not necessarily confined to some supernatural phenomenon. Just a point worth noting, in my opinion.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Maxmars

Interesting idea. While I believe that most are man made, there are some that are just so filled with maths and algorithms that it defies the imagination. They could also be man made. But are they all?


That beauty is 530 meters X 450 meters. Done overnight. Man made? Perhaps.

That's the thing with crop circles. I just can't make up my mind about them. I would tend to think that if artists can make one, they can make all...and on the other hand, the complexity boggles my mind.

Even though I still believe that some are made from unknown forces at play - and I emphasize on belief here, no proof, no fact, just a belief so pretty much pointless - it brings more questions than answers.

Microwave emissions...perhaps. Like so many other theories out there. But it makes for an interesting discussion !!!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by SonoftheSun
reply to post by Maxmars

Interesting idea. While I believe that most are man made, there are some that are just so filled with maths and algorithms that it defies the imagination. They could also be man made. But are they all?


That beauty is 530 meters X 450 meters. Done overnight. Man made? Perhaps.

This one is man made, but its a true beauty.

First up.....The DaVinci artwork in the middle is the first 'give-away'.

Why would ET's have a fascination with Leo's artistic representation of man?

Secondly....All of the components of the 'crop circle' are connected.

If it were made by ET's, why would there be any reason to have all of the affected areas to be connected......Surely an advanced race would be able to turn their crop circle making machine off an on when they needed to. You would think that a race advanced enough to be able to travel the incredible distances required to make it to Earth would be able to make a crop circle that wasn't one continuous 'influence'

I have to admit a work of art....this is up there with the best

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 01:30 PM
Yeah, I can totally see humans in lead clothes beaming microwaves all over the ground, hoping not to cook themselves while they make some sculpture they later take no credit for.

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