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The Secrets of the Indigo Children and what 2012 REALLY means for humans

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by 11I11

Because the OP put this in the 2012 Forum for a reason (only known to the OP). Perhaps you should ask yourself why you (and others) have turned this thread into something it was not intended to be. Clearly, posters here have either "lost the plot" or have no reading comprehension skills.

Constantly going on about sexuality is neither here nor there. Address the issue of 2012.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:56 PM
Great topic !! . I saw this start last night but thought ...oh no more indigo children stuff , here we go . But now that it made the headlines , Im reading and because I do lack attention span I got as far as the 60s revolution .

I agree totally that the hippie youth freaked out tptb so much that they started a full scale war against that movement , using bad drugs to scramble the kids minds . Using porno film clips that took innocent sexual freedoms to the dark side .

Infiltrating the most influential spiritual movements at the time so they could destroy them from within ( as they mostly were Eastern traditions and gave such higher knowledge that totally took the participants way out from under their control .) they partially succeed to . But these movements cant be stopped as they are part of the higher vibration uplifting conciousness of everyone .

As far as how the indigos feel others pain . I felt this sooo so much as a child . I felt all the suffering that the oppressed peoples . I just felt everyone . I even told my mother something to that effect . She thought I was a little strange and continued too up into old age .

But the pychic linage came from her family line . . My children are even more so now .pure Celts bloodline .

Back to reading the rest now .

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack
reply to post by AskWhy11

From what I glean off of your posts, you seem really intelligent but unfortunately, you're being lead astray by nonsense. Just because you rise above your peers intellectually, it does not make you into some sort of superhuman with magic powers.

Okay, you seem to have 'misread' my post again. THE VERY LAST THING I'M TRYING TO GET ACROSS IS THAT INDIGO CHILDREN ARE SUPERNATURAL SPECIAL BEINGS. That's the New Age Sh*t that has no concrete basis. What IS concrete on the other hand, is that there are there are definite psychological differences that seem to follow a "not yet completely defined' pattern. I'm not 'smarter' than any of my peers or anyone on ATS, I'm merely stating that I am AWARE of some basic fundamentals that seem to elude many. Can other people who aren't 'Indigo Children' learn the same awareness? Yes. Then why don't they? Well, to THOSE people, they don't believe they are 'unaware' most of the time and then lose interest in whatever you're trying to get across. Similar to trying to argue with a Christian:
"Grandma, how exactly do you know the Bible is absolute, 100% fact?"
"Oh it's easy, let me read this verse."

^ Completely unaware of the fact that trying to prove to me that reading a verse out of the object in question, proves that object to be fact. That would be like me picking up Harry Potter, reading a line out of it and saying, "There ya go, told you Hogwarts is real." Now my grandma doesn't think she's unaware of anything, in fact she thinks that I'm the one who's lost a sense of reality. A lot of people I've noticed, follow the same patterns. It's a lose, lose situation most of the time.
So, to go back to what I was saying, no, I'm not special. At all. I'm different. I'm different for a reason. When that reason is figured out completely, other people will become different, until all people are different, and different is then normal, for different in regard to "Indigo" means you're loving, care more about humanity, and are very reasonable. A difference I like. Unfortunately, "Normal" by today's standards means you work 2 jobs in order to secure your spot on the earth you're born on, where the Royal Wedding, and what they're wearing is more important than the millions of civilian lives that have been taken by our American efforts to 'help' out a country... our normality (in America at least) is a joke. So, I embrace my differences just as much as I'm aware of them.

I hope this clarifies my opinion.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:06 PM
I failed to find who first posted it but yeah this was definitely an interesting test

I think I boo boo'd on the disagree/agree section a bit - I thought one was the other on the first page of it

but I came up with being like slightly female and very close to the center - I am a female, but I'm inclined to agree with the result

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by IceFlower

Originally posted by DOADOA

Originally posted by IceFlower
reply to post by DOADOA

Forgive me, I must ask - If you believe this is about sexual orientation, WHY is this posted in the 2012 forum?

Also -

If - then

Rather - than
edit on 28-7-2011 by IceFlower because: grammar - his not mine

you is forgiven. if you is offended by my post on this matter than you must also forgive me for my poor grammar. but you do understand me just fine, yes?

I have no trouble understanding you. "Just Fine" - no - you failed to answer my question.


perhaps you do have trouble understanding me. i do not believe this thread is about sexual orientation but i do believe some do. people like yourself, that is the reason you ask why this thread is in the 2012 forum.

i has a 2nd answer to your question. this thread do belong in the 2012 forum, if you no agree, then you should at least read the OP in its entirety before replying.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

Sometimes when people don't feel like they fit in, they try and create some kind of reality that they do fit in to. When you try and force that on other people what you are subconsciously doing is trying to get others down to your level. This, of course saves you from having to better yourself in a traditional sense and rise to the level of society.

What will you do in a year/ten years/ a lifetime when you realise that you can't communicate telepathically? or levitate? Will you then start to wonder if you've wasted a lot of time chasing a childhood dream?

I admire your enthusiasm. Regardless of how far fetched this thread and whole belief system is, at least you've gone to the effort to try and get it all out so.

Now just sit back and accept the abuse.
Smurf (Lightbearing Indigo Queefasaurus)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:10 PM
I think that what the OP is trying to tell you is that on the 21st of December, there is going to be an Ascension, and that the TPTB are trying to turn the Male Brain into a Female Brain in order to create difficulty or blocking the Ascension.
If the said Ascension is going to happen, and you were TPTB, would you want everyone else on this Planet to leave you here to face the upcoming disaster? No. So maybe this thread is not as stupid as some of you think it is.
edit on 28/7/11 by 140BPM because: To make a correction in text.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:11 PM
reply to post by Anusuia

Here we go with more linking of nonsense. What does being Celtic have to do with being psychic? If you're making a loose association with the now debunked Druids how are loosely associated by the made up religion "Wicca" then you're still way off. Those are wannabe witches, not psychics.

And yet again, another example of self-important fluff while touting the super special magical powers of someone's kids. This is just one of the most ridiculous posts yet. I mean, you started off fine. All verified facts. Then drop this ridiculous Hollywood fueled notion of I don't even know what.

Do you mean you feel others pain literally? Why aren't you dead or incapacitated then? Do you mean figuratively? Please grab a dictionary and look up "empathy." It is a normal human emotion and in no way is attributable to super special magic powers.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by 140BPM
I think that what the OP is trying to tell you is that on the 21st of December, there is going to be an Ascension, and that the TPTB are trying to turn the Male Brain into a Female Brain in order to create difficulty or blocking the Ascension.
If the said Ascension is going to happen, and you were TPTB, would you want everyone else on this Planet to leave you here to face the upcoming disaster? No. So maybe this thread is not as stupid as some of you think it is.
edit on 28/7/11 by 140BPM because: To make a correction in text.

Seems like a lot of words for some flawed logic. Why wouldn't TPTB just make their brains more male so they could ascend too? Why would anyone want to stay here if you could 'ascend' in to some mystical spiritverse?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack

Originally posted by DOADOA
if you think this is BS and anyone who endorse it is an idiot than move along. your opinions are not needed. this is harmless in essence. there is nothing wrong with preaching righteousness. i, personally, think this is BS but i will not hang around this thread to insult people. i know some of you are against this because you are uncertain of your sexual orientation, do not fear, you are taking this out of context.

Excuse me? You're the only one laying attacks here. Opinions are needed or this would never have been posted in the first place. Not only were opinions given, but facts as well. So now you're using a logical fallacy in your argument subtly calling people who read your post a homosexual and fearful and anyone that dares challenge you is one or both of those things. What does sexual orientation have to do with anything at all?

Go be a troll somewhere else.
Failtroll 0/10

your opinions are not needed, that is just my opinion. you can give it either way. as i have predicted, you took my post as a personal insult, the reasons to that is obvious. sexual orientation have nothing to do with this thread, only those who are fearful of it are against it.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Samuelis

Did you take the MBTI test or did you diagnose yourself?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by DOADOA

Originally posted by IceFlower

Originally posted by DOADOA

Originally posted by IceFlower
reply to post by DOADOA

Forgive me, I must ask - If you believe this is about sexual orientation, WHY is this posted in the 2012 forum?

Also -

If - then

Rather - than
edit on 28-7-2011 by IceFlower because: grammar - his not mine

you is forgiven. if you is offended by my post on this matter than you must also forgive me for my poor grammar. but you do understand me just fine, yes?

I have no trouble understanding you. "Just Fine" - no - you failed to answer my question.


perhaps you do have trouble understanding me. i do not believe this thread is about sexual orientation but i do believe some do. people like yourself, that is the reason you ask why this thread is in the 2012 forum.

i has a 2nd answer to your question. this thread do belong in the 2012 forum, if you no agree, then you should at least read the OP in its entirety before replying.

Geeze, I give up. I have no trouble understanding you inspite of your attempt at pretending that you only speak limited, broken english. The reason I ask about why this is posted in the 2012 forum has not one thing to do with my sexual orientation - although I can see where you would like that to be the case. I ask because this thread and most responses have nothing to do with 2012. Why should I ask the mods to relocate this post when the OP intended it to be in the 2012 forum despite the devolving into another unrelated subject?

I have read the OP in it's entirety - in all it's excruciating entirety. Although I fail to see the reasons for it being posted in 2012 thread - STILL.

Maybe you would like to explain the reason you believe.......You know what, nevermind. There is no talking to persons who have become so steadfast in their beliefs that they cannot see the forest through the trees.

Over and OUT.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by DOADOA

Is this going to turn into one of "those" circular arguments? I specifically pointed out that you added that last part so anyone disagreeing would automatically be labeled as a homosexual. You just confirmed that. Did you think that would insult me? Honestly, "if you disagree than you're xxxx"? Really? Grow up Captain Crunch.
Sexuality is irrelevant
You are irrelevant

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by Skorpiogurl
You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.

- Fight Club, 1999

And this is exactly why those that stray are feared.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:28 PM
Interesting read but sounds sexist to me. As a Christian male, I have all those "feminine" qualities you state. I am straight and I think it is unfair to link these "good" nurturing qualities as feminine. That separation is unneeded. These are simply "human" traits... Many women in this world fail be in touch with these qualities you mention... those qualities of a being good person who is in touch with theirselves, others, the world and the universe. I'd like to put an end to sexism and look at each sex equally. Men are being unfairly labeled against. Us men are good people too. Good qualities and characteristics are not linked to either sex. There are both good men and women, as well as men and women who are not as enlightened (for lack of a better word) as they could be.


posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by JustinSee

Why does the test matter?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by IceFlower

I was just curious to see if the OP was diagnosing herself, or was diagnosed.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:32 PM
For the record, I am strongly INTP.

Do you have trouble concentrating? No, not really. I do have many thoughts in my head at once but I am good at organizing them and even presenting them in a rational manner. Meaning, I feel like my mind never rest but I can handle it.

Do you often feel depressed for no reason? Sometimes. I often felt depressed as a child and never understood why.

Have you been diagnosed with ADD? No. Again, not to brag but I am very efficient in paying attention while I have several thoughts in my head as well as tackling another chore.

Do you feel other peoples pain more than you should? Yes. I had a coworker share that he has prostate cancer today. It really hurt.

Never been in a fight? No. But I don't fight often. It's way too tiring.

Do you often get gut feelings that turn out to be right? Often.

Have you expericed regular deja vu? Often.

Did you have an imaginary friend when you were little? No, but I was highly imaginative and "made" stories and alternate realities in my head.

Did your report card say, "fails to pay attention." Even though you are highly intelligent? Nope, never.

Do you often lose interest mid conversation? Only when I am physically tired.

Have you ever astral projected? Yes, but only in a sleep/wake type state. I don't consciously AP.

I would love it if someone would compare blood type, zodiac signs, and personality types. I suspect we will get many answers from this type of data.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:34 PM
I am also INFP from what I found out from your thread.
Its very lonely when you know things and feelings around you that the others dont.
The worst thing though is that usually the others dont know you understand and keep doing
these things thinking that you cant see their true intensions.
It makes me sad to see all these things when they come across me.
My intuition, and people judging (when I see someone for the first time) is also very strong and very accurate.
Almost every time I am right.
I will come back to this thread at a later time.
Stay humble.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:34 PM
Hello, a fellow INFP here
Thank the Universe for the internet, or we might all believe ourselves insane, am I right?

I'm not sure that I agree with everything you've said 100%, but I do believe you are right that we need to project love and not fear. That is our greatest challenge right now.

EDIT: I found out I'm INFP over ten years ago and have taken multiple versions of the Jung archetypes test, the Keirsey temperament sorter, etc. Always a strong INFP result. I've found that people with strong preferences find the tests more valid than those who fall in the middle of the spectrum for one or more areas.

This is the first time that I've heard INFPs described as the Indigo Children, though. Sort of makes sense.
edit on 7/28/2011 by Universer because: Elaboration

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