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Obama: Public is 'sold' on tax increases in a debt-ceiling deal

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posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:43 PM

President Obama on Friday kept up the pressure on Republicans to agree to revenue increases in a deal to raise the debt ceiling, claiming 80 percent of the public supports Democrats' demand for tax increases.

"The American people are sold," Obama said. "The problem is members of Congress are dug in ideologically."

What a croc of a massive lie
This guy is a dictator, just jumping on the podium and screaming what the people want
That's why there's a congress Obama!
And we all know for a fact majority of people do NOT want to give a spoiled little bankrupted kid an increase on his credit card when he uses other credit cards to pay his other credit cards

"This is not an issue of salesmanship to the American people," Obama said.

Oh yes it is Obama, you are trying to sell the idea that money grows on trees

"I hope [Republicans are] not just listening to lobbyists and special interests ... I hope they're listening to the American people as well,"

The American people want to End the War which you are Expanding into the entire middle east
The american people want a voice and therefore not unelected but appointed czars that can bypass congress
The American people did not want you to have the most corrupt of corporations funding your campaign and then you giving them key govt. positions(cronyism)

Obama repeated his warning that the country is "running out of time" to avert a financial “Armageddon.”

Obama is pushing for a sweeping package that would save $4 trillion over 10 years.
We gotta act fast, quick let's make a solution that measures savings after my term(s) is/are over.

Are the american people really going to fall for this BS?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:45 PM
:Lol: Congress is horrible lately and are buried with old idealogical ways. We need to get a bunch of 20-30 year olds in congress and watch as the world changes in a day
Obama is just speaking up!~

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:45 PM
I did a search but didn't see it, now I do
I did click on 'new thread' along time ago though and took a while to type this because I was making sweet potato fries

dupe of


posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:46 PM
Ugh, re-election can't come fast enough.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 03:48 PM
Agreed: what a load of horse manure.

I am pretty sure every American in the US doesn't want to see a tax increase as well as the debt ceiling. He is trying everything in the how to tell a lie playbook.

whats next Obama? The Americans agree to give up their whole paycheck to the US in order to fill your central bankster buddies pockets?
yea right...

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I'm just wondering when the King asked the public what they wanted. Did I miss something? When was the vote? The survey? Hell, even a debate at town hall? Actually, I don't remember Obama ever asking the public what they wanted... ever.

Must have decided this on his own, in the dead of night with threats of what will happen if he doesn't get his way again... as usual.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Actually I agree with him..

The middle class has held the burden of indirect taxation (inflation) through this depression and the rich have only gotten richer. The reasoning for the tax breaks on the rich is that they create jobs. BUT .. they haven't. So we gave them their chance, their greed failed them, I fully support the Dems plans to punish them by raising their taxes.

There are a lot of things the Republicans could choose to defend.. but defending 4% of the voting base is simply stupid.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 08:32 PM
It's true, though, the vast majority in this country want the wealthy to pay more in taxes and I agree 100%. What I find interesting, though, is that a majority of Americans don't want spending cuts, but if you watch the news you'd think the stance on taxes and spending cuts was actually reversed.

The Republicans are quickly becoming an irrelevant party in this country with a lot of their policies. I'm still trying to figure out how they have as many people as they do in office when so many Americans disagree with a lot of what they stand for today. Hopefully more people start to wake up.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 08:49 PM
This is all about the crooks that run the show continuing to spend uncontrollably make a motza then charge the poor stupid citizen for their greed and stupidity,what the US should do is DEFAULT have a FORCE MAJURE I mean how many divisions do the Rockerfellers and Rothschilds have,who the hell on this planet would hold the US to account if it said sorry were resetting to zero and starting again without the Fed and with a currency actually backed by something tangible.Its all just numbers on computers and its time for control escape the world will not end if the US defaults.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

I am not so sure they will increase the taxes that much on the rich. I have a gut feeling that tax increases will be all across the board placing another burden on the middle and lower classes.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Actually I agree with him..

The middle class has held the burden of indirect taxation (inflation) through this depression and the rich have only gotten richer. The reasoning for the tax breaks on the rich is that they create jobs. BUT .. they haven't. So we gave them their chance, their greed failed them, I fully support the Dems plans to punish them by raising their taxes.

There are a lot of things the Republicans could choose to defend.. but defending 4% of the voting base is simply stupid.

One problem, though, is who are the rich? According to Obama it's anyone making over $250k a year, and he doesn't differentiate between and individual and a business. Businesses are taxed on gross receipts. A friend of mine is a small-business owner and grosses about $275k a year. He gets to take home about $55k after taxes and expenses.And now there is a call to raise taxes on him because he is somehow not paying "his fair share"?


posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by The Old American
Businesses are taxed on gross receipts.

I'm pretty sure that's not true. And I know for a fact that Obama's tax plan back in 2008 is net income over 250K and not gross.

Another thing to keep in mind is businesses can get a lot of deductions.

If anyone earns over 250K in net income, then yes, they should at least be paying a little more in taxes. Why not have a couple different level increases? One level between 250K-500K, a larger one at 500K-1M and then another at over 1M.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by origamiandurbanism

If anyone earns over 250K in net income, then yes, they should at least be paying a little more in taxes. Why not have a couple different level increases? One level between 250K-500K, a larger one at 500K-1M and then another at over 1M.

They DO pay more, just not enough for you. You want them to pay an even higher percentage than they now do to fund everyone else's entitlements. Everyone loves a tax increase as long as it doesn't increase "their" taxes. The converse of this is no one wants "their" benefits or entitlements cut or trimmed. So politicians play to placating the voters rather than doing what needs to be done and we spiral downward. The baby boomers are coming home to nest in Social Security and Medicare and I got news for you, there won't be enough money to cover all of their costs with the current makeup of our workforce.

Look at the price of oil and inflation that is starting to creep, that's a hidden tax but no one calls it that. Most people have lost 20% to 35% of their homes value in the last few years should the higher priced homes have lost a higher percentage? Guess what happens with Obamacare, more taxes and probably more inflation in medical costs. There comes a point where overtaxation becomes the problem. I remember reading somewhere in my American History class about something like that.........
edit on 15-7-2011 by pavil because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by origamiandurbanism

Originally posted by The Old American
Businesses are taxed on gross receipts.

I'm pretty sure that's not true. And I know for a fact that Obama's tax plan back in 2008 is net income over 250K and not gross.

Another thing to keep in mind is businesses can get a lot of deductions.

If anyone earns over 250K in net income, then yes, they should at least be paying a little more in taxes. Why not have a couple different level increases? One level between 250K-500K, a larger one at 500K-1M and then another at over 1M.

A simple Google search will tell you that businesses and individuals are taxed on their gross income. It becomes "net" after taxes and deductions. So to Obama and diverse others on ATS, that mom-and-pop hardware store that squeaks by every year grossing $250k are all considered rich, greedy, evil, etc. Even though they may take home about $60k.

If you make over $250k a year net, it depends on where you live as to whether that is a lot of money or not. Where I live, yeah that's a good living. In San Jose, CA? Not so much.


posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 12:18 AM
I'm glad I'm poor and have nothing to lose, because for all the people who still have something, soon they will be where I'm at, and wont know where to start over.

7 more months to revolution people, better grow some balls and be prepared to getcha some, cuz its open season and we're all invited

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 12:24 AM
The more I hear from Obama the more I hear "stupid is as stupid does". Perhaps someone can tell me how saving $4 trillion over 10 years - or for those math challenged - $400 billion/yr solves a 1.6 trillion dollar deficit? If we need tax increases to address 1/4th of the problem what do we need to address the other 3/4ths? How about we just all work for the state and invalidate the value of money all together. We'll all just work for the common good because its the right thing to do. Of course, those that don't we'll have to give them incentives but since money will be worthless I suppose we'll have to offer them counseling and reeducation (for free of course) and to be economical about cooling those centers we could locate them in northern Alaska.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 12:37 AM
All of this $250k and over talk is nonsense. The dollar devaluation via quantitative easing is causing inflation - so laws passed on taxes at $250k will ensnare people making $80k now in 2021 at this rate. It seems like an amazing amount but is worth less and less every year so we'll all catch up to it eventually. If Obama and Bernanke have their way probably sooner rather than later. The law won't budge though. You'll be the "rich" person making $20,000 that is barely able to make ends meet with your $4,000 a month car payment and $14,000 a month mortgage payment.

It was not too long ago you could buy a nice house for $25,000. Do you think they were lamenting about those that made $25,000 a year? "Those evil rich people! If only we had a tax on those making over $25,000 - it wouldn't effect me of course since I don't make that." Then fast-forward 10 years and they were.

How about this from 1978 as a point?

"President Carter released a proposal that called for a 25 billion income tax reduction for individuals and businesses while eliminating $9 billion in tax shelters for upper-income and middle-income tax payers". We now spend 20 billion every other day and talk in trillions now billions.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by The Old American
A simple Google search will tell you that businesses and individuals are taxed on their gross income. It becomes "net" after taxes and deductions. So to Obama and diverse others on ATS, that mom-and-pop hardware store that squeaks by every year grossing $250k are all considered rich, greedy, evil, etc. Even though they may take home about $60k.

Yes, so essentially gross income (through expenditures and minus cost of goods sold) becomes net income that is actually taxed.,00.html

"To calculate gross income, first determine net receipts (gross receipts minus returns and allowances) and minus the cost of goods sold. Returns and allowances include cash or credit refunds made to customers, rebates and other allowances off the actual sales price."

There are some states that have some sort of gross receipt tax (about 10) that generally ranges from 1 to 5%. But on the federal level, businesses are essentially taxed on net income.

San Jose may be an expensive city, but most of the citizens in that area make less than 250K, so I can't say I'd feel too bad if someone that makes over 250K has taxes go up a couple percentage points. Taxes, right now, are lower than they've been in decades.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 01:21 AM
There are really two questions here that are being combined and confused.

The first one is how much total revenue should the government be taking out of the economy to run its business. The reason this is important is because there is only so much money available in the total economy. Money taken out by the government in the form of taxes and other fees reduces the amount available to invest in jobs and other growth vehicles. Taxing the rich or the poor or the middle class still has the same affect on the economy - less money for new jobs.

The second question is the question of fairness - WHO bears what percent of the burden. That is the much more difficult question. That is the question that can't be resolved in two weeks of emergency meetings in DC.

With the current state of the economy I would think that raising taxes on ANYBODY would only further hurt the job situation. I think we would be much better off if we dealt just with the debt limit and some spending cuts. Then we need to take a serious look at who really pays what percentage of the overall tax burden and make appropriate adjustments.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by The Old American

One problem, though, is who are the rich? According to Obama it's anyone making over $250k a year, and he doesn't differentiate between and individual and a business.

Someone making $250k a year isn't rich, true, but still it's a very, very small percentage of Americans that actually make 250k+ a year. It's not rich. It's not poor. But it far better than most are doing.. and they certainly arn't creating jobs?

Businesses are taxed on gross receipts

No .. I get taxed on my Gross income .. business get taxed on their Net income .. you know, after operating expenses etc. That's the funnest part of being a small business owner, the yearly scramble to find whats new you can deduct this year.

I'm in the middle of the middle class .. we make enough money to pay for numerous poor saps to suck the teets of the state, while spending enough to keep the economy moving. But every time the rich !@$! up the economy, say something stupid on TV, wage a new war, piss the wrong guy off, blow a few trillion bailing their buddies out .. I get absolutely raped by inflation. It's brutal. It's why the system collapsed.. the rich thought they could use inflation to fund their shinanigans. Gas going up $1 has more effect on me, the middle of the middle class, than a 3% income tax hike on the wealthiest citizens. Sorry the middle class has to much to worry about being robbed by the government it's self to worry about "job creating" rich bastards.

It's a class war. I know my side.

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