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Retired US army Col." The space ships are very real"

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:21 PM
i think most people are caught up in wanting a ufo to land during the middle of the super bowl. but it is not up to us.

we can't force extraterrestrials to do anything. it is also possible the government are as in the dark about their motives and as powerless as the rest of us and know as much about them as we do.

if roswell is true, then it makes sense that it would be the most guarded secret in the history of mankind.

maybe that's were the micro processor, computers, fiber optics, stealth tech, energy particle weapons and every almost sci fi like invention is coming from. and its seems its always the united states that invents its. that can't be just coincidence. there are brilliant minds all over the world. it looks like the u.s. has a step up, that is why this secret is heavily guarded and the people with knowledge of it understand that.

especially at a time when the world was at the brink of nuclear war and at a time where enemies could try to acquire it at any cost, even if it means there own destruction.

it's enough for you to know, but they can't give you proof. so take these military personnel for their word, because that's how far the united states can go until the world is safe.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by schuyler

Originally posted by Swills

You missed the whole point of this article (by AOL news) and that is many former DOD/Military folk have come forward and stated there are UFOs and by the looks of it they are not of this earth.

Need more?

Disclosure is: When the government tells what it knows--all of it.

Disclosure is NOT some whistleblower with an unverified story.
Disclosure is NOT some old general claiming UFOs exist.
Disclosure is NOT Corso telling us all how he single-handedly saved Italy.
Disclosure is NOT Jimmy Carter saying he saw one.
Disclosure is NOT Greer telling us he held an alien baby.

So, yeah. I need more. This stuff simply does not cut it--even a little bit.

I strongly agree, except:

Disclosure is when:

1. Multiple governments announce details of their past and current involvement with ET's.
2. Benevolent ET's take over the airwaves and announce/disclose themselves.
3. Mile wide ships appear/decloak over most major cities.
4. Those ships or their scout craft land and aliens/ET's walk among us and start to help us out of our messes.

Until at least two of the above events happen, UFO's and the ET phenomenon will continue to be ignored by 95% or the population who have better/more important things to do: work, eat, sex, sports, music, ...

But I seriously do believe the above will occur real soon - like in the next 6 months. Certainly by 12/21/2012.

edit on 7/14/2011 by fah0436 because: Minor typos

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:53 PM
is it so much to ask, "just tell us what you freaking know all ready?" this back and forth discussion has been going on since the 40's (70 years in the modern era!) and has gone no where in my eyes. yes all the military and pilot testimony is amazing, there is some amazing footage as well- but we the people have no solid evidence what so ever to the american government, i demand to know what you know. to me the most interesting file from the fbi vault was a letter between two high ranking fbi officials asking to reopen project bluebook to examine the more interesting cases. i dont care if the true ufo material is eyes only, or highly compartmentalized and even the president isnt aware, and all the other rumors that permeate the ufo fan rumor mill. i as an american citizen am ready. do it us gov- i will not panic i promise

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Ghostinshell

the catch here is that anyone with the security clearance necessary to know this stuff for sure is likely not a highly visible or famous public official. if Obama came on tv and said UFOs were a reality, my first question would be: how the hell would he know? they just don't give the talking heads this kind of information.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:04 PM

Originally posted by bvproductions
Just curious... how do we know this is even true? I tried to find the source for this "AOL News" post but came up with no results. Something seems very fishy about the article to me.
Now, this is not saying I am a disbeliever of UFOs...but simply, the source for this post seems to be quite iffy.
Just my two cents!

Yes, Here is the link interview given to AOL News.

Here's a snippet.

"At one time, before a lot of this information was released, I could see both the classified and the unclassified material. And I will tell you that 98 percent of the information was already in the public domain. The only things that weren't there was stuff like sources and method, which is protected, but the information about the incident was already out there."....."The problem is, when you discuss UFOs, we are talking everything from little balls of light to hard craft a mile or more across, and everything in between. So what is it?" Alexander asked......... "I argue that, not only are we not solving the problems yet, we're not even asking the right questions, because we approach this wrong................ "I suspect that consciousness is a piece of the puzzle. We talk about UFOs, saying it's a technology that's 1,000 years in advance, but it really isn't. If you follow the history of these things, usually it is somewhat in advance, but not beyond our comprehension by any stretch of the imagination......... "The conundrum you get into is, yes, they are seen by sensors; however, at other times, they are not seen by sensors that should've seen them, and that's one I can't answer."

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Ghostinshell
because, what people want is not some random general they have never heard of. but, a press conf of current leaders etc saying ok, here's the deal....

Well, I for one am not waiting for any "leaders" to come forth and admit this, which they will not, as it is not in their best interests. Besides the fact that most of these so called leaders are more like liars, so why anyone would trust what they say is beyond me. UFO's represent high technology, technology they don't want to admit exists, technology which could power your house, car, and everything else for practically nothing but the up front cost to build it. If they can't exploit it and make money off it, it's not going to happen. The only disclosure will be from "them" when they deem us ready, which we are not. We can't even get along with ourselves, let alone another superior species..
edit on 14-7-2011 by Freezer because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Conluceo

That snippet, sir, contained the smartest observation I have ever read on this damn board!!!!!!

(facepalms self with a lot of exclamation marks from happiness!!!!!)

I'm buying Alexander's book for sure, I'd like to read more from the take of this man. Am off to finally getting a read of the whole interview and see what's been said, and what - not and'll be back!

EDIT - OK, that was a most inspiring article, seeing that there are people doing great thinking on the subject, and raise pretty good questions. But being on this site for some time now, a certain feeling tells me that this could very well be another well thought out plan by the DOD to muddy the waters to keep their secrets hidden for some additional time.

The problem for me is that he makes this great statement that was included in the snippet by Conluceo about the UFOs not being actually so advanced from us. Later in the inverview, he states that we're facing something precognitive, I'd say that certain questions and theories pop to mind - well, his first statement is true, however, if we stop and think for a second, the first question that arises is "What are the options for a possible explanation behind this?" A - It is not thousands of years more advanced, simply because it's mostly advanced black projects that were created on Earth, B - the aliens are not showing their real selves, as well as their real crafts (I do believe that it is more convinient if you're 1000s of years ahead of our current status to just send some sort of probes, the way we send robotic systems to distant places, but imagine what would be robots 1000 years in the future... yep, you can't). Also, another idea pops in my head that any advanced extraterrestrial species smart enough wouldn't want us to have the chance to obtain, by one way or another, something that is so far from our own technology that we wouldn't be able to handle it.

I can think of probably another 5 subtheories but will spare you them. This man has said interesting words. They sprung heat in my head in form of constructive thinking on the subject, I will dig more into what he's up to!

edit on 14-7-2011 by ch1n1t0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by johncarter
reply to post by stirling

Honestly. Noone really cares. The world is swiftly falling towards a global economic chaos. UFOs is the last thing in ordinary ppls mind.

not true ..

lol i think about very real problems economy and government issues and i still think about aliens they are part of this planet know whether some choose to acknowledge their existence or not. I believe in the future aliens will make themselves known when THEY are ready

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:47 PM
We won't stop yelling "Disclose now!" until they land.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:34 PM
Ample proof has been offered that besides the bluebook project, the real anomalous cases were sent on a parrallel traack to god knows where, and blue book never saw them....
Bring out those cases.....
That would be a start.
But i think till we take the contact initiative into our own hands as civilians, en mass they will never disclose and the visitors will not come out....

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by schuyler

Better yet......I want to touch the craft myself and given a ride inside it.....a tour guide or someone of that nature would tell us about our real history and major forces in our universe.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by stirling

I agree but

The real crux of the matter is What are we going to do about it?

First we need to know WHY they are here and then we decide what to do about it.

And this quote from the link

the ultimate solution to UFOs is more complex than most people think.

Wonder what he means by this? Solution? Why would he use the word SOLUTION (to UFOs) as if already deciding they are a problem. Also I am confused as to what could be so complex about any sort of solution. Either we accept and welcome or we send them packing. He must know something we don't. I have a feeling we are related to these things or they to us and so it complicates the "problem." I don't know... just guessing.
edit on 15-7-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by newcovenant

They are Greys, they are co-ordinated by Satan (whoever this being is) and when Eisenhower did the deal, they never EVER had the intention of playing by the rules.

The Cold War was really about the US and Russia developing weapons to fight the Alien Greys, but showed it to the public as the US vs Russia.

I have found 150 journals, each journal with 200 pages, written back in late 1980s early 90s that explain it all. PM me if you want the links, free to read, of course, as all the important info should be.

They cant just be sent packing, they have infiltrated most governments, they can infiltrate a persons mind, hence sending them packing when they are already very well embedded on this planet (along with the massive underground networks they themselves, as well as the ones the US have built for them) is almost impossible.

Dont worry thought, we have help. There is no difference between Space men and Angels. They are the same. Consider this. They are watching, they constantly intervene, but currently are only allowed to interfere with ICBM Nuclear devices fired at civilian populations. They cannot interfere anymore than this.

Why? You ask. Because the shockwaves of a Nuclear explosion not only damages the immediate area, but also sends the fabric of space into disarray. A Nuclear war could literally bring our whole Solar System into destruction because we do not consider what other factors may be involved when using these weapons. Yes, the moment we used a Nuclear device was the moment they took notice, and not in a good way. This is why they want the Nuclear arsenals all disarmed. And defeating the Greys will not be possible with Nuclear Weapons. Even the Greys dont want a Nuclear War. They were originally here, deep underground only, to populate this planet if we caused ourselves to become extinct, due to all the pollution, because they can survive in a Carbon dioxide rich environment (they breath Carbon Dioxide)
edit on 15-7-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:26 AM
Its true that some disclosure has occurred, just not the disclosure that everyone dreams about, where they lay it all out in facts with materials.
Col Corso was the only one that shed full light on why the gooberment wasn't and isn't willing to share with the public its findings, because they don't have to, and the longer they can keep it a secret, the more powerful they can become once they have all of the technology worked out and no one will be able to stop them no matter what earthy technology they possess.
but some disclosure has occurred

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:28 AM
reply to post by Swills

Dear Swills

Now do not get me wrong I really am with you.

However stirling is right most people are more worried about the wedding in their favorite soap opera or the ball game.

Most just couldn’t give a toss about ET or no ET.

You, me, and a few others are really alone.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by anumohi

Whats really funny is when the deal was done, The US and MJ-12 thought that they were getting a great deal because the Greys gave them tech like their UFO's, Free energy devices and other neat little toys BUT what they gave them was actually 'primitive' (by their standards) tech to what they were even using.

I love these threads, I can blissfully go on and on about this info I have in these journals...hopefully one day it iwll reveal itself to be true.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:43 AM
Do I really have to be the first one to say it?

If disclosure happens; I'll still go to work, ill still buy groceries from the market and ill still live the same life as now. Why hide something most people believe in anyway? If its out there, it will look good on your part to tell all!

Whats the big secret all about?

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by litterbaux

Not everyone are like you and me, my friend ...... some are just wait for this happen to get naked and run around the block, others will try to scam your money, and the rest just pray to a higher being to depend on.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 02:02 AM
What are these aliens doing right now? Whats their life style really like? Is it all about mining on the moon, abducting? What are they really into?

Unless we know their intentions disclosure is indeed unimaginable and complex considering the welfare of both the people and the governments. I wouldn't want disclosure if aliens are here for their regular maintenance schedule cleaning and wiping out this zoo once every thousand years.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by anumohi
Its true that some disclosure has occurred, just not the disclosure that everyone dreams about, where they lay it all out in facts with materials.
Col Corso was the only one that shed full light on why the gooberment wasn't and isn't willing to share with the public its findings, because they don't have to, and the longer they can keep it a secret, the more powerful they can become once they have all of the technology worked out and no one will be able to stop them no matter what earthy technology they possess.
but some disclosure has occurred

So what will government do by acquiring alien technology? Mess with Russia once more or China?
What they gonna achieve by hiding the alien presence. Imagine the elites flying to outer space and getting kicked?

The fact is the government knows only a little about them.
Why do the aliens spill the beans only to the stupid governments? Its not worthy enough.

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