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Anonymous Leaks 90,000 Military Email Accounts in Latest #AntiSec Attack

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:27 PM
Wouldn't it be smart mirror the files? I mean, they'd be easily taken down, but it would be good for all the people worrying of some form of 'honeypot' scheme. Torrents are so easily tracked compared to other methods of file sharing.

I'll be interested if anything good turns up in the files. Otherwise, I dunno.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:28 PM

it doesn't mean we can cause chaos

But we can, when the government is litteraly mesmerizing us , mocking our essential rights on a daily basis.
Our parents didnt brought us to the world to be slaves and puppets

I respect your opinion and you, as a person.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by Mividau

So please be carefull yall but if you're dumb enough to down load em please share what they say.

Thats me! Im downloading it now.....but through Tor (an onion (untraceable) server, a proxy coming in from France and a "inprivate" browser

Plus I move in 2 weeks

I think I got this covered

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Skerrako
reply to post by Mividau

So please be carefull yall but if you're dumb enough to down load em please share what they say.

Thats me! Im downloading it now.....but through Tor (an onion (untraceable) server, a proxy coming in from France and a "inprivate" browser

Plus I move in 2 weeks

I think I got this covered

plz share

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:36 PM
They hacked emails?!
Gee, thats not even secret. Its not like they got pics of Obama spooning with an alien or busted into HAP... or anything impressive at all. Booz is a contractor.. not mil anyway. **shrug** big whoop. The only thing I find amusing is people having an orgasm over a non-event.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:38 PM
enjoy the show
Relax and follow

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Conciliatore

No because anarchy is not the way. In all seriousness, you wouldn't have true patriots. Citizen killing citizen, looting, raping and other evil. It would be total chaos and that's not going to work. It didn't work for France.
edit on 11-7-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:43 PM
Even if this whole internet kill switch thing happened.

People would never stand a chance against the nations military/police force. If people tried to overthrow the government nowadays one person would fire a weapon or something at the authorities, they would in return mow down 20-30 of us and people would turn around and run for there #ing lives.

Our government has too much power over the civilians nowadays, they have better weapons and better armor. Rioting or aggressive protesting is only gonna hurt ourselves in the end.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by soaringhawk

So, feel free to live blind and deaf, in a perfect bubble

sorry for bursting your dream

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Advantage
They hacked emails?!
Gee, thats not even secret. Its not like they got pics of Obama spooning with an alien or busted into HAP... or anything impressive at all. Booz is a contractor.. not mil anyway. **shrug** big whoop.

Why don't you show them how it's done?

Originally posted by Advantage
The only thing I find amusing is people having an orgasm over a non-event.

There is a distinct lack of sexual fluids in this thread.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:49 PM
i hate to say i told you so but....well actually its pretty awsom.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by Soshh

Originally posted by Advantage
They hacked emails?!
Gee, thats not even secret. Its not like they got pics of Obama spooning with an alien or busted into HAP... or anything impressive at all. Booz is a contractor.. not mil anyway. **shrug** big whoop.

Why don't you show them how it's done?

Originally posted by Advantage
The only thing I find amusing is people having an orgasm over a non-event.

There is a distinct lack of sexual fluids in this thread.

Don't be a ridiculous. I was stating my opinion.. which is not usually a problem among adults.

......and believe it or not, there are many more places discussing this event than just the few threads on ATS. Get out once in a while or visit other sites.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Conciliatore

I don't live blind & deaf. I don't support everything that goes on by default, but I do believe in obeying the law. We're a Constitutional Republic and operate in law. You're not representing anything worthwhile and you're not changing anything to make this world a brighter place.

You are deceived and unknowingly working with those that would desire us harm and to take away our natural born right's. You are only a hero of your own ego and pride comes before the fall.
So continue on breaking the law, but it'll catch up to you. Meanwhile people will continue to be sex slaves, people will continue working in poor conditions for long hours, lack of sleep and low pay. Political chaos will continue. People will continue to suffer under oppressive government's like in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Myanmar, N.K, China and other countries.

You are unknowingly assisting those that desire a one world, totalitarian socialist governing body.

edit on 11-7-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by soaringhawk

Have you done anything to change something ?

lash on us, but at least we're doing something to change.
Instead of just watching the world burning

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Advantage

Originally posted by Soshh

Originally posted by Advantage
They hacked emails?!
Gee, thats not even secret. Its not like they got pics of Obama spooning with an alien or busted into HAP... or anything impressive at all. Booz is a contractor.. not mil anyway. **shrug** big whoop.

Why don't you show them how it's done?

Originally posted by Advantage
The only thing I find amusing is people having an orgasm over a non-event.

There is a distinct lack of sexual fluids in this thread.

Don't be a ridiculous. I was stating my opinion.. which is not usually a problem among adults.

......and believe it or not, there are many more places discussing this event than just the few threads on ATS.

Well please link to this alleged e-orgy so that we can all see and enjoy a hearty laugh together, because otherwise it would seem that you were suggesting that it was taking place in this thread or on this site.

Originally posted by Advantage
Get out once in a while or visit other sites.

Yes it has to be said that I'm not spending enough time on the internet, clearly I need to get out once in a while!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Conciliatore

I learn about it myself, I've spoken to my Congressman in the past about persecution in China.
I have and do tell and show others what goes on. Educating people is all you can do. Participating in illegal activity is wrong and does nothing to help the condition this world is in.
edit on 11-7-2011 by soaringhawk because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by xavi1000

It happened i was deployed in early 2003, en route to Iraq, we stopped in Apain and we were locked down over a weekend due to anti war protests, back on topic...

that would be bad news if these guys got a Honey POT... but then again with all the hacks that are going on security seems to be dull at best... i hope this is legit, a security company not doing its job is bad...
and at gov/ment expense, looks like we found a new cut in the budget

and this internet kill switch... man washington gots like 3 weeeks for the projected AUG 2nd deadline to get the bills paid... killing the internet should be the last thing on thier minds...

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:32 PM
nothing will come out of this

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:42 PM
How does stealing US millitary personel email passwords amount to anything good? You want to go read a bunch of Dear John's???
If anything this is the perfect excuse to bring down the hammer. Hey america, your sons and daughters identities and personal safety are being attacked as they serve. Nothing stirs them up to accept more internet laws than that.
You've all been had, in a big way. The man behind the Anon mask is none other than Big Brother himself. Hahaha

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:57 PM
Let us all put aside everything we "think we know" about "Anonymous"/"Lulzsec" etc..
Just for a minute, Don't worry. lol

Now let us take a step back, and simply look at everyone/everything Anon. and "lulzsec" have gone after..

Do you see any of them being "good"?

Any of them that actually do anything at all, to benefit others? (other than themselves and gov.)?

Going by who and what Anon/etc have gone after soo far..

I cannot help but to "side" with them.

Everyone/everything they have "gone after" are shady as hell and do no good for anyone.

If I had never heard of Anon. , and never knew anything about them..
and i learned of all the people/corps. they have gone after..

I couldnt help but to say .. "good for them" .

They have not gone after any "good" people, or any "good corps" (if there is such thing).

Everyone I have seen them go after...
Deserve it, and possibly 'then some"..

This is their "track record"..
and the record indicates that they do have "We, The People's" best interest at heart.

Perhaps a "shut down" of the internet is what's needed to get this much needed revolution kicked off.

Off our asses, and into the streets..
where real Revolutions take place.

Either way...
It's all good.
What is happening is supposed to happen..
and whatever comes of it, is what is supposed to come of it..
and it couldn't happen any other way.
We can either accept that, or keep bitching and eating what the media is feeding us.

Not sure about the rest of you..,
But I, for one.. Don't eat $|^| ! T.

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