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Ex-NFL player dies after early-morning fight with Sheriff's officers

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posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:56 AM
Ex-NFL player dies after early-morning fight with Sherriff's officers

Deputy Wesley Kraft, a four year veteran of the Sheriff’s Department, responded by drawing his handgun and firing at Turner twice.

Turner was struck and fell to the ground.

Collis said the situation just didn’t sound like the David Turner he knew.

“It is not like him. He was not a trouble-maker,” Collis said. “The deputy must have provoked him.”

Another citizen gunned down unreasonably in cold blood. Granted, former Bengal David Turner may have been resisting and trying to leave, but cops are trained and have multiple options they can resort to before just pulling a gun and firing TWICE. Also, let's not forget this is the killer's story, and we will never have Mr. Turner's side of things. And, of course, the only reason this is even news is because David Turner used to play in the NFL. And Wesley Kraft, the murderer with a badge, will be back out on the street murdering and terrorizing more Americans in no time.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by HenryPatrick

I do not understand why this is going on so much more lately. What happened to tazing people? I mean it's still not great, but much less deadly. Why are cops not just using the tazer on people?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:14 PM
Let us make sure we do not give the FULL story here....just the part to make cops look bad
Far from honest, would you not say?

But he’d been down on his luck since then — out of work and repeatedly in trouble with the law throughout the ‘80’s, 90’s and 2000’s according to Kern County Superior Court online records.

Deputies detained Turner and the two teens while they investigated the situation. According to reports, Turner first complied with deputies’ directions but then attempted to leave the area.

When deputies tried to stop Turner from leaving, he fought with them, Sheriff’s reports stated.

During the scuffle Deputy Aaron Nadal, who has worked for the Sheriff’s Department for three years, was reportedly hit in the back of the head with a bag containing two 24-ounce cans of beer.

Deputy Wesley Kraft, a four year veteran of the Sheriff’s Department, responded by drawing his handgun and firing at Turner twice.

That could have killed the cop - during a lawful arrest by a thug, with a criminal record spanning many years who decided to not cooperate with police and violate alcohol and cigarette laws, and assault a cop by hitting him on the head with something hard that could have killed him.

Cops have the lawful right to protect themselves....

edit on July 11th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I never said the guy was a saint, and pointed out he was leaving and resisting. The point was that the cops bypassed their other options and shot the guy twice. Twice, like once wasn't good enough at point blank range. But thanks for playing the fascist apologist.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by HenryPatrick
reply to post by greeneyedleo

I never said the guy was a saint, and pointed out he was leaving and resisting. The point was that the cops bypassed their other options and shot the guy twice. Twice, like once wasn't good enough at point blank range. But thanks for playing the fascist apologist.

Ah yes the name calling begins. When one cannot logically argue their side, they name call.

Police have a right to protect themselves from people who are trying to harm them. Since not every single detail was given, we are left to assume. This was a former NFL football player - probably huge and obviously out of control.......

but carry on with the name calling
it shows smarts and maturity

edit on July 11th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by chiefsmom
reply to post by HenryPatrick

I do not understand why this is going on so much more lately. What happened to tazing people? I mean it's still not great, but much less deadly. Why are cops not just using the tazer on people?

That is exactly the point. There is no reason this guy simply could not have been tazed or incapacitated in some other manner. Cops are far too trigger happy lately, and the chances that these are all isolated instances decreases with every swat raid and murder. There appears to be word coming down from the top that cops are to stop at nothing to terrorize the American population, just like with the TSA.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by chiefsmom
reply to post by HenryPatrick

I do not understand why this is going on so much more lately. What happened to tazing people? I mean it's still not great, but much less deadly. Why are cops not just using the tazer on people?

Huh???? I thought they were using the taser on people?? And killing them with it, too.

Maybe you just don't get it. It has nothing to do with the gun or the taser or any of that. It's a corrupt system. It's a corrupt sick government, and they don't get better when they "just use the taser on people".

Maybe they should stop using the gun and the taser and do it the old fashioned way like before the gun and the taser. I like that option better than sudden death without a trial or anything.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:24 PM

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:24 PM
Every LEO does not carry both a fire arm and a tazer...Perhaps this was the only form of defence he had. Also, if the LEO had any previous experience with someone on PCP, he may have felt that this person was on the drug. There are many instances of LEO's using a tazer on someone who has ingested PCP and it has no effect.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:25 PM

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Let us make sure we do not give the FULL story here....just the part to make cops look bad
Far from honest, would you not say?

But he’d been down on his luck since then — out of work and repeatedly in trouble with the law throughout the ‘80’s, 90’s and 2000’s according to Kern County Superior Court online records.

Deputies detained Turner and the two teens while they investigated the situation. According to reports, Turner first complied with deputies’ directions but then attempted to leave the area.

When deputies tried to stop Turner from leaving, he fought with them, Sheriff’s reports stated.

During the scuffle Deputy Aaron Nadal, who has worked for the Sheriff’s Department for three years, was reportedly hit in the back of the head with a bag containing two 24-ounce cans of beer.

Deputy Wesley Kraft, a four year veteran of the Sheriff’s Department, responded by drawing his handgun and firing at Turner twice.

That could have killed the cop - during a lawful arrest by a thug, with a criminal record spanning many years who decided to not cooperate with police and violate alcohol and cigarette laws.

edit on July 11th 2011 by greeneyedleo because: (no reason given)

First off, I do not think all cops are bad and there are a good amount out there that are good (Some of them family friends back in my hometown).

Not to begin with you say why don't we read the FULL story. Well the FULL story is told by the cops involved in the case. There is no other story out there to refute it, so it automatically becomes truth. Especially when it is a cop telling it. It is just like the history books, the victors right it.

Now I am not saying he is not telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth, but to shoot a man whose only weapon is a bag containing two beer cans seams to me a little suspicious. He could have easily tased him and controlled the situation, instead of putting two bullets in him. From friends it seems he was not a violent person (outside of football), so if you are going to shoot him put a bullet in a leg or something, to show you are serious. I am sure he would have stopped resisting then.

Instead we have another civilian killed for what seems to be giving some teenagers beer and cigarettes, something so evil for sure (NOT)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:26 PM
*** REMINDER ***

This isn't a discussion about other members.

back on topic please.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:43 PM
well im glad to see that the whole innocent until proven guilty still work for police as well (SARCASM)

I wish many of you could walk 1 week in my shoes. i can tell you now that if the situation was as it was printed then i probably would have acted the same. if i saw my partner go down after being hit in the head with a bag of God only knows what i probably would have fired also! A lot of you have this misunderstanding that we meet force with force. that is not the case (at least not here). we ALWAYS go one higher. that is what is known as the "force continuem". the simple solution here is if he wanted to be alive then A. he shouldnt have broken the law, B. he should have complied with the investigation, and C. at no time should he have struck the officer with an object, especially in the head! that make lethal force immediatly allowed. and what the hell is with the taser being the answer to everything? we dont have it here (event hough we are trying VERY hard to get them approved by the chief)! they dont always work. i guess i will just never understand why so many think of cops as a second class citizen and feel as though we should have to risk giving up our lives because some clown wants to fight the police and not get arrested! just remember i have just as many rights as you! turn it around and think of it this way, if this had been you and a buddy and you got in a fight with this guy and he hit your buddy on the head and knocked him out (possibly dead) and was coming to you what would you do. if you had a stick and a gun what would you do? would you try to hit him with a stick? i would like to think not and would like to think that you would try and protect your life over his. however i may be wrong and you would try to talk to him and get killed also. in which case i can only hope that you have not reproduced at this point and darwinism would have done its joba nd weeded a weaker member of society out of the gene pool for us!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo

That could have killed the cop - during a lawful arrest by a thug, with a criminal record spanning many years who decided to not cooperate with police and violate alcohol and cigarette laws, and assault a cop by hitting him on the head with something hard that could have killed him.

Cops have the lawful right to protect themselves....

They DO NOT have the right to murder. If I shot them because they were beating me with a baton it would be murder. If I shot a citizen because they hit me with a bag with two cans of bear in it I would be up for manslaughter.

This attitude of stating they have to defend themselves after NOT doing a professional job.

THIS was a tazing situation, not firing your handgun. They taze when they shouldn't then when they should be using a tazer (this is exactly what they were intended for) then shoot to kill when they should be using the tazer.

People have become some un-American lately with this kind of bootlicking attitude.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

Two tallboy cans of beer is going to kill somebody? Are you serious? Maybe a small child or an elderly person. These are cops and you justify murder with that?

I bet if I slapped you in the face you'd find a way to justify my murder too. He tried to get away, so they shot him.

Simple as that, darlin.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:08 PM
well if you would like to come here i will gladly hit you in the head with 2 tall boys. while you are unconcious i can do whatever i want to with you. that is the mindset you have to have. he is down. he can no longer defend himself at all. would the bear kill him? possible. ive seen many killed with much less. but once you are down you are down. as far as the other comment of being beat with a baton not justifiable you sir need some serious life lessons. if you came at me with any, and i mean any, weapon and refuse to stop when i order it then all i can say is make peace with whichever God you choose to serve. becasue i will not lose my life or be permently disfigured or crippled because you think i wont use whatever i have to in my quest to stop you! and again quit using tazers as the all american savior. sometimes they dont work and some departments dont have them. if lethal force is justified then we dont go with something lesser. same reason we dont shoot to wound. if we must shoot then it is center mass until the threat is eliminated. please think of that before you go charging a cop with weapons. no one is asking you to bow down and lick boots. just obey the law. if you dont then be prepared to face the effects of your actions. whether it be a warnig, a ticket, or the loss of your life. YOU choose how the situation will play out.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:09 PM
The sad thing is this is all over a couple of cans of beer.

We just saw how the justice system works (or doesn't) in the Casey Anthony trial.
2 shots to the head sounds very suspicious but please let's don't do what so many others do - try people in the court of public opinion.

Fascist Apologist? C'mon Henry, that was too much.
Let's the give the legal system a chance before we throw down the verdict.
What would FZ say?

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:13 PM
if they were "beating" you with a baton in a controlled manner due to you forcefully resisting and refusing to be placed under arrest then yes you would. if they continued to beat you after you are cuffed then that is different. rightly so. if you shot a citizen because he was beating you with a bag of beers and you felt as though your life was threatened and that was the only way to save yourself then no you would not. and if that ever happens in that situation wihtout any criminal act by you then call me and i will defend you till my dying breath. a man has the right to protect his life from another man. caveman rules when they apply.
edit on 11-7-2011 by sempul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by sempul

Only a coward could hold a gun, with another armed man and be in fear of losing his life to a couple of beer cans.

I can tell you are a cop. How would you feel if everyone you came charging at with your gun on your hip interpreted that as threatening action against their safety and opened up on you?

Two can play that game, sir. It's called war.

Just because you wear a uniform, it does not mean your life is more valuable than others who do not.
edit on 11-7-2011 by Darce because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by sempul
if you came at me with any, and i mean any, weapon and refuse to stop when i order it then all i can say is make peace with whichever God you choose to serve. becasue i will not lose my life or be permently disfigured or crippled because you think i wont use whatever i have to in my quest to stop you! and again quit using tazers as the all american savior. sometimes they dont work and some departments dont have them. if lethal force is justified then we dont go with something lesser. same reason we dont shoot to wound. if we must shoot then it is center mass until the threat is eliminated. please think of that before you go charging a cop with weapons.

With that attitude then turnabout is fair play. I do not trust most cops. They feel, look act and are DANGEROUS authority drunk humans.

If this keeps up the average citizen will awaken and then you will find yourself at war.

Law enforcement needs to know who holds its leash. If we have to tighten it we will.

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