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3 students die after being hypnotized by principal

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Faiol
a psychopath doing his work ...

but my spidey senses are flashing
big bright red right now.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:03 PM
This is a crock of you know what. I have studied and practiced hypnosis for years. While we don't know much about this case, I seriously doubt hypnosis had anything to do with the death of these students.

Nevertheless, this man had no business practicing hypnosis on the job. Especially since he probably is not a board certified hynotherapist.

As to the legitimacy of hypnosis. Ask the many doctors and dentists who are trained in its use how beneficial and effective it is in their practice. While you're at it, ask those same doctors why they send qualified patients to hypnotherapists to learn pain control, and to deal with phobia's among other things.
edit on 6/30/2011 by Klassified because: spelling

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:13 PM
this thread might answer the question of this thread

How are people manipulated by psychopaths?

They might be related IMO

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:18 PM
Though it is not my livelihood, I am a professionally trained hypnotist. I studied under Adam Cobb, a stage hypnotist, and then independently and with different programs including residential training at TMI (though "proper" hypnosis couldn't be called the focus--no pun intended--of TMI's research and programs). I have been hypnotized probably hundreds of times. I have hypnotized others hundreds of times as well.

Several years ago, I was a substance abuse therapist at a crisis center and frequently used hypnosis both as a form of entertainment (stage techniques) and as a means of therapy. Though there were no problems over the couple years that I did this, I was asked by my boss to stop the practice due to a complaint from a patient who is a Jehovah's Witness and had religious problems with me doing it, I suppose. I remember the girl. She freaked out when I did a quick induction of this other dude in group therapy. I told her if she was uncomfortable, she didn't have to take part or even be in the same room. She left and went to the ladies' quarters and I thought that was the end of it but I GUESS NOT.

Hypnotism is a real phenomenon. At TMI (the best money I ever spent) I learned the best self-hypnosis techniques and many of you might be surprised that you enter hypnosis (if only transiently) all the time. One more thing--based on what I have experienced, it is nearly impossible to get someone to act uncharacteristically of themselves once they leave the Focus 11 trance state. While under hypnosis, their conscious control is given to the hypnotist. But when the trance is finished, full control returns to the subject. Cues can be set up within the subconscious mind of the subject to be "acted out" in normal waking reality but we're not talking "Manchurian"-style stuff here but rather cues for specific feelings when a cue is seen/heard/felt (like a craving for drugs or looking in the mirror if you have poor body image, etc).

Hypnotism works with the conscious and subconscious parts of the mind and involves altered states of consciousness but most people would be surprised to learn that it's a more self-conscious process than is commonly assumed. In other words, most of the time the subject is aware of what's going on. But then again, I have worked with subjects whose conscious memory ceased to record as soon as I said "sleep".

I just want to mention that I am NOT a board-certified hypnotherapist. I am a Mental Health/Substance Abuse therapist. I did not have permission from my boss to hypnotize patients. Just wanted to make that clear.

PS Just wanted to mention that this is my first post. I absolutely love you, ATS!!!
edit on 30-6-2011 by SimultaneousFinal because: typing error

edit on 30-6-2011 by SimultaneousFinal because: formatting

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:22 PM

Coercive Mind Control Tactics
Terminology note: Today Mind control or brainwashing in academia is commonly referred to as coercive persuasion, coercive psychological systems or coercive influence. The short description below comes from Dr. Margaret Singer professor emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley the acknowledged leading authority in the world on mind control and cults.

a short overview

Coercion is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as:

To force to act or think in a certain manner

To dominate, restrain, or control by force

To bring about by force.

The term "brainwashing" came into common language through the work of American journalist Edward Hunter who was an expert of Oriental issues; the very word being the direct translation of Chinese "hsi-nao". By "hsi-nao" the Chinese meant certain techniques in dealing with adversaries and/or training of officials. To the Western usage the term "brainwashing" spread in the 1950s through several publications depicting the treatment of American soldiers at Chinese prison camp during the Korean War 1950-1953.
Below is a list of the usual brainwashing/mind control techniques used in schools, hospitals, army, religious cults, totalitarian states; with political prisoners and dissidents, mentally insane, some versions of psychoterapy, etc., etc. "Indoctrination" is a more slight and more subliminal form of brainwashing (e.g. commercials). However, these concepts are nothing short of controversial and open to various interpretations, which should be kept in mind while perusing the Web sources below.

Mind Control Overview, Hypnosis, CIA MKUltra, Psychiatry, Conspiracy Theory, Psychology

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Tharsis

I tend to agree. Its just coincidence. I also dont think principles should be hypnotizing students, but its highly unlikely to actually be the cause of their deaths in car accidents or suicide. Maybe if they studied themselves to death..............

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:35 PM
I have been interested in this story since I heard

about it. I believe he hypnotised some of

the students to kill themselves.

Hypnosis can been used for good or

bad.... I had a thread on this after it broke

on local news (i'm close to the area)

Principal under fire after student he hypnotized commits suicide

This story keeps evolving and these kids keep dropping like flies.

It is like a final destination movie.

i DEMAND a investigation. HypnosisGate.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

ur right nilly

when u posted ur thread, there was only 1 dead
student .... now there are 3. Makes it a conspiracy
now doesn't it ???

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

Good at pointing out that this story is over a month old and was first posted by yourself.

Hypnotism is a powerful technology used extensively in mind control or "programming" operations. Though it has been used to recover buried memories, it can just as easily by used to bury false "memories" or other data or commands. People shouldn't play around with it without realizing what they are getting into.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by hillynilly

interesting...I never saw that thread...and it was just 1 dead at that time...I am suspicious now and redact my statement that it was still could be...but how many coincidences should there be? hopefully there are no more "coincidences" in this're right he should be investigated...possibly with hypnosis?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:55 PM
I'm glad this story is FINALLY

gettng some attention.



No telling if more kid's will die.

Wouldn't surprise me more die off.

I would NEVER let my kid be *hypnotised* by their PRINCIPAL!!

Am I the only one that finds that wierd?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:56 PM
This makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. I'm a certified hypnotherapist. I know how powerful hypnosis can be to make wonderful changes to someone's life. Unfortunately, hypnosis put into the hands of a less than well intentioned individual for personal or sick gains can, does and will happen. I haven't read all of the posts yet but had to put my two cents worth in. My heart goes out to the families of the students that took their own lives, that's just brutal to have to live with.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 07:56 PM
We are all hypnotized:
The flicker in tv, advertizing, catholic mass...cult techniques...( same same there)
subliminal messeges not to shop lift and to love shoping in the muzac
soldier indoctrination
it just goes on and on

edward bernaise was the father of spin
spin is is a good melody
and a good day dream

I'd say the soldier indoctrination is the worst by total deaths

hell obama is an nlp master as were his speech writers...

Also we have heterodyne microwave Voice in the head technology...

Did you ever notice all the TV screens in the background on the news casts
they are all over the sets of pretty much ALL the tv news sets
ever wonder what they are beaming into the thick part of your skulls...
you should...

I just don't see how the hypnotism is connected to these kids deaths per se
I do see how
anti depressents cause hightened suicidal tendancies
and apparently most kids that do school shootings are on those drugs
( a judge deliberatley ordered the columbine shooters' medical records destroyed to cover that up)
they are most likely part of this
and they do make children more susceptible to
which is present in army designed VIDEO games that cause tolerence to shooting point blank...

well you get the idea

you are getting sheepie
very sheepie
take a deep breath...
and let the tension just drain away...
and sheep....

edit on 30-6-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
reply to post by hillynilly

ur right nilly

when u posted ur thread, there was only 1 dead
student .... now there are 3. Makes it a conspiracy
now doesn't it ???

If you call this

whole thing a USF social hypnosis experiment (using kid's and mind #ing them)
USF is behind this if you look deep into the sources,

a conspiracy then yes.

No conspiracy here folks just your chrildren being mind #ed by
a creepy principal..


posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Danbones

We arent all hypnotized. Some of us cant be.

Although I do get your analogy. Im mostly quibbling with the "all" part. But you do make a good point. Most people do walk around in an altered state because they get so much weird manipulative input from various media sources.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:03 PM
My junior High school teacher, a psych major, tried to hypnotize us once. It was very relaxing and for the whole time I didn't have to diagram any sentences. The hypnosis stuff didn't work, but why complain?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by Danbones

We arent all hypnotized. Some of us cant be.

Although I do get your analogy. Im mostly quibbling with the "all" part. But you do make a good point. Most people do walk around in an altered state because they get so much weird manipulative input from various media sources.

I'm not trying to be argumentative here..just putting stuff out there for everyone to consider...

Using brainwave synchronized technology even the one fifth of those who are least likely to be hypnotized can be..

But it is really self hypnotism...

When the drugs and technology are applied though thats evil ****
thats where they get every one

Porn is addictive because it is loaded with suggestion for instance..and tied to pleasure brain chemicals...
to the point where it is called'
"weaponized" porn

TV in general, though softer, is still evil evil stuff
even these new lights that are being legislated as the only lights you can buy in some places
and the smart electronics and the Elctromagnetic output from them is effective apparantly...

do you get immersed in TV? thats hypnotism.
(just sayin)

Ever been to a hypnotist comedy show?
don't feel too safe because a very popular suggestion is that :
While believing you can't be and aren't hypnotized
you will do exactly as I say

When you see the word "Mensroom" you will suddenly wake up
and remember everthing I made you think feel and do
especially the part where I made you think your penise had disappeared...

edit on 30-6-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-6-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by Danbones

Well, Im sure I cant be hypnotized. Ive never been to a stage show, but Ive had hypnotists try. I have trust issues, apparently, or at least thats what one said. Im also not susceptible to ads, likely for the same reason. Food ads come the closest, but only if I am already hungry.

And no, I dont get immersed in TV. I watch it, but I dont disappear in it, and Im one of those annoying people pointing out the logical problems with TV and movie plots because I am constantly analyzing what I am seeing rather than being "in" it.

Nor does my brain ever get drunk. My body does, and I will slur or vomit, or lose balance if I drank enough, (which I dont anymore, whats the point if you dont have the loss of metal awareness of what an idiot you are being most people do or the seeming euphoria of the dancing on the table sorts). And thats only the substance we can discuss here. Some people just dont disappear into altered states that easily. If I am conscious, Im aware. I can be drugged to unconsciousness, (as in for a surgery) but there is no la la mental state between awake and asleep for me. Sedatives tend to make me sleepy, but not fog my brain.

Im sure Im not the only one. Human beings vary in susceptibility to all sorts of things, and while it may be very fair to say "most" people, its just not factually correct to say we all are.

Edit to add, And this;

When you see the word "Mensroom" you will suddenly wake up
and remember everthing I made you think feel and do
especially the part where I made you think your penise had disappeared...

Is so much funnier than you might realize.

edit on 30-6-2011 by Illusionsaregrander because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:49 AM
seems weird that he was hypnotizing students but i highly doubt it had anything to do with their death

that is the same as saying 3 people died after visiting walmart today, or 3 people die after playing xbox, you could say that about almost anything, but it doesn't mean it had anything to do with their death

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:15 AM
I dont' know if any of you are movie buffs, but it reminded me of a movie called Dead Again.

It's a great thriller, and there is a characher that hypnotizes (sp) people.. It is really worth seeing.

Back on topic.

Could this all be some sort of cowinkadink? Maybe.. but one does have to admit there are a lot of odd things to this whole story.

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