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are HERE any non-american 9/11 Official Story Believers?

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:48 PM
im really wondering about that...

I simply can not get my mind around that anyone would still believe the OS , but trying to understand it - this was the only answer i could come up with ; the indoctrination (false patriotism i.e) sits deeper than expected...

furhtermore just a minute ago i saw a "gold level contributor" stating that until recently even he believed the OS...this is just mindboggling for me on a webpage like this....hence why i started this thread-

so are there any non-american (and no affiliations whatsoever) ATS Members who believe in the official Story of 9/11? ...

I would bet that there are none, and if so - this should make some people re-think i guess...

feel free to prove me wrong, this is nothing more then a guess/theory

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Acetradamus

I'd say half of Canadians believe it from my personal experience.

I should actually clarify, no Canadian under 30 that I have talked about this with believes the white house version of events. Half of the ones over 30 believe it down to the letter with a few admitting there's some holes but... "that's to preserve secrets that could lead to another attack" or something along those lines. Just my experience and my opinion.
edit on 25-6-2011 by DrunkNinja because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by DrunkNinja

I`d refer to every nation in the north american union as affiliated with the U.S

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by Acetradamus

Really ? because in Canada we don't see ourselves as Americans and our immigration policies aren't exactly American friendly, ask any American's on ATS that are trying to get a visa, or citizenship.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Acetradamus

feel free to prove me wrong, this is nothing more then a guess/theory

I feel that you have failed to prove anything.

Opinions are like azzholes around here. Everybody has one.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:00 PM
There are many anomalies not properly (or cleverly) explained concerning the OS of 9-11. WTC 7's inexplicable collapse. Freefall collapse of the towers. A military/civilian exercise going on during 9-11 concerning the hijacking of planes. Images of strange fuselages on one of the planes. The Pentagon damage being completely NOT caused by an airliner and the confiscation of all surveillance video that captured it. I can go on and on.

However, I must also state that one can be an American and a Patriot and still believe in the OS and government. The truth is that most people, most Americans **TRUST** their government. They believe what the news tells them 100%. They go to church, they have BBQs, they watch NASCAR, they play World of Warcraft, they love their children, etc. They just happened to have been blinded by their conditioning. But, they are indeed patriots and Americans. To believe the OS does not mean you are NOT American, a patriot. It just means they haven't critically, scientifically looked at all of the anomalies. And even if they think they have, some people will REFUSE to accept it because it turns their world upside down. But, I must defend them here. Just because they believe the OS doesn't mean they aren't good, patriotic citizens. IMHO.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by GhostLancer
There are many anomalies not properly (or cleverly) explained concerning the OS of 9-11. WTC 7's inexplicable collapse. Freefall collapse of the towers. A military/civilian exercise going on during 9-11 concerning the hijacking of planes. Images of strange fuselages on one of the planes. The Pentagon damage being completely NOT caused by an airliner and the confiscation of all surveillance video that captured it. I can go on and on.

However, I must also state that one can be an American and a Patriot and still believe in the OS and government. The truth is that most people, most Americans **TRUST** their government. They believe what the news tells them 100%. They go to church, they have BBQs, they watch NASCAR, they play World of Warcraft, they love their children, etc. They just happened to have been blinded by their conditioning. But, they are indeed patriots and Americans. To believe the OS does not mean you are NOT American, a patriot. It just means they haven't critically, scientifically looked at all of the anomalies. And even if they think they have, some people will REFUSE to accept it because it turns their world upside down. But, I must defend them here. Just because they believe the OS doesn't mean they aren't good, patriotic citizens. IMHO.

That is definetly not what i meant and i totally agree with you on everything you said.

I was talking about that kind of indoctrination.


to that other guy with the clever "opinion" remark - this was is not an opinion - doesnt even make sense to have an "opinion" about it- it was a mere question /theory ...and theories are to be right until proven wrong....or why was the earth flat...someone said so because he felt like it...


and to the canada bit being affiliated to the U.S - i just meant it strictly regarding that topic bc I believe the general canadian uses among the same media as the u.s citizen...i somehow tend to compare the relation from canada to america in that issue to austria and germany - superficially alike but totally different if you dig deeper...

edit on 25-6-2011 by Acetradamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by DrunkNinja
because in Canada we don't see ourselves as Americans

Yet you live in North America... or didnt you know that?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Acetradamus

Sorry for the reply because I am American, but I know amy people from around the world (business) and hardly anyone believes the OS. The people who do are usually really weird people to begin with-not to call people on here weird, but I have a thousand friends and about 10% of them believe the OS.
Keep talking about it! Don't let it die out! Put Bush in the spotlight on this, he killed his own people-Genocide! Genocide! Genocide!

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Acetradamus

Ya isn't it strange that a lot of people on ATS are wondering where all these people are coming from that don't believe in anything on this site, yet they post these replies to everything and give us the same old cover up BS.
911-American Genocide!

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Acetradamus

gday Acetradamus,

i live in Australia....a U.S. ally....
+ i was lucky enough to be watching TV that night and saw it all unfold...
+ gotta admit...i LOVED it...

didnt care who did it...just was fascinated watching america burn....sorry.

thats was always gunna happen though,
because u guys have been very busy BOMBING SO MANY other countries...

BUT back to topic,,, from the first instant,
i was thinking "dirty bomb" , maybe,,,


in such restricted airspace, etc etc

and why did the buildings fall down, SO QUICK etc etc????

anyway, u asked for it....

bottom line = i believe it was an INSIDE JOB...cia/ xyz whatever...
19 muslim men from afghanistan ???? no...


posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:48 PM
Speaking from an Australian point of view.

I believed it (the OS) for a while, then started to see more theories after a year or so, but only after I started researching UFO's & discovered the world of alternative (truthful) news.

Though several years ago I stopped watching any 'news' that still believes what some celebrity is wearing has any news value at all, I think I can confidently say that the Australian media doesnt say a word to dispute the official story.

Im sure there are those who could provide reports to prove me wrong & I'd be glad if that were true. I have raised the issue with numerous people & it is a concept they have serious trouble even considering, & thats people who do think outside the box, let alone the sheeple. I guess thats because our news is rubbish mostly. We dont have too many TV channels so there is plenty of 'wholesome' TV content (purchased from the US mainly) that fills our screens, they dont need to scramble to find content so anything 'alternative' never gets a chance. Sure we get the occasional bone thrown to us on various subjects, but mostly its just plain boring TV.

'In Plane Sight' has been aired a couple of times late at night over the years, but lets just say the copy I have is on VHS so its been a while.

The hardest thing people have comprehending is the 'Why would they do that' question, even though its blatantly obvious no plane hit the Pentagon, or when I point out numerous other facts. I guess we need something like C2C to head down here just so we can be exposed to alternative thinking for once.

I guess to help the message get out to the world there needs to be (& probably is) an 'Idiots Guide' that covers past false flags etc. Set all this out in simple to read, point by point facts, lead up to the big one of 9/11. Some of us know the history of all this self-sabotage, but most have no idea & that makes it a huge leap to accept the truth about 9/11.

I think you will find that most of the (non US hating) nations only hear what the White House wants us to hear & the truth is ridiculed in the media & by our politicians. I think we need to go back to baby steps, start from the beginning & work up to it all.

Edit: While watching 9/11 had that 'wow' factor that made you watch it over & over again, please dont think that the joy of 'watching America burn' is a popular thought down here. Australians died that day too, & our troops are in all these wars right now, getting killed along side the US, getting shot in the back by our 'friends' in the ANA inside our bases.
edit on 25/6/2011 by SNAFU38 because: (no reason given)

edit on 25/6/2011 by SNAFU38 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by spoor

No way ... I'm in North America ? Really ? The thread asks if non Americans believe the os... I gave my input and then get harassed because somehow American to you means North American ? and I realize that it says affiliates but I don't consider Canada an affiliate the way you do, and I was trying to get that point across as well as help a post that isn't getting responses. If you really want to get into it than Israel, Britain and really all of the Nato countries are affiliates. Really glad I bothered.

edit on 25-6-2011 by DrunkNinja because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:55 PM
I was watching the events of 911 unfold live on TV here in Australia, I saw the second tower get hit as it happened.

The first thing I said to my wife when we initially heard/saw the news report (after the first but before the second) was "They finally did it!"

There is good reason why I said this back then....

The Islamic extremist have been threatening this for many years before it happened - from what I understand the yanks had little to no idea that they were so disliked by the international community prior to 911 - because of USA's supply of weapons to the IDF whilst simultaneously turning a blind eye to how the IDF behaved WRT the Palestinians.

USA media ignored all the terrorist threats from the Islamic extremists for over twenty years and palmed it all off as "that would never happen to us". After all, the yanks were always stating the USA as being the "greatest country in the world", how could a bunch of terrorists living in caves ever stage an attack on US soil.

Sorry if I'm sounding negative(trolling) but I'm trying to paint a picture of the situation from foreign eyes.

After the fact (911) we all saw the Michael Moore video and the numerous people giving lectures on how it was all a big set up.

I was very dubious and still to this day question as to whether it actually was a set up because....

1)There is basically only circumstantial evidence for 911 being caused by the US government......Surely there would be at least one person who was involved/had access to documents that had a conscience. There are so many avenues of getting that sort of information out anonymously that I find it hard to believe that no-one had the balls to get the info out. Those who do stand up and say this is a big conspiracy theory are either not credible or not in a position to have been privy to the information and continue to tout circumstantial evidence.

2) I have studied the three towers collapsing pretty thoroughly and I personally consider them to be plausible as being caused by the two planes. If I was some "Joe Blow-in" straight off the street this would mean diddle, however, I am a university educated mechanical engineer and have a lot of experience modelling such scenarios. If you look at WTC 1 & 2 they are top down collapses (the exact opposite of how a building demolisher would bring down a building and exactly how I would expect the building to fail from the weakening of a fire. Given the damage caused from the 1st two collapses to wtc7 and the fact that the whole area is a swamp and is piss-poor(technical term
) as a building foundation, I also find it plausible that wtc7 went down without the use of explosives.

3) After the collapses, regular emergency workers were the ones sifting through the rubble. After a building is demolished with explosives there is always evidence of the blasting equipment used. For example scrap blasting caps, bits of scrap det-cord, det-cord joiners, etc. Surely the emergency workers sifting through the rubble would have found such evidence and it would have been plastered all over the MSM.

4) If the government really wanted to bring down the three WTC buildings ( 1, 2 & 7) why not just save a hell of a lot of hassle and use missiles. They could just as easily blame terrorists and it would require only a few key individuals to play it out. Using missiles would be a sure destruction of the buildings and cost very little compared to setting up already expensive planes with complex automation systems.

I doubt that the conspiracy theorists will like my opinion, but in all play this out as a government conspiracy would be a monumental task. However training a bunch of deluded Islamic extremists - who have a chip on their shoulder about the USA - to learn enough of the basics of flight, doesn't seem that "far fetched".
edit on 25/6/2011 by OccamAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:57 PM
North America: Mexico, Canada, United States of America, Belize, etc. List of sovereign states and dependent territories in North America

The Americas: Includes all of the above and Argentina, Columbia, Equador, New Guinea, U.S. Virgin Islands, etc. List of sovereign states and dependent territories in The Americas

According to the commonly held belief in the U.S. School System, in 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed he ocean blue...
What I, as an U.S. citizen didn't learn, was that the Americas were named after Amerigo Vespucci, an Italian cartographer and explorer.
So for clarification, I believe the OP is refering to non-U.S. citizens.
If you were not born in the U.S. or do not have a citizenship in the U.S., then you post your opinion on the OP's topic.

Have fun guys.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Acetradamus

I live in Europe (no reason to get any more specific than that, given some of the stuff I've read).

And from what I've been able to read and study, and relying on what experts have said so far, I know that on 9/11/2001, 19 Arab hijackers, supported by Osama bin Ladens Al Qaeda "think tank" (for the lack of a better word, it's too losely knit to be a proper group), hijacked 4 commercial airliners, utilized the weakness in the NORAD procedures, and crashed them into the WTC towers, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, PA.

Subsequently, the WTC collapsed because of the fire and impact damages, sending debris flying in a variety of directions, starting fires and damageing nearby buildings. Part of the Pentagon also collapsed from the fire and impact damages there.

That's the overall gist of it. The extreme details will be discussed, and most of them will probably never been known in its entirety.

I used to be a truther, which I now recognise as being a sympton of BDS. I've seen the films, read the interviews, etc. but slowly I started to see the errors, lies, and leaps of logic in the arguments used by Truthers. And I now do my damn hardest in trying to open the eyes of other people, though I realise that a vast majority do not want to open them.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:32 PM
reply to post by roboe

I started to see the errors, lies, and leaps of logic in the arguments used by Truthers.

Yeah..forget about the holes in the OS, the lies out top brass spouted, the lack of an investigation, and all the other BS.
Its best to concentrate on a few for profit websites.

Makes sense.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:48 PM
>Iam from Norway.

I think the US let 911 happen.


Because of what the US knew about the attack prior to 911. And all the warnings they received prior to 911.
The US acts as they never new a damn thing.

The information that was in the PDB prior to 911 is what the >US now are using as a pretext for fighting terrorism.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by roboe

If you really expect people to believe what you write it first has to be plausible. There's where you're gonna' have a problem, because you look like the complete fool when you tell us you're ok with the 'collapse' of bldg. 7. Do you really expect us to believe you?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:22 PM
Here majority of my countrymen from Macedonia dont believe in OS...simply because of one fact ...they cant comprehend that 19 araps with box cutters will able to carry that attacks.

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