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Technological advancement, our history according to the Bible and what we find today.-Theory

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posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:26 PM
To start off these are just some thoughts I have been tossing around and it is in no way a complete summation. I did a quick search but wasn't even sure what to look for so please move to where it belongs.

But let's cut to the chase, this is meant to put some thoughts I've been having out there for others to ponder as well. It's like a rough draft that needs to be fleshed out.

I've seen several posts that are drawing conclusions about the age of humanity versus the age of supposed relics like suggested in these threads where it's claimed that ancient formations are not natural, possibly man-made.

Ok, perhaps someone was around longer than we were supposed to exist according to the bible. (I'll let you check your own sources for this one, go to Genesis and do some reading-Masoretic text I think)

This is a timeline according to the bible.

Adam lived 130 years and then fathered Seth.
Seth lived 105 years and then fathered Enos.
Enos lived 90 years and then fathered Kenan.
Kenan lived 70 years and then fathered Mahalelal?
Mahalelal lived 65 years and then fathered Jared.
Jared lived 162 years and then fathered Enoch.
Enoch lived 65 years and then fathered Methusaleh.
Methusaleh lived 960+ years and was "taken" with the flood happening shortly there after.

That puts us at roughly 1650+ years of evolution and development prior to an extinction level event. The flood is a world wide event that is recognized by cultures spanning the globe. I'll let ATS'rs debate that elsewhere.

Making a jump here, let's imagine the creator is exactly that, a creator. Doesn't have to be some all knowing being that has been here on the planet forever. Men were known to be gods at one point in time. Let's suppose this creator was simply more advanced than man was at that time and would be viewed as a god by those not as advanced.

Look at some of the leaps we have made from a technology standpoint in relatively short periods of time.

I was thinking at the time some of these ancient structures were built, the human race could have had access to technology that was beyond our current know how. We have made such strides in recent years that have become mainstream, who knows what we aren't being shown. If you follow the bible and the story about the tower of Babel. Quick Summary Imagine what a different world it would be if we all spoke the same language and worked together as a team instead of against each other? How much did this slow down our progress? Division amongst your allies is a warfare tactic...We could have been someone's science project and the bible is just an accounting of how it was fixed (along with a biased rendering of how it actually happened).

Anyways putting all of that together it seems like we were much more advanced, particularly in terms of being at one with the earth and nature instead of destroying it. It seems like the creator made a mistake and wanted to fix it before it spiraled out of control and here we are picking up the pieces trying to figure out what our true history is.

Thanks for taking the time to read it, I left out so many ideas but wanted to keep it to a bare bones list of ideas. I'll try and clean this up and expound as time allows.

edit on 20-6-2011 by QuietSpeech because: spelling

edit on 20-6-2011 by QuietSpeech because: typo

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 07:52 PM
I have been putting some research together myself along the same lines and, in my personal opinion, i believe that humans have been around much longer than "history" would tell us. That being said, when we look at ancient civilizations and their architecture, its not hard to conclude that they had access to technology(knowledge) that we do not have available today if modern technology still cant figure out how the giza pyramids were constructed.

The pyramids are just one example.
There are thousands of stone megalithic sites around the world that we cannot figure out how they were constructed, or what their purposes were.

Architecture on its own is just one part of history that modern technology cannot resolve. This says a lot.
It says that ancient civilizations knew much more than we do now, which also means that current civilizations have yet to reach the same point.

Everything is cyclical.
With death comes new life.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 08:19 PM
I like this stuff, but we can only base technology on our current knowledge. I don’t think a more advanced society then we have come before us, but, that’s not to say we could understand their form of technology.
Our ancestors dealt with nature in a different way than we do. Perhaps they new ways of making nature herself do all the work. We are only just beginning to understand some of the properties in plants and bugs and #. We now they did surgery and I might add, used the sharpest knife know (obsidian).
Maybe stones are easy to move and cut. We would do it with brute force; maybe they knew a better way.
I recently read, on this site about a bird that uses some kind of leaf to assist it in tunneling into stone. It apparently rubs the leaf on the cliff a few times then pecks at it and the rock apparently melts away, (turns to clay) the bird does this a number of times and then, there you go a hole in solid rock. Pretty cool.
So if you didn’t have other distractions and time on your hands. What could you find by studding nature around you?
From some of the things I’ve read, I’m sure they had light. Not fire light, some kind of luminous material or plant chemical reaction.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 08:21 PM
what has this to do with geo-engineering or chemtrails??

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Paul47

I didn't know about the obsidian but I did come across that thread with the bird and stone which explained some of the detail in much of the ancient stonework. As far as history goes we seem to name different ages in the way of, Iron, Copper, Steel....the Stone age. I agree we knew the simple answer from nature at one point in time, now we seem to force things rather than using a type of synergy.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 08:45 PM
Any topic such as this should include research into the Atlantians and their famous city. It's strange how such an advanced civilization documented from a number of sources just up and vanished and destroyed their civilization without leaving a trace.

I believe if you solve this mystery you will solve the mystery of humanity's past.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

Sorry, wrong forum!

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:49 AM
I had a heck of a time finding your thread again. I, too, would have put it in GEO-ENGINEERING but, I guess, that's just right brain function in a left brain world.

5 or 9 years ago as I was driving up to Taos in New Mexico for the first time I was struck by the formations and had a feeling of entering a place which still spoke of the power that had once been there. There were the Sipapu whose ancestors came out of a hole in the ground. There was Blue Mountain recently returned to the indigenous tribes but not before being scanned by some government agency which discovered anomalies relating to less dense areas within the mountain than should have been there. Caverns have to exist if the people came out of a hole in the ground and menace had to exist to drive them there to begin with.

Every time I drive the highway between Los Angeles and Las Vegas I am struck by the immensity of destruction to the landscape that is still not recovered. Weapons that our civilization, advanced in war as we are, couldn't even begin to comprehend.

It always makes me think of some sort of eternal cycle of trying to get it right.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

The more threads I read, and unfortunately that is all I can do, it appears that there has been an ongoing cycle. I just find it so hard to believe that we've only been here for as long as the bible says. The winner rewrites history, did we lose to ourselves, an alien race, were we a biological experiment? It seems that the mounting evidence is pushing to us being on this planet for a very long time. What would be the reason for this? It almost seems like we are still in a dark age of a sort.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by QuietSpeech
reply to post by luxordelphi

The more threads I read, and unfortunately that is all I can do, it appears that there has been an ongoing cycle. I just find it so hard to believe that we've only been here for as long as the bible says. The winner rewrites history, did we lose to ourselves, an alien race, were we a biological experiment? It seems that the mounting evidence is pushing to us being on this planet for a very long time. What would be the reason for this? It almost seems like we are still in a dark age of a sort.

Faith comes from God and if you're looking for faith you're not going to find it in extinction level events - you have to pray for it. Linear time is an illusion and time itself is an illusion: all it describes is change in a physical world. The Bible clearly describes 2 cataclysmic events: the flood and the exodus. The exodus is described in great detail in a number of old testament books. I recently re-read all the books having to do with the exodus because the things happening in the world today are in many ways so similar to then.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 05:52 AM

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by madnessinmysoul

Although I feel this is probably best added to a different thread, I don't see how your post pertained to the topic. However in reply, please explain to me why we don't use only a certain percentage of our brain. I was under the impression Darwinism stated that we progressed by adapting for survival. How does an overly large head account for that? Redundancy?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 01:49 PM
When the bible was written only the rich or the religious elite could read and Wright.
The bible is a book of stories that the rich or religious elite deemed safe to pass on. What they didn’t want people to know about they left out, and probably destroyed. The bible is not the work of god it is the words of the rich. Propaganda is not a new thing.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by Paul47

where is your evidence??

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by QuietSpeech
Look at some of the leaps we have made from a technology standpoint in relatively short periods of time.

My great grandfather was born in 1883 and lived to be 103 years old. I used to go talk to him and he would tell us about how he used to ride a horse and wagon with his father into "Indian territory" (Oklahoma) to gather firewood, and how the streets of Fort Worth were just dirt and the sidewalks were made of wood. No one had cars, airplanes, movies, a telephone, television. People didn't even have light bulbs and had to light their homes with candles or oil lanterns. None of the stuff we take for granted today existed. Can you even imagine? What we think of as a roughing it in a camping trip was just every-day life. It still blows my mind that I personally talked to someone that grew up without any of these things.

We used to visit him a few times a month and he was more than happy to tell us stories about his youth. I used to think that the guy was older than Moses. Even WW II seems like ancient history to me but then there I was having a conversation with someone that was too old to be drafted in World War I.
He saw so many new things and it was funny hearing about the first airplane he saw, the first car and how they scared the horses. Having electricity was cool but he believed that the greatest invention was the cotton combine that would harvest the miles of cotton crops without manual labor. He never would accept that people actually reached the moon. He just didn't think it was possible. Can we even fathom what a mind-blowing change the world made during his lifetime? I can't even imagine how different things were when he died and when he was born. (And no he wasn't even born in a hospital according to my mother.) So look at this, the change of the world during one man's life. It's really hard to comprehend how crazy this all sounds unless you personally talk to someone who went though this.

All of this is to say, (IMHO) if you think that humans have been around for 400,000 years you're living in a delusional reality. There's no way that we can make such rapid changes in such a short time and still say that we sat around campfires with no civilization for the first 90,000 years before *poof* we had an idea on how to grow things and became farmers. Even if you want to take the approach that there is no God and that humans just evolved naturally it sounds almost fairy tale like when it's explained. Even by modern science standards we go from millions of years of being primate-like and yet we somehow something snapped and we changed.

For millions of years all humans, early and modern alike, had to find their own food. They spent a large part of each day gathering plants and hunting or scavenging animals. Then, within just the past 12,000 years, our species, Homo sapiens, made the transition to producing food and changing our surroundings.

All of this would seem to indicate that if humans are capable of such rapid change, then why did it take so long for them to rapidly start to change. Why did we move around at 5 mph for 1 million years and then inside of about 10,000 years go to 80 mph and now within another 100 years go from 80 to 20,000 mph? Someone has been playing in the sandbox and messing around with reality. This just isn't reasonable.

Originally posted by QuietSpeech
Imagine what a different world it would be if we all spoke the same language and worked together as a team instead of against each other? How much did this slow down our progress? Division amongst your allies is a warfare tactic...We could have been someone's science project and the bible is just an accounting of how it was fixed (along with a biased rendering of how it actually happened).

Yes, you're correct. And that is why I think in the last several thousand years technology has progressed as slowly as it did. There have always been smart people throughout time but they were unable to share this information across the globe to others who might find it useful. It's as if we were all trying to solve the puzzle separately. Now however conquests like the British empire have once again united the world with a common language where we can share information with each other. Try solving a 1,000 piece puzzle alone and then do it with a couple friends. Adding 1 more person doesn't cut the time in half, it more than cuts the time in half. It's almost as if human knowledge is exponential when it is combined. We went from rubbing stick together to make fire, to splitting atomic molecules.

Mixing up languages and breaking down the collective effort via culture differences would be a fantastic means of checking the pace of the growth of knowledge. It has been the brake on the scientific field for thousands of years.

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