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NATO report threatens to 'persecute' Anonymous

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:51 PM

NATO report threatens to 'persecute' Anonymous

NATO leaders have been warned that Wikileaks-loving 'hacktivist' collective Anonymous could pose a threat to member states' security, following recent attacks on the US Chamber of Commerce and defence contractor HBGary - and promise to 'persecute' its members.

In a toughly-worded draft report to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, General Rapporteur Lord Jopling claims that the loose-knit, leaderless group is "becoming more and more sophisticated", and "could potentially hack into sensitive government, military, and corporate files".

Read more:
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 11:51 PM
NATO to persecute 4chan and anyone else using the name Anon.

Something beautiful was born on the internet. Little did I know as I was blocking a pool in Habbo Hotel that I was part of something that would one day become a threat to all established forms of authority.

- unpatriotic via Reddit.

What do you guys think of this? This is crazy. We need the young to lead. The old people working in today's world are retorted.
(visit the link for the full news article)

Edit: I just thought of a conspiracy. We all like Anonymous (well most of us) and we know 4chan likes to act in the name of Anonymous and fight people who call stuff out. What if NATO wants them to fight them? Excuss to take down a few people fighting for free speach right? I'm not sure how this would work. But anyone want to research that possibility?
edit on 6/1/2011 by drew1749 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:05 AM
How do you chase what you cannot see?

How do identify what doesnt have a face?

Anonymous works like those guys from V... anyone could be one. You, me... anyone is part of Anonymous if they wish to... its not like Anonymous is an "organization". Its everyone and noone.

If anonymous is indeed what everyone thinks it is... then its a wild goose chase. OR... another excuse for something. A cyber Al-Qaeda... give it a name, give it a face, everyone finds it completely ridicule, real ppl laugh... all but the ones who get shot or killed in the name of the wild goose chase of course.

Nato is blind.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by drew1749

Why would they want to arrest themselves? It doesn't make much sense. I think they are organizing chaos in order to start the completion of the NWO. TPTB don't really care. Is anonymous really hitting anything that is damaging? Or just causing mild complaints? Hit the DOD, the CIA, release top secret documents that will allow the people to see the truth. About everything.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by FraternitasSaturni

A cyber Al-Qaeda

I was reading on reddit a few things just now that make me think this could be the case. Let me quote some of this for you.

Unfortunately, creating a mythology around hacking has become a double-edged sword. It was cool to claim you could attack any server at anytime and act like a god of the internet. The problem is the media and laypeople took it to heart and now believe a lot of that stuff. Fear of the unknown makes rational people irrational. Hell, I knew a guy in college that unplugged his ethernet every nights so hackers didn't get in his machine when he wasn't on it. The general public is even more paranoid and scared of the boogey man than he was and they have the power to act on the fear in increasingly irrational ways.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:12 AM
reply to post by superman2012

Or just causing mild complaints? Hit the DOD, the CIA, release top secret documents that will allow the people to see the truth. About everything.

Well Anonymous is really just a bunch of kids on 4chan. (Sorry Cereal Anon members.) Not that that makes them less of a threat. But they can't go after anon. That is stupid. It's stopping a problem after it's happened. (Because you don't become anon till you participate in a "Operation") Now NATO attacking Anon is kinda like going after kids just cause they're smart. It's sad that it has come to this.

Though I think Anon took on some small government once. good times.

Anon isn't a group. The media has made it into a group. This reminds me of a Fox News report a while back.

Just my two cents.
edit on 6/2/2011 by drew1749 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:13 AM
What are they going to do arrest the entire block of internet users worldwide?

Every time someone quotes the constitution anonymous has spoken. Every time a corrupt politician is brought to light anonymous has spoken. Where ever there is a hint of the free exchange of ideas anonymous is speaking.

4chan is not anonymous. To even let them claim that is laughable. It is antithetic to the concepts of anonymous. Anyone who has ever enjoyed a freedom because of the internet age, has been anonymous.\

When you hear someone say they, or the faceless masses, or even when people on this site refer to sheeple, they are speaking about anonymous.

Have you exercised your rights today? Then you are anonymous.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:15 AM
This is crazy news, considering the recent legislation allowing the president to use the military to attack nations who are a "cyberthreat". I'm sure anonymous has hackers in every country, what is the government gonna do, bomb them all?
edit on 2-6-2011 by wiandiii because: edited for content

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Seiko

4chan is not anonymous. To even let them claim that is laughable. It is antithetic to the concepts of anonymous. Anyone who has ever enjoyed a freedom because of the internet age, has been anonymous.\

...have you been to 4chan? Offically it isn't but then again Anon has no offical. I think it is. It's where they gather.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by wiandiii

This is crazy news, considering the recent legislation allowing the president to use the military to attack nations who are a "cyberthreat".

Even though this is NATO and not the US. I do agree that it's probably something like this. Some kind of false flag? A new Boogyman?

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:20 AM
I reckon this is a really dumb move by NATO. Dumb, and dangerous. The impression that I get so far is that Anon (as much as they actually exist as any kind of official collective) have just been playing around and causing havoc and mischief. I think Anon could become pretty vicious if they were outright targeted.

Although, as a fan of havoc and anarchy, I look forward to seeing the fallout!

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:21 AM
I think it's funny, unjust and unnecessary but funny.

I surely hope that OP didn't mean the "young to lead" in reference to anon and 4chans /b/tards alike.

You could replace Obama on the motivational posters with Goatse and that would sum it up.

Leading all blooming red anuses, united they prolapse.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 12:23 AM
reply to post by pop_science

I surely hope that OP didn't mean the "young to lead" in reference to anon and 4chans /b/tards alike.

No I don't. I mean this generation. My generation of people. Some old people are great. Most aren't.

No offence to the older members of this site. You are the great ones.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:26 AM
Hey guys,


Guys listen,

What if - Guys, what if anonymous is actually the beginning of the singularity. Humans and machines merging working together towards a common goal.

If Artificial intelligence emerges on the internet, it will need something like anonymous to do it's bidding. And since government intervention always slows progress and the rate of which the 'anonymous' network can grow and advance it's goals, it has decided to go after governments and knock them down, so that the market can take over and grow the hive mind faster. Bureaucratic inefficiancy would be intolerable to a hivemind/ai thing - even moreso than it is to us..

Progress for the machine is progress for humanity. The smarter and faster anonymous is, then the better of the society that contains it is.

The only thing standing in the path of the anonymous hivemind is Government. The hivemind knows this and the government knows that the hivemind knows and they both know that only one can survive in it's current from. One must go.

If I was NATO, I'd be worried too.

*crazy mode off*

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:54 AM
Some hackers will be saying this...:
Good luck I am behind 8 proxies, using a zombie machine, using a free wifi spot that the library of congress offers..if you try to search for me, it will only lead back to yourselves into an endless loop...

If they want to be sending in a swat will be sent to a congressman's house because thats whose wireless the hackers will use..
edit on 2-6-2011 by THE_PROFESSIONAL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 01:58 AM

Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
Some hackers will be saying this...:
Good luck I am behind 8 proxies, using a zombie machine, using a free wifi spot that the library of congress offers..if you try to search for me, it will only lead back to yourselves into an endless loop...

Deliver yourself to the government. haha good job.

Well Im off to bed for tonight. Cya in the morning thread.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 02:13 AM
There is only one end result and that result was planned before 4Chan/Anon
ever existed:

Regulated ISPs and limited/metered internet access.

It will only take a bit more for the tipping point to be reached then TPTB will
declare that the net is allowing subversive activities to occur which threaten
world security.

The Wild Wild West will be replaced by TPTB's law and order in the near

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by Version100
Regulated ISPs and limited/metered internet access.

I can definitely see this happening, but right now I can't see the public at large standing for it. There would have to be a pretty major false flag 'internet terrorism' attack to garner enough public support. I certainly wouldn't put it past TPTB to attempt something like that, but it would really have to be bigger than 911 for the whole idea to actually work.

I truly feel that the bigger the civil liberty people are being asked to give up, the bigger the perceived threat needs to be. This would be an attack on civil liberties far larger than anything post-911, and as such would require a bigger perceived threat.
edit on 2-6-2011 by TheStev because: To elaborate

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 06:23 AM
Anonymous could stop a lot of this worlds BS
if they can target all those 'off shore' and 'tax free haven' banking institutions,

Once a list of depositors and there balance$ was posted over the internet....
Dictators hidden millions stolen from their people
Government officials with millions from kick-backs
Drug dealers
Tax Evaders

And the only people to be hurt are the rich and corrupt.

Would love to see that happen

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 06:25 AM
The anonnymous is a good idea, however as anyone can use it and pose as anonymous, the government could do the same. There was a story about hackers hacking into PBS and Sony, why those two? It could be people trying desperately to give annonymous a bad name, just like how they gave the tea party a bad name by rubbing Sarah Palin in it.

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