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Just the facts maam ....

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posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:51 AM
Another fact , Global Warming is a hoax which has turned into a religion based on theological dogma and not scientific investigation .

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:39 AM
The world is flat- FACT!

...What do you mean it is not flat anymore... I thought it was a fact...

...I guess I need to get my facts updated...

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Before some of you say that this is a troll thread it is is a thread based on facts and unless there is actual proof otherwise they cannot be disputed. I am making it because people on this site are always making statements like they are facts.

In order to be disputed they must pass tests Scientific tests by well established companies, must also be reviewed by peers in order for tests to considered and since manipulation can happen with video and photo evidence...must also be included.

These are the facts and cannot be disputed.

Watch me dispute them

Fact # 1 Aliens flying around visiting this planet is not true.
Aliens of Ancient ChinaOf Emperors and Sky GodsThe Book of Enoch on Extraterrestrials

There is more evidence of aliens flying around visiting this planet than there is about God.
I will go with aliens first.
Problem is people want to say it's all fables and stories, yet they believe the bible word for word..

Fact # 2 Since Aliens are not her there are no abductees.

Say that to adbuctees!
Read this Alien Abduction in Italy: the sad story of Pier Fortunato Zanfretta

Here is a thread by Jkrog08 of the top 5 abduction cases Five of The Most Solid Abduction Accounts

My personal favorite is the Betty and Barney Hill incident. I first heard about it when I was a kid while watching "Unsolved Mysteries," and boy did Robert Stacks voice make these even creepier to watch!

Fact # 3 UFO's in Unidentified Flying Objects..not alien aircraft.

UFO's do exist but who pilots them is all speculation, but with all the evidence out there that people love to ignore I can't discount aliens piloting them. Although I feel most of what people see is our own craft being tested by our military. I have seen my fair share of UFO's, very cool to see yet kind of creepy at the same time because you wonder who is flying it! :O

Fact # 4 Ghost do not exist.

Well that just isn't true. I can take you to two houses where you will piss your pants when you see a ghost. The house I grew up in was haunted and I saw lots of creepy stuff there and the house next door was haunted as well. Also the house I lived in years ago I use to see my roommates wife who passed away. I had never seen her before and when I first saw her spirit or ghost and told my roommate what I saw he just about turned white as a ghost because I described his wife who had passed. She had on her nightgown that she always wore and he was shocked but not really since she did pass away in that house..

Fact # 5 People with ESP abilities do not exist.

Again I will disagree. I have always been very empathic and my intuition or psychic abilities with certain situations even creep me out at times, let alone my friends and family. IMO all these mind abilities are natural abilities we have but we have been kept from mastering them by TPTB. Gotta love flouride and what it does to your pineal gland!
Mysteries of The Pineal Gland

Fact # 6 Bigfoot does not exist ( although I, myself hope this is proven to untrue in the near future).

Personally I don't get into cryptozology but I don't see why he/she can't exist. There are all kinds of beings out there and well I think Harry exists (Harry and The Hendersons reference)

Fact # 7 Obama is an American Citizen.

I am not a birther and I don't get into this with people because the few times I have I felt like I was being attacked by vultures! My opinion is something isn't right. He has hidden his entire past and what for?? Why spend all that money to keep his past quiet? People only do that to hide things.

Fact # 8 9/11 was done by terrorists not an inside job.

Another one I don't get into on these boards, did once and OMG never again. I do not believe the official story and that is where I will leave it.

Fact # 9 The government does not watch your every move nor does it feel you are getting to close to the any truth,

If you have a FB they ARE watching your every move...Who you know, what you like, what you look like, where you go, who you hang out with. Your likes and dislikes. It's a great little data base to profile you

Damn there were more facts I had flying around in my head but once I start typing...poof it's gone..

These are facts people and yes you may disagree but as for the real world...this is what falls under facts.

I don't know if this was a joke thread or if you are serious and feel this way or if you are posting this in general BUT I felt the need to answer.

Think outside the box.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Listen I said..I wish some of these weren't facts but they are. If you think I am wrong then prove it to me. Not through youtube, blogs or biased websites...real proof.

Define proof?

What is proof?

Do you want to be abducted? I'm sure that can be arranged somehow...

Science isn't 100% fact either you do know that right. It's been proven wrong many times. Science is a human technique, we can be wrong.

Science said the earth was flat years ago, but its not it's round.

Proof is all around you but if you choose to ignore it because it's not broadcast on tv then that is your problem.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko

These are the facts and cannot be disputed.

Fact # 1 Aliens flying around visiting this planet is not true.

Fact # 2 Since Aliens are not her there are no abductees.

Fact # 3 UFO's in Unidentified Flying Objects..not alien aircraft.

Fact # 4 Ghost do not exist.

Fact # 5 People with ESP abilities do not exist.

Fact # 6 Bigfoot does not exist ( although I, myself hope this is proven to untrue in the near future).

Fact # 7 Obama is an American Citizen.

Fact # 8 9/11 was done by terrorists not an inside job.

Fact # 9 The government does not watch your every move nor does it feel you are getting to close to the any truth,

I believe that those statements are not undisputable facts, as you claim.
If you believe all of these things, then why did you join ATS?!?!?


posted on May, 31 2011 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by gimme_some_truth
Fact: ghosts do exist. I've seen them numerous times.

Fact: I do believe you are trolling

Fact: I am through with your thread.

Good day.
edit on 30-5-2011 by gimme_some_truth because: (no reason given)
well said

Wether you believe all these to be facts or not please dont impose your belief onto other people's. It is your 'opinion' that these 'facts' are 'facts' what is the point of this thread if you are saying these 'facts' can't be disputed???

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 11:36 AM
FACT 1: This thread will piss off lots of people, not only because they do not agree but because you are ordering them what is normal acceptable to think, and what is not. People here want to think freely. Once you attacked their freedom, they are pissed off.

Fact 2: To say that your facts are facts is pure state of believing. You don't have any proofs that can prove me your facts are true. On the other side of story, no fact from our side is acceptable by you.

You see, we are the same.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

Fact # 1 Aliens flying around visiting this planet is not true. PROVE IT!

Fact # 2 Since Aliens are not her there are no abductees. PROVE IT!

Fact # 3 UFO's in Unidentified Flying Objects..not alien aircraft. PROVE IT!

Fact # 4 Ghost do not exist. PROVE IT!

Fact # 5 People with ESP abilities do not exist. PROVE IT!

Fact # 6 Bigfoot does not exist ( although I, myself hope this is proven to untrue in the near future). PROVE IT!

Fact # 7 Obama is an American Citizen. PROVE IT!

Fact # 8 9/11 was done by terrorists not an inside job. PROVE IT!

Fact # 9 The government does not watch your every move nor does it feel you are getting to close to the any truth. AND PROVE IT!

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

Hrm...Ghosts don't exist? Too funny. How then would you explain that when I was a child/teenager, our walk up attic door would open and slam in the middle of the night, after everyone was asleep? A LOCKED door no less.

Case 2, how would you explain vacuum cleaners coming on, when in fact the cord is wrapped up on the machine, and not plugged in? A friend of mine had this happen, as well as someone cleaning up the house in the middle of the night, after the household was asleep. His then 3 year old sister actually drew a likeness of the lady believed to haunt the house, and I have pictures of the "orbs" that flew around the rooms when it was daylight.

What you are stating are OPINIONS, not facts. They may be "facts" as you see your own life and perception thereof, but they aren't facts to most of us, who have had other experiences in life.

It's not up to us to disprove you, it's up to you to convince us, by proof, that what you say are indeed "facts".


edit on 5/31/2011 by SweetKarma because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 01:26 PM
hmmm I have one question are these your truths or facts? Facts are tested not just believed that's why I ask. And if so how did you test the aliens flying around the earth one? and etc...

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 02:27 PM

Fact # 1 Aliens flying around visiting this planet is not true.

Whilst I believe that extra terrestrial life is possible, due to the sheer amount of distance between galaxies and stars within galaxies I don't think we are, or have, been visted

Fact # 2 Since Aliens are not her there are no abductees.

See point one

Fact # 3 UFO's in Unidentified Flying Objects..not alien aircraft.

Well yeah, that's the definition of a UFO

Fact # 4 Ghost do not exist.

I believe this to be true. Ghosts can be easily explained as infrasound wave induced hallucinations or hypnagogic hallucinations

Fact # 5 People with ESP abilities do not exist.

I have yet to see anyone prove that these abilities exist

Fact # 8 9/11 was done by terrorists not an inside job.

I used to believe that it was an inside job, now I do not. There are too many obvious loopholes in the conspiracy theory

Fact # 9 The government does not watch your every move

Our government sort of does with it's CCTV cameras
edit on 31/5/2011 by Griffo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Before some of you say that this is a troll thread it is is a thread based on facts and unless there is actual proof otherwise they cannot be disputed. I am making it because people on this site are always making statements like they are facts.

In order to be disputed they must pass tests Scientific tests by well established companies, must also be reviewed by peers in order for tests to considered and since manipulation can happen with video and photo evidence...must also be included.

These are the facts and cannot be disputed.

Fact # 1 Aliens flying around visiting this planet is not true. And your proof is...? They could have visited us thousands of years ago and the people worshipped them as their Gods.

Fact # 2 Since Aliens are not her there are no abductees. I could agree with you on that as some people do fake abductions to get attention

Fact # 3 UFO's in Unidentified Flying Objects..not alien aircraft. If I were an alien, I wouldn't want to try gain attention to myself if I were to visit an unknown (possibily hostile) planet.

Fact # 4 Ghost do not exist. This I can agree with you

Fact # 5 People with ESP abilities do not exist. What science cannot explain is often discarded if they do not have the right equipment to test this, but ESP abilities are very real although not very prevalant...

Fact # 6 Bigfoot does not exist ( although I, myself hope this is proven to untrue in the near future). I think Big Foot is just one large gorilla. Nothing special about that.

Fact # 7 Obama is an American Citizen. True.

Fact # 8 9/11 was done by terrorists not an inside job. Oh how wrong you are on this one!

Fact # 9 The government does not watch your every move nor does it feel you are getting to close to the any truth, This made me laugh hard due to the fact that you know so little.

Damn there were more facts I had flying around in my head but once I start typing...poof it's gone..

These are facts people and yes you may disagree but as for the real world...this is what falls under facts.

Also placed it in skunkworks had no idea where else it would go.

edit on 31-5-2011 by CasiusIgnoranze because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by kerazeesicko

Fact: You are brainwashed and this thread is pointless...

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Before some of you say that this is a troll thread it is is a thread based on facts and unless there is actual proof otherwise they cannot be disputed. I am making it because people on this site are always making statements like they are facts.

In order to be disputed they must pass tests Scientific tests by well established companies, must also be reviewed by peers in order for tests to considered and since manipulation can happen with video and photo evidence...must also be included.

These are the facts and cannot be disputed.

Fact # 1 Aliens flying around visiting this planet is not true.

Fact # 2 Since Aliens are not her there are no abductees.

Fact # 3 UFO's in Unidentified Flying Objects..not alien aircraft.

Fact # 4 Ghost do not exist.

Fact # 5 People with ESP abilities do not exist.

Fact # 6 Bigfoot does not exist ( although I, myself hope this is proven to untrue in the near future).

Fact # 7 Obama is an American Citizen.

Fact # 8 9/11 was done by terrorists not an inside job.

Fact # 9 The government does not watch your every move nor does it feel you are getting to close to the any truth,

Damn there were more facts I had flying around in my head but once I start typing...poof it's gone..

These are facts people and yes you may disagree but as for the real world...this is what falls under facts.

Also placed it in skunkworks had no idea where else it would go.

FACT: None of your facts can be proven or dis-proven beyond reasonable doubt. You are one of these people: ' I am making it because people on this site are always making statements like they are facts.'

Nice one smartie.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

you have disputed nothing. You have done exactly what I asked not be done. You have given me either links to biased websites, given me a personal story and etc...

I asked for irrefutable proof that can be tested time and time again and have the same results.

Everything I have given you can be tested over and over and will get the same result....therefore...most if not all can be duplicated in a lab..

SETI has been looking for alien life...and have gotten no replies...they do this time and time again and get the same result.

Prove aliens aren't here? about go outside and see if you can spot an alien with one or at least photograph/video can't...guess what you can do this time and time again.

As for the whole God issue...I wish there was an afterlife..otherwise what is the point....but as can duplicate the religious experience time and time again in a lab.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by Griffo

See this is what I am trying to say..but instead of actually trying to understand..they get defensive and feel as if I am threatening their belief system.

I said that I had created this thread to let people know you cannot make statements as facts unless they are facts.

What I have given you are facts......they can be tested time and time again...and will always get the same result

Will it always be?..only time will tell.
edit on 31-5-2011 by kerazeesicko because: (no reason given)

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