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Proof that C/2010 X1 is not a Comet as US Govt/NASA states, but is something extremley larger in mas

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posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by my3911
I have been researching this for over a year and have decided to provide undeniable proof that our government/NASA is lying to us about the so called "comet" ELENIN (Extinction Level Event Niburu is Near),

First reply in the thread - "elenin was discovered less than a year ago"

OP's response - "The so called discoverer was made by someone that doesn't exist...."

...Indeed. Well then, that explains how you've been at it for over a year...

You have to appreciate the clever folks at NASA who encoded the truth into the comet's name. It's not like you could turn just any word into an acronym... Or could you?

A) Distant celestial bodies don't cause earthquakes on earth. There have been periods of greater seismic activity that were more intense than during your alignment week (5/10-5/17) with no relationship to elenin. There have also been periods of less activity since then, despite elenin being closer.

B) The moon has a gravitation effect on the earth. Hence, the tides. If elenin was exerting a similar or stronger force, wouldn't we see a dramatic effect on the tides? Wouldn't the forces cancel out or amplify eachother?

C) Lots of things happened the week of 5/10-5/17. How can you argue that this "alignment" caused the increase in earthquakes? Correlation is not causation, patterns exist everywhere, and in order to make the argument that you're making, you would need a lot more than a single pair of coinciding events.

D) You briefly address the scale of the conspiracy that would be necessary in order to hide an incoming star from the large and well equiped astronomical community. Who are the astronomers that are disappearing? You argue that the astronomers funded by the government won't talk because of that relationship. Tell me this, why would they care about their funding if civilization is going to be destroyed?

This is utter nonsense. If you decide that I must be psyops because I disagree with you, at least address my points.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:30 AM
Hold your head up OP, the Shills come out in full force when Elenin is mentioned, especially when "the acronym" is mentioned, that drives 'em crazy

Anyways, what is the exact date of the next big alignment, 9/11 ? If there aren't major quakes that day, then we can all laugh and make fun then...

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by OnceReturned

A solid argument you have here and again I hope you are right as all the others that are attempting to discredit me. I could sit here and type up logical responses to your statements, but I really don't have time. I have made my point for now and I will post more data in the next few months on this thread and again, I hope I am wrong, but only time will tell.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by my3911
reply to post by chr0naut

Thanks for the info.. .but I have question for you. How do you explain the continuous and obvious blockage from Google sky of this "comet"? Why would they block the coordinates of "comet" ELENIN? The obvious answer is; there is something they don't want us to see.

Google sky isn't real time. The images are from 1958. And before Elenin was discovered, the doomsday crowd was claiming it was Nibrui being blocked. Busy piece of sky.

The claim of censorship fails because the data are available from the Space Science Telescope Institute as well as The data is over 50 years old, so whatever a censor was hiding would have had to have been visible at that point. Also, censorship conspiracies are dubious from a practical standpoint, because hiding something in software does nothing toward hiding it in the actual sky, as people (including astronomers) can simply look up at supposedly “censored” regions of the heavens.
This article will even give you a link to Sky Map (which someone posted in this thread) which shows you what is in the box.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:39 AM
reply to post by Signals

If I remember correctly, the next alignment with Earth, Venus, C/2010 X1 and our Sun is on June 19th, 2011. I will be paying close attention the seismic data that week and post my results here. For the sake of us all, I hope we don't see a significant increase of earthquake activity as we did during 5/10 - 5/17.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:48 AM

Originally posted by my3911
reply to post by Char-Lee

As far as the photos you posted go, I have seen the same thing... see my previous thread here. Photo

If you can see the video
When he changes the colors on those photos especially the one at the end there is a big thing looks like a planet there...sure seems real and not fake... Need to have someone who knows use his photos...check
edit on 30-5-2011 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Weird that there is a big red block in that video stating that it's a lens flare through the entire video. I don't think the person who posted this video would have done that. It's really crazy how all these videos are getting deleted or blocked out like the one you just posted.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee


You have linked the video that DEBUNKED that ignorant fool, and his "investigation" of a (
) "invisible star"!

Wow..that alone, is worth its weight in comedy gold! "Invisible star"!! Priceless....

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

Why is "invisble star" so funny?

They certainly do exist...

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

When i watched it I got chills I am not easily impressed I just want so bad for someone with photo knowelege to look at it and the original photos. I saved the photos in case they are taken too, if someone wants them and they are gone..
Actually it looks more planet like then star like.

edit on 30-5-2011 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Signals
reply to post by weedwhacker

Why is "invisble star" so funny?

They certainly do exist...

You do realize what that article is talking about is celestial bodies that (at the very least) are outside our solar system and (at the very most) are billions and billions of light years away?

Hardly something to duct tape you windows over.... Which I think is what this whole thread is about....

The YouTube video of the "invisible star" was a lens flare. So it was invisible, in that it didn't exist. As WW said... Comedic Gold.

edit on 30-5-2011 by boncho because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Well.....what you must do then, is take some time to research how the original maker of the video used the image processing program, and what adjusting the *color* balances did to the image.

Short answer: What he did, DID NOT *reveal* something that was hidden!

That claim is pure bunk. He got video noise, in the image, from over-saturating it.

In any case, the assertions of a massive *something* there, a celestial body in that proximity to the Sun is rubbish. Anyone with a fourth-grade level of astronomy knowledge knows better.

Something, that "huge", if it were on the opposite side of the Sun, would be obvious, as it would reflect the sunlight, and be seen clearly.

Something on *this side* would be limned, around its rim, with sunlight. AND, the orbits of Mercury, and even Venus, would have shown signs of disruption....a large, massive body wold have a devastating gravitational effect on would also affect the Sun, if it were, indeed, as *close* as indicated in that stupid video.

The orbits of Mercury and Venus are is, the Sun.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by Char-Lee

Well.....what you must do then, is take some time to research how the original maker of the video used the image processing program, and what adjusting the *color* balances did to the image.

Short answer: What he did, DID NOT *reveal* something that was hidden!

That claim is pure bunk. He got video noise, in the image, from over-saturating it.

In any case, the assertions of a massive *something* there, a celestial body in that proximity to the Sun is rubbish. Anyone with a fourth-grade level of astronomy knowledge knows better.

Something, that "huge", if it were on the opposite side of the Sun, would be obvious, as it would reflect the sunlight, and be seen clearly.

Something on *this side* would be limned, around its rim, with sunlight. AND, the orbits of Mercury, and even Venus, would have shown signs of disruption....a large, massive body wold have a devastating gravitational effect on would also affect the Sun, if it were, indeed, as *close* as indicated in that stupid video.

The orbits of Mercury and Venus are is, the Sun.

Why don't they remove the label on it so people can watch his process? So they can see it debunked? I can tell you it is NOT a lens flare, and even what you are saying is not lens flare...
Why would saturting a photo show a round ball clear and plain when everything else is normal still in the photo, only the white glow of the sun is reduced?
Something about this is chilling and i feel scared for the first time, I am a sane and calm person, I don't jump at all the stupid stuff out there and believe it, this was different...and i think if you could watch it you would agree.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by my3911

I do believe that something is headed our way, but I had an idea that may coincide with your post or be a part of something else . Do you or anyone else think that the "Dance of the planets" may have had an effect on the spike in earthquakes? When I heard about Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Venus coming together like this- I thought we may see an increase in the amount earthquakes and bad storms. If your earthquake analysis is correct, then during the week of the 33% spike, these planets were also at their closest. Though I know it is spring and bad weather can be expected, we did have the deadliest tornado outbreak in decades. Just thought that the four planets gravitational pull combined may effect our pressure system some how resulting in the increased activity.


posted on May, 30 2011 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by isthisreallife
Okay I just want to point out of couple of things that stuck out at me:

1) Your alignment data doesn't even mention the Earth. Why would this possibly affect Earth's Seismic activity? That makes little sense to me.

2) If this object is large enough to affect the Earth, as you insist, why have no astronomers spotted it? If this thing is large enough to cause a what 33% increase in earthquakes, wouldn't hundreds of astronomers around the world have spotted this? And please do not say it is TPTB censoring media.

3) Why is Earth the only planet affected? This object is coming from Pluto's direction, or the Kuiper belt region. Wouldn't this have thrown off the orbits of other planets? Wouldn't its gravitational pull have sent astroids from the Astroid Belt towards us? Wouldn't it have affected weather patterns on Saturn or Jupiter?

Just my initial impressions. Not meant to bash.

Its temperature is too low to to be able to see easily. Earth wasnt the only planet effected either. About two weeks before this article was released Elenin, the sun and Mars had an alignment..

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Brown dwarfs are hard to detect even in infra-red, although progress has been made. This NASA extrapolation explains why. It is not dated but was modified in 2007.

There has been the recent news concerning free-floating planets,

There is also those free-floating brown dwarfs that have already been discovered some time ago,

To counter, brown dwarfs mass, big as it is, may not be great enough to exert gravitational forces on its own, and I don't know what the combined effect of a companion BD with our sun would be, This useful link is to "Nemesis" which is thought to be a sun companion, or rather near our solar system,

It's all food for thought, and nothing should be dismissed out of hand, but you really have to make your own mind up.

edit on 30-5-2011 by smurfy because: Amended text.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by captainKing098 simply are not understanding what you read!!!:

Its temperature is too low to to be able to see easily.

That is talking about such objects that are NOT NEAR ANOTHER STAR!! If such a thing were IN our Solar System, the Sun's light would reflect off of it!!! Just as we can see Venus, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, etc.
But, such an object, out in DEEP space, is much harder to *spot* and detect.

Earth wasnt the only planet effected either.

READ more carefully, again....the article on Mars talks about events in its ANCIENT past!!!! Examining possible reasons why its atmosphere is so thin, now. Things that happened millions or BILLIONS of years ago!

Do try to pay closer attention....this topic is full of these sorts of misunderstandings, and this is what leads to the FEAR-mongering...

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

That is talking about such objects that are NOT NEAR ANOTHER STAR!! If such a thing were IN our Solar System, the Sun's light would reflect off of it!!!

The sun would not reflect off of it. Brown Dwarfs absorb light, they do not reflect light. This is why it is only visible in the infrared spectrum. Look it up.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by my3911

The sun would not reflect off of it. Brown Dwarfs absorb light, they do not reflect light. This is why it is only visible in the infrared spectrum. Look it up.

They do not absorb light. Here:

Observational techniques

Estimated relative size of the planet Jupiter and brown dwarfs Gliese 229B and Teide 1
Coronagraphs have recently been used to detect faint objects orbiting bright visible stars, including Gliese 229B.
Sensitive telescopes equipped with charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have been used to search distant star clusters for faint objects, including Teide 1.
Wide-field searches have identified individual faint objects, such as Kelu-1 (30 ly away)


Please, please do some actual research instead of parroting things you've seen on YouTube.

Edit to add: Infrared light is light. The reason they emit infrared radiation is because they are warm.
edit on 30-5-2011 by DJW001 because: Edit to add additional material.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by my3911
4/25 - 5/1 - 34 Earthquakes at 5.0 or greater (No Alignments with C/2010 X1)
5/2 - 5/9 - 36 Earthquakes at 5.0 or greater (No Alignments with C/2010 X1)
5/10 - 5/17 - 58 Earthquakes at 5.0 or greater (Sun and Venus align with C/2010 X1)
5/18 - 5/25 - 32 Earthquakes at 5.0 or greater (No Alignments with C/2010 X1)

See the pattern here?

I don't mean to sound obnoxious here, I enjoyed the way you wrote the rest of this post but I don't understand how you can call this a pattern. If you only have it aligning with the Earth once, how can you see a pattern emerging?

Peace out.

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