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Scientists reverse stance on sun and cancer: Now they admit sunlight can prevent skin cancer

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posted on May, 27 2011 @ 02:48 PM
Okay, the reason I posted this, was because of all the fuss regarding the damage caused by the Sun and the fact that Government Health Departments have pushed the agenda for totally covering up.

As most have said on here, moderation is key. But then again moderation is key in life right?

Anyway, I will be keeping an eye on how Government Health Department's advice changes after this report has been published. We do need sunlight to assist in promoting Vitamin D within the body, it's important for our immune systems. They have known this all along, yet decided to use scare mongering tactics.

Sure, I will not be taking medical advice from a Journal, but I certainly will not be taking it from my so called Government. Peace.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:11 PM
As some of you have already pointed out, the real reason for the perceived flip-flop is the media. Scientists simply produce data that shows correlations. Then they test...and test...and test, again. It's the journalists that read the abstract of a study that may say something like...

"Preliminary data suggest that moderate exposure to mid-daylight sun rays without burning is not inherently dangerous. In fact, although statistically insignificant, there was a slight negative correlation between moderate-heavy exposure without burning and cancer incidence, suggesting sunbathing may actually be healthy. Further research is warranted, however, to address the confounding issues."

...and turn it into this....

"Scientists were wrong all along! New study proves sun bathing actually PREVENTS CANCER!"

Then public health authorities pick it up and run with it.

The REAL scientists are still trying to prove their own data wrong while idiots and politicians ( know, politicians can't simply say..."Well, we're not too sure...." as that mindset loses elections) are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

No need to blame it on the science. Blame it on the journalists and the politicians (and to a few greedy scientists, perhaps).
edit on 27-5-2011 by DevolutionEvolvd because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 09:36 PM
A few weeks ago I was diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency. This is because I am a redhead from the UK, now living in California, and as a result I usually wear spf110 cream whenever I go out.

I am now taking a vitamin D3 supplement twice a day.

You can either take vit D3 (has to be D3, vitamin supplements marked just vitamin D or D2 are not absorbed by the body very well)

The other option is to make sure you get 10 mins worth of direct sunlight on your face and arms a day (not through windows) Just 10 mins is supposed to get you enough vit D for the day. If you are dark skinned, up it to 20mins. After that you can put on suncream.

It is not advised you lay in the sun with no protection for hours at a time as this CAN cause skin cancer.

So... it's a bit of both, we need vitamin D, but it only takes 10-20mins in the sun, rather than extended unprotected exposure which can lead to cancer.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:06 PM
It's commonly known that skin cancers have increased rates in those who work outdoors or get occasional high-intensity sun exposure. Sun burns also increase your chances. Generally, skin cancer is most common among older people who have fair skin. And it's more common for these types when they're closer to the equator. Tanning beds are another cultprit.

A person with light fair skin should work to get 10 to 15 minutes per day. The problem becomes when people get several hours. That's when skin cancer rates go way up and you have a chance to get it when your'e older. It also leads to premature aging of your skin, especially in those with light fair skin. For comparison, look at dark skinned people versus light skin in the same region. Visible signs of skin aging are much more common among lighter skin persons. Darker skin people are much less likely to get skin cancer, but more likely to die fomr it when they do. Research suggests this is because since they're less likelyt to get it they're also less likely to catch the signs of it when it occurs thus only catching it when it's in its late stages - deadly combination.

More and more people are staying indoors and not getting enough sun. This IS a concern, especially for darker skinned people who might need a bit more than lighter skinned people. Research does suggest that not getting enough sunlight can harm you and this study shows that. I've seen a few others. Combine this with the rest of hte bad habits in our culture, like in the western diet, in lack of exercise and increased obesity (inflammation), too high fat caloric content, and you have a concoction that results in increased cancer rates.
edit on 27-5-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Cobaltic1978

Sure, I will not be taking medical advice from a Journal, but I certainly will not be taking it from my so called Government. Peace.

That makes sense.... Let's get our medical advice from strangers on the internet.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:04 PM
Of course everything in moderation,

but I love the sun. Don't overdo it obviously, but a nice 30 minutes under the sun is total meditation and healing.

I can feel the sun recharging my batteries so to speak. I always feel amazing after a quick lay down under the life giving sun.

Also, when you have a nice healthy tan, you look sexy. Oh yeah baby.

(stares at self in mirror)

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:21 PM
Am I in the right place? This is the conspiracy forum right? I'm surprised no one has mentioned the coincidence of this coming out shortly after an increase in radiation from a source other than the sun. Right after, in the scheme of things, that dumb ass Ann Coulteir went on prime-time news and told everybody not to worry, "those people in japan are lucky, radiation is good for you".

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:55 PM
The science and medical communities are paid to issue advice that is definitely going to make a portion of the population sick in the future in order to keep themselves employed.

They said butter was bad and to only use margarine and now they've backtracked and say butter is actually good and margarine will eventually clog your arteries and kill you. That huge segment of the population that ate all of that "I can't believe it's not butter" is going to be very sick in old age.

Sunlight in moderation for people with fair skin has never been that bad. What likely caused all of the skin cancer cases initially were people excessively sitting out in the sun with foil and baby oil from the 50's through the 70's. My mom's co-workers sister died of skin cancer due to that tanning method.

Now since the 80's and upward, most of the sun block lotions actually have toxic ingredients that CAUSE skin cancer when activated by sunlight.

Best not to take health advice from people who work in a for-profit health industry, their vision for long-term profits will be at your expense.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:59 PM
Just one small thing you all need to consider. Premature aging from sun exposure. Picture all those leather faced sun bunnies past their prime, and you get the idea. I have seen sun worshipers 20 years younger than me with wrinkles. And I have none.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:18 AM
their saying that people with skin cancer respond well to vit. d phototherapy.. nothing new.. its well known people with certain types of cancer, and many other conditions, have trouble adsorbing and retaining the fat soluble vitamins (k,a,d,e) and they need to be supplemented to maintain adequate levels...

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Cryptonomicon
There must be a reason nicely tanned bodies "look" so much more attractive: There's a primal trigger telling us they are healthy.

Science is catching up to evolution.

edit on 27-5-2011 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)

Never thought about it that way... sounds logical

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by elouina
Just one small thing you all need to consider. Premature aging from sun exposure. Picture all those leather faced sun bunnies past their prime, and you get the idea. I have seen sun worshipers 20 years younger than me with wrinkles. And I have none.

No reason you have to bake your self like a potato chip, just 30 minutes will do your body good.
People that are orange look wrong.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 01:02 AM
By the end of the day, they are just another gang running an empire for the club members, those who get to join have pass tests and pay the fees to the educational gang so they can obtain membership. Think for your selves believe half of what you see and little of what you hear. Its all about their own agendas and who is paying their bills.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Chewlip
So... it's a bit of both, we need vitamin D, but it only takes 10-20mins in the sun, rather than extended unprotected exposure which can lead to cancer.

Well, that's a bit simplistic.

It depends on the latitude, time of year, time of day, skin pigmentation and amount of exposed skin. Ideally, for optimal Vitamin D synthesis:

- the sun should be at its highest point in the sky (between 11am and 3pm)

- one must be closer to the equator. So, in the U.S., the southern states.

- the summer months allow for the more direct sunlight (directly overhead).

- one must have relatively light skin

- men should be shirtless; women should wear bikinis

In those conditions, 12-20 minutes of direct sunlight would be sufficient. Darker skin, northern latitudes, winter months and later exposure times will undoubtedly increase exposure time for optimal vitamin d synthesis.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by Cryptonomicon
There must be a reason nicely tanned bodies "look" so much more attractive: There's a primal trigger telling us they are healthy.

edit on 27-5-2011 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)

but then why do whites hate blacks and brown people because of the color of their skin?

surely blackness and browness is caused by the sun?

somebody said australians will turn black after a few more generations due to the sun?

how will australians cope with that?

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by beckybecky

Originally posted by Cryptonomicon
There must be a reason nicely tanned bodies "look" so much more attractive: There's a primal trigger telling us they are healthy.

edit on 27-5-2011 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)

but then why do whites hate blacks and brown people because of the color of their skin?

surely blackness and browness is caused by the sun?

Say what?

I was making a generalized statement - of course there will be exceptions. That being said, any case of a white hating blacks (or vice versa) is attributable to cultural up bringing and socialization (i.e. racism) - not to natural instincts simply because mixed race cultures have only been around for 6000 years or so - not enough time for that to evolve (assuming there's even a logical reason for it to do so, which I strongly doubt).

Secondly, "blackness" or "brownness" of a persons skin is determined genetics, not the sun. Not directly anyways. While it is theorized that long term evolution in a certain climate might have an influence on skin tone of an isolated group of people, it's not the sun exposure levels which change the skin, it's natural selection which favors for a skin tone. DNA mutations are also a likely culprit.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 01:03 PM
Please don't misinterpret this information.
The sun is healthy in moderation, no scientist has made the claim that we are like vampires and two seconds in the sun would cause us to develop cancer.

Sunlight is good for you, we have always known that and accepted it. The only question was how much sunlight could a person soak up before the UV radiation dangers overcame the benefits from the vitamin D.

It is important to wear sunblock when you are outside for extended periods of time in direct sunlight to protect yourself from UVA and UVB radiation from the sun.

Yes, the sun does make you healthy and happy, but you have to limit yourself.

Again, the scientific community has never said that you must hide inside and never go out into the sun...

Be safe, get outside, but use common sense and moderation.

Enjoy the summer everyone!

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Cryptonomicon

Originally posted by beckybecky

Originally posted by Cryptonomicon
There must be a reason nicely tanned bodies "look" so much more attractive: There's a primal trigger telling us they are healthy.

edit on 27-5-2011 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)

but then why do whites hate blacks and brown people because of the color of their skin?

surely blackness and browness is caused by the sun?

Secondly, "blackness" or "brownness" of a persons skin is determined genetics, not the sun.

that is totally wrong.i dont know what channel you watch but that is absurd.

everyone says skin color is caused by melantonin in the skin which is caused by the sun.

that is whites turn brown in the sun.because of melantonin produce by skin.

but what i don't understand why whites hate browns then rub suntan lotions and sprays to look brown.

it is just wrong.

white is the best color and is the dominating color.

every brown and black secretly craves to be white.

on discovery channel they said that in india many woman die as husbandless spinsters if there are too brown or black and that skin whitening creams are a multibillion $$$ industry.

my proposal is develop a white mandatory vaccine that will kill or destroy the melantonin in everyone brown/black and make them into proper whites.

this will stop wars and poverty and make blacks get back to work from welfare as they will no longer have the excuse they cant get jobs because they are black.

just imagine africa and asia full of white people no more browns and blacks anymore thus eliminating poverty,injustice and bringing peace to the whole planet.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by beckybecky

Explain to me then how an African baby, who has *never* been exposed to the sun, is dark brown at birth?

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978

Too much vitamin D in pill form is not good for your health because we were mean to take it with the sun rays.

Still if anybody has taken the time to find out the history of why we have become a sun hating nation from a loving one back in the 60s just look at the sun tanning empire humble beginnings, perhaps a stroll on copertone history line will refresh and open the eyes of those that had not clue how sun tanning lotions became the skin preserver for Americas scaremongering about skin cancer.

Now we are no only deficient on vitamin D but we are suffering more with arthritis and osteoporosis, both are aggravated by lack of vitamin D.

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