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It's official, GOD was a space alien, and NOT our real creator

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posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Sounds almost like psychology to me!

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by PrimePorkchop
reply to post by itsthetooth

I invite ANYONE to give me one shred of evidence, please prove me wrong. And don't say you feel Jesus in your heart. This is a work in progress people.

I invite YOU to give me *one* shred of evidence that you're right. Just one. That is all.

Read the kj version of the first part of the ezekiel chapter.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by NuclearMitochondria
itsthetooth, up for some discussion on the post I left? Yes or no? I see you're still here so I'm just curious if you still want to talk about stuff.

I'm sorry repies are growing so rapidly I can't keep up.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by AQuestion
reply to post by itsthetooth

Dear itsthetooth,

Too many things to respond to so I will pick one. You summarize what the aliens do, how it is harmful and mean. Jacque Vallee stated that they resembled the story of demons. Jacque Vallee has determined that their machines seem interdemensional rather than alien. That creates a problem. If you accept alternate universes as being real then you have already accepted that there can be a spiritual realm. If you do not know of Mr. Vallee, he is the French scientist being imitated in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and worked with Hyneck on project Blue Book.

Who would have guessed, wow. It's a scary thing for me to understand and to be honest I'm not sure if my pea brain can grasp it. It's just to deep for me.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:52 AM
It seems that it was not till human evolved that on Earth at least, the Beauty of the Earth and Creation could be seem and relized.
I don't think a honey bee sees the beauty in the flower only the nectar, although I have seen the smile on the face of a young stallion, beholding a few young fillies.I can't repeat what he said.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
ok so wow i had quite a few questions for you but i read your whole post and forgot them all except a couple. btw i haven't read all of the posts as the op tired me out lol
Do you have any sources for the missing timeline in our history?
Google Lloyd Pye DNA, listen about mtdna.

i've never heard that we (todays homo) was around 300,000 ( no 200,000) years ago. And i would also like your source on that our junk dna isn't from here.All in the same vid.
btw the we only use 10% of our brain originates from some author in the 70s i believe. there no truth to it a google search we show that.(no big deal just thought i'd share.) Well its thought there is a misunderstanding in how much of the brain we use versus the performance or capacity, or speed.
not to be a pest just without sources were just taking your word and that isn't a option on a forum like this. you might as well be saying your J.C and you've only just figured out how get AOL dial up to work

P.S i have tried to read the bible so many times and i've never really got past the first bit, so i can say with confidence that our race(according to the bible) didn;t just start with adam and eve they had children and god put down more people to mate with.
edit on 15-5-2011 by Bixxi3 because: sp

I can only hope your right.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:54 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

(Replying to original post from OP)

1. In genesis it makes it clear that people existed before Adam and Eve(Neanderthals, Cro Mags and a newly discovered human species that lived alongside them).

2. Humans(Homo Sapiens Sapiens) would make horrible slaves for any duration of time. If humanity was ever enslaved eventually we would revolt(incidentally that is how some of the major super powers in Human history got their start, as slaves. Romans where enslaved for a time by the Etruscan[best example of what would happen if aliens tried to enslave us).

3. The ultimate cop out, "God works in mysterious way's". God just used aliens to create/manipulate or advance us.

4) God and Gold are Germanic words....

5) I think it is possible, or rather would be an unsurprising revelation that our ancestors(Adam and Eve lineage) where intergalactic warmongers.

6) I think it is more then likely that our species knocked ourselves back into the stone age a few times(there is some evidence of ancient nuclear wars, the genetic mutations could be from radiation)

Lastly according to some claims the greys only showed up since around the 13th century(assuming the information is accurate and that the greys exist), which is oddly the same time of the start of the Bubonic Plague that brought Europe to it's knees...............

But honestly who knows? What matters is that we are here now. We must hold our ideals in our hearts and strive to do the right thing as we see it.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:54 AM
Interesting thread... Too bad you have NO FACTUAL information to prove your thesis... Provde one link at least that detests that we were the spawn of some space monkeys...LOL!!!!! Why then have they FOUND the ark on mount ararat? Why then have they found jesus's cloth he was wrapped in? Why then is the no mentioning of aliens in the bible? Your thread is insulting towards the christian religion as a whole. All these threads about aliens and the end of the world is preparing people for the 2012 catalyst that will introduce the NWO. Please read up about project blue beam, it is real and it is going to happen. HAARP have confirmed what they are capable of by hitting haiti and japan, the koran speaks of a 3rd earthquake which is to hit... We have already had 2, then the staging of the false christ who will decend and fool mankind, when everyone believes they have been left behind after the false rapture has taken place, Matreiya will come forth.... This is a tropic that deserves it's own thread... This is not the place... What I am trying to say is, why would the huge corporates stage such an event if religion is fake? There is too much evidence in the world to say your statements are correct.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Sounds almost like psychology to me!
Heathen! more LOL haha

I cant help it...Ive always been drawn to observe and try to understand people. After going through alot of experiences myself....psychology became a passion. Not stick by the book psychology...but how the brain works and what the mind is capable of. For example...why we dream or hallucinate or can create a experience that seems very real.

I little psychology with a little spiritual mixed in. I believe we are cable of all of these things...for good reasons. I think when people have experiences, like aliens or what ever....I think its their inner being, their unconscious desires and fears...feeding the consciousness. Then I like to challenge such ideas or challenge what they believe to be 'fact'.

But like I said...its been a while since I joined such a topic...but was fun (even though my challenges were ignored) while it lasted.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by jaydeePNW
Lets define "official". It, by most people (which makes it official), is the common acceptance of something for a organisation or group. So what in the original post is commonly accepted to everyone on this website to make it official? Being it is posted on this website then the majority here would have to accept the original post as fact to make it official.

So unless we take a pole and the majority accept God not only exists but is also an alien then it cannot be official on this website.

God is supposed to be the creator so how can God be defined as an alien to begin with if God created everything.... Or is there more definitions of God that are "official".

Well its more like his title was declassified and the official comes from reading black and white out of the bible. I'm just bringing to attention and what it means.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by star in a jar
One theory why we have thousands of genetic defects while most other living organisms on Earth has a few or none between them is because we were engineered using various alien races with native Earthlings because our 'Gods' needed a more intelligent species to mine gold from the Earth.

Our 'Gods' lacked technology to build complex robots but it was easier for them to perform genetic engineering and the 'product' would be able to replicate.

There may have been power struggles as it is hinted in the Bible and our 'Gods' were sent away packing, paving the way for other alien races to exploit Earth.

I find the theory that states the reptilians have since taken over Earth and the reason why Earth seems to be such a messed up place of negativity is because reptilians feed off negative energies, an interesting theory, with certain lightweight evidence existing of this.

Perhaps the reptilians have always been here, long before the 'Gods' from Orion or Sirius came.

Could be complete rubbish though. I have a feeling that only those who are in the highest of security clearances know the truth though- if we can get it from them.
edit on 15-5-2011 by star in a jar because: (no reason given)

Actually it sounds like your dead on, and its what scares me. A friend of mine also believes strongly in what your saying about the reptilians, and he even told me they extract Luch out of our brains. OMG. I hate this.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Bixxi3
well i couldn't be bothered to wait so heres what i found about junk dna and alien life. the only evidence i can find is from art bell and other conspiracy sites. and i also found this

Then the story began to unravel. For one thing, the professor alleged to have been the guiding hand behind the discover, Dr. Sam Chang, turned out to be fictitious, at least, as far as the Human Genome Project was concerned:

WTH, WTH, WTH, is that it ???????????????????????? I Wanna know !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:02 AM

edit on 16-5-2011 by hackimus because: ...

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
The mind is a curious and powerful thing and we know this for a fact from our dreams and our need to express through imagination/art. We have a need, to create, through expressions, of ourselves, of our desires, of our fears, of our ideals. The mind, us as beings, must express.

OP you may ask yourself...why is it that in that a few thousand years ago...the ones that took on the belief of angels, was able to see angels. Have angels now gone extinct? Or could there be a deeply conscious connection through what we believe, what we desire, ways we use to relieve stress or feelings, to us creating a experience similar to the way we experience things in our dreams.

Did you know that one can dream, while awake? That the brain can act in the same ways it does during dream state, while we are awake? There is a name for it...I will have to look it up.

What I find strange is that the group of people that experience aliens...have similar personality types, are open to 'new age' kind of thinking, and this is similar to the idea of when people used to see angels, they had a 'preconceived idea or belief' or was at least open to it....before the experience happened.

How do we really know that our brain/mind does not create things for reasons we just dont understand yet?

When someone experiences a traumatic experience...they are more likely to have a spiritual experience out of the blue. It seems to be related to their need of being comforted or loved. Can we really say the experience is as real as the world we see with our eyes and feel with our hands? Can we really say that this is not our mind 'creating'....doing what it does please our desires, our needs, even to challenge or feed, our fears?

To to express...and I think the mind expresses itself in many ways.

I think when we look at a unique experience of a individual...we are actually looking into them, their desires, their fears, their ideals.

I think we naturally evolved here on this earth and are very much of this earth and I also dont think this leaves out room for a 'spirit' of all things.

Maybe we just need to relook at our common definition of 'god'. Maybe God is not something that is separate from us at all...maybe its not something that sits around making decisions or choices...maybe its as natural as a seed that blooms in spring and then hibernates through winter.

Im not saying I dont think there is not other life out there some where....but I dont think they are visiting us.

Dreams and experiences have one thing in common...they are built upon 'preconceived images or ideas' in ones mind. Built upon a belief, something they read, something they watched on tv or movie, something someone else has mentioned to them.

It could be that we create remain...dreamers. If we could not would we ever create anything or improve anything?

I think we limit imagination and the need to express...way too much. Dreaming and creating is what makes us so amazing amongst the kingdom of creatures.

I find it no happenstance either that once one has a experience...if they liked it...they can keep inducing experiences when they seek them.

There is a majority that enjoys having an experience because it makes them fill like there is some sort of worth to they have been able to have something that others do not have...some have the need to 'be different'. Its known in eastern mystics that experiences can be addictive and that many cant get past the level of having experiences because its so fulfilling to the 'self' that they would rather keep having the experiences then try to understand the messages going on between their unconsciousness and consciousness. It is a spiritual thing...experiences...but its not from something outside of us or separate from us....its from within us.

But those who are enjoying the 'experiences' wont be able to even consider that this could be the case. I know...because I was one of them. Experiences were filling me, the self, with some sort of 'worth'. Facing the psychological issue of it all was not easy...but thankfully, it helped me in spirit, understand me as a being of spirit and understand the oneness we are all of.

You can tap into anything. Depends though what you are in need of and how open you can let your mind be.

Just all relates to 'you' on a deeper level then what meets the 'minds eye'. The question is...can you stand outside of the experience and see the message, see what the unconsciousness is relaying to the consciousness...what does it show about yourself, about your desires, your ideals, your fears.

Angels are becoming extinct in the 'minds eye' while aliens are the 'new image' mankinds 'eye' seems to relate to for translating 'messages' to itself.

My best

Angels are aliens, well at least in the bible anyhow.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:04 AM
You have an interesting post with many interesting arguments. I would like to question the argument that "The Bible" accurate or even plausible. I am not an Athiest myself now am I a Christian. I feel like many of our ancient stories passed from generation to generation ( like The Bible ) have been distorted and are only remnents of the truth.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
reply to post by itsthetooth

Jesus was not concerned about powers...that is what man wanted him to be.

Man doesnt like the idea that he taught under trees, on the side of the road, didnt want any money, and had no need for fancy things.

He taught humility...not power.

Of course he did, because that's all you have without power.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:05 AM
I would strongly advise the OP to stop reading books for a while. Go camping, connect with nature...look at how life is connected, how life must have life to live...its all one big circle, its beautiful. Appreciate that you are of the phase of being that can observe, be aware, dream, and imagine.

Things are not meant to be 'perfect' like a bliss existence. There is purpose in everything, even disease and death. There are more answers in nature and life itself..then in any book. That is the 'secret'.

I think such still written in my signature.

Supposedly , it was words spoken by Jesus....but dont take my work for that. It matters not who said matters if one can understand it and see it for being a truth.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

I agree with you. I personally would love to believe in god and everything that comes with god.
But i just can't. I would state my reasons but i don't want too be to offensive in this thread.
I also see science as flawed. But i tend to be able to have "faith" in science since its well...

The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:06 AM

Originally posted by JAGx1981
Another '' official '' GOD has been finally unmasked to us all thread. Give me a break, take a look around you everyday you awake, look around, stop and stare, you'll see God and the Devil everyday.

So all other living things that don't look anything like god, what about them? Are they just left to figure it out?

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:08 AM
reply to post by itsthetooth

Angels are aliens, well at least in the bible anyhow.

But thousands of years ago when people claimed to experience a 'angel' they did not describe it looking like what man describes as aliens today. The described them, with the preconceived 'image' they had in their minds, with a little personal creativity added to it.

This is what Im trying to tell you....aliens is the 'new fad' for the image of 'experiences'. As religions seem to loose foothold...a 'new image' takes hold in mankinds 'eye'.

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