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New 'Birth Certificate' Anomalies Inexplicable- No Way an X is an H

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:15 PM
I do agree that judging small errors in documents like mistaking a stamped H for X can be up for debate. What shouldn't be up for debate is whether or not someone's intelligence should be questioned because they question what they are told. Our intelligence can only be increased by learning all that we can about any given topic. If the information is there, it is our right to judge for ourselves how process said information.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by blivey

When someone starts poring over the pixels of a PDF document, because of their intense need to believe that their president is not their president, and when doing so causes them to ignore all the other important stuff going on around them, then there are two possible diagnoses.

1) Stupidity
2) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Obsessive-Compulsive people exhibit intense ritualized behavior under certain stimuli. They really have no control over it. Most sufferers (and yes, they suffer, it's an intensely stressful disorder) are fully aware that they have a problem, and many seek help to deal with it. Given these features of the disorder, I think we can rule it out for most instances of Birtherism.

But maybe - just maybe - it's not lack of intelligence, just a lack of meaningful awareness. You know the caricature of "trekkies" one finds in sitcoms and movies? The little nerd in spock ears and starfleet uniform who has memorized the pattern of lights flashing on Ltn. Uhura's console in every episode of ST:TOS, but can't for the life of him figure out how to interact with other human beings or pay a phone bill? Maybe that's more like the birthers' outlook - so narrowly and utterly focused on the minutiae of something that, in all honesty exists only in their own collective imaginations, that they can't be bothered to notice actual events around them.

I think i'll start calling them "birthies"

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:39 PM
I admit to getting really excited about this stuff this morning for the first time since I never really investigated the birther issue or the LFBC. But I just did some experiments on another thread and posted my findings and methods.

You can see anomalies pop up like the 'X' and 'H' switcharoos. I posted the originally scanned document and all the optimization. Then the anomalies appeared and I swear I did not alter the document in any way.

So I am left to believe it really is nothing and just a case of scanning/optimizing. Nothing nefarious or evidence of manipulation.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 02:41 PM
Here are the links to the tests we did. BH helped me a lot since I became totally lost at one point. lol

The original jpeg form we created:

Screen shot of it converted to PDF:

Screen shot of it opened in Illustrator:


We replicated the different colored fonts, pixelated vs. non pixelated text, and received layers automatically generated from a previously flat image. If you look at all the screen shots above, compared to the original jpeg scan and the final illustrator images, you will also see certain letters look different compared to the 'x' and 'h' example in this thread. 'By Hour Or Salary' looks like 'By Xour or Salary.'

Do with the info what you will:

edit on 5/13/2011 by AshleyD because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/13/2011 by AshleyD because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by aptness

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
'True copy or abstract' - means that it is 'derived' or 'abstracted' from the original - it is not 'proof' of anything other than the original documents whatever they are contain damaging or incriminating information, and that the media refuses to uncover the truth on this!
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Can you address the fact that you posted a satirical article, making fun of the birthers, as supporting your claims? If you are this easily fooled, why should we take anything you say seriously?

Well - my apologies I didnt notice the 'almost factual news'. buried at the bottom.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood

Originally posted by aptness

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
'True copy or abstract' - means that it is 'derived' or 'abstracted' from the original - it is not 'proof' of anything other than the original documents whatever they are contain damaging or incriminating information, and that the media refuses to uncover the truth on this!
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Can you address the fact that you posted a satirical article, making fun of the birthers, as supporting your claims? If you are this easily fooled, why should we take anything you say seriously?

Well - my apologies I didnt notice the 'almost factual news'. buried at the bottom.

But you can notice slight irregularities in pixels/shades/font/ etc. on a digital document and determine it is a forgery?

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Thank you AshleyD for taking the time and effort to perform your tests!!!! Unfortunately, it won't make the slightest difference to the hard core birthers. Because ya know, he did spend 5million $ to hide it lol.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

I applaud you on your work and on your open-mindedness to reevaluate your position.

Too bad the birthers will look at your post and your moderator status, and claim it as proof the Marxist in Chief has compromised the high ranks of AboveTopSecret.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:47 PM
Excellent! The read my material on the 'TXE' document that I sent.

temperamental those rubber stamps are....

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:19 PM
I like just keeping an open mind about things and maintaining neutrality instead of being a 'birther' or 'BC believer.' Both sides of the argument are damaging if one is not willing to at least listen to the other. No need to make fun of anyone from either side as a birther or believer.

Just dissect the evidence as it comes.

Who knows if the BC is real or not. But I have to say I am now convinced it is not a hoax based on the stated anomalies since those were explained away.

Going back into my hole now. lol Never paid much attention to the whole thing but admit my senses perked up this morning after reading some threads on it and seeing a video explaining why it was a hoax.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:44 PM
I think while the AshleyD replication worked it in no way explains the issue.

Replicating an entire line of pixelated text is not any form of logical explanation as to why the entire meaning of the certification stamp changed through a single pixelated letter when 96 other letters in the very same stamp were not affected. Several being dark as well.

Sorry, just not buying it.

(but it was a great replication and would have proven the point if the other letters in the same line were unaffected during the test. Props for the try.)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 07:04 PM
I believe Osama's death was a cover up for Obamas birth certificate. We need to focus our sights on this more.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by Warpthal
I believe Osama's death was a cover up for Obamas birth certificate. We need to focus our sights on this more.

Timing is everything. Brainwashing is easy. Simple repetition.

People should stop with the 9/11 stuff too and change the name the media and govt gave it............

Back to 9/10. The day 3 trillion dollars was reported missing.

9/10 terrorist looting.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by Avenginggecko

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Yup, I think it is you that needs to stfu. That is obviously an X. At least on this planet it is. Now the Obama lovers CHANGE the English language, too! CHANGE you can believe in, if your a moronic idiot, yep. :shk:

I think you forgot to call them morans, too.

How do you not see that the picture in question is an H? Have you ever worked with type? Ink isn't uniformly pressed on a paper when you are dealing with a decidedly imperfect machine, and one that probably got a lot of usage as well.

I feel kind of sad for you.

How do you actually see an H should be the question. Compare it to any of the other Hs and let me know how many have a greater-than sign on the left side of them.

2nd ___
edit on 13-5-2011 by BrokenVisage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Hey TrueAmerican,

I believe we have debated this issue before with each other and it's always been fun, but can we be honest with each other and admit that this is no longer an issue worth our time? Even if you could prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that the BC is fake and Obama was born in Kenya, there is not a chance in Hades that it will make a difference at all.

Your source, WND, is a haven of partisan politics that gives no credence to the truth, but they do provide an outlet for "right wing extremists" such as Orly Taitz. You know who she is. I thought she would carry on about the BC issue until she died....but even with her radical beliefs she now thinks its best to "put it to rest".

What do you mean "a step"? Isn't this conclusive?
Well, as long as, in the sense that the experts are reviewing it, and as long as the experts are saying, "Yes, this is a genuine document that was created at the time [of Obama's birth]," I would say that that would put this issue to rest.


Move along my fellow American! Put your time and talents into something that will bare fruit, instead of a lost cause that even the instigators are moving away from. Obama is our president, and now it seems as though he is legit. We don't have to like it, including myself, but time will remedy that situation as he is not dictator for life. Eventually he will be gone and we can argue over the BC of Donald Trump if you like.

Carry on...........

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

Well I hear you, but time won't remedy Terry Lakin's situation over this. He needs to know for sure. And so do I. I can produce my long form which has a raised seal, and there is no question whatsoever it's real. Which raises the additional question of "WHY did it take going to the State of Hawaii to get Obama's long form, and why did he not supply a pic of his ORIGINAL- the one that he himself received?" I mean everyone gets that eventually as you turn 18 and/or leave the nest.

I can also produce all my school records, no prob, and there is no secrecy. And there is no question of my father's citizenship either. This O-shama person has more issues surrounding his legitimacy than is acceptable. WAY too many. But what do you expect with meddling of the CIA in his mess? :shk: When enough smells like rotten fish, chances are the food is spoiled indeed.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

This is where we go wrong. I cannot produce my original BC. Hell, I don't even have a copy as far as I know. My SS# has several odd discrepancies and even though I graduated not too long ago, I don't even have a copy of my diploma. Still I have no problem getting a job or paying my taxes.

These things happen. If Obama is a liar, and a CIA plant, it wont matter because we will just claim the same thing about the next president....Democrat or Republican, but Obama will be gone.

As far as Terry Lakin: (Excuse me for being course, mods) Simply put, he is a pussy! My brother served two tours in Iraq and disagreed with both Bush and Obama. He didn't raise a fuss because he was there to fight and protect his fellow American soldiers. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the politics, Lakin's talents could be better served as a doctor saving soldier's lives, but instead he is using a political "misnomer" to back out of his commitments and would rather be known as a traitor than keep his promise to country and fellow Man.

Are the wars a complete sham? Yes! But as a "True American" he should honor his word and follow through on the promise he made to our armed forces!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by BrokenVisage
How do you actually see an H should be the question. Compare it to any of the other Hs and let me know how many have a greater-than sign on the left side of them.

2nd ___
edit on 13-5-2011 by BrokenVisage because: (no reason given)

Still not questioning the "F" in "OF" though?
Compare it to any of the other "F"s and let me know how many look like something completely different than an "F." I really believe you know better but are trying desperately to cling to this one. The stamp obviously smudged in that whole area. I am not even sure I understand what is being said here. Are you suggesting they carved a stamp with a X in it instead of an H? For what purpose? Why would the F be so off as well? Hitting the wrong key again and accidentally hit the torn flag key instead of "P." This entire argument has really gotten insane.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood

Well - my apologies I didnt notice the 'almost factual news'. buried at the bottom.

I really feel very strongly that this should be your signature for 6 months, the title of your thread, and the title of a new forum for threads just like it.
edit on 13-5-2011 by Runaway1977 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:30 PM
I'd rather have an entire government comprised of Kenyan citizens than deal with any more birthers

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