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Just accept it, we're due for disclosure

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posted on May, 8 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by NumberEight
I belive in Ufos, but why would disclosure be coming? You cant just say because it will, it doesnt work like that.

I think that Utd will win the Premier League this season, the probably will but they might not.

Nothing is certain about disclosure, no matter how many people scream over and over that its coming.

very good post because even if this person is a muppet , he knows in two hours time Chelsea win beat macn u and go on to win the premier league . And he probaly knows this

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Disclosure will happen as soon as the Pentagon Pedophiles and the Fed Reserve criminals are locked up and put away.

These Nazi Satan-worshipping child-raping criminals, their time is up! They've done a good job of stalling our victory!

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 09:56 AM
People have been talking about disclose "real soon now" for as long as I can recall.
The TV series "The X-Files" back in the early 1990's was said to be one of the things the government was doing to prepare the world for the idea of aliens so as not to prevent panic when disclosure occurs.
And I've been hearing it ever since.

Anyway, here is a posting to usenet newsgroups back in 1993 announcing disclosure "real soon now"...

This Awareness indicates that It sees such a time as possibly
occurring before the elections, or if not at that time, prior to June of '93;
that there could be other delays before such information is released.
It does not appear that any absolute release date has been chosen
for the disclosure of UFO presence on Earth but it does appear
that there has been a realization that information should be released
to the public under certain conditions, when proper.

Dont hold your breath.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:02 AM
We are overdue for Disclosure , it should really have happened decades ago ...but it didn't .
I doubt we will see any official governmental disclosure related to ET visitation or downed UFO's and there is nothing we can do about it .
The only people offering hopes for disclosure are the hucksters stirring the pot of self promotion and milking the cash cow of insider knowledge ... buy my book/DVD ... The everlasting hope of disclosure is coming to a book store near you

Sorry Pimander
, cant seem to keep away from disclosure threads

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Hitoshura

We know from the evidence that a shuttle most likely connects from Los Alamos to a research laboratory in northern New Mexico. Let's suggest that in the late 70s there was an alien habitat in this facility, would you be asking them to dig up the soil and present the location of its existence? I know it is likely that there was never an alien to base on the face of the earth, though evidence shows they may have bases on the moon but prefer to be close in underground bases on earth. The biggest shock of disclosure anybody could here is not the underground Dulce base story, but if EisenHower actually met and made agreements with aliens in the 50s. Aliens want to be kept a secret and that was part of their agreements, the US can never break an alien treaty. If aliens were based on some moon and performed all of their work from outerspace it would be much more easy for the government to have disclosure. In that case they would be trying to fight the aliens as we have some evidence of. Anyhow the government is likely to fight people of the world, so if your fighting aliens and your fighting people disclosure is the last thing you are even worried about.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:24 AM
It's funny that I've been reading the same thing on these boards for over 5 years. I don't believe disclosure will ever happen officially. We'll only truly believe it and accept it globally when there is irrefutable evidence that Extra Terrestrials have made contact. It'll take something so big that the Government aren't able to hide it in time, something that makes front page news on every paper and website. I doubt it'll happen in our lifetime to be honest.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:26 AM
Would love to see disclosure but unfortunately you will more than likely see foreclosure long before the little guys....

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:10 AM
Disclosure has been happening for years now...just little by little. I believe confirmation from our government is what people are looking for. Does anyone really believe this will happen from the Military Industrial Complex that is currently in place?

The only way I see this happening in the near future is if they land in Times Square in the middle of the day to say hi. Even then, Obama would probably come on the idiot box and tell everyone it was some Hollywood stunt...and enough people would believe him to cast doubt!

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Hitoshura

translation : you believe it , so it must be true - and we better beleive it too

Oh boo hoo. Get a grip.

Was just thinking too : have you noticed how if people like Vallee or Friedman say Aliens exist it's ok, but most others are nuts? Maybe if you're not a qualified scientist you just have to keep your mouth shut.
edit on 8-5-2011 by Hitoshura because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:29 AM

Originally posted by Hitoshura

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Hitoshura

translation : you believe it , so it must be true - and we better beleive it too

Oh boo hoo. Get a grip.

Was just thinking too : have you noticed how if people like Vallee or Friedman say Aliens exist it's ok, but most others are nuts? Maybe if you're not a qualified scientist you just have to keep your mouth shut.
edit on 8-5-2011 by Hitoshura because: (no reason given)

The problem really is if you want to remain a qualified scientist you just have to keep your mouth shut is what holds us back. When science was first sorta allowed by the church they said talk about anything... but leave the soul and god to us or die.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:15 PM
Come on. 13 Flags and a butt load of stars? For what is basically one member's OPINION. With NO sources. Ugh.
I am sobbing in my Fruity pebbles in disappointment. And I love me my Fruity Pebbles,
edit on 8/5/11 by 35Foxtrot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by 35Foxtrot

Ahhhh, a Intel guy. Y'all luv's y'all sources don't ya? Stop cryin' in your fruity pebbles, it dilutes the milk.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by 35Foxtrot
Come on. 13 Flags and a butt load of stars? For what is basically one member's OPINION. With NO sources. Ugh.
I am sobbing in my Fruity pebbles in disappointment. And I love me my Fruity Pebbles,
edit on 8/5/11 by 35Foxtrot because: (no reason given)

Here's a source : your intuition. Sorry it's not a nice little photo or youtube clip.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Hitoshura

Sorry. Your intuition doesn't hold much value for me; not knowing you and all. Maybe a corraborative source or someone else with some real info that could back you up?
Are you all really that gullible and/or non-critical. Come on!
I sinply asked for some concrete reason for your beliefs, and I get attacked as an intel agent (not that you're wrong, but that doesn;t make me any less or more critcial of gibberish.)

Throw some runes or soemthing and get back to us.
edit on 8/5/11 by 35Foxtrot because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/5/11 by 35Foxtrot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
reply to post by 35Foxtrot

Ahhhh, a Intel guy. Y'all luv's y'all sources don't ya? Stop cryin' in your fruity pebbles, it dilutes the milk.

I use Vodka in my pebbles, just like Barney.

Even Dino can smell the stink on the OPs conjecture.
edit on 8/5/11 by 35Foxtrot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 12:54 PM
I believe if extraterrestrial life wish to make contact with the population of earth, they will do so. I believe when the time comes, the government probably will have little power over it. I mean, if they have travelled here to earth for a specific reason which involves all of the human race and the governments wish for it not to happen, what are they going to do? The aliens aren't going to give up and go back to where ever they came from. They obviously have the power and technology to travel here, they are way ahead of us and I doubt the government would be able to stand in their way.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by galactictuan
Disclosure will happen as soon as the Pentagon Pedophiles and the Fed Reserve criminals are locked up and put away.

These Nazi Satan-worshipping child-raping criminals, their time is up! They've done a good job of stalling our victory!

I hope so. That would mean people were ready. There are no mistakes with this, every thought we have is monitored. And there were two possible timelines that I was shown, disclosure and a release of positive, clean advanced technology, equality, progression, a relieved and happy population, or cataclysm. Those two timelines.

We also need to go one step further, not just outline the negatives here, but start to envision and dream, ask for, pray for, write down, pin up on the wall, make murals/posters/collages/vision boards, for the kind of world we wish.

earthship homes for everyone, even Africa.

venus project type clean hi tech Level 1 civilization solutions.

free energy.

permaculture employed frequently.

I've seen the arrests, was shown being a part of the team, in uniform, a blue form fitting uniform, and we went straight to the Rothchilds and House of Windsor, starting there.

Benjamin Fulford names some key culprits for the Nazi group in the US, the Rockefellers, David, and Bush Sr. and Kissinger, and there are many others, in their black op bases. But he fails to mention, you have to follow the trails of money and what is funding the corporate US and the paramilitary. Follow the money.

Who owns what, and who holds the purse strings!

Whether that arrest will happen, or whether something else will happen, I envision a free world.

We need to start envioning what a free world looks like.

Nothing that does occur can be done with violence however. Assertiveness, flexing problem solving muslces and acting mature, is a part of growing up, but its not the same as Aggression. We would pull in our help, and inspiration if we started striving to behave with Love.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:01 PM
Disclosure. Yeah, you know, I think we are overdue. I think it's obvious, given the fairly recent references to aliens and UFOs in pop culture. And I don't just mean the X Files. They've been spoon-feeding us this information since, I don't know, the time of Ezekiel? There are references to alien spacecraft everywhere!

I mean, we already know that creativity was invented a mere 70 years ago along with Television. Before that, people only depicted actual events in their works of art, without embellishment, and there was no such thing as fiction. So, obviously, it can't be that fanciful images of people flying and space-suits carved into Aztec temples could just be, you know, imagination. Also, the entire world was in black and white before 1950, when color was invented.

Disclosure is inevitable, even more inevitable now than it was when people first started demanding it after the Roswell incident. Sadly, we've seen two or three generations of government leaders since then, and they're all just as foolishly opposed to the truth now as they were then. Obviously, the most likely and simplest explanation is that there is a secret conspiracy which predates every extant civilization by thousands of years, slowly priming us for Disclosure. What else could it be?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Hitoshura
Yeah they might be Alien, but they're family. Dudes, please remember that, and give them respect when the time comes.

Hey ..... it all depends on them.

If they come here and hide behind technology while sampling our behavior, genetics and biosphere ..... that's one thing. Kinda like scientists observing from a blind to see what the monkeys will do next. But, hey .... I'd really like an explanation for the cattle mutilations. I'd really like an explanation for what some people describe as the generational abduction/implant scenario. I'd like an explanation for the odd lights in the sky and the occasional vertical, slow-falling fireball.

I'd really like to know if they have been working with our governments in secret. If true, that one factor alone would make their motives very suspect.

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 01:29 PM
disclosure happened for me when i was around 5...

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