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Final Warning to the Great United States. Last Sign CONFIRMED. 1-day left.

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:27 AM
oh my god op, i believed in you!!!!!111!!!111, i sold my house and everything and now this! im shaking and crying right now.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:38 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707

Well Brian, that was sincere. Thats appreciated. Always run this by us all before you are sure that it cant possibly be any other way. You werent wrong as much as just "jumping the gun" before putting it out there.

At least here? Where else in the world can you get 60-some pages of friends at ATS to analize and try to understand your concern? We're with you...but many come on (me sometimes too) and say PROVEN! FOR SURE! CONFIRMED! PROOF POSITIVE!...and its not.

Hey tho...Im glad you were concerned initially right or wrong...soemone has to be. So we'll help you and each other try to understand those things, theories, dreams and revelations we all have from time to time that really bother us.

Your "apology" said a lot. But you didnt have dont feel bad.

edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: 'cause

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:46 AM
I'm so glad OP was wrong! No offense OP but I don't want an EQ. I know it can happen anyways, but that's besides my point.

There is good that came out of this, I think some people who weren't prepared before, are prepared now.


posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:07 AM
Oh great, another fool's failed attempt at fear mongering. If I saw this thread yesterday I would have come in here denouncing you and all that, but it looks like there's no need. When will you blind people see the truth? There will NOT be a major disaster in the United States, at least not for the next six months, which I can say with confidence.

You are just humans. You cannot predict the future. Only one entity knows the future, and that is God. No amount of "going on hunches" nor mundane calculations are going to let you see the future. Even if you were to calculate the date for a disaster, it will all be futile. It's not going to change anything, nor will it save you from destruction. What is going to happen will happen.

Submit yourselves to God, and only then will you be freed of death.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:08 AM
I don't have a problem with someone posted a prediction (with their theories), but posting like its a fact and going to happen hell posting a link between two random things like the dow jones and an earthquake just makes my jaws drop.

I just wish ATS had a feature so we can see the fools who flagged this thread and the morons still flagging away.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:52 AM

could you please visit my thread and sign in??
I'm collecting all the OP failing their prediction on ATS

Today is the day to admit...ATS, I was wrong, I'm Sorry

thanks for your cooperation

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by randyvs

Originally posted by The Ghost Who Walks

Originally posted by iamhobo
Well it might not have been pin-pointed, but there was a large earthquake just an hour an a half ago...

A 6.9 magnitude in the Solomon Islands..

Are the Soloman Islands listed on the stock market?

Why ? You want to buy some?

edit on 23-4-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

Not now, they've been hit by an earthquake!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:01 AM
April 23rd!

I am very glad that your prediction was incorrect, and I haven't read back but I do hope that a new date has not been predicted. I have been watching here for 5 yrs and haven't seen many acurate predictions, I understand folks having a strong feeling about something, and the need to warn others just in case, but if I ran for the bunker every time I see one of these types of threads I would live underground. Instead, I live.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:28 AM
I have a prediction!

I predict that more people on ATS will have more predictions.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by Phantomfire707

I am sorry and deeply apologize to every single person on this thread.

I had a set of beliefs and it looks like they were wrong.

I am especially sorry to any of you that took the time to understand my reasoning and were fair with me in your comments.

I hope God Blesses every one of you.

I will need to make adjustments to my priorities from now on.

Thank you for your time.

Dude - get out more. Take long walks. Socialize. Enjoy your life, it's the only one you get. And take a step away from ATS. You're obviously not on emotionally stable ground at the moment - ATS won't help that.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:35 AM
I have read this entire thread from page 1 and would like to make a few comments:
I am very glad this prediction did not come to pass due to the obvious loss of life there would have been as well as the devastation to the planet.

I did not believe this would come to pass but i will admit I was much so that I did not sleep much last night even though I am no where near the USA.

I was intrigued with the way the OP had watched the 'signs' & though it was a leap to make it was a very strange set of circumstances - kudos to the OP for 'connecting the dots' and also for putting himself out was a very brave decision & it goes to show the kind of person he is......he was warning humanity & was so worried about what might happen this caused him to have a very uncharacteristic emotional breakdown - albeit brief.

I think that the OP has been very open & honest about his feelings &, to me, only seems to be a person of utmost standing......he just made a mistake & who hasnt in life.......he thought he was doing right by warning people.

I am shocked at the, sometimes, quite vicious attacks on his nature & who he is without warrant. I can see there are alot of people on here with severe emotional issues. Those of you that have responded with such obvious heated emotion......if you dont believe him i dont understand why you would vent with such obvious negative emotion.

Alot of you obviously have no lives and must live vicariously through a virtual world.......get out in the fresh air & live a little of this life you seem to be so passionate about.

OP you should not have to back up your prediction with money.....isnt it funny how people always resort to the whole 'u must give me money' thing. This is a forum for people who have supposedly 'woken up' & do not believe what we are spoon fed by the mass media & the you not realise that the whole monetary system was set up by them & you all buy into it so have not really woken up & are still being spoon fed by the not think yourselves above that as you are still in THE MATRIX.

I wish the OP nothing but a happy & LONG life.....may all the stress he has had to endure over the last 36hrs or so pass & this soon be something he may be able to laugh outloud at.

Thankyou OP for having the compassion to try & warn us about impending disaster you thought was due to hit us all & I thankyou for worrying about humanity so much you have accpeted all the (unwarranted) criticism.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by ArchaicSubrosa

Here it is Saturday morning, April 23, I think ... guess what? No earthquake. The worst thing that happened to me on good Friday was being sick as a dog! Earthquake in my stomach, that's all.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Phantomfire707

I am sorry and deeply apologize to every single person on this thread.

I had a set of beliefs and it looks like they were wrong.

I am especially sorry to any of you that took the time to understand my reasoning and were fair with me in your comments.

I hope God Blesses every one of you.

I will need to make adjustments to my priorities from now on.

Thank you for your time.


I would like to politely ask (not telling anyone what to do) the people continuing to chide OP to read the above and at least consider accepting his apology and letting this be now.

To OP, I can only reiterate everything I said in this post in the event it got lost in the shuffle.

I know everyone is frustrated with failed predictions and their continual appearance on ATS. I share the frustration (if not the anger, myself.) And I can even understand the desire to want to "prove someone wrong," although that's never my intent personally. I can at least comprehend it, though. But OP has categorically stated he was wrong, and has apologized. I think that should be more than sufficient, personally. We have all been wrong before about something, something we believed in passionately. Maybe it was something like this. Maybe it was a childhood fantasy. Maybe it was someone we thought we would be in love with for the rest of our lives. Maybe for some reading this it was something I can't even imagine. But we've all been wrong, and will probably be wrong more times before we die.

OP, I refuse to bear you any hostility or ill will for making a mistake. Learn from this and try not to be hindered by shame or embarassment for too long. I wasn't always a skeptical person, and there was a time in my life once long ago when I had to accept that a paradigm I thought I saw had turned out to be utterly incorrect, and it can really mess with your head if you let it. Just accept that we have to be wrong in order to learn and try to move on and grow from it without getting too tangled up in the impact such a realization can have. I respect the views of those who feel otherwise. No offense is intended.

edit on 4/23/2011 by AceWombat04 because: typo

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707


Thank you very much for taking the time and having the heart and mind to post your findings.

Maybe we've switched tracks and we're headed down an alternate timeline because of your efforts?

Here's a quote I found that says what I want to say...

"The future is not set. There is no fate but what we make." Kyle Reese.

I just want you to know how grateful I am for your dedication and for caring. Please continue to express yourself and your concerns and equations and whatever else your heart so desires.

Take care,


posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:33 AM
The OP needs to log off ATS for a while. Spending hours a day on here can jack with people's mind and create a warped sense of reality.

Just take a week or two off.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by Abney
The OP needs to log off ATS for a while. Spending hours a day on here can jack with people's mind and create a warped sense of reality.

Just take a week or two off.

and other 106 members who flagged this bs

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

What a kind response. I wish there were more on here like you.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by General.Lee

You are straight up right about the projection onto someone else. Good psychology, friend. I totally agree.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707

Followed this before i signed up to the site. I have to say, you certainly did your research, i'm not a religious man, despite my Mum's best efforts, so that side of it made me think this wouldn't happen (and being a human i sincerely hoped it wouldn't), since you were basing the prediciton on religion but i followed this because of how much you seemed to believe in it. In the end you were wrong, which is, obviously, for the best but thank you for a good read and a well presented theory. Don't agree with the people slagging you for your prediction though.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by Phantomfire707

Never expect the expected and always expect the unexpected !!!

You were right to make your prediction. I would prefer to see it than not see it. There was an element of credibilty in your realisations. Sometimes in our quest for truth and reality we do not always see the larger picture. It does not have to be an event like an e.q. it could also be a decision that is made on that day that will affect our future and that will have repercussions later.

Emotions are energies which will at some point will manifest depending on the amount of energy expended on the thought process and also affected by how many people are in that thought process. We tend to hold on to those energies until the event horizon has passed and when something does not occur it is usually then that those thoght energies are released.

Never fear, always live with unconditional love and peace in your hearts. Let that be the energy and thoughts that you want to manifest in this universe which is so diverse and vibrant.

ATS is helping us to question, be curious, to share and find the freedom we truly seek.

Love and peace be with you all.

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