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Has anyone seen this symbol?

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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by Jinglelord
reply to post by AuranVector

I think it is interesting with a little looking around the symbol IS everywhere.

Since I already told her cryptically in a U2U I will say it plainly here.

This is one of those symbols that can easily lead you to every manner of esoteric thought. The search for the meaning would be one of the greatest horizon expanding quests. It is like the quest for the holy grail story. There is no real goal other than to grow and learn.

Ultimately the meaning of this symbol will be all things. It is like an open ended infinity sign that will grow to symbolize the meaning of the greatest journey, the journey of the soul. As above so below, this journey can't end it is infinite so no solution can ever be had, it is a cycle where through the journeys of life and death this symbol will take on different meanings depending upon where she is.

My guess would be this symbol has been with her for many incarnations and in gazing through its meaning it is ultimately a journey to herself.

Probably not the correct answer but I sure like the sound of it...

Thank you for saying it so eloquently! It's hard to understand at first but the more you look the more this truth becomes apparent. It takes "time". Like ocean waves lapping the shore, gradually it is revealed to those who seek in earnest!
edit on 20-4-2011 by donatellanator because: extra DIV

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by Jinglelord
reply to post by donatellanator

My adaptation on an old tale told in at least five separate traditions:

(Quick Modern day vernacular version)

Four great Shamans sat meditating at night before they were to sleep for the night. In this meditation each was shown the ultimate universal meaning of all things and their place in it.

The first Shaman beheld the glory inits entirety and immediately died from the joy and fulfillment he knew.

The second beheld and his mind left him as he tried to wrap it into his knowledge forever to mumble to himself pushing shopping carts up and down the street.

The third shaman was overjoyed and took what he could into his mind to share with the world. In the sharing and in his mind the meaning was lost and his message corrupted.

The fourth shaman did not think about what he saw,he let it into his soul where it became part of him and lived the rest of his life enriching those around him by action and manner.


This is my take on the old story. I think it illustrates why silence is one of the ancient rules. It isn't a rule at all it is just proably a good idea

Excellent story. I don't have the passage in front of me at this moment, but the "Divine Pymander" also extols the virtue of silence -- the essence of the message is about not "throwing pearls before swine, lest they turn and rend you." Which is why they had secret brotherhoods to keep the knowledge alive underground. That and the pesky Church that liked to BBQ "heretics."

But it's nice to be able to ask questions of like-minded people who are farther along on the path. There are things in the "Divine Pymander" that I do not understand -- that frankly surprise me.

The inner mysteries are "harder to "understand and will lead some astray simply by wording alone (or they realize that they can manipulate others with The Word-- ie religion). Others will read when not ready and see it as nonsense, totally disregarding it until death or some internal/external catalyst (if fortunate enough). Then there are those who will read, only understand to a degree and destroy themselves (mentally or physically) by misuse of the practices.

Finally, there are the meek who humbly seek knowledge in all of its forms without undue prejudice. Who accept that these things take time, if not lifetimes, to "soak in". They do not find The Word, it finds them.

This to me is why there is still silence.

1) To not pervert The Word
2) To not destroy the ignorant and naive
3) To ensure Work is done

If the universe (my way of saying "God") laid out all of the jewels before you... maybe you could resist, but most cannot.

I agree in my heart that all of it should be spread but I feel that this has already been done and created so much chaos. I believe that those who seek in earnest will find what they are looking for if they keep their "eyes open" and their hearts filled with Love.

(But hey, if I meet like-minded people, I'm still be happy to share, retribution or not. I'm still human.)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 09:48 AM
As mentioned by a couple posters, it appears to me also to be similar to a sawtooth waveform, though actually a triangle wave (or triangular waveform). The question I have - is it complementary in the same direction (mirrored inverse oscillation) or is it to resemble something more reflective or reactive, as in direct opposition.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by SuperiorEd

And your posts as well SuperiorEd, Thankyou for your insights!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:08 AM
So, I have spent the last 2 days reading and investigating all the links that people have shared. The knowledge and wisdom that has been shared on this thread is absolutely mind-boggling. With that said, there was a comment wanting to know what was going on in my life before this happened. Well, a lot.

I had been dealing with some serious health problems for almost 5 years. Spent more time in hospitals than I did at home. I got divorced during this time also. Spending the better part of 10 years on a sick bed will give you lots of time to think and ponder things in your life. I had to ask myself if I had done something that was just bringing back to me what I had sown. The answer to that was a resounding NO!

Rather I went through it to be taught patience, humility, and dedication. Can't be anymore humiliated than being in a state where you have to have someone else bathe you and clean your bottom. Yep! Humiliating.

I have had plenty of time to reflect on things as I am disabled now and cannot work. So, I have nothing better to do. I understand the whole "Not throwing your pearls before the swine" theory and have learned that the hard way. To whom much is given, much is required.

As far as people thinking it was the drugs, no it wasn't. I died on the operating table during an emergency surgery. After this, I was in a coma for almost 3 months. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was one of the most horrifying experiences I ever had. After coming from the bliss of my NDE, I went straight into a state of confusion. I knew that certain people were there. I smelled my fathers cologne. I knew my mother never left my side unless they made her. I knew that I was trapped in "between" and seen some crazy things. I felt my brother kiss my forehead. Every time they would have to leave, I wanted to scream out to them and tell them that I was alive and not to leave me. But I couldn't.

It took a while to get my faculties back after this, as I had stated before. It wasn't until I got them, that things changed for me. I started remembering things and also experienced the just "knowing things" that can't be explained. Surely drugs do not educate a person. I did not teach myself these things. In fact, my whole belief system was completely shaken up by all of this.

I have not found what I am looking for. I will continue my journey until I do. I know that this is real, not a figment of my imagination, nor drug induced. I feel such a deep connection with this symbol. There IS something to it! I searched for over 2 years before presenting this on here. I did not come here uninformed. I lurked on here for almost 2 years before joining. It wasn't until I felt comfortable with it, that I began to share. If there is someone out there who knows, which I believe there is, I hope they will share the knowledge imparted to them. Even if it is not publicly.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by cloudwatcher
Hi OP.

I admire your bravery. I had to get a little more scoop, forgive me for digging, that's what I do. I read your other NDE thread. I almost had tears in my eyes. I am glad that you came back. We need all the good people we can get.

I have been lurking on this thread, and see that I have been qued. I am no expert on this subject, but As Above So Below, recently took me for a tour as well.

I notice in your above post stating that you have not found what you are looking for. What is it? Do you feel any more at ease after reading this thread?

I will go ahead and say this publicly, does the color violet mean anything to you?

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by cloudwatcher

I'm trying not to be a pain in the A but I just needed to say something I feel is often mistaken.

I am not saying it is the case with you but I do firmly believe that people too often discount a thing as being "Drig induced" or "Just in my imagination".

Your imagination is wholly in your head. But so is your perception of reality. Just because a thing happened in your mind should not discount it. Your imagination is a door way to truths your eyes could never know.

Also if something is drug induced that doesn't discount it either. Many tribal people hold firmly their hallucinogenics allow them to see what is real. This may or may or may not be the case but don't discount it out of hand. It could very easily be that the chemical reactions in your brain were corrected by drugs to allow you to see a different part of reality.

Also thank you for this thread! I think it has really gtten more than a few of thinking and is definitely benefiting more than you. So thank you!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by timewalker

I have been waiting on you to show up.
Greetings friend.
Answering your question about this thread.
I have gotten little to no more clarity on the symbol, I have, however, received some very valuable information and made a few friends.

And to answer the other question about violet, well, I'm having a hard time answering that one, as it has caused a flood of emotion and visions in my mind. But for those following this thread, I will tell them, yes. It means quite a bit to me.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by Frater210
Hi. Just wanted to follow up regarding my comment about psychedelic drugs and shamanism....

Form Constants:

More of the same:

Auran Vector? Did you notice Hermes' comments on the Eighth Sphere?

These links are amazing. I have been on your brilliant thread ("Oprah Winfrey, The Eighth Sphere and the Secret War for Your Soul," -- reading the info on your links. I need to reseach some things before I post on your thread.

No, I haven't gotten that far into the "Divine Pymander" -- it's been slow reading for me. It's so packed with things to think about. I can see that this is the type of book one can spend a lifetime trying to understand fully.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Not backwards. I have it in order. Enoch was Hermes 1. Joseph (PtahHotep) was Hermes 2. Moses was Hermes 3. Trismegistus, three times great. Enoch built the pyramids, the alter to the Lord in Kings 19 and the repository of knowledge for mankind before the flood. Joseph came after the flood and translated. Moses continued and then God moved Him and Israel to the holy land. Start with Noah and follow this forward to Jesus. It ends with the Son of God, man complete. As Hermes told Tat, keep it a secret. He told him that rebirth through the word (Son of God) was a mystery that was not revealed to man yet. Book 13.

Enoch and Hermes lived, walking with God 300 years. Enoch was 65 when he started walking with God and was between earth and heaven for a total of 365. He was messenger to God, as was Hermes. Hermes was 300 and walked with God. He was educated in all sciences, as was Hermes. Joseph lived 110, died in Egypt, was a Visier in the 5th Dynasty and was PtahHotep (The Maxims of PtahHotep). In the last verse of the maxims, PtahHotep died in Egypt at 110 years old. Joseph is the last verse in Genesis, revealing his age at death in Egypt. Moses was the final mover of the light to Israel. When you have the dates of the kings correct and the dates for the dynasties when all three were present, you have the story moving through Egypt. Idolatry, according to Hermes prophecy, was what did Egypt in. Like Babylon, the captivities were education for Israel. Like Israel, the captivity we face on earth is our education. As above, so below. As within, as without. The rules of the Exodus and entering the promised land are clear in Deuteronomy. Our inheritance of the universe is the goal through Christ.

Deuteronomy 4:19

And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars--all the heavenly array--do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.

I am aware of the controversy surrounding the identity of HermesTrismegistus. Section 3 of "The Secret Source" is devoted to uncovering his identity.

I operate under a very different & unconventional timeline. I appreciate your efforts to convince me that your Christian understanding is the only correct one.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by Arles Morningside
reply to post by SuperiorEd

Ok, i'll bite a little, to help where I can. But I still think it would be good for us to open our own thread.

There is lore which links Hermes to Enoch, but you also must remember that Hermes is also linked to Merlin, to Odin, and so on. So what is this saying? What does it mean? Hermes represents what is within you, what is in others and all about, he represents the 'Christos consciousness' the 'Buddha Nature' and so on. He is the Shepherd, the Guide, the Psychopomp, the Teacher, etc.
Edit: One could also say, that these links enphasize a common link.

The Stone is both the redeemer and the redeemed.

The Son of God can have many layers of meaning whether you interpret it from a Christian context or not, neither would be incorrect. The Corpus Hermeticum offers some interesting things on the matter.

For Example:
"Then Poemandres said to me: Did you understand what this Vision means? No, that shall I know, said I. That Light, He said, am I, your God, Mind, prior to Moist Nature which appeared from Darkness; the Light-Word that appeared from Mind is Son of God. What the?-I said. Know that what sees in you and hears is the Lord's Word; but Mind is Father-God. Not seperate are they the one from other; just in their union rather is it Life consists. Thanks be to You, I said. So, understand the Light He answered, and make friends with it." l. Poemandres, The Shepherd of Men, Corpus Hermeticum

Also: " God, then, is Sire of Cosmos; Comos, of all in Cosmos. And Cosmos is God's Son; but things in Cosmos are by Cosmos. And properly has it been called Cosmos Order; for that it orders all with their diversity of birth, with its not leaving anything without its life, with the unweariness of its activity, the speed of its necessity, the composition of its elements, and the order of its creatures." - IX. On Thought and Sense, Corpus Hermeticum

And : " God makes Aeon; Aeon, Cosmos", "Further, the Aeon's soul is God; the Cosmos' soul is Aeon", "And Aeon does preserve this Cosmos" "Behold, again, the seven subject Worlds; ordered by Aeon's order and with their varied course full-filling Aeon!", "Aeon, moreover, is God's image; Cosmos is Aeon's; the Sun, of Cosmos; and Man, the image of the Sun." - Bits from XI. Mind Unto Hermes, Corpus Hermeticum

And so on and so forth.

Simply put, Son of God is part of the Heavenly Triad of Sulphur, Salt, and Mercury (In Christian context The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit). There is a general understanding of what this means and then the rest is up to personal interpretation.

Now, for examples of the concept of a Supreme Deity other than in Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition, you can see this in many ancient traditions considered 'pagan', for example, Mighty Jove of Orphic Tradition (Also connect to Hermes). If you observe the writtings of the Egyptian Tradition, you will also see a similar view. That is, a Supreme Deity with the gods merely being God's many faces as well as that within.

An Example of the Supreame Being in Egyptian writting:
" 1. He causeth growth to fullfill all desires,
2. He never wearies of it.
3. He maketh his might a buckler.
4. He is not graven in marble,
5. As an image bearing the double crown.
6. He is not beheld:
7. He hath neither ministrants nor offerings:
8. He is not adored in sanctuaries:
9. His abode is not known:
10. No shrine is found with painted figures."
-V. Hymn To The Nile

edit on 19-4-2011 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)

Excellent info, Morningside.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by cloudwatcher
So, I have spent the last 2 days reading and investigating all the links that people have shared. The knowledge and wisdom that has been shared on this thread is absolutely mind-boggling. With that said, there was a comment wanting to know what was going on in my life before this happened. Well, a lot.

I had been dealing with some serious health problems for almost 5 years. Spent more time in hospitals than I did at home. I got divorced during this time also. Spending the better part of 10 years on a sick bed will give you lots of time to think and ponder things in your life. I had to ask myself if I had done something that was just bringing back to me what I had sown. The answer to that was a resounding NO!

Rather I went through it to be taught patience, humility, and dedication. Can't be anymore humiliated than being in a state where you have to have someone else bathe you and clean your bottom. Yep! Humiliating.

I have had plenty of time to reflect on things as I am disabled now and cannot work. So, I have nothing better to do. I understand the whole "Not throwing your pearls before the swine" theory and have learned that the hard way. To whom much is given, much is required.

As far as people thinking it was the drugs, no it wasn't. I died on the operating table during an emergency surgery. After this, I was in a coma for almost 3 months. I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was one of the most horrifying experiences I ever had. After coming from the bliss of my NDE, I went straight into a state of confusion. I knew that certain people were there. I smelled my fathers cologne. I knew my mother never left my side unless they made her. I knew that I was trapped in "between" and seen some crazy things. I felt my brother kiss my forehead. Every time they would have to leave, I wanted to scream out to them and tell them that I was alive and not to leave me. But I couldn't.

It took a while to get my faculties back after this, as I had stated before. It wasn't until I got them, that things changed for me. I started remembering things and also experienced the just "knowing things" that can't be explained. Surely drugs do not educate a person. I did not teach myself these things. In fact, my whole belief system was completely shaken up by all of this.

I have not found what I am looking for. I will continue my journey until I do. I know that this is real, not a figment of my imagination, nor drug induced. I feel such a deep connection with this symbol. There IS something to it! I searched for over 2 years before presenting this on here. I did not come here uninformed. I lurked on here for almost 2 years before joining. It wasn't until I felt comfortable with it, that I began to share. If there is someone out there who knows, which I believe there is, I hope they will share the knowledge imparted to them. Even if it is not publicly.

Your experience is real and so is the symbol. I read your OP on your NDE thread. Your NDE experience resonates in me as something more real than this waking "reality."

I believe Jesus actually existed and that he was a genuine spiritual teacher (even though this is not a fashionable idea today). The man you saw in your dream as an 8 yr old and the man you saw in your NDE could be Jesus.

I can't imagine the physical horrors you've gone thru in this lifetime -- but it seems it was not for naught -- it has triggered this spiritual awakening in you.

Thank you for sharing your NDE with us and starting these threads -- I have learned so much from the people who have responded.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:55 PM

Originally posted by timewalker
reply to post by cloudwatcher
Hi OP.

I admire your bravery. I had to get a little more scoop, forgive me for digging, that's what I do. I read your other NDE thread. I almost had tears in my eyes. I am glad that you came back. We need all the good people we can get.

I have been lurking on this thread, and see that I have been qued. I am no expert on this subject, but As Above So Below, recently took me for a tour as well.

I notice in your above post stating that you have not found what you are looking for. What is it? Do you feel any more at ease after reading this thread?

I will go ahead and say this publicly, does the color violet mean anything to you?

Timewalker, I realize your post was not addressed to me, but I couldn't help wanting to know your ideas about the color violet. As far back as I can remember, the color violet (and various tints of it -- lavender, periwinkle and shades of purple) have been my favorite colors.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by AuranVector

Hasn't this thread been awesome. Brought some people out the wood work even.

I have long thought that the man in my dream and NDE was Jesus. Not sure if I mentioned this or not previously, but my mother told me that when they finally took me off the ventilator and removed the breathing tubes and such, that the first words that I spoke were, "Thank you Jesus, Thank you Jesus."

Also, the man fit the stereo typical picture of Jesus. However, the beings were not your stereo typical angels with golden blonde locks of hair and wings, nor were they cherubs. I have added you as a friend!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by cloudwatcher

Like I said, I do not know as much as these people. In fact I am a little nervous to even be here. I am just a guy that has been looking for answers to somethings within myself. Some things on ATS I do not take too seriously, but ones emotions and spirituality is not one of them.

If you can't tell, this stuff is almost hypnotizing and could make a life times work out of it. Have a sense of humor and intrigue or not.

To me it helped me to find more balance and quit battling myself. I asked that question because it means something to me. Try not to be influenced by someones words. People are treading lightly, I think because influencing people beyond their path is a bad thing.

If I am any influence I only want to be a good one ~

I don't know about any path but my heart.

Though I am not very good at it, I try. - Help Ever Hurt Never.

nous is a very important thing.

I write these words for me to try to live up to as well.

Edit~ I really don't know about the original symbol you put up? At this point I think it is whatever you think it is.
I would not speculate, but Frater210, my friend, is not a dull guy.
edit on 20-4-2011 by timewalker because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:06 PM

I don't have time to go trough all the replies, so maybe this has been mentioned, but to my mind the text refers to the tabula smaragdina, the emerald tablet, an old alchemical/ hermetic text.

So above, so below means that microcosmos, you as a little person is in unity with the macrocosmos. The world as a whole. And then I don't mean the cosmos, but the world in its whole with all its visible and invisible properties.

The interesting thing is though the symbol. This forms the cadeaus, the Mercurius wand, the wand of Hermes, if you turn it 90 degrees. It is the symbols of transformation and liberation, the symbol of change and transmutation and transfiguration, so the symbol of changing from one form into the other which is quite relevant to your NDE.

Below follows a translation of the Emerald tablet.

With kind regards, DB

True it is, without falsehood, certain and most true.

That which is above is like to that which is below, and that which is below is like to that which is above, to accomplish the miracles of (the) one thing.

And as all things were by contemplation (meditation) of (the) One, so all things arose from this one thing by a single act of adaptation.

The father thereof is the sun, the mother the moon; the wind carried it in its womb; the earth is the nurse thereof.

It is the father of all works of wonder (thelema) throughout the whole world.

The power thereof is perfect, if it be cast on to earth.

It will separate the element of earth from that of fire, the subtle from the gross, gently and with great sagacity.

It doth ascend from earth to heaven; again it doth descend to earth, and uniteth in itself the force from things superior and things inferior. Thus thou wilt possess the glory of the brightness of the whole world, and all obscurity will fly far from thee.

This thing is the strongest of all powers, the force of all forces, for it overcometh every subtle thing and doth penetrate every solid substance.

Thus was this world created.

Hence there will be marvellous adaptations achieved, of which the manner is this.

For this reason I am called Hermes Trismegistus, because I hold three parts of the wisdom of the world.

That which I had to say about the operation of sol is completed.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:28 PM
It's an amazing time to be alive. There are no accidents or chance occurrences in the universe. We are here discussing for a reason. Like the book you mentioned in your post. This will now be added to my iPad and another unique perspective joins my consciousness. Thanks for the tip. Have you read the Discourses of Rumi?

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Not backwards. I have it in order. Enoch was Hermes 1. Joseph (PtahHotep) was Hermes 2. Moses was Hermes 3. Trismegistus, three times great. Enoch built the pyramids, the alter to the Lord in Kings 19 and the repository of knowledge for mankind before the flood. Joseph came after the flood and translated. Moses continued and then God moved Him and Israel to the holy land. Start with Noah and follow this forward to Jesus. It ends with the Son of God, man complete. As Hermes told Tat, keep it a secret. He told him that rebirth through the word (Son of God) was a mystery that was not revealed to man yet. Book 13.

Enoch and Hermes lived, walking with God 300 years. Enoch was 65 when he started walking with God and was between earth and heaven for a total of 365. He was messenger to God, as was Hermes. Hermes was 300 and walked with God. He was educated in all sciences, as was Hermes. Joseph lived 110, died in Egypt, was a Visier in the 5th Dynasty and was PtahHotep (The Maxims of PtahHotep). In the last verse of the maxims, PtahHotep died in Egypt at 110 years old. Joseph is the last verse in Genesis, revealing his age at death in Egypt. Moses was the final mover of the light to Israel. When you have the dates of the kings correct and the dates for the dynasties when all three were present, you have the story moving through Egypt. Idolatry, according to Hermes prophecy, was what did Egypt in. Like Babylon, the captivities were education for Israel. Like Israel, the captivity we face on earth is our education. As above, so below. As within, as without. The rules of the Exodus and entering the promised land are clear in Deuteronomy. Our inheritance of the universe is the goal through Christ.

Deuteronomy 4:19

And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars--all the heavenly array--do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.

I am aware of the controversy surrounding the identity of HermesTrismegistus. Section 3 of "The Secret Source" is devoted to uncovering his identity.

I operate under a very different & unconventional timeline. I appreciate your efforts to convince me that your Christian understanding is the only correct one.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:36 PM
I just started to download the secret source and it was already there on my bookshelf. The third chapter is already read and highlighted. I'll read it again. Thanks for the tip.

Originally posted by AuranVector

Originally posted by SuperiorEd
Not backwards. I have it in order. Enoch was Hermes 1. Joseph (PtahHotep) was Hermes 2. Moses was Hermes 3. Trismegistus, three times great. Enoch built the pyramids, the alter to the Lord in Kings 19 and the repository of knowledge for mankind before the flood. Joseph came after the flood and translated. Moses continued and then God moved Him and Israel to the holy land. Start with Noah and follow this forward to Jesus. It ends with the Son of God, man complete. As Hermes told Tat, keep it a secret. He told him that rebirth through the word (Son of God) was a mystery that was not revealed to man yet. Book 13.

Enoch and Hermes lived, walking with God 300 years. Enoch was 65 when he started walking with God and was between earth and heaven for a total of 365. He was messenger to God, as was Hermes. Hermes was 300 and walked with God. He was educated in all sciences, as was Hermes. Joseph lived 110, died in Egypt, was a Visier in the 5th Dynasty and was PtahHotep (The Maxims of PtahHotep). In the last verse of the maxims, PtahHotep died in Egypt at 110 years old. Joseph is the last verse in Genesis, revealing his age at death in Egypt. Moses was the final mover of the light to Israel. When you have the dates of the kings correct and the dates for the dynasties when all three were present, you have the story moving through Egypt. Idolatry, according to Hermes prophecy, was what did Egypt in. Like Babylon, the captivities were education for Israel. Like Israel, the captivity we face on earth is our education. As above, so below. As within, as without. The rules of the Exodus and entering the promised land are clear in Deuteronomy. Our inheritance of the universe is the goal through Christ.

Deuteronomy 4:19

And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars--all the heavenly array--do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.

I am aware of the controversy surrounding the identity of HermesTrismegistus. Section 3 of "The Secret Source" is devoted to uncovering his identity.

I operate under a very different & unconventional timeline. I appreciate your efforts to convince me that your Christian understanding is the only correct one.


posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:45 PM
Yes, i've seen this symbol before. Actually, I grew up with this symbol, it represents straight edge. Three X's stand for no drinking, no drugs, no promiscious sex, or the three X's are taken from those found on bottles of liquor in old cartoons. Other than that, I've never seen that symbol anywhere else.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:52 PM
Cloudwatcher, don't think I am getting too deep on old Hermes, none of this came to me in any strange way other than an interest in mythology, technology and recently alchemy. I figured the Emerald Tablet was a good place to start. I read bits of other alchemical text and there seemed to be a pattern.

I am no authority on any religions, hell I have probably the farthest from that, but maybe have been doing some soul searching of my own over the last few years and have read a little about all religions. I was raised in Texas, Baptist and Seventh Day Adventist with pals. Talk about torn. But always had a deep interest in cultures spiritual beliefs.

When I read on Hermes works, it shook me a bit to see that it seems to be the common belief across the globe. That's when I put the rainbow pulsar coming from my face. I turned my headlights on. Be it twisted and turned over time up till today. Mythology or fact remain to be indistinguishable.

So it all made me feel good to stop trying to figure out what was "good or bad".

The first paragraphs of all the books on creation, seem just a little bit different now.

Cloudwatcher, if this just came to you. I am at a loss...

The plot thickens.
edit on 20-4-2011 by timewalker because: (no reason given)

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