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posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 04:40 AM
Dom, I feel you may be listening to others to make your judgments. Chemical weapons have been proven to be used anywhere. In Korea in the subways. They found Riacin in Paris, France right before this war started. Anthrax in the U.S. Postal service....catch my drift? It's about getting to the source of the madmen who believe this crap should be used. Everyone wants to rule the world. Would'nt you? If Saddam is not stopped now, and no one does anything he could get bigger with support from other countries, hence Axis Of Evil. If you support Saddam and these crimes then you have an arguement. But what U.S. influence could possibly change Iraq or the Middle East when they have been
using violence as a way of life? It's about the 35 acre piece of realestate in Israel, my opion.


posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 04:50 AM
I'm not sure Israel is a good enough reason for this war. There must be other justifications for what's going on. I simply don't believe that a country of 6 million people could be a 100% priority for the US.

As for the chemical weapons... well, there's a lot of countries with chemical weapons. There are also a lot of countries that have used chemical weapons in warfare (France, UK, Germany, Japan, Russia, China, US, etc.). The link you've got to make is the link between Saddam having chemicals, and the people planning terrorist attacks. I simply haven't seen good enough evidence to provide a firm link between the two.

Remember that the anthrax used in the US came from a US laboratory, not an Iraqi one. And the planes on 9/11 were also US not Iraqi. i.e. the biggest risk comes from terroists using US assets (chemical or otherwise) against US targets. It only needs one dissident working in a biological weapons lab, a bit of lax security, and we could be living for not very much longer...

posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 05:12 AM
yes I understand about the US planes and labs, but that does not mean you have to be american to pull the comes from abroad too.


posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 05:31 AM
Yep, and all evidence at the moment points to the vast majority of the money coming from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq...

posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 05:52 AM
The Saudis have been threatend by terroist to pay, uh Osama is from Saudi Arabia. They have no Choice. Money talks. so I f they are threatend then they pay. Like the mob guys do, you know.

posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 03:29 PM
Hello I had to comment about this one. Earlier I watched Bush and the Brit. talk about Saddam and how he (Saddam) agreed to the conditions for his continued leadership position. He (Saddam) failed and commited more inhumane acts, just hidden below ground...blah blah.
Saddam is a cruel person like all the others and if World leaders few that they are want him gone, who's to say other wise? Personally I would like to see all terrorist training areas turned to glass!

isnt 12 yrs long enough for him to talk his smack?

posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by seedy_sid
Im an Iraqi living in New Zealand

Interesting point of view from a different perspective. What made you decide to leave Iraq ?? (Just not sure if its the obvious answer-Saddam)

posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 04:28 PM

posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 04:36 PM
if your people had the balls to de-throne Saddam, our Soldiers wouldnt have to do the "Muslims" dirty work. America didnt get to be a world power by letting others do everything for us. If you want something done right, do it your self.
But since you had made the other decision, rebuild your life and forget about Saddam hes not your problem anymore. We will get rid of Saddam, infront of his sons and then watch them kill each other trying to get whats left.

posted on Mar, 27 2003 @ 08:28 PM
15 years ago the former Soviet Union was in the beginnings of the process of becoming the Russian Republic. The analysis of inteligence by those who in this country decide, was that any action in Iraq would have a negative effect on that process. Fact of the matter is there is a high probability that US incursions into Iraq. Could have made relations between Russia and US so bad WWIII would have occured.

As a reuslt it was decided that the US could not involve them in supporting the end of the Saddam regime. Dom I can tell you that I know this is correct and I am certain that had it not been for this problem Saddam Hussein would not be in power today (in respect to this specific issue I cannot go beyond what has been said here).

You are concerned about greed in respect to Iraqi oil fields; greed in respect to any institution is an issue. There is good and bad everywhere the question becomes, who is a particular institution is in charge and what keeps them in power?

Keep this in mind today the US controls most of the oil fields in Iraq and there literally is nothing Saddam Hussein can do to change that. Are the aspects of this countries government which are ("Greedy") interested in Iraqi oil? No none exit. And you know why, because there is something else they want.

Dom the world is not based on fantasies and I know this, it is based upon a balance. Which is the reuslt of the world as in the world as it is today. Many people have died because of this balance some have been good people but other have in fact been bad people.

Russia can produce, as much oil as can Saudi Arabia this is a fact. If anything, the problems of the people of Iraq could have been ignored, the US could have easily resolved the issue of oil by assisting the Russian effort against the Chechen (and Russia would have been appreciative). Europe and Japan would have with time benefited from a pipeline from the Russian republic (Keep in mind the Koreans are insisting upon connecting to this pipeline, which has been planed).

As a reuslt of such an effort, issues which exist between Venezuela, would cease to exist. Cuba would literally become an ally and as far as a need for Iraqi oil, they�re literally would be none.

The United States wants peace but not any cost. As a reuslt they are not prepared to go the easy route, what they are prepared to do is resolve the problems in Iraq. The people of Iraq have a window of opportunity (Iran knows everything). That window will remain open for quite some time.

What has happened to the Iraqi people is as important as what happened to the Israelis during WWII. We place a value beyond recources is respect to the human condition. And with respect to the immediate future, it is the intent of those who rule the US. To develop the means to make the human condition, a resource which is above any other.

Dom no one has a right to use Chemical weapons, for that matter biological or nuclear as well. And the only reason the US sought UN approval was to guarantee that no other military force would involve themselves (and none will). The "greedy" of the United States are not interested in oil (personally I guarantee that). Listen carefully to what has been presented to date with respect to the President of the United States.

Israel was created so that Jews could have a homeland and Iraq will be no different


PS: If you think that 8 million Iraqis are not important count the number of Jews in Isreal.

[Edited on 28-3-2003 by Toltec]

posted on Mar, 28 2003 @ 10:00 PM
I left iraq for 2 reasons, one my family was terminated for being part of the uprising in Basra in the first gulf war, and secondly beacause NZ is a peaceful country with no civil unrest (unless you count politicans) and beautiful scenery.

And to the other person who asked why we didnt do it ourselves, well it is pretty easy to explain, saddam has milirary people working full time as civilions, for 2 reasons, 1 is that they latch onto any uprising in a group by becoming one of them and then terminate all the heads of the uprising, whitch installs fear in everyone so no one trusts anyone else, it may seem a useless idea, but causing everyone to doubt everyone else makes it hard for an organised coup or uprising, plus saddam controls all of iraq's resourses, he can cut the water to cites the food aid the medicine.

that is why we can not rebel in organised resistance,

Oh and the thing that turned me most against saddam, was when he defaced the koran and got one written in his own blood, that isnt worship it is sacrilige.

posted on Mar, 28 2003 @ 11:41 PM

if your people had the balls to de-throne Saddam, our Soldiers wouldnt have to do the "Muslims" dirty work. America didnt get to be a world power by letting others do everything for us. If you want something done right, do it your self.
But since you had made the other decision, rebuild your life and forget about Saddam hes not your problem anymore. We will get rid of Saddam, infront of his sons and then watch them kill each other trying to get whats left.

Well... if we didn't fund Saddams party and help them assinate the regime that was in place, then we wouldn't be in this mess now would we.

I think that both side of this war are desprate enough to do anything to assure victory. Donald Rump said himself that Nuclear Weapons weren't "ruled out".

War is ugly and there really is no "fighting fair"(i.e iraqi's dressing up as civilians). Americans were looked at the same way when we fought for our inpependence.(watch that mel gibson movie the Patriot and you will see what i'm talking about)

posted on Mar, 29 2003 @ 01:09 AM
abstract_alao during the cold war Iran was subsidized by the US. Saddam is pro Stalanist can you guess who it as that help get him into power??

seedy_sid Thank you very much for your input

posted on Mar, 29 2003 @ 09:04 AM

abstract_alao during the cold war Iran was subsidized by the US. Saddam is pro Stalanist can you guess who it as that help get him into power??

Iran has ben an enemy of the u.s for a long time. I saw this on CNN( I know right). They talked about how the C.I.A wanted to get rid of the communist goverment that was in place in iraq at the time. They also talked about the iran and iraqi conflict. Guess who's side we were on. Yep you guessed it Iraq. After that hostage situtation Iran and the U.S have been sworn emenies

posted on Mar, 29 2003 @ 02:33 PM
With respect to a response to my question, perhaps it would be better to review the records of history. This in respect to how Saddam got into power as well as the status of Iran, in regards to the US during that time.

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