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Disclosure In A Week Or So...We Might Finally Be There!

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posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

"They" have been coming to earth since I was a little boy.

That's an awful long week.

Archangel Michael would be able to inform you that; "A day with the Lord is a Thousand years". And a week is... Well, you do the math

Originally posted by the_0bserver85
I really do not know how to respond to these kind of thread ANYMORE

I'm just straight up sad.

Oh it's so depressing to see people sad.
Here, have a Star, and perhaps it will make you feel atleast a bit better.

extra DIV

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 03:57 PM
These sick people need to stop writing these things for petty advertisement money.

I mean, Check out

The little buggers are stealing all of our work, and posting it on their sites as external links and raking in the money.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by amongus
I will shoot the messenger, since your title makes it seem YOU believe these crackpots.....

I love people who say "don't shoot the messenger".

edit on 7-4-2011 by amongus because: (no reason given)

But when it does happen, you will be the one we all look down upon on. Boy, I can't wait for that!

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:20 PM
I am a believer that Disclosure is coming. I read the same post on the 4th. I want to believe the GFL are the ships we have seen around the sun, the 1000 plus sightings in Japan in the days following the quake, the orbs filmed at the tsunami, the fleet of craft recently filmed at the volcano. If you have not seen that, it is posted on ATS, watch it carefully, especially the bottom right screen. I observed, as the volcano was really beginnng to spew lava, at least 12-15 orbs appeared right under the cloud cover and the flow was diminished.

That being said, I cannot put any stock into this channelling. If it does happen, we will know it is NOT a hoax if everything we know as the "system" stops or is radically altered. All wars etc will cease immediately. If it is the Illuminati and the false flag hoax, it will either be violent or full of various religious imagry depending on where you live.

The Law of One is chanelled as is Urantia, both are profound reads. I am encouraged by the specific timeframe but at the point where I'll believe it when it finally happens.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Seeker63

That being said, I cannot put any stock into this channelling. If it does happen, we will know it is NOT a hoax if everything we know as the "system" stops or is radically altered. All wars etc will cease immediately. If it is the Illuminati and the false flag hoax, it will either be violent or full of various religious imagry depending on where you live.

Fantastic differentiation. Simple and to the point. You can always tell a tree by its fruits.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 04:55 PM
Star and Flag for you, OP.

Whilst I must reserve judgement on such sources not personally witnessed and scrutinised, my relatively long and eventful life experience has shown me that mocking others often leads to egg on ones face (not withstanding the obvious fact that those who mock are often seriously lacking in social abilities, if not also suffering personal social issues such as low self-esteem and persecution from their 'peers'). Besides, it simply makes those of us with open minds cringe at the childishness, if nothing else.

ATS - becoming the domain of the immature and cyber bully-wannabes.
Try to grow past the schoolground antics, kids - it's embarrassing to watch for the rest of us who left school long ago.

Sadly, what such common, predictable people there are...

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:11 PM
Star and Flagg,
I am with a lot of you, really hope there is truth to this channeling, but skeptical as ever. The one thing that does peak my interest is that they give a time frame... which doesn't happen very often at all. Lets all cross our fingers and toes and hope that something comes of it. As for all the people on here who are giving the OP a hard time, Take a chill pill, nobody's asking you to believe and nobody cares that you don't. If your mind is so closed off that there isn't even a glimmer of hope in you when you read this, than I feel sorry for you, life's about taking chances and making changes, give it a shot.

posted on Apr, 7 2011 @ 05:26 PM
Hey I've re-tuned my digi-box but I must have gone wrong somewhere, I'm not picking up this signal anywhere. Is it somewhere between MTV and Film 4 because there's lots of channels missing there?

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:00 AM

Originally posted by coyotepoet

I would imagine that they have to make a living somehow. As to accuracy, channeling is difficult to fully pin down for several reasons:

1) The person may just be "channeling" from their ego self

2) The person may be channeling from the lower dimensions rather than the higher ones and is being taken advantage of, if you will, by those lower dimensional beings.

3) The future is not locked down, guaranteed to happen in a certain way. There are many variables that can and do change. In other words, it is not the future, it is a future based on where the variables are in that moment.

4) There are people who have no business calling themselves channelers who are just taking advantage of the zeitgeist.

One has to use discernment whenever one deals with things like this. If you believe everything anyone says, that's on you not them.

So basically what you are saying is that channelling cannot be trusted...

Well that is what you are saying one way or another?

And NO channellers do NOT need to make money much like faith healers, mystics and the like, if you have a gift so wonderful then 80% of good minded people would happily heal or whatever for free simply because you could. Of course greed plays a huge part and yes some would take money but they do not have to, it couyld be done in a park all for free, helping those that need it most...

But, that's not how it works, all these people charge and without being rude, its not value for money.
edit on 8-4-2011 by Mclaneinc because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:12 AM
One little point I'd like to make, when someone on here says I believe in x, y or z, then say they cannot prove it but whatever people may think they know what they saw, when that is said they don't have to prove anything, its a choice if the reader wants to or not.

However if people push their subject, providing links, repeating that it works and then start challenging people then the burden of proving its real IS on them, to put up or shut up in a sense. They are no longer just having an opinion, they are making arguments for that item so are entitled to be challenged and ask for proof.

If no proof comes then you are entitled to be dressed down in a polite manner, the ATS way is that if you make claims and are willing to argue them then you MUST provide proof. Once you go beyond a personal opinion and then start pushing your theory then either prove it or do not try it on in the first place, people come on here for logical mature discussions rather than playing a game of 'I know something you don't known but I'm not telling'.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by Seeker63
I am a believer that Disclosure is coming. I read the same post on the 4th. I want to believe the GFL are the ships we have seen around the sun, the 1000 plus sightings in Japan in the days following the quake, the orbs filmed at the tsunami, the fleet of craft recently filmed at the volcano. If you have not seen that, it is posted on ATS, watch it carefully, especially the bottom right screen. I observed, as the volcano was really beginnng to spew lava, at least 12-15 orbs appeared right under the cloud cover and the flow was diminished.

That being said, I cannot put any stock into this channelling. If it does happen, we will know it is NOT a hoax if everything we know as the "system" stops or is radically altered. All wars etc will cease immediately. If it is the Illuminati and the false flag hoax, it will either be violent or full of various religious imagry depending on where you live.

The Law of One is chanelled as is Urantia, both are profound reads. I am encouraged by the specific timeframe but at the point where I'll believe it when it finally happens.

I agree that ET's some day will appear in the skies officialy and in a undeniable way, but, about the religious imagery; What if they are the ancient gods and angels of old(ET's) and are showing those images to prove who they are?
I do not really believe this is the way it will happen, but what if? In Relevations, it is described that when God and the angels returns, the Arc of The Covenant will be displayed from the "heavenly Temple" for everyone to see. Could this be a way of them showing proof of who they are?

Anyway, just speculating, but my point is that it is impossible to judge whether they are real ET's or a Government false flag only because of whether religious symbols are being involved or not.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Gab1159

There is no 'Ashtar Command'. Never has been, never will be. Just a bunch of fakers, money grubbers, attention seekers and VERY gullible followers. All this 'channeling' and telepathetic contact is b.s. No, I didn't misspell telepathic.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:10 AM
I'm sorry, I know some folks quite like all this channelled stuff, but I always end up thinking. "Whatchootalkingabout Willis?"

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:15 AM
The sad fact of the matter is you will always get gullible people believeing this rubbish. Even when evidence tells you that channelling is a load of crap, these people will still believe.

I would love to be wrong, but do you know of any channel information from ET that has come true? I bet when next week comes, they will say somthing like "the evil governments stopped us" Or "the human vibration is not high enough yet" Just watch and see. These people most prob already have the ecuse they are going to use

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:33 AM
So, is this the part where someone forces us all to drink the kool-aid? I gotta be honest. I'm not much into kool-aid. Rots your teeth, leaves a red moustache, and who is gonna foot the bill when the Kool-Aid Man comes crashing through the wall?

Not sure if I believe in the whole channeling thing. ETs would have to know how skeptical most humans are and that we would question this method of communication. Why not just have a fleet of their craft appear to millions worldwide? That, for me, would be the clincher.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:55 AM
Ok, if there are any channel believers in this thread, answer this. Now, people are in contact with highly advanced ET race/races. Why do these ET races never give these channellers technology information that could help us, or at least make skeptical believers take it more seriously. The channellers say the same crap without evidence, and when the ET's say they are going to do this, and do that, they never do, but only come out with crap excuses.

Anyone can sit there and pretend to channel zip from the planet zop! The sad fact of the matter is, they will always get the gullible believeing them

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

So basically what you are saying is that channelling cannot be trusted... Well that is what you are saying one way or another?

Yes and no. They absolutely aren't to be trusted blindly for the reasons I stated. But that's like with anything else. I don't trust Obama and politicians blindly either (though maybe that isn't the best example-most people know that you can't trust a politician.)

But, as far as channeling goes you have to use a high degree of discernment, which is not the same thing as saying they can't be trusted.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

Good find.

The Lightworkers
Damn aliens need to quit messing around and find some hard workers. Of course the hard workers are all busy... working.

I love the link though. Went to their links page. There's one for "Holistic healing with sugar pills charged with universal life force energy (reiki energy)", and even better, "Energy Paintings for the 8 Pharonic Chakra with Trial Vial of Egyptian Essences".

I'm busting a gut here.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:32 PM
All they're channeling is BS and if you want to eat it you must be incapable of discriminating.
edit on 8-4-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 03:35 PM
Anytime a person adds channeling and such into the mix with UFO's it takes any credibility out of the scenario for me.

But, as I said before I do not knock others for what they believe in

What does bother me about some, not all of these channelers is the fact that they tend to prey on the weak minded/mentally ill and cause either false hope, faith, they cause fear and panic as well.
As for the "healers" they can cause the same thing, and if they add "miraculous physical healing" into the mix they can cause severe illness that could other wise be treated and death.
They can cause a person to give up on modern medical science which is completely under rated/under appreciated for the many miracles they perform and lives they save on a daily basis, when the knowledge and capabilities are constantly changing.

To say anything less then most ask for money is a joke they just call it "a donation fee", the most renowned ones are the most expensive to see "perform" sometimes being upwards of a 1,000 dollars for standing room only(sounds a lot like a play, or concert to me)..
As for your average no body sitting behind a computer screen/youtube channel/blog claiming to be able to do these things that may not charge for money all I have to say is that currency is different for everyone and sometimes attention/a desire to feel needed/deeper connection with others is more valuable to some.

Believe what you want, it's our freedom that no one should ever deny or spit upon just don't hurt others with your beliefs.

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