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Rebecca Black "Friday" song predicts various disasters before they happen!

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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by YourPopRock

I'm sorry, but we don't know for a fact that he is 13 years old. It's no different than Justin Bieber being famous. He is just a young looking guy.

Not trying to say I am defending these people, they suck, but still..

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:19 PM

Seriously is your thread based in satire? I can't tell. The only thing this song foretells is the complete and utter devastation of the american music industry!

well that and the fact the Saturday comes after Friday.


posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL


posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by WillNiendick
reply to post by YourPopRock

I'm sorry, but we don't know for a fact that he is 13 years old. It's no different than Justin Bieber being famous. He is just a young looking guy.

Not trying to say I am defending these people, they suck, but still..

They actually all are 13.

I think it also says something where she is trying to make her mind up, which seat can she take - when the seats in front are obviously full forcing her to take the back seat. This is clearly conditioning us to accept being subjugated and forced to the back under the illusion of free choice. The subliminal message here is, even though you are forced into a secondary role, it will see as a free choice to you. This is the conttrol that Rebecca Black is predicting going into the coming apocolypse of Friday, December 21st, 2012. BLACK FRIDAY!!!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by manticorex5

That picture was brilliant and made me laugh.

As far as the OP.. coincidence? Who knows. If she didn't write it ...

I wonder what would happen if anyone played this song BACKWARDS??

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:29 PM
Another date to keep in mind... FRIDAY March 18th... America attacks Libya!

It all "gets down on Friday".

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by LOLZebra
reply to post by manticorex5

I wonder what would happen if anyone played this song BACKWARDS??

Perhaps we will he the voice of the Anti-christ, or maybe it will tell us the Friday is before Saturday!

, I'm sorry I can't help it!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:33 PM
reply to post by YourPopRock

not trying to sound like a huge 'Fagatron show me sources', but sources would be appreciated, where does it say they are all 13 years old? I know they reference it in that cover I posted, but otherwise, maybe I am missing something..

This is just one of those things where you can call out anything in it. I can say this video is promoting Jesus, and that we should all celebrate because it's Friday, or Good Friday. Honestly, everything has two sides to it.

I can say the government is evil, and that they put Fluoride in our water, which dumbs us down. You can come back by saying, "The government is not evil! Look at all the free aid they provide to people! Social Security! Blah bla blah.."

Everything has two arguments, and in this one I think you might just be assuming too much, or seeing what you want to see. Again, I am not trying to put you out or anything, but I just cannot see people picking up this sort of Subliminal messaging. it's just too hard to pick up, even for people who know about the subject.

I was surprised people would go as far as to say this has subliminal messaging in it. Honestly, the reason it went vrial was because Tosh made it that way. People like what he likes, and he either mentioned it, or favourited (spl?) it.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:36 PM

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:36 PM

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:37 PM
It was FRIDAY April 1st that the Radiation level hit 125 in Denver, CO.

There is really something to this! Rebecca Black has the most accurate predictions of any recent medium. She is warning us about FRIDAY December 21st 20112.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by WillNiendick
reply to post by YourPopRock

not trying to sound like a huge 'Fagatron show me sources', but sources would be appreciated, where does it say they are all 13 years old? I know they reference it in that cover I posted, but otherwise, maybe I am missing something..

This is just one of those things where you can call out anything in it. I can say this video is promoting Jesus, and that we should all celebrate because it's Friday, or Good Friday. Honestly, everything has two sides to it.

I can say the government is evil, and that they put Fluoride in our water, which dumbs us down. You can come back by saying, "The government is not evil! Look at all the free aid they provide to people! Social Security! Blah bla blah.."

Everything has two arguments, and in this one I think you might just be assuming too much, or seeing what you want to see. Again, I am not trying to put you out or anything, but I just cannot see people picking up this sort of Subliminal messaging. it's just too hard to pick up, even for people who know about the subject.

I was surprised people would go as far as to say this has subliminal messaging in it. Honestly, the reason it went vrial was because Tosh made it that way. People like what he likes, and he either mentioned it, or favourited (spl?) it.

The source is Music Ark, check out their press release.

It is NOT celebrating Jesus! "Good Friday" as you called it is the day Jesus was Crucified and DIED!!!

That is further proof of the power of prophecy that Rebecca Black posesses!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:40 PM
I don't have much time right now, but here are some other things to think about related to why, because there is a reason,and considering that the cia and ptb are behind most entertainment this makes sense.

Beginning with this post, this thread is really good.
The movie "Knowing" predicts Japan Nuclear Disaster (on top of Gulf Oil Spill)
This post on, especially pay attention and go through every link.

They use some technology to amp this though, spell casting or their esoteric hijacking of our consciousness, putting things out in movies, codes, media, murals, like Colarado airport, even conspiracy sites to have us send our emotional charged feelings and even belief, down the gridline. Then astrology, numerology and technology, such as Haarp.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by YourPopRock
It was FRIDAY April 1st that the Radiation level hit 125 in Denver, CO.

There is really something to this! Rebecca Black has the most accurate predictions of any recent medium. She is warning us about FRIDAY December 21st 20112.

Why does that have anything to do with it? Not unless radiation is referenced in the song, which I don't see/hear any. Maybe if they were driving a nuclear powered car, but still..

Yes, there is emphasis on Friday, but she also mentions Thursday, or Saturday. Then onto Sunday. It's just a dumb video to entertain the masses, this one just ended up sounding horrible.

It's not much different than that Little Wayne song, where he goes and robs a bank, and throws money in the air,

I believe the first lyrics of that song are 'Gotta get me a win-dixie grocery bag full of money'..

Just the media, no biggie XD

EDIT: I am not saying I celebrate the crucified version of Jesus Christ, I am saying that it's a holiday, and he returned after dying. That's what people are celebrating, not the death of Jesus. But not getting into a religous debate here,

Yes, movies and songs do have subliminal messaging in them, like the movie Knowing, or the Simpsons episode that predicted 9/11. No one will wake up to it, it's horrible. We all know that. It's the grip TPTB have on the population. It's why TV's are so cheap, and cable so abundant.

Regardless, I personally do not think this music video has subliminal messaging. It's just reaching too far out of the box. No one will study this video, they will hear it once, then turn it off. I think your hearing what you want to hear.

edit on 04/18/11 by WillNiendick because: reply fix

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by Seabas1123

Haha...death metal friday.
That was hilarious.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
I don't have much time right now, but here are some other things to think about related to why, because there is a reason,and considering that the cia and ptb are behind most entertainment this makes sense.

Beginning with this post, this thread is really good.
The movie "Knowing" predicts Japan Nuclear Disaster (on top of Gulf Oil Spill)
This post on, especially pay attention and go through every link.

They use some technology to amp this though, spell casting or their esoteric hijacking of our consciousness, putting things out in movies, codes, media, murals, like Colarado airport, even conspiracy sites to have us send our emotional charged feelings and even belief, down the gridline. Then astrology, numerology and technology, such as Haarp.


Now tell me you can honestly get the song Friday out of your head! It is mental conditioning!

They are using it to condition us and Rebecca Black is the only one warning us of the events to come!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:44 PM
Now I know where this song came from, thanks for that.

Stephen Colbert lost a bet with Jimmy Fallon last week and had to sing this song on Friday night.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:48 PM
The video is crap and the girl can't sing. The video offended each and every sense I have.

Are you sure its not a promotional scam? I see zero prophecy in the entire video. I someone exploiting disaster to get attention, and not even doing it very well.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:49 PM
You can get any song stuck in your head. I got this one out of my head my listening to Techno. I had to watch a video about bullying in 2nd hour, they had a catchy tune in it. If your a musical person, you get the beat in your head, then the tune, then before you know it, your walking down the hall snapping and singing.

edit on 04/18/11 by WillNiendick because: quote fix

edit on 04/18/11 by WillNiendick because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 08:56 PM
It has spread to the Jimmy Fallon show AND the Colbert show!

It is spreading accross all media! Don't you see the power of this? This can't be happening on its own while at the same time accurately predicting disasters and forshadowing FRIDAY December 21st, 2012!

Does someone have the ability to play this backwards to listen for backwards masking?

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