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Dreamers UNITE! Molding Our Reality One Person at a Time

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 05:55 PM
When you were young, there is a good chance you spent some time watching cartoons or reading books about sorcerers, dragons, aliens, or space ships. In response to the fantasy-filled fiction you may have been watching or reading, it's reasonable to assume that some of you wished you could perform magic, explore distant planets, or have a flying, talking horse for a pet. As children we probably spent a lot of our time fantasizing about one thing or another, wishing that holograms or light sabers were part of our reality. It would be every child's dream come true.

By now maybe you've guessed what I'm driving at. Humans have an uncanny ability to bring fantasies to life. From Jules Verne to George Lucas, these people have inspired and molded the reality around them. From rockets flying to the moon, to robots, holograms, light sabers, and exploring distant planets and galaxies, these fantasies that once upon a time occupied only the space between their ears (their consciousness), were slowly born into this world through human effort and the desire for these fantasies to be true. It is this way that cars, airplanes, telephones, computers, and the innumerable inventions and innovations were conceived. Children grew up to be scientists, architects, geneticists, engineers,... many of them inspired by the stories they read and saw. They worked feverishly to try to make them real. Although not everyone could directly participate in this birth of our collective dreams, the doctors, farmers, architects, business men and women, office workers, housewives, janitors, and so on aided these human efforts by creating an environment which allowed those directly involved to have the time and health of body and mind to work.

Though it may have taken many years, human beings have always had the capability to dream their desires and bring them to reality. The evidence is all around us. It is my very strong belief that we can manifest nearly anything we can imagine! This includes our wildest dreams. Flying horses or dragons? Why not? Maybe someday we'll have designer pets. Geneticists will figure out how to recreate a living organism from scratch, someday making it as simple as writing a software program. A hovering, 3,500 sq ft mobile house? Why not? Teleporting to another location across the world? Why not?

It's as though something is born from nothing. Though 'thought' isn't "nothing", it also has no physical presence. A thought isn't something we can see, smell, or hold with our hands, yet it has the power to drive us to create or make happen. There seem to be rules attached to this ability to manifest. It always takes a relatively long time to make anything appear. It could take years and decades for a new idea to be born into this world. Although nearly anything seems possible, we have not yet learned how to manifest physical objects by simply thinking about them. Someday (many, many centuries from now) this may also become a possibility. It simply amazes me what power dreams and the will to make something happen can do together.

Until then maybe we should also consider trying to dream up a world of peace and cooperation. To imagine, to share that imagination with others is a great responsibility. Is it possible that if we all begin to imagine a better, more gentle world, that we will be able to manifest the peace we long for? I think so.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 06:01 PM
I think thought is the most powerful thing in the Universe...for without it nothing exists...

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
Until then maybe we should also consider trying to dream up a world of peace and cooperation. To imagine, to share that imagination with others is a great responsibility. Is it possible that if we all begin to imagine a better, more gentle world, that we will be able to manifest the peace we long for? I think so.

It definately seems to be working for the 'other side'...there is an awful lot of energy expended on wishing for armageddon in the Middle East...there is a very good reason we are told to be careful what we wish for.

Nice OP and yes, we could, if enough of us wanted to. I agree. Entirely.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 06:24 PM
Every day, I imagine this device I dreamt up. I pretend I have this computer controlled machine. You put all your waste in it, no matter what it is, except for living creatures, which the computer has been programmed not to accept. For an example, if you had a toddler who put a kitten in it, an alarm would go off with the machine ceasing it's function, until kitten removed. So, upon recieving inanimate discards, this device RE-ARRANGES their atoms into stuff you need, and materializes it onto the area where you take it, just like the --replicator-- on Star Trek TNG. "Computer! Tea! Earl Gray." Or, "Traditional New York Pizza", or 2 rolls of toilet paper, or running shoes, AirJordans size 8, gourmet puppy kibbles, etc etc etc., etc.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 06:26 PM
There is a belief that if an observer does not exist, the source would not too.
To elaborate, if there is no one listening to a song, then the sound emanating from this sound actually does not exist.

Similarly, i believe thoughts & happenings are very related.

And i also believe everything that happens to everyone in their lives is brought upon them by themselves.
We often hear people crying out saying they do not deserve wats happened to them & stuff like that, but definitely this thought would have passed their mind sometime or other & the thought is so powerful it has manifested itself.

That is the most powerful power in the world - thought

good write op

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 06:33 PM
Mind over matter. Quality over substance. Form follows Function.

The problem we have, I think, is the way that we've taken the idea of a subject/object duality, and called that the "truth".

For all we know "substance" is nothing but an extension of a non physical reality which is nothing BUT mind, the nuos.

Aristotle was wrong, and therefore the entire ediface of Western thought is also wrong, and the Good above all as the MO of "The One" cannot be defined by dialectic.

Our very reason is faulty, imho.

To be "reasonable" we must be unreasonable, and to be rational, we must be supra-rational. We must have the capacity to concieve of the inconcievable.

"God made your spirit with wings to fly in the spacious firmament of love and freedom. How pathetic therefore, to lop off your wings by your own hand, and suffer yourselves to crawl like vermin upon the earth."
~ Khalil Gibran

Until we reunite spirit and matter, very little real progress can be made.

"The time is coming, and indeed, it is already here, when people need no longer worship either on the mountain or in the temple, because God is Spirit and Truth, who seeks worshippers who worship in Spirit and in Truth."
~ Jesus, to the Samaritan Woman at the Well

What we need is a new understanding, an understanding that existed with the Sophists prior to the enthronment of reason by Plato and Aristotle, and the usurpation of the Quality of the Good by a false truth ie: a LIE.

What's needed is to kill the false mythos, and have the courage to enter into a new age, an age of reason AND spirit both.

The materialist realist POV, is not only false, but one that just totally sucks, by sucking the very life out of the meaning and purpose of life itself.

There are different ways of believing in and approaching God, if only the damn atheists would stop ASSUMING, then perhaps, just maybe, there might be an opportunity and room for general agreement and a new mythos capable of salvaging the meaning and purpose of life, and reuniting people in pursuit of a commonly shared ideal, based on something we all know and can agree upon - Quality aka The Good.

edit on 24-3-2011 by NewAgeMan because: rant over/

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 09:25 PM
I apologise if I go a little off topic, but I've always thought that there must be some kind of connectivity between space, time and mind. I suppose I am philosophically idealist, rather than materialist, ie, I believe mind precedes matter. I also believe that beneath our immediate conscious individual minds, we are all really parts of one great big
collective "Supermind", not only humans, but all the other living things in the universe as well. I think the apparent
physical universe is just something we construct mentally, but underneath I think we are all the same eternal person
or entity. I think that is why early man, subconsciously remembering this, invented God. After all, Jesus did sort
of say that God is within us. I just dont think we need dogmatic organised religion though.

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by superwurzel666

Bingo. More or less right. The "supermind" you speak of would be the collective unconscious as Jung called it. You pretty much laid out my beliefs though. We are the same eternal being. I am also a believer of what OP said. If there is not an observer than nothing exists.
edit on 25-3-2011 by d00d557 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 25 2011 @ 11:55 AM
Thank you everyone for your replies so far. Without taking attention away from the present topic, I want to expand on how I came to this conclusion. A previous thread of mine is relevant, because the experience opened my eyes to a new possible Universal order (if you could call it that): Secrets of our Existence and Universe Unraveled

It may or may not be true, things may or may not be the way they appeared to me, but on many levels it just seems to make sense. If what I wrote in that thread is true, then we are part of a greater consciousness which has the capability to create the illusion of matter (our world or dimension... whatever you want to call it) for itself to be able to learn from the experience and information it gathers through us (or itself, since we are it, it is us, and it is all around us)

Since we appear to be both it's creation (in that it manifested and split itself into what we would call matter) and "IT" in itself, then it leaves me with the possibility that as pieces of "IT", we also have the capability to manifest things and events into the physical world, though it may take us much longer to do, since we must work together in great numbers to accomplish these feats.

Imagine yourself (your body and mind) being divided into millions of ants, and your ultimate goal being able to lift and move a 50 pound rock. All those little ants will have to communicate the idea, convince each other that it is a worthy idea to execute, and then convince each and every ant to put the effort into lifting and moving the 50 pound rock. By being divided into millions of individual ants, the work that would have taken you (as a whole) a few seconds to execute now may take hours, days or months to manifest. You now have a million little minds you need to convince, whereas when you were a whole, you had to convince only yourself and do what you wanted to do that very moment.

Personal experience also guided me to this idea of the ability to manifest (or get what we want). Since I was a little kid I wished for certain things. There were different ways of obtaining these things. One way was to beg my parents until they gave in. Another way was to persevere despite all the nay-sayers. Staying focused and working hard toward a goal is yet another way. All these make sense, and most people are conscious of this ability to obtain the objects of their desire. It doesn't seem magical to us at all.

What about the ability to somehow fall into what you wished for? Have you ever wished for something only to get it months or years later? Maybe it was a job you've always wanted, and suddenly you find the opportunity right in front of you. Maybe it's some type of car you've always wanted, and through no personal effort just happened to obtain it? The circumstances line up and somehow your wish is manifested either in it's full glory, or just shy of some of the finer details. I can, without a doubt in my mind, say that I've fallen this way into many wishes either through much, little, or no effort at all. I find it fascinating! I'll be honest... I don't think I have found the power within myself to manifest things just the way I wish them to be, but many times they come hauntingly close to what I wanted. Is it coincidence? Is it me wishing things into existence? Or is it something else altogether? It leaves a lot to think about.

Before I forget, I want to add that it is also very interesting that we (the human species) try so hard to communicate with each other. We've got phones, the internet, the TV, radio,... all these for the purpose of sharing information and ideas. We strive to stay connected. We long to communicate our thoughts, feelings, life stories, ideas, fantasies, experiences, the experiences of others, so on and so forth. It's as if we (or "IT") were trying to unite into one giant organism! Think about it for a moment. We constantly hunger for information. We say to ourselves 'knowledge is power' and we scream about how important 'team work' is. We accomplish things much faster when we work together. 'Two minds are better than one'. We long to be united. We watch documentaries, fictional movies, movies based on true stories, we read books and magazines, we are fascinated by them all. We spend most of our day communicating and working toward a common goal,..... to make the world go round for you and me.
edit on 25-3-2011 by 2manyquestions because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

I believe humans are very powerful beings, we can create peace or cause devastation on earth just by our emotions and brain waves that we emit under fear, love etc.....

Mind Over Matter

One country, not ours, has learned that directed meditation can be used to bring down missiles from the sky.

Increase the rate to 11 Hertz and one can bring on a storm.

The resonating rate of the core of the earth is 6 Hertz. Generate this signal properly and one can bring on an earthquake, as the Soviets proved with earthquakes they caused in Iran and China, according to the monitoring done by Dr. Puharich.

But he assured his audience at Astara, "We can do with our minds what the Soviets are doing with mechanical equipment!

One hundred people, WITH SYNCHRONIZED THINKING, can do incredible things.

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