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what if everything but mainsteeam view of the world is completely false

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posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:23 PM
I mean:

  1. Islamic Terrorism and Global warming is the biggest dilemma that humanity has ever faced?
  2. the most cutting edge technology that humanity has ever developed are latest consumer gadgets and predator drones as well Renewable energy?
  3. Humans are around just for killing each other and destroying environment where today's technological progress is the best day of Human History?
  4. Mainstream Media and Sources never lies while non-Mainstream ones are always lies?
  5. everything that happens and exists in Real Life are restricted to those that 'scientifically tested' by 'experts'?
  6. Humans are completely alone?
  7. All Beliefs but ones where Mainstream Science, Capitalism, anti-drug(with Alcohol and Tobacco as the only ones that they accept), and psychiatry belongs are completely wrong and make people stupid?
  8. Everything that outside Mainstream media and Science are debunked(including conspiracy theories)?
  9. Powered Exoskeleton and similar equipments are the only things that makes people superhuman?
  10. Government and Corporate-funded scientific Research are always right while any independent research are always wrong?
  11. all UFOs are man-made, especially when uses Mundane technologies?
  12. Roswell, was proven to be a military experiment?
  13. There's no higher Dimensions?
  14. Reductionist-Materialist-Capitalist is the only view that true(alongside any other mainstream view of the world)?
  15. and Pseudo-skeptics, especially those that views life, world, and Universe from Reductionist-Materialist are the only ones that allowed to shove their beliefs to everyone's throats?

Not that I believe in many of these scenarios. Though what if it was all proven to you? What if all you had doubted was proven true?
What would be the impact on your life?

Would life become so mundane that you wanted it to end, especially to Mainstream Science-based apocalypse?

Would the destruction of your beliefs be the end of you?

Could you ever look anybody in the eye, who you stated these beliefs to?

Just curious.

and remember, no talking Suicide, especially when you will do this for real!
edit on 20/3/2011 by masonicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by masonicon

ha ha ha .....that makes them sound crazier than we do!!!

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:27 PM
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Tooth fairy are real.

Elvis is alive and well also.

Those who rely on the mainstream view of the world completely, are complete fools.

One of the three lines above is a proven fact.

Which is it?

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:30 PM
Thats why I think that being a human being is one of the biggest mind fu@#s i can think of.

When it comes down to it, who knows what the truth is. Is the bible true? Is Jesus Christ really God?

Do we have a soul? Or are we just advanced chimps?

Being a human is really the ultimate mind fuc%.

My brain tells me we will dye and thats it. But my heart and instinct tells me I am an eternal creation of God.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:33 PM
if that was so...

i would inject myself with botox and carry a permanent fake smile.

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:33 PM
what if everything but mainsteeam view of the world is completely false?

Mainstream- the common current of thought of the majority

The mainstream has been wrong many times and it is wrong even now. There are absolutes, but we haven't discovered them yet. So therefore, what the mainstream thinks is going to be wrong.

The majority of society doesn't realize our monetary system is completely based on debt. Out of that ignorance comes many incorrect assumptions about "life" and "reality". Young people today may think its possible under the current system to have a career and retire whilst having a good standard of living. In the near future this will in fact be impossible, its an inevitability. There will be less and less money nationaly and will be more and more internationaly. This will mean that money is hard to get and it is pretty much worthless when you get it.

The mainstream is always wrong, period!

posted on Mar, 19 2011 @ 11:34 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, Tooth fairy are real.

Elvis is alive and well also.

Those who rely on the mainstream view of the world completely, are complete fools.

One of the three lines above is a proven fact.

Which is it?

Shhhh, I'm trying to keep Elvis a secret.

If they could absolutely prove those things, who cares? I mean, life is for living and enjoying as well as questioning. Obsessing about everything is just going to cost you lots of precious time.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:04 AM
Isn't the mainstream view, as taught in education, that socialism and Keynesianism are virtues? I thought every young person equated capitalism with greed.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by larrydavid
Thats why I think that being a human being is one of the biggest mind fu@#s i can think of.

When it comes down to it, who knows what the truth is. Is the bible true? Is Jesus Christ really God?

Do we have a soul? Or are we just advanced chimps?

Being a human is really the ultimate mind fuc%.

My brain tells me we will dye and thats it. But my heart and instinct tells me I am an eternal creation of God.

Despite his Powers, Jesus Christ is no gods, We Have Soul, but mainstream Science taught us that we are inferior to everything else(Including chimps) that isn't us so this makes people embraces Transhumanism(enhancement by technological means)

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 02:12 AM
If I even thought that might be a possibility I would
be pressing the cold steel against the roof of my mouth right now.

posted on Mar, 20 2011 @ 05:13 PM
You have touched a nerve for me

Everything in that list of yours has strong arguments on either side...It has only been the last 18 months that i have been questioning everything mainstream, i have made genuine and shocking realisations about the actual world we live in, that what is reported on mainstream news is highly sugar coated and barely scratches the surface what goes on in the world we live in...therefore the mainstream veiws of everything on your list has every right to be questionable...

The worst thing for me is, everytime I've questioned these things openly and asked others to open their minds..they look at me like im crazy!!!

I can see them in their own little bubble, quite content to be believe everything they are told is true. Why should it be otherwise?

Then it makes me think..Why should i question it? Why is mainstream so bad? Does it really hinder us in our daily lives? What if were just obsessing, wasting time we could be enjoying...and thats why the skeptics laugh at us???

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Sinny
You have touched a nerve for me

Everything in that list of yours has strong arguments on either side...It has only been the last 18 months that i have been questioning everything mainstream, i have made genuine and shocking realisations about the actual world we live in, that what is reported on mainstream news is highly sugar coated and barely scratches the surface what goes on in the world we live in...therefore the mainstream veiws of everything on your list has every right to be questionable...

The worst thing for me is, everytime I've questioned these things openly and asked others to open their minds..they look at me like im crazy!!!

I can see them in their own little bubble, quite content to be believe everything they are told is true. Why should it be otherwise?

Then it makes me think..Why should i question it? Why is mainstream so bad? Does it really hinder us in our daily lives? What if were just obsessing, wasting time we could be enjoying...and thats why the skeptics laugh at us???

buy why they think anyone that won't believe anything they told to be true are morons?

posted on Mar, 21 2011 @ 08:04 PM
Originally posted by masonicon

Not that I believe in many of these scenarios. Though what if it was all proven to you? What if all you had doubted was proven true?

"Oops, I reincarnated into a wrong/boring world".

What would be the impact on your life?

Not much but will make me think why did I reincarnate into such a world.

Would life become so mundane that you wanted it to end, especially to Mainstream Science-based apocalypse?

No, I would still would want to experience but it would be more "boring" world.

Would the destruction of your beliefs be the end of you?


Could you ever look anybody in the eye, who you stated these beliefs to?


edit on 21-3-2011 by sphinx551 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 22 2011 @ 02:44 AM
huh. Sorry, not trying to be mean or anything but... seriously. If you are in any manner well read and experienced in the ways of this world, you know damn well reality has some serious cracks in it.

posted on Mar, 26 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by Sinny
You have touched a nerve for me

Everything in that list of yours has strong arguments on either side...It has only been the last 18 months that i have been questioning everything mainstream, i have made genuine and shocking realisations about the actual world we live in, that what is reported on mainstream news is highly sugar coated and barely scratches the surface what goes on in the world we live in...therefore the mainstream veiws of everything on your list has every right to be questionable...

The worst thing for me is, everytime I've questioned these things openly and asked others to open their minds..they look at me like im crazy!!!

I can see them in their own little bubble, quite content to be believe everything they are told is true. Why should it be otherwise?

Then it makes me think..Why should i question it? Why is mainstream so bad? Does it really hinder us in our daily lives? What if were just obsessing, wasting time we could be enjoying...and thats why the skeptics laugh at us???

Because Real Life is far more complex any works of fiction, everything is Possible considering God(the very author of Real Life) can creates anything, in facts any of his Possible creations has created in real life(albeit,didn't always physically exist). what they told to everyone isn't just makes anything that seems Sci-fi and/or Fantasy sounds impossible, they also declares more Superhuman feats of Badass Normality all but impossible. Humans are originally created to be more Superhuman than angels. and the reason Mainstream So Bad is: they thinks the only solutions for World's Problem lies solely of World's Richest People that more than often aren't exactly being Robin Hood or Santa Claus.

posted on Mar, 28 2011 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Mari4199
huh. Sorry, not trying to be mean or anything but... seriously. If you are in any manner well read and experienced in the ways of this world, you know damn well reality has some serious cracks in it.

this thread is basically more strict version of What if all conspiracy theories are false
edit on 28/3/2011 by masonicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 12:54 PM
Mainstream portrayal is a tangible source, mostly reliable on business and commerce. There will be times when the announcements will be dead on, or fabricated. It wouldn't be wise to even consider a scenario where all that is said is true, and all that is to the contrary is false. Or vice versa.

We're human beings, not drones fixated on what's right and wrong, but rather the pinnacle of sense and nonsense.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 04:16 PM
i won't lie, i've had thoughts similar to this. what if after all, we are only animals, destined to live x amount of years as intelligent meat sacks, then die.

But then i think... why do ancient civilizations speak so much about "gods" as physical beings?

rest assured OP, your questions will be answered sooner than you think. i hate to be that cryptic, but i feel as though we're approaching something HUGE.

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:00 PM

Originally posted by TheDeadFlagBlues
But then i think... why do ancient civilizations speak so much about "gods" as physical beings?

those "gods", especially pagan and polytheistic ones are actually no gods, they are still mortals like us. but when there's some people that reduced the senses of most of us, they are also rewrites our history so we think we never uses any of the senses that we uses before they reduces our senses since the very beginning of the history

posted on Mar, 29 2011 @ 08:03 PM
The problem is, the MSM is self-contradictory because it relies on doublethink. So if you were to take the MSM compeltely literally, you'd end up in the Chestnut Tree Cafe at 3 in the afternoon drinking gin flavored with cloves and tracing "2+2=5" on the dusty tabletop.

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