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Whales and Dolphins created earthquake/Tsunami to retaliate against Japans whale and dolphin fishing

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posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by roswell5151

This is ridiculous... why train dolphins and whales to attack a country that is responsible for electronics production and exports... Yeah.... over 95% of the stuff in your house is either fully or partially made in china and japan.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by solids0be

I'll go with it in a Karmic way or perhaps Dolphin Schadenfreud, but I don't think they can literally do anything that I'm even doubtful that man himself can do.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:04 AM
What I love here is how everyone speaks with greatly varying degrees of insight into their "own mind/life", and most don't even know it, empathy/humanity is one things, ignorance is well.. it's another one things. Love, chat amongst yourselves, and judge only yourself, for in the end, that's what you're doing anyways. Realisation, one hell of a drug.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by solids0be

ATS should screen for idiots before approving an account or membership

What a theory. It only works for certain type of Dolphins to detect fishes buried in the sand and to uncover them.
edit on 17-3-2011 by hp1229 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:11 AM
Just when I thought nothing could top the zombie thread, this precious gem catches my eye...
Good Lord. What next?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:15 AM
I think the OP has watched Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy way to many times! Whales and Dolphins caused the EQ.
And why do people flag these threads just let it die there is nothing worse than a pointless thread sitting on the front page all day. *sigh* /rant
edit on 17-3-2011 by Evil3unnie because: woke up to a BS post can't think

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:22 AM
reply to post by solids0be

All the sea and river creatures - Fish, Turtles, Whales, Dolphins etc. are not their for eating by human beings. Their job is to clean up those water bodies. Killing and eating them is some false belief system, and who knows where it came from.

Nature is a very powerful force, we are also part of it, but we have separated it from us. So, I believe nature has the capability to do anything. Dolphins emit ultrasonic waves for navigation and communication, if many of them had directed that frequency towards those plates, then it might be possible that those plates might have moved due to that frequency. But I am not a scientist, so I have no Idea, whether that can happen or not.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by solids0be

Has it occured to anyone that The disasters in Japan have been created by mother nature? Whales and Dolphin have been brutally slaughtered by the Japanese fishing industry and now they've had enough! Whales and dolphins have been found to hold great intelligence in scientific studies.

It's either that or the massive fault line where the quake occurred, such a toss up....


WE aren't even intelligent enough to generate an event of such I don't think Flipper and Shamu got together to plot revenge on the evil humans.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by solids0be

Thats a little over the top bro! We have plenty of whales these days, and Japan takes very few.

Sorry but you guys already saved the whales. Even to the extent that the sea lion population in some areas has been drastically effected. Allthough some do say that the sea lion population was inflated due to the absence of whales, and that we are just seeing a return normal.

edit on 17-3-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:26 AM
I don't know what is more outrageous, the original post or the fact that there are 14 pages worth of replies?

There are often many very worthy threads on this site that barely get 1 page worth of response. For some of these threads, the OPs have done the legwork, almost taking up an entire page with information, data, and outside argument and validation.

I am disappointed in myself for taking this long to rant. Can we please go on to something relevant?

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by solids0be
Has it occured to anyone that The disasters in Japan have been created by mother nature? Whales and Dolphin have been brutally slaughtered by the Japanese fishing industry and now they've had enough! Whales and dolphins have been found to hold great intelligence in scientific studies. No one knows how intelligent they actually are but it has been thought that they may be on Par with the human race. Its possible whales and dolphins have gotten to the point twhere they are tired of their companions being murdered in cold blood and have found a way to strike back. No one knows what exactly lies at the bottom of the pacific ocean, is it possible whales and dolphins have harvested Atlantean/Alien technology to utter destroy Japan with a quake/tsunami? I really believe we need to start looking closer into the connection of the slaughter of these beautiful intelligent animals and the disaster that struck Japan. hell hath no wrath like a womans scorn..and mother nature is the baddest B*tch you'll ever meet.

Who can say! I have wondered such ideas my self, but have to confess they have been kept in the realm of fantasy rather than a probably reality. I agree, the Japanese are particularly bad when it comes to dealing with Dolphins and whales. And I am glad that the earth quake came before they began their murder of the these creatures. ( I mean Not glad they had this earth quake at all, it’s a monstrously bad thing to have happened to anyone or anything) I would not wish this on anyone, except the NWO and the bankers! But if it was going to happen I am glad it happened before the killed started, at least they were probably saved swimming out to sea.
But in all seriousness Such an idea is on the fringe of the fringe. I just wish none of it happened at all, and everything was just left to live a life instead of being put into this state of unimaginable suffering and destruction for everyone and everything. All too sad if you ask me!

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
reply to post by solids0be

Are you serious or delusional?

It was a natural haarp, no illuminati, no nwo, no dolphins or whales getting revenge.

To say this is completely ignorant and sick.

I'd vote delusional

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by solids0be

edit on 3/17/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by solids0be
Has it occured to anyone that The disasters in Japan have been created by mother nature? Whales and Dolphin have been brutally slaughtered by the Japanese fishing industry and now they've had enough! Whales and dolphins have been found to hold great intelligence in scientific studies. No one knows how intelligent they actually are but it has been thought that they may be on Par with the human race. Its possible whales and dolphins have gotten to the point twhere they are tired of their companions being murdered in cold blood and have found a way to strike back. No one knows what exactly lies at the bottom of the pacific ocean, is it possible whales and dolphins have harvested Atlantean/Alien technology to utter destroy Japan with a quake/tsunami? I really believe we need to start looking closer into the connection of the slaughter of these beautiful intelligent animals and the disaster that struck Japan. hell hath no wrath like a womans scorn..and mother nature is the baddest B*tch you'll ever meet.

I have some dolphins that pass in front of my home and I ran into one a few days ago. He said for 12 tons of herring they will turn off the earthquake switch when their demands are met. However, he said the whales are asking for more.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by Donkey_Dean
reply to post by solids0be

Thats a little over the top bro! We have plenty of whales these days, and Japan takes very few.

Sorry but you guys already saved the whales. Even to the extent that the sea lion population in some areas has been drastically effected. Allthough some do say that the sea lion population was inflated due to the absence of whales, and that we are just seeing a return normal.

edit on 17-3-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

Yea your right, there are plenty of whales, true, but again there are plenty of humans too, so based upon this concept whats a few thousand people here and there in an earth quake! I am sure you don't take this view as I don't, so why are Dolphins and whales of any less value, as they can't speak our langauge ? and are not human looking. The truth is we are an arrogant species, who believe everything is of less value than us. This I do not agree with!

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Who is to say that we don’t have the ability to trigger something like this? I am sure the technology exists. I would assume it not much different than how and old style drill works.

An old style drill would be driven into rock by a sledge hammer. Unless it was unbound and rotated before the next strike it would become stuck fast, but if the pressure was released or rotated etc it could dig endlessly.

Here we have the moon as the sledge hammer and some type of underground bomb as the pressure release or rotation. They are saying that fracking for oil and gas has caused quakes. A 4.2 was recorded in Arkansas just a week or two ago, and the experts say it was due to fracking.

E.G. The moon pulls on the earth’s plates the same all the time. The plates become stuck fast, but if pressure is released etc the plates are easily moved by the moons gravity and you will have triggered a quake.

edit on 17-3-2011 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:37 AM
Well done! You are possibly the most ignorant person on here! good luck with thought processes such as this. this kind of post makes me want to leave this site. however the complete stupidty of your day dream actually got me to read it to the end. clearly you are educated but as thick as mud!

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by solids0be

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah (2nd breath) Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *wheeze, wheeze* Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha etc.

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:38 AM
How in the world does a topic like this get on the front page ... ow wait it happens all the time... I saw this topic a while ago and thought nothing of it and it made it to the front page? .
This is my opinion:
Utter nonsense

posted on Mar, 17 2011 @ 08:39 AM
I want to say thank you to all that have expressed their opinion in this thread. I know that it has been met with many people expressing negativity towards my theroy, but like wise many positive comments. but like I said I made this thread to open minds to the possibility of this, I never directly expressed that this IS what caused the horrific disaster in Japan. Again I want to express my deepest sympathy for the people of Japan, this is a truely horrible disaster and the nations of the world should look to assist Japan at all costs to prevent the possible Nuclear disaster and provide humanitarian aid to the displaced population.

With that said Ive noticed many people talking about the Simpsons and South park episodes that are about Dolphins and whales striking back. I had never seen these episodes to be honest and looked them up on youtube and was surprised to see that this idea has floated around before the events that happened in Japan. I also would like to compare this to the many threads that talked about 9/11 and the simpsons predicting the terrosit attacks that happened at the twin towers, as well as other world events. Could it be that the powers at be were also hinting at the possibility of this happening to as a kind of Nod to the general public that we need to be carefull of how we are treating the dolphin whale population? Its really somthing im looking further into. Again thank you everyone for your participation.

edit on 17-3-2011 by solids0be because: grammer

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