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Will You Hold The Government Accountable If They Lie About the Radiation Fallout?

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posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:22 AM
I bring this topic to light since we are still dealing with the lies from the BP Gulf Oil Spill. Now that everyone’s attention is focused on Japan, earthquakes and the potential radiation fallout over North America, are you going to “trust” the same people who (still to this day) say the seafood is safe to eat?

For those of you who do not know me, I am the one who started the Test The Rain Project. I know firsthand the difficulties surrounding independent testing when going against the establishment.

Luckily in this nuclear meltdown situation, we don’t have to send off samples to a “testing” facility that could be influenced by the Government to determine if something is toxic, at least not to detect a radiation exposure.

GeigerCounters are inexpensive and there is already an independent network in place that is updated every 3 minutes testing levels for radioactivity. It’s been posted on several threads and I will give the link here as well…………

There have been a couple threads reporting of a radioactive cloud being spotted over the Pacific by the Air Force. Everyone should know that the US along with many other governments can pick up and track such radiation particles through satalite imagery.

Space-based Nuclear Energy DetectionIn 1959, the US started to experiment with space-based nuclear sensors, beginning with the VELA HOTEL satellites. These were originally intended to detect nuclear explosions in space, using X-ray, neutron and gamma-ray detectors. Advanced VELA satellites added electro-optical MASINT devices called bhangmeters, which could detect nuclear tests on earth by detecting a characteristic signature of nuclear bursts: a double light flash, with the flashes milliseconds apart. Using Radiofrequency MASINT sensors, satellites also could detect electromagnetic pulse (EMP) signatures from events on Earth.

If such radiation plumes are in the Pacifice Jet Stream headed to the Canada/US boarder........then our Governments know about it.

I commend those who volunteer to test for radiation on the West Coast. Here is a thread seeking volunteers....

So my question is to you “What are you going to do if the Government does not report a radioactive plume over the Pacific and lies about it if those volunteers start to pick up radioactive readings?”

This would only be the start of the long term problem…………It’s an easy Google to see what the effects Chernobyl had on the environment.

Below is a six year Governmental study that was released in 2008 concerning toxic rain on the West Coast. In the study it talks about how the toxic pollutants crossed over from China and Europe. You can see just how far inland these toxins were found. The radiation fallout I feel will be dispersed similar to the toxins in this report.

We can only hope that the reports of containment hold true.

I do not ask for stars or flags.......I just want everyone to stand up if we are not told in advance and not lie down and accept lies as we did in the Gulf.

FYI......we released our testing results from the rain samples in the Gulf about the same time the earthquake hit. From those results you can understand why I am making this post.

edit on 14-3-2011 by Cloudsinthesky because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2011 by Cloudsinthesky because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2011 by Cloudsinthesky because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-3-2011 by Cloudsinthesky because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

Of course your state and federal Govt are going to lie to you!!!!

Have you ever caught them out telling the damn truth for once?

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:27 AM
trust your goverment. they never lie. good luck

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

I have to admit. I made a visit to the Gulf this weekend, ate some Gulf Grouper, waded out and watched some Horshoe craps. Collected up some shells and sponges to decorate my deck with. As far as I can tell here near Tallahassee the beach is healthy and beautiful. A guy that works for me caught a bunch of Redfish this weekend, and he brought me a 26 incher to cook up tonight. So we will be dining on Gulf Redfish this evening.

I definitely do not trust the MSM, and I definitely do not trust the first reports from them or the Government. They will never tell the truth until it is already self-apparent. Their number one priority is keeping the population calm and cool. They would never put out a headling that might cause panic. So, the answer to your question is that I absolutely DO NOT trust them.

BUT, I do trust ATS and my own observations, and I don't think radiation will be a problem outside of Japan for quite awhile. If there are reports along the Northern West Coast of North America, then I will get worried, but even Chernobyl didn't send dangerous radiation for thousands of miles, so I don't think this will either.

At this time, I am extremely worried about Tokyo and Japan as a whole. There is a high pressure system that could be sweeping the radiation back to the south and west and affecting Tokyo! I don't think the country could survive all of these disasters back to back to back and especially not if they have to evacuate Tokyo. It is a dire situation for their country.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:36 AM
Well, they have never been held accountable for anything else, so why break the habit?

That's what they have expensive lawyers for, to dodge any blame for anything, ever, and to apply vague interpretations of laws to avid any litigation. In short, the common man is in a no-win sitaution from cradle to grave when it comes to wanting governmental accountability.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

I have to admit. I made a visit to the Gulf this weekend, ate some Gulf Grouper, waded out and watched some Horshoe craps.

Horseshoe craps?

Sounds disgsuting! Hope you wore rubber boots!

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

Are you kidding me. If they were not accountable for the things they did to the people what makes you think they will be accountable now.

Can you smell it. That is coffee brewing ....Wake up man your own your own.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 09:54 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I have a friend who works in a dept let say and he told me specifically. If I wanted to stay healthy make sure you do not eat gulf seafood. Especially farm raised stuff which is sitting in area which was sprayed with oil dispersants.

He said an occasional seafood meal once a week would be enough to make you sick.

The gov knows this for a fact and still the show commercials saying the gulf seafood is good for us. They area actually feeding it in mass qauntities to our soldiers so if you know any soldiers in the us aks them how the have bben feeling since the gulf diasaster. Ask them if they eat seafood at the chow hall. Sko them if the have been having any strange rashes/hives on their stomach backs and legs. Ask them if they feel tired all the time and also ask them if they have an ache behind the eye socket.

When you ask them.

Then you make a decision if the food is safe.

My biggest problem is half the time you don't know where it came from.

You best bet is go to your local fish store for me that is the east coast around gloucester or newburyport and got the the local fisher men and get the fish fresh off the boat caught that day or the day earlier.

This is the only way to know for sure your not eating gulf seafood.

And he had mentioned to specifically stay away from shell food/ crabs/ rock lobster, and other bottom feeders. The problem is they all eat stuff off the bottom.

Just imagine what red tide does.

Now think of how that affects the seafood and they tell you what ever you do do not eat it.

But hell it is safe to eat seafood from the gulf which just dumped a couple of million gallons of oil and about a thousand other chemicals into the ocean.

Eat at you own risk. That is the way it should be labeled.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky
It's a real shame that in spite of all the hard work and dedication of yourself and others like you, the government will do whatever it wants to, and no one can do anything about it. Some say things can be changed come the elections, but most political parties are different in name only. Others go so far as calling for revolution, but how can civilians fight highly experienced troops with no qualms about killing, after having spent a couple of years of doing so in Iraq and Afghanistan. No one can fault soldiers for doing what they were sworn to do, and to refuse could be treason. No matter what you want changed, if it's of no benefit to t.p.t.b., it will never happen.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I am glad that you "do" feel safe. You can be the official ATS Mod guinea

Still not sure which side of the fence you are standing on with this seems you are standing on top of the fence post........If your fellow Floridian fisherman report that they will not eat thier catch, why would you?

As far as the fallout is concerned...........It’s all speculation at this point............What is factual is that toxins from China and Europe have made their way across the Pacific and have contaminated our lands in North America as stated in the EPA report in my opening post.

If something is released in the air from this Nuke event, then there is a plausible chance that it will travel the distance over to North America………….

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Rocky Black

I work in a Department too. And when the disaster first happened, I got a little bit of inside information, but there is no information to be had now. Even the government is confused. BP is not paying their claims, the press is no longer interested, the $$$$ is all going toward marketing the Gulf Coast and Florida's tourist season. The economy is the most important thing to everybody, not the health.

reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

Ya, I don't know which side of the fence I am on either. I love the Coast. I love the seafood. I love the environment down here, and maybe we are all just too stubborn to admit anything is wrong? I don't know. You know I started out defending the use of Corexit, and downplaying its toxicity, but then bad things started showing up, and I kind of switched sides. Now, there haven't been any bad things (at least in my area) for several months, the weather is getting warm, the Coast and the Gulf are so beautiful and inviting, that I just can't resist being optimistic. I can't decide if I am concerned or not. And, even if I decided there was cause for concern, I can't decide if I would heed my own warnings or not? I might go to the beach and eat some oysters just for spite and pure stubbornness?

Back to the Radiation Fallout. I am lucky enough to be on the far East side of the US. I can be optimistic until I start seeing effects in the Western United States. I am watching This Webpage for signs of radiation. Right now, my main concern is for Japan, and especially Tokyo. If the reactors get worse, and if the wind switches toward Tokyo, it will probably be the end of Japan as we know it.
edit on 14-3-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:28 PM

A LIVE view from a Geiger Counter in Tokyo so you know when to start running South!

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:29 PM
Regarding the Japanese government I would not.

Realistically, even if there is a worst case scenario here, they are already dealing with severely damaged infrastructure... MILLIONS of people on an ISLAND... Logistically it is a complete nightmare.

Telling people to stay indoors, and remain calm, control information and news, not cover it up, but minimize the severity so as to avoid mass panic. Evacuate as many people as possible nearest the affected sites. There isn't much more or less that they can do at this point, no matter how bad it gets.

Railroads damaged, roads, bridges damaged, airport runways damaged, sea ports damaged... Mass evacuations are logistically impossible, and would likely be as dangerous or worse than the quake and tsunami in regards to loss of life.

It is what it is.... Sadly so.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:31 PM
One 49 year old woman in Japan that has just lost everything said "They're telling us to stay inside but all the houses are gone."

So sad!

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:33 PM
How can I hold the Government accountable? I can send letters, make phone calls, yell and scream until Im blue in the face.. none of it will do any good Im sad to say.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Last night my wife's ex gave me some red snapper on the half shell that he caught down in the Gulf.........Not sure if he is trying to knock me off or what............It sure looks tempting to throw on the grill.

Back on topic here..........I guess reports are coming out that some of the fuel rods have been exposed again? It does look more and more like a total melt-down for at least one unit is coming…………

The question is will it stay contained?

Our son lives on the beach in Santa Cruz…… (we got some cool pics of the water recessing before the small waves hit shore)…………Nineteen, long-hair, surfing college student………….what a life!!

There are many members here on ATS who live on the West Coast. If a plume of radioactivity does come inland and “we” are not given a 24 to 48 hour notice will spell it out completely………..that alone should be enough to unite solidarity or it should.

Our family as so many others do, have a personal interest and we are watching closely………………..

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by Cloudsinthesky

A Geiger Counter is about $400 on that site I linked to above. You could have your son get one, hook it into the network and then you could monitor the Radioactivity at his location. At least Southern California should have a little more time compared to Northern California.

Research the decontamination procedures if he is exposed. Baking Soda + Soap and Water wash. Baking Soda + Potassium Iodide ingested. Keep skin and mucous membranes covered, etc., etc.

I agree with you. With several thousand miles of warning potential, if the population of the West Coast did happen to be exposed without warning, it should unite the people into a common cause to do away with the criminals. I think the crime would be "Depraved Indifference" and it could carry a capital punishment!

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by minkey53
One 49 year old woman in Japan that has just lost everything said "They're telling us to stay inside but all the houses are gone."

So sad!

The actual quote:

"It's like a horror movie," said 49-year-old Kyoko Nambu as she stood on a hillside overlooking her ruined hometown. "Our house is gone and now they are telling us to stay indoors."

Still scary and sad but not nearly as dramatic as ALL the houses are gone.

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I think the crime would be "Depraved Indifference" and it could carry a capital punishment!

“Amen” was heard across the Mid-West!!

posted on Mar, 14 2011 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

I agree with you. With several thousand miles of warning potential, if the population of the West Coast did happen to be exposed without warning,

That isn't going to happen.

IF there is a significant release of radiation and there is ANY possibility of dangerous exposure in the USA there will be warnings well in advance. This isn't something the government in the US could hide from the people.

The focus is on the situation in Japan, and the related immediate concerns for that region.

There would need to be a massive release from multiple reactors into the atmosphere and readings that show high levels of radioactive particulates in the jet-stream before there would be cause for alarm and warnings in the western US and Canada.

They quite simply can't cover it up if it happens, nor hide it from the people.


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