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Are there any other Real Vampi(y)res here on ATS?

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posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by nohumanintentions

Originally posted by PinkAndBlack

Originally posted by nohumanintentions
reply to post by PinkAndBlack

You're right. It has nothing to do with not wanting to hide who you really are from the rest of the world. & all of us queers that come out of the closet are just seeking attention too. Get real.

i have nothing against gay society, i have alot of gay friends actually so where ever that came from? but as it pertains to "real" vamps yeah exactly kid, thats the whole point, hiding. why would a real vamp want to expose themselves to "the rest of the world" that has absolutly nothing to do with them. not even same species. you know what i feel like when i walk outside? i feel like im in the zoo and all the animals are out of their cages loose. cause thats what they are. animals. like if i took some random person out into a vast forrest and dropped them off and said "ok i want you to live, function, communicate and blend in with all the species in this forrest and convince them you are the same" and they wonder why i'm a recluse. i dont understand people, i dont relate, when they talk it sounds to me like that teacher from peanuts cartoons "whaa, wha whaa" ...and i dont want to. get a life kid. would a hunter in the same forrest "out" himself to the prey? i think not they WANTto hide.

We're not predators. Do not judge all of us by what the media says are vampires. Some are like that, others are not. I don't view people as meals. I do not view them as batteries. What I get for energy is the leftover fumes you people unknowing expel into the air. Like someone breathing out carbon dioxide I'm the plant the breathes it in and use it for my sustenance. There's plenty to go around.

If there is a point to your comment it is the fact that the masses think that way and it'll call for another witch hunt in that ignorance and fear.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:09 AM
reply to post by nohumanintentions

I'm not a kid. I don't understand people either, & I definitely don't relate to them, but claiming we're a different species all together is pure ignorance & denial of self. Coming out in the open does not mean we have to assimilate. You should really think about respecting that which sustains you instead of viewing it as inferior. We are ALL & nothing is above or below anything else, whether that be Gods or rats. I say leave the shadow lurking to the lifestylers.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by furzball

Originally posted by nohumanintentions

Originally posted by PinkAndBlack

Originally posted by nohumanintentions
reply to post by PinkAndBlack

We're not predators. Do not judge all of us by what the media says are vampires. Some are like that, others are not. I don't view people as meals. I do not view them as batteries. What I get for energy is the leftover fumes you people unknowing expel into the air. Like someone breathing out carbon dioxide I'm the plant the breathes it in and use it for my sustenance. There's plenty to go around.

If there is a point to your comment it is the fact that the masses think that way and it'll call for another witch hunt in that ignorance and fear.

ok swamp thing.......... and i have a unicorn farm lol. i am enjoying the laughter tonite, please do continue

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:16 AM
First of all welcome to ATS.
I hope that you have understood by now that such claims can raise hell around here.
So you are a vampire.
I have read everything i could find about vampires.It is a topic that interests me.I'm from Greece and here we have a lot of stories about vampires.People especially in the older days believed that vampires are real and in small villages and islands they still do.There is also an infamous vampire community in small island near Santorini.

Anyway,from my research i have come to understand that sometimes people with some blood diseases,such as haemophilia,were mistaken to be vampires.These people are in need of fresh blood and in the old days when blood transfusion wasn't known or widely practised they chose to drink the blood.Vlad Dracula is rumoured that he suffered from that disease.
I hope that this is not your case.Have you taken medical checks to ensure that you are not sick or you just jumped to the conclusion that you are a vampire?

Now the folk tales talk about undead creatures.People who died and were never buried properly or cursed people.
Also people who died when a vampire bit them,is another way of turning into one.

If i remember correct there is also an occult way to become such a creature.In another site with spells,there was a spell to turn you into a vampire.

So the question is:How did you become a vampire?
Did you die and then came back?
How old are you?(sorry if you answered that before...)
Drinking blood is not very healthy and besides the stomach and other organs cannot absorb raw blood.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:20 AM
seems people are arguing as to whether vampires exist or not... i believe that they exist for those who believe in them, the same way people who believe in god think he is real...

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by PinkAndBlack
reply to post by nohumanintentions

I'm not a kid. I don't understand people either, & I definitely don't relate to them, but claiming we're a different species all together is pure ignorance & denial of self. Coming out in the open does not mean we have to assimilate. You should really think about respecting that which sustains you instead of viewing it as inferior. We are ALL & nothing is above or below anything else, whether that be Gods or rats. I say leave the shadow lurking to the lifestylers.
I am a Psi/Sang "Hybrid" & have been awakened for the better part of 4 years now

oook and if thats^ what you think you are kid and you dont consider that a different species, what planet are you living on? as i said attention seekers. whats the point other than that?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by furzball

That is very interesting about your past life dream. The only thing I can remember as far as any resemblance of a past life goes is an unbearable anguish. My stomach is turning just thinking about it. It's like screaming at the top of my lungs underwater. Screaming to the point that my soul tears. At first I thought it was the final moment of my last life, but now I'm not sure how far back it goes.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by PinkAndBlack

I loved the dental technician work, and I have very fond memories of the city and such things as The LBV @ Mother. I am in Europe now and am solitary and yes a lot has changed. Zines were the internet back then, there were forums and sites but nothing 'important' was published on line. I remember sitting with Todd discussing the early stuff, the shape of the ankh and such things...

I have to say this thread does make me somewhat uncomfortable...but I think your doing well holding things down, so that's good.

All the best my friend.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:35 AM
reply to post by Phantom traveller

Thank you for the welcome & yes I knew how most would react

I really want to visit Greece sometime. The anarchists there make us in the US look like a bunch of angsty school kids:/

For your first question, I believe you must be born a vampire & I've been alive my whole life lol.
I wont answer how old I am, but it's a reasonable age & I'll be lucky if I make it to 100 to be honest.
Yes the body can not absorb ingested blood (which comes out through your sweat, urine & crap) but it's the life force carried by the blood that we feed from.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:48 AM
I think people in power/military are psychic vampyres. They ingest the fear/sacrifices in society for sustenance. Without being in power and dominating others and causing stress in them they starve. Everytime a young person or warrior sacrifices himself/herself to them they feel surging energies rush through them like a person who is starved that finally gets to eat. They're part of the same bloodline that creates hitler/saddam/terrorists/etc they just all live in different families and are on different sides and believe different things and war with eachother. I'm not saying people in our military are terrorists. I'm saying they're part of the same bloodline that leads to people performing violence.

But then again, there're many versions of vampyre. Humans eat vegetables/meat so we are "sucking the blood of vegetables and animals". We build homes from trees so "we're sucking the blood of trees". We build a lot of our things from the materials we mine deep in earth. So "we're sucking the blood of earth". There're many types of vampyres. The issue isn't whether Vampyrism exists, it's whether a person NEEDS what they ingest for sustenance. For example, if you "suck the blood of water", do you NEED it? I don't know a single human being that cannot exist without water, so it's not an issue. Otherwise, it would be an issue. The goal is to find out what we need as opposed to what we want and determine whether the loss is appropriate or whether it needs to be stopped.
edit on 19-2-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by ThrIII

I can't wait to leave the States & see Europe some day. I'm sure a lot has changed & I can't wait to see what things are like in the next 10 years or so. It would be nice to meet those who've been around for a while someday, the "Elders" I guess. I've been working on a personal ankh for a while, there's a lot of amazing ones out there already.

To be honest I feel a bit overwhelmed & uncomfortable myself, but the only way is forward..

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:03 AM
If Vampirism if i may call it is a cult or religion, Members of that society may be considered vampires. If you claim that vampires are beings that resemble us with super human abilities.....You're dreaming. Vampires are confused individuals who want to become something that they can never become.

You eat, die, bleed, fear, are about as weak as anyone else,.etc................The only thing you do that we don't is drink blood. Doesn't make you any better then us or benefit you in any way.

And that is the cold truth.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

Those in control definitely feed off of those that are forced to keep their way of life going. Our obedience is the "life blood" of their entire system. It's classism, pure & simple.

Everything interacts with energy, giving & taking as our needs arise. We as a society have been feeding off the Earth for a long time & our entire culture is built around sucking it dry. One day we'll learn to live AS the Earth & not just OFF of it.
edit on 19/2/2011 by PinkAndBlack because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by Serizawa

Though there are various belief systems within the Vampire Community, it is not a religion as a whole. I, for example, am a vampire but I am also an atheistic satanic discordian. I also know a vampire who is christian.

No one is claiming we have superhuman abilities. Sometimes I don't even want to be a vampire, but not so much anymore, though I still have my days. We do eat, bleed, fear, & (eventually) die, just like everyone else.

We are not better in any way & the cold truth IS that we are all the same. I'm glad you can see that as well.
edit on 19/2/2011 by PinkAndBlack because: grammatical errors

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by PinkAndBlack

So how exactly did you realize you were a vampire if i may ask? What benefits did you gain?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by PinkAndBlack

First off, this is NOT the place to claim we are mentally unstable

"First off" this is a public forum and who the hell are you to tell people what they should post here! Everyone is entitled to an opinion here. Yes if you believe you are a "Psi/Sang "Hybrid"" You have extreme mental illness issues and need help.

All posts not pertaining to the subject of this thread will be ignored by me!

That statement reeks of someone who wants to shoot their mouth off and claim something is true without defending it! Cowardly!

I straight away call bogus hoax on this. you have no powers, you are mentally ill and in urgent need of professional help!.

Right now I call your bluff if you are one of these "Psi/Sang "Hybrid"" beings like you claim, prove it. Don't just shoot your mouth off Prove it! Until then I call hoax on you! I dare you to prove it. ignoring this post is evidence you have nothing. yes you do have to prove it. You honestly think you can come here and shoot your mouth off without proving it?

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by Serizawa

I first heard about psychic vampires when I was beginning to study witchcraft. After a year or so they popped up in my head one day & I decided to study how to protect myself from them. The first wed site I ended up coming across turned out to be a psychic vampire support page. I had no idea that they were people & only thought that they were astral beings. It didn't take long before I realized that I had been feeding from my family & friends energy my whole life & a lot of things made sense. I guess I knew I was a vampire the same way I knew I was queer.
I don't think I benefited or gained anything from this experience except a better understanding of myself & how I interacted with others & the world around me.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by PinkAndBlack
reply to post by furzball

That is very interesting about your past life dream. The only thing I can remember as far as any resemblance of a past life goes is an unbearable anguish. My stomach is turning just thinking about it. It's like screaming at the top of my lungs underwater. Screaming to the point that my soul tears. At first I thought it was the final moment of my last life, but now I'm not sure how far back it goes.

a dream life, not past life dream. Think of it as taking a passenger seat in someone else's ride. As to your past life dream, certain moments in our lifes seem to drag on forever. Maybe your past death did. Time is relative to the state of mind. Always moving forward, just at what speed.

To the people bashing on PinkAndBlack. Shame on you. He's tried to do his research to discover what he is with no mentors and had to develop his best guess of things. Happens all over ATS with other research fields. No one view is completely right. This is a thread that is supposed to be a search for other "Vampires" to discuss our way of things. We're not looking for trolls. Nor was P&B asking about if or not vampires existed.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 05:57 AM
reply to post by PinkAndBlack

Isn't feeding off other peoples energies normal? Negative feelings, Joy, Sadness etc....Doesn't that make us all psychic vampires? We love the peace and the violence at the same time, The laughter and the tears. That's human nature.

This whole thread stinks to me, And being queer would not exactly be considered normal. I think you are just looking for a way to escape of your childhood, I guess that's why you practiced the occult. You must have experienced something traumatic in the the past. Forgive me for bringing this up but it seems like you are trying to fight your inner demons.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by phatpackage

You mad /b/ro?

"First off" I'm the OP of this thread that's "who the hell" I am. What I meant by that statement was that this is not a thread to discuss how "mentally ill" people who claim they are vampires are & that you should start your own thread if you wanted to rant about that instead of attempting to hijack mine. True everyone is entitled to an opinion here, but I am entitled to choose the topic of my own threads & that is whether or not there are other vampires here on ATS (yes there are btw). If you're not a vampire then the correct answer to contribute as to stay on topic would be "I'm not sure but I am not a vampire" or to just stay out of it, but whatever... do as thou will mate.

"Second", yeah I obviously didn't follow my own rule there & I apologize for responding to someone who is not on topic & is claiming I am mental & need help.

You obviously don't even know what I am talking about. I do not owe you anything & don't have to prove anything to you. This is my intro thread & as long as I'm on topic I can "shoot my mouth off" as much as I please.

"ignoring this post is evidence you have nothing." did you think your post was really that intimidating that I wouldn't reply?

You-do-not-know-me & anyone who thinks they can judge a complete stranger's mental sanity should probably be questioning their own

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