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Mubarak Gold in UK worth USD 620,000,000,000 with documents !

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posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 03:01 AM
Ok so there is this famous award winning Egyptian blogger who claims that he found bank documents for Mubarak's assets worth 620 Billion USD. There are scans of the document. I know it doesn't make sense, but can you guys verify it or something. I have downloaded the pictures in case the website goes down, here is the link

He says he is not sure of the authenticity of the documents.

His name is Wael Abbas

More here

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 03:10 AM
So he has bono's face AND money sense. Good find. Does he also want to use the chinese police model for internet containment? Is he a shill for global warming, aidshoax, and anything the nwo need?

Mubarak has a bright future as a double to protect precious bono.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 03:11 AM

edit on 6-2-2011 by 12voltz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Alright i just tried to access his blog again but it is down, its under attack or something. Even though that money sounds ridiculous why is his website under attack? are they trying to hide something or what?

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 10:28 AM
the rest of the documents

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by roguehuman

Is that Mubaraks personal rip off fund which he has essentially stolen from his people/country,or is it part of Egypt's collective wealth,which Mubarak chooses to keep in London?

I'm guessing its the first one.
Of course it could all be some artful fakery,but it would not surprise me to find out this is legit,or that he has other massive accounts in other countries.

Perks of the job or what?
He could have had a prosperous country if he hadn't pinched all its wealth maybe IMO.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Ok boys! You guys need to learn how to do some research!

Watch my back, Im goin dark!

Edit soon with whatever info I find--

Sir Peter Squire
link - wiki

Chairman Board of Trustees
Imperial War Museum
2006 – present

Air aide-de-camp to queen elizabeth
An air aide-de-camp is a senior honorary aide-de-camp appointment for air officers in the Royal Air Force, the Royal Australian Air Force and the Indian Air Force. Normally the recipient is appointed as an air aide-de-camp to the head of state. The British Army's equivalent appointment is Aide-de-Camp General.


This guy checks out-v
direct link
Andrew Gregg Notary PublicAndrew Gregg Notary Public
Place page
7 Queen Square
Bristol, City of Bristol BS1 4JE, United Kingdom
0117 906 9419 telephone +1,000,000 internet points to whoever calls and records this. He could answer us in about a second!

Train: Bristol Temple Meads Rail Station
Get directions - Is this accurate?
Open Weekdays 9am-5pm


one arabic CNN article said this concerning the Family, whos son died May 19th 2009.
"Previously the Egyptian President's wife, Suzanne Mubarak, on Monday apologized for not being able to participate in the ceremony scheduled for them in the British capital London, to follow up on the health situation of her grandson. "

This report - link
states that mubarak is extremely sick and may not have long to live. Which is ironic considering how hard he is trying to hold onto power. But the info that he may be sick is important when considering the amount of wealth being thrown around. Interesting tid bit from the article

"Gamal Mubarak Favorite to Succeed Mubarak

The article went on to state that Mubarak's youngest son, Gamal, is the front runner. He worked as an investment banker in London before returning to Egypt to enter politics.

Read more at Suite101: President Hosni Mubarak Seriously Ill?
Caledonian Banking group
"The Caledonian Group was established in 1970 and has offices in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Isle of Man, London, Orlando and New York"


UK .gov website

"This list contains the names of entities promoting themselves over the internet and purporting to be banks and/or offering banking-type services, however none of them are authorised by the FSA. "
So the UK considers this a somewhat fraudulent bank.

Dr Urs Schneider
google- dr urs schneider caledonia
" head of the orthopedics and musculoskeletal systems department at the Fraunhofer institute for production and automation technology"

google: peter squire automative
Top 3 links are from the UK

Dayton Public Radio Playlist

Sept 10th 2010
Stephanie Chase
8:00:00 AM Romance No 1 in G Op40
Composer: Beethoven, Ludwig van
Performers: Stephanie Chase vln, Roy Goodman c, Hanover Band
Label: Cala
Length: 5.46 min

9:15:00 AM Overture "Romeo and Juliet"
Urs Schneider
Composer: Raff, Joachim
Performers: Urs Schneider c, Slovak State Philharmonic
Label: Marco Polo

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by VonDoomen

Im sorry if all that info is somewhat hard to decipher.. in this age we are suffering from to much info, not a lack of it, if you know how look!

There seems to be a lot of connections between all the names and groups represented in these documents, and im only scratching the surface with some basic data mining.

IMO, this thread deserves to be on the front page, only so we can get down to the truth of the matter. The implications run far deeper than what we see here. Im implore you ATS, research this topic, flag it, and spread the word!!

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
reply to post by roguehuman

Is that Mubaraks personal rip off fund which he has essentially stolen from his people/country,or is it part of Egypt's collective wealth,which Mubarak chooses to keep in London?

If so, It's American tax dollars at work.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
reply to post by roguehuman

Is that Mubaraks personal rip off fund which he has essentially stolen from his people/country,or is it part of Egypt's collective wealth,which Mubarak chooses to keep in London?

I'm guessing its the first one.
Of course it could all be some artful fakery,but it would not surprise me to find out this is legit,or that he has other massive accounts in other countries.

Perks of the job or what?
He could have had a prosperous country if he hadn't pinched all its wealth maybe IMO.

No that is just a collection of US foreign aid over the many many years that he's been safe keeping it. . .

That money, technically, was ours...
edit on 7-2-2011 by BiGGz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by BiGGz

So is this money still in the name of Egypt ?
And is this not as big of a issue as it first sounds?

Im just surprised this wasn't in the front page

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 12:49 PM
Just out of curiosity...... how could you value the gold and print documents stating the value when the price fluctuates hourly?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by blackrabbit1

well I think they would value it at the price of gold at the time the certificate was issued?

But that is my guess? Im sure the banking industry has a bunch of ways to manipulate that money/certificate.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 03:45 AM
Why dont we first discuss the authenticity of these documents. lets start with his signature in the first document, according to wikipedia this is his signature

Can a person have more than one signature, or is one of them fake?

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 04:48 AM
last i've heard is that Mubarak's wealth is $70 Billion, putting him ahead of Gates and Pickens...

his accumulated wealth is not from any productive life contribution....
No...he stashed away more than $1Billion a year of USA foreign aid targeted for the Egyptian masses.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by St Udio

i think the 40 - 70 billion dollar isnt only Mubarak's money its the family family. And lawyers have filed with the general prosecutor for an investigation into Mubarak's family wealth, thats a first in Egypt.

Anyways though what do you guys think on the authenticity of these documents?

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by St Udio

Not to mention that is to much money to have stashed from the aide we give them.
right now itts at roughly 1 billion per year. At that rate, it would of required 70 years of saving just that amount.

I wonder if some of that money is from the illegal sale of egyptian artifacts? Sell all the good stuff to the highest bidder sort of thing.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:18 AM
if this is true it would explain MORE than a few things
there is ALWAYS money behind these conflicts

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by VonDoomen
reply to post by St Udio

Not to mention that is to much money to have stashed from the aide we give them.
right now itts at roughly 1 billion per year. At that rate, it would of required 70 years of saving just that amount.

I wonder if some of that money is from the illegal sale of egyptian artifacts? Sell all the good stuff to the highest bidder sort of thing.

exactly, have you noticed too how they never quiet confirm or say where the money comes from

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:05 PM
620 billion is a ridiculous amount. These documents are obviously faked. It isn't hard to fake documents and find legitimate people and use their names. As one poster has pointed out the signatures don't match, even if they did it would be easy to photoshop them.

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