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A Message to ALL Americans. READ!

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posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:44 AM
The second I saw the title of this I thought "It will all come down to the jewish thing".... Yep!

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:19 AM
Look here buddy OP you can blame our government you can blame freemasons or you can blame the illuminati or even big greedy corporations but dont blame our people. Our day and hour is coming as is everyone in the worlds so for now worry about your own country if youre not offereing a solution you are part of the problem.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by Soldier of God

I tihnk the repetition is worthwihile, and the writting style is good. New researchers need to be considered on sites like this.

Good post!

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:26 AM
Wrong... As the OP pointed out, we dislike Americans that believe the whole world and every conspiracy theory and every event revolves around them, because of the 'popular' discussions on the internet which is basically mostly Americans... The truth is, we don't really care.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:27 AM
i've been pondering how we can have politicians that say such wonderful things before they are elected, only to do the exact opposite once they are in and have reached a conspiracy-based theory:

they are replaced with clones. or maybe they become nephilim or something.
the obama we have now, is not the obama that ran for office. he's a clone. lol OR he's a victim of body snatchery. maybe they are all subjected to some kind of brain wipe tech as soon as they are successfully voted in, cause some of these guys, do such radical changes from their campaign promises, it's almost UNBELIEVABLE

thank you thank you. i know, it's a great theory. no need to applaude.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:36 AM
reply to post by Monts

False Flag Nuclear Attack, Concentration Camps, New World Order. Game Over.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:41 AM
reply to post by Monts

hey i have a good idea on how to put an end to this.

Go to the capital building, hold up a picket sign and yell truths to every passerby. it may take a week or two but word will spread and fellow truthers will come out and join you. Then before you know it, we too will have a million man march.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:49 AM
I can sense your frustration and completely empathize.

You have to realize that Americans defend the actions of America simply because we're Americans. Doesnt matter how morally wrong or twisted the actions of our government may be.

Dont get me wrong, people are starting to wake up. They are starting to see the fact that there is a one party system in place which ensures that every agenda moves forward regardless of which party is "elected".

At the end of the day, the only ones that can stop the American government are Americans. The only way Americans will wake up to the evil of this government is when this evil completely engulfs this nation.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 03:54 AM

Originally posted by gladtobehere
I can sense your frustration and completely empathize.

You have to realize that Americans defend the actions of America simply because we're Americans. Doesnt matter how morally wrong or twisted the actions of our government may be.

Dont get me wrong, people are starting to wake up. They are starting to see the fact that there is a one party system in place which ensures that every agenda moves forward regardless of which party is "elected".

At the end of the day, the only ones that can stop the American government are Americans. The only way Americans will wake up to the evil of this government is when this evil completely engulfs this nation.

sad part is, that's probably part of the agenda as well. so while we are tearing each other apart, they will be riding around in their lear jets and hanging out with saddam and osama bin laden, on some tropical island sipping tropical drinks with little pink umbrellas.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:03 AM
reply to post by Monts

Was a good read. as a American i can say this is very true but they are right we have heard it before and i still think alot of people need to hear it again. But what has happened over here is our corruption runs very very deep. wheels was put in motion for this to happen a long time ago. road blocks has been put in place to slow down any kind of change. hence why our current pres wants to restructure our gov but even his hands are tied.

As far as the Israel thing. its not so much Israel its the fact that we do need access to airspace in these areas to be able to help our other allies. personally i feel Israel is just as much as a terrorist as the Taliban actually worse cuz its my money thats being used to kill. but we do need ground over on that side of the world to have support ready for allies. Israel was only picked because they was one of the most powerful terror group that could be somewhat controlled with money. so the USA recognizes them.

As far as military spending. that falls right back int he corruption case. friends of friends buying nothing for money.

As the being told about this would happen i noticed you use a JFK video. this county has been working on suppressing its own people scene the 50-70's people started catching on but got diverted and killed then forgot about and was told they was crazy, today them crazy people are called terrorist. arrested and put away with out cause.

You ask what can we do? what is our options? following proper methods political is made to sit on a shelf for years. you can stand up voice your opinion and be shot down then arrested. all assets frozen for your entire family and any kind of help or assestince that u might need will be cut off. only real option i see is got to wait till they pull out the first head shot. before people will stand with each other. there will be a line drawn between corporations and public. ofcorse federal will fall in with the corporations. but until then if we stand one buy one its intent death. and we will not get no place. sometimes i do wish somebody would step in and get us back on track. even if its Russia or china would rather Russia then china. hard to say grass is always greener on the other side. next option i guess would be move? well im just a poor boy i cant afford to move or i would. probably would not even get accepted for a visa. after all im a white american with no money. why would anyone help me?

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by Soldier of God

sometimes it takes repetition to get things through ... when things start to disappear .. the more u write and the larger the media the better chances of it being absorbed or noticed .. plus i just came across this text it may be the spark that gets me thinking..

edit on 4-2-2011 by abzenze because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 05:07 AM
That was quite the rant, but hell if you can't beat us, join us. After all, you can't spell us without U.S.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 05:36 AM
reply to post by Monts

Americans dont care about the wars they fuel because the wars AINT ON THEIR DOORSTEP, but should the wars be brought to them, which i no doubt think will happen soon enough, then there will be a big hoohaa about it, and the majority of the rest of the world will say....ITS ABOUT TIME...

I on the other hand will feel very very sorry for the Americans who are helpless to do anything about it, and those helpless people are the honest, middle and lower classes who dont have the means to stop it...not even an Egypt type movement would stop it IMO
edit on 4/2/11 by jrmcleod because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by 46ACE

"The principal beneficiary of America's foreign assistance programs has always been the United States." – US Agency for International Development, "Direct Economic Benefits of U.S. Assistance Programs" (1999); i.e., most of the money is paid directly to US corporations.

this came from Bill Blums "anti empire " report , i think its quoted from the Agency for international development

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:12 AM
Answer perfectly in line with your nick-name, congrats!
U've a loooong way to go, bro if u're able to misunderstand a simple reasoning and FACTS: come here and watch some "good US movies", then came back on ATS.

Not ALL "made in USA" films are, luckily, the same. Yesterday I watched Due Date, a funny movie and there's a scene that's obviously emblematic of your (read YOURS, not of ALL american people) behaviour: when they pass the mexican frontier. Really entertaining and illuminating. Have fun!



Originally posted by ThatGuyInTheKnow
reply to post by Emanuele_C

Well funny guy, like you said your an italiain which is cool. The sad part is you try to assume were all unintelligent, your really gonna sit there and claim american made movies/ television sit and promote american propaganda.

For you to have the nerve to say american tv production says such horrible things is an outrage. I would love to see Movie scripts as well as Tv scrips that include your bull sh!t worded claims. This is almost a joke but im fair and i dont mind disputing it.

What you need to ask your un -- informed self is was it merely a dumb-ass country fault in where they re-worded the text for counrty wide read.(meaning they fixed it for language purposes or not)

Or like you claim Americans plotting against world

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:17 AM
I'll second that there are alot of american feel good movies ! Independance day for example , its like america saves the world , like there wouldnt be any other scientist able to figure out what they did !

Most american hollywood movies big up america constantly. They dont lie about it , its just part of making american movies . despite the fact they do it most of the movies are ok , its just a little cheesy that producers / film writers do that just to score at the box office.

The best movie about america , is team america , sums it up perfectly
oh and also Dr. Strangelove

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by jrmcleod

You all continue to compalin about America only because when your counrtries had the opportunity to run things you have failed either in the past or will in the future. Its Americas turn right now and now that she is sinking everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon please your all hypocrites. Your countries have all tried to rule everyone at some point. All of Europe sat on there butts while Hitler systematically conquered your lands. It was so with Caesar, Alexander the Great and others the list goes on and will continue to do so till we are all dead. There will always be another power. It may be China soon. If your countries are so great then start innovating and show us the way to our new future.

Dont call on the US citizens to "save the world" once more and bring down their evil empire. You do it. You get your elected officals to do something in your respective countries. Get off your arses and stop hating from the sidelines. You wont because when we fall its gonna be here is the new boss same as the old boss. Oh Canada will you be the beacon of peace? Wont ahve to worry soon you prolly wont have internet, right. How bout you North Korea, Oh Iran you brave opressed nation. Didnt you just hang people in the streets and crush your own people's protest in a sham of an election. Russia LOL like they wernt tyrants.

Stop hating you want to change the world stop using currency, stop getting loans, using credit cards and whatever esle feeds the machine cause when the US runs dry the next counrty with cash will be sucked dry by the machine.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by undo

Havent you paid attention to any politics , every politician in the world does the same thing , not just american politicians its vote grabbing !

they all do 180's on election day and just abuse our votes and our system.
US foreign policy is the key issue at the moment in my mind if the world can fix that then things would chill out for a bit .That and the same shock doctrine that freidman developed thats been in use since nixon

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:24 AM
Why do foreigners think America is a Capitalist country?

It is not.

800+ military bases around the world? Because we make those countries pay for us to be there. We don't fund those positions. Other countries do.

Our silly high DOD budget? Is not what it appears. They've used its appropriations to put money into foreign countries,stocks, companies and DOD runs off of profit margin.

Not Appropriations from Congress. Think of the hundreds of Trillions they now have vested in every country around the world?

The world is not as your eyes see it.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Pervius

From bill blum killing hope anti empire report

One of the reasons some countries allow US bases is because the leaders are worried about being overthrown in a coup and they think that the presence of the US military might discourage such action, or that if a coup breaks out the US can help to put it down. There's also the large payments made to the government by the US and the prestige factor. Small countries can have inferiority complexes and, as absurd as it may seem to the likes of you and I, having an American base in the country can seem to be a feather in their cap; one of the same reasons they join NATO. Another reason for a base: the US can have intelligence information embarrassing to the country's leader. This is known as blackmail.

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