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Jared Lee Loughner is INNOCENT!!

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posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by PlautusSatire

Nice deflection. Why did you go back pages to dig this up instead of responding to my two replies to you on the last page?
edit on 13-1-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by mindpurge
YOU have got to be kidding me.

Tie up the guy and throw him to the pigs, let him die like the animal he is.

You should guilty until proven innocent (for violent crimes)... not the other way around...

Innocent till proven guilty should only be for non-violent crimes.

#ing OP is a moronic idiot.

Okay, I accuse you of these murders. Now you have to prove you're innocent or be thrown to the pigs like the animal you are.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by PlautusSatire

Why do you keep ignoring this..THIS WOMAN REMOVED THE CLIP from JL?? Why are you ignoring this???

Patricia Maisch looks like a grandmother, but she is being hailed as a hero today for helping to stop alleged Tucson shooter Jared Loughner by wrestling away a fresh magazine of bullets as he tried to reload.

Maisch, 61, effectively disarmed the shooter as several men pounced on him and threw him to ground. As they struggled to hold him down, Maisch joined the scrum on the ground, clinging to the gunman’s ankles.

Read more:

Stop saying their are no witnesses.. That is a blatant lie!

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by conspiracytheoristIAM
reply to post by muzzleflash

What about the people that tackled him with gun in hand or the rest of the people at the meeting that weren't shot??

They are called EYE WITNESSES !!

If you can, produce some eye witness reports that positively identify Loughner as a) having a gun and b) spraying people with bullets.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Resurrectio
reply to post by PlautusSatire

I agree with matrix.. Only a simply delusional person would call this guy innocent at this point.. Every single bit of evidence points toward guilt, and I am yet to see something pointing toward innocent..

There are no "life points" for finding a conspiracy in EVERYTHING!!!

Can you briefly describe and link to reports verifying "every single bit of evidence" that points to Loughner as anything other than a patsy?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:06 AM
Ok just wanted to make a statement here: The only part of this thread that I agree with is that he is innocent until proven guilty. Afterall that is his right, your right, and my right as americans.

I also think that the media has tainted the jury pool, badly. A lot of articles I read paint him as guilty with their language. Most people are fools and think whatever comes out of the TV is gospel. I feel a bit sorry for anyone that is ever accused of something bad enough to be gobbled up by the media, and have your face broadcasted, painted as if you are already convicted. I hope it is all caught on tape, so that there is no doubt in anyone's mind wether he did it or not. That is all.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:06 AM
I "get" the point OP is trying to make, but it is in bad taste.

2nd, very bad taste

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by Resurrectio

Eh.. good chance he is trolling too. He signed up like two days ago.
No one could really be that dumb. It's annoying I know, they can talk a lot but don't have the skill to imagine being there when this went down. Imagine what she was thinking and feeling, the older woman who took the clip from a 22 year old man that just killed a bunch of people in front of her. People have lost all their empathy.

edit on 13-1-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Sinnthia
reply to post by PlautusSatire

I watched an elderly man explain how he watched Jared do the shooting, turn to duck, then help tackle Jared as he was getting the second clip from his pocket. What exactly is it you are looking for?

I am curious. Are people concerned about preserving liberties or is there some reason people really really really want this guy not to be guilty? This thread kind of seems like a disconnect. I agree that he must be proven guilty in a court of law but all these requests for who saw what when and where seem a little silly. Witnesses saw him shooting. Saw him with the gun. They assaulted him with the gun in hand. They got the gun from him. Someone else picked up his gun. There is security camera footage. Is there something more here we are supposed to be considering?

Can you produce this elderly man's name? Is there any video of this incident? Can you provide some witness accounts that positively identify Loughner? Can you name which witnesses both positively identify Loughner and claim he had a gun in his hand? Can you name which witnesses who handled both a Glock and a magazine for it? Where is the video footage? Have you seen it?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:09 AM
The problem with this thread is the failed premise of asking the internet community to provide proof of a crime in order to prove the crime was as stated. I can tell you that my car was vandalized last summer. It was investigated and the stupid kids got caught in the act later in the week. I can guarantee that if I started a thread asking people for proof, no one would even know what I was talking about, let alone be able to provide anything of substance. That does not mean that the people involved are all lying to you.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

That's nothing new. Nancy Grace does what the MSM are doing to this case every night on her show.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

But do you have video of her taking the clip?? How do we know that some govt. agent didn't implant her with a "dummy" chip to make her think it was a clip?? How does a 61 year old lady know what a clip is? How do we know that clip would have actually fit into that gun? How do you know he shot them?? Maybe he has a strong arm and was throwing the bullets... so maybe the old lady is lying...

Ignorance is bliss here on ATS these days.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:15 AM
I wish I could spend 10 minutes with Jared..........I would ask him What was the real reason that Galadriel and Celeborn wanted no visitors in Lothlorien?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by PlautusSatire

Originally posted by Unity_99
911 call says the suspect ran, he ran north......right next to the safeway. He was wearing a hoodie, black.

At 1 10 it says, "and he ran." in the video

Not only that, but the man said by many to have "tackled" Loughner was wearing a black hoodie, and carrying a concealed weapon with a permit. It's much more likely this gun nut sprayed a crowd with bullets than this kid who the evidence suggests has never fired a gun before in his life. Why don't we ask this Fiducio guy or whatever the hell he says his name is if he had anything to do with the shootings, ask him how he felt about Giffords representing his "district-8". Ask that guy if he ever posts on YouTube and Myspace using other people's names. Ask him if he's in the army, if he knows the recruiter that falsified Loughner's MEPS papers. He certainly had opportunity and means, he was certainly wearing a black hoodie as the witnesses all describe, why was everyone shouting that they had the wrong man? Did he have a motive to kill these people? Is he a soldier trained to kill on command? THOSE are the real "mind control slaves", the soldiers, the police, they're all liars and serial killers. Who put these psychotic people in charge? They put themselves in charge, that's who, and everyone who swallows their lies in the face of conflicting evidence is complicit in their murders, they are all accessories after the fact.

Wow. I agree. This is unbelievable, because it looks they did it right in plain sight. I'd like a video where eveyrone is shouting they have the wrong man.

You realize if thats the case, then the witnesses will start disappearing or having accidents like they did in 9/11.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Subterfuge
I wish I could spend 10 minutes with Jared..........I would ask him What was the real reason that Galadriel and Celeborn wanted no visitors in Lothlorien?

I think I would ask him what his connection was with this chick...ask him about her youtube page and why she was subscribed to him.

To me, that is a really big thing.

Incidently, off topic, but I think if this chick pulls through in full form, we know who the potential 2016 president will be. She is now a national hero simply from taking a bullet and living...and being cute doesn't hurt. Lets see how it plays out

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by PlautusSatire
Can you produce this elderly man's name?

Yes with a simple google search it was quite easy. Not as easy as finding your history of being banned from forums for trolling though. I will just sit back and let history go to work.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:21 AM
Boy oh boy! Havent you been reading around ATS lately? This is AMERICA! Where you are arrested, jailed and assumed guilty, post bail(maybe)...and then spend a fortune trying to prove your'e not!
(It used to be the other way around!) Now youre guilty until proven otherwise. "geez! Some people!

P.S. The prisons are FULL to the rafters with people who will SWEAR on their mother's or children's lives...that:
edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: PS

edit on 06-10-2010 by mysterioustranger because: PS...S...again

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Staysay29

How could you say he's innocent. Let's for a second not go with multiple eyewitness accounts and go with the circumstantial evidence. He's mentally ill, his posts are insane, his youtube videos are WTF, his favorite books are the communist manifesto and hitlers whatever its called. He was talking about mind control through grammar which makes absolutely no sense. try to defend but idc what you have to say. He obviously hated NASA and the congress woman's husband is an astronaut (or a fake in his eyes). the man's unstable and deserves the chair! You make ATS look bad by defending. I'm disgusted

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by PlautusSatire

Please read this carefully. I understand he is innocent until proven guilty... But please read this with an open mind.

Maisch, 61, effectively disarmed the shooter as several men pounced on him and threw him to ground. As they struggled to hold him down, Maisch joined the scrum on the ground, clinging to the gunman's ankles.

Speaking to the press today, Maisch recalled how she stopped Loughner as he tried to reload his Glock 9 mm weapon.

"I could see him coming. [He] shot the lady next to me," Maisch said.

She considered trying to run away, she said, but thought that would make her more of a target, so she laid down on the ground. But then something unexpected happened.

"Then he was next to me on the ground," she said. "The gentleman knocked him down.

"I kneeled over him. He was pulling a magazine [to reload] and I grabbed the magazine and secured that. I think the men got the gun, and I was able to get the magazine," she said.

Wouldn't she be considered a witness? You had stated that you hadn't seen any "eyewitness" accounts.. What you meant was "I haven't seen one that I believe".

Please read this.. It ties in what is already being reported.

As soon as the shots sounded, Villec dived for cover behind a concrete pillar. All around him he could hear cries, screams — and still more gunfire, at least 10 shots that he counted.

From his hiding place he saw a man lying on the ground. All he could think was, “This is real. This is happening. Nobody’s going to pinch me and tell me to wake up.”

Somehow, he managed to scamper up off the ground and run, crossing the parking lot for the Wells Fargo bank, where employees were already calling 911. They locked the bank doors, and Villec and the others took refuge inside. He got on the phone to authorities to tell them what little he knew.

Villec had no idea, then, who had been hit or whether anyone had survived or whether the gunman had been stopped. He had no idea that Giffords sat slumped against the glass window of a grocery store, bleeding from a potentially fatal head wound.

Kimble saw the gunman coming from the corner of his eye. Even after he, too, hit the ground, he could see the suspect running past the line of waiting constituents, shooting all the while. Patricia Maisch, 61, was standing farther back in the line when she heard the first shot. As the gunman headed in her direction, shooting people “right down the line,” she laid on the ground next to another woman. Suddenly, that woman was shot, too, and Maisch felt sure she was next, when two men suddenly tackled the attacker as he was reaching for a fresh magazine. “Get the magazine!” someone shouted, as Maisch reached out and snatched it.

Read more:

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:27 AM
If his own parents believe that he did it and there is eyewitness testimony....that's good enough for me. There is a difference between being cautious and being unreasonable..

The OP declared in his first post that he wasn't trolling. I disagree. He can reserve his own judgment if he likes, but to fault others for reaching a conclusion as to who pulled the trigger is nonsense. IMHO

edit on 1/13/2011 by Sparky63 because: clarification

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