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Is it possible to swap a curse? Or is it an evil entity?

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posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 06:06 AM
Hey guys well recently my life is great, has never been #ing better in the last 10 years. Well it wasn't always like this.

See ever since my first day at work age 15 my life was a steaming pile of dog #... and it got worse and worse and worse... random strangers would pick fights or arguments, random bad luck would just magically happen

Well see suddenly i wake up one day and yeh it's great no more anger no more hate and it's all good but my g/f on the other hand...

I'll start off with the day, she wakes up steps out of bed and finds out the dogs ate her favourite handbag, she gets out of bed and her clothes hook on the corner and tear, she gets to the shower and there is no hot water, she decides to go make breakfast and the electric frying pan is broken, she finally gets it cooked puts it on a plate and the plate snaps in half on her, she goes to pick it up and the handle on the dustpan also breaks, she puts it in the bin which the dogs knock over as she tips it... she gets changed goes outside and slips down the stairs, she puts on her shoes after that which break, she then goes to start the car which doesn't start because the battery went flat for some reason, she finally gets it started and gets the dogs and goes to the shops to buy new shoes and the shop attendent says we don't make shoes for giants, she storms out and goes to another shop she then picks up some snacks for me for the way home and gets told don't eat much more or you'll get fatter than you are you ugly whore... she gets into an argument and then decides bugger it go home she gets to the car and 2 people abuse her for leaving the dogs in the back of the cage which ends in another argument, she drives home and someone cuts her off nearly killing her on the road, she finally gets home opens the gate and slips over in the mud, she then goes inside to have a shower and now the cold water doesn't work and the water is too hot for her, she then gets pissed off and goes to watch a movie instead but the dvd players broken on her,, she digs another one out of the shed but the shed door falls off on her, she gets inside and the dvd doesn't play for some reason, she then gives up and decides to go to bed she takes the laptop with her plugs it into the power point and the fuse blows, i replace it she turns the lamp on and the lamp blows, she then gives up and goes to bed just as she is about to fall asleep the house alarm goes off for no reason...

Now my life used to be a run of bad luck one day after the other for 10 years and now just out of total random it changes... i get nothing but good luck and normal life and hers has turned to #. random people just abuse her and cause fights for no reason and stuff always breaks when she touches it.

Well i don't know if i was cursed or had an evil entity attatched to me but it's really bugging me that i am now watching her go through the same crap i did for 10 years
edit on 1/1/11 by Destroyer2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by Destroyer2012

Don't believe that "hocus Pocus" curse rubbish! There is no such thing! You turned your own life around! It's all you! nothing supernatural ... Well Done!

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:29 AM
^^^ he doesnt believe that, hes just trying to take your mind off it. if the story about her battery going flat (however that happens) is true. it very well could be a curse/ evil spirit. idk if you know Jesus, if you dont, go to a church and tell the pastor you want to be saved, he'll help you, its his job. once you have Jesus in your life, google curse removal prayers, read through them before actually praying them to see if it suits you. when you find one, you and her sit down and pray the prayer.

thats making alot seem like not a lot. You need to genuinly want a personal relationship with Jesus and salvation through faith in Him. Beyond casting this evil spirit from you and your girlfriend. The love of Christ will change your life in many ways.

Good luck and God bless you. keep us posted

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 11:36 AM
It seems that you already have it in your mind that you are (were) cursed. I believe it may be all in your mind. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but natural explanations must be ruled out before you can ever begin to acknowledge a supernatural explanation. If you equate bad things happening in your life with a curse, then you will begin to expect bad things to happen, and everything negative that happens to you will serve to reinforce your belief that you are cursed, and you will see this pattern that does not really exist. In that sense, you really could have "passed the curse on to her" if you put the idea of a curse into her head.

You didn't provide many examples of things that had happened to you that led you to believe in a curse, but it sounds like you accepted it as an inescapable demon in your life. I am curious as to what in your life has changed since this curse went away.

In an example of "it could be worse", here's a guy who had been struck by lightning seven times. Or Tsutomu Yamaguchi, who was present at both atomic bombings. So there's that.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 03:15 PM
o_o At first I didn't know the magnitude of this but it sounds like you may be one of the sad poor puppets who are tormented (Not for enternity) by Pain. Yeah.... I could ask him but I "REALLY" don't want that kind of pain upon me. Plus, it really isn't my business to dig into his affairs. The only thing I can say is try not to have a life >,> Stay inside the house.... but that might be hell to.... Sorry I can't help you.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 06:58 PM
what happened to me before hand, well i could fill the entire site

but i'll pick a few key briefs...

first job 4 year apprenticeship.. worked there previously a year before taking it on, started learning to cook was shoved on dishes for a year.. i said after a year hey this is going backwards i wanna learn to cook and got fired. the apprenticeship board who was meant to regulate training said nothing in my defence

lets see what else lets skip ahead, taking on a GOOD paying job leaving for 6 months to work as personal assistant for a buisness owner of a vehicle company while he was on holidays. sound like a good job for money drive, cook, clean, pack truck... easy.. meh turns out he was one of australias most wanted criminals a fraudster and pedophile....

umm lets see what else skippingt to major ones here, back to cooking i moved totaly new towns to continue my career but got stuck with another retarded apprenticeship board who states every time i change jobs for different cooking experience they will set my apprenticeship back 6 months... so it took 6 years to complete instead of 4 because i kept changing towns due to bad luck happening to me everywhere i went.

lets see everywhere i go my car seems to be a target, finally i found a town in australia where my windows and tyres don't get trashed for no reason at all

ahh that's right my first job as a chef... new town i apply for it cook for 3 months then get told by the boss my experience i learnt means nothing because the town i learnt in was remote ... been 500km away from the city but a regional centre so i walked out and changed careers

got into security, the first day of course i drive 250km to do the course and get told it's been posponed... call up next time is it going aherad yes.. i drive 250km the guy doing it was in an accident got posponed again.. i call up again is it going ahead i get there and they screwed up the dates on me... so i try a different company to learn through i get there and it's a 1 week course i mean wtf are you gonna learn in a week

anyway lets see for my luck ahh my first job new career change i start work only to find out i've been underpaid massivly and i get back paid $5500.. i change towns drive 3500km for a new job far away and yeh turns out to be a dodgy boss who doesn't supply uniforms radios nothing.. pays incorrectly and then worse of all fails to tell me where the bloody contract is.. so i walk away from it go back to my old job.. but the towns # and full of trash so i travel further 4500km for work

i get there and me and my g/f have the job.. all to ourselves good start but the guy came in saying he lost his job.. sad sack story family to feed ect.. i take pity on him and give him 2 days a week 23 hours part time work.. so his all good with that and what does the #er do.. dobs us in for not having out state licences... we paid for them.. had our receipts.. were told we were allowed to work off it but nope he dobs us in to store manager then our boss and we lose the jobs.. so i argue saying what i did to him and how his #ed us over we travelled 4500km for work.. anyway boss says come back when you have the plastic cards.. 2 weeks later i go back and get told that the co workers said we can't be trusted and we don't have work.. i mean wtf .. then i find out the lady who hired us to begin with wasn't even meant to be getting new staff in the first place!!

so i get a new job get told if i pay for my other state licecnce i can have plenty of hours so i fork out cash for yet another licence last of my money left.. get 2 weeks work the contract ends...

like i said i could fill the site with how much bosses have #ed me around with how much other bad luck i've had and with how much friends have #ed me around but there aint much point in rambling these are just some examples for those who asked

anyway i don't get it. some ppl just have bad luck but it doesn't last 10 years.. and then suddenly just stop

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 07:06 PM
I mean to go into other examples basically exactly what my g/f is getting now... everything i said above that is happeneing to her used to happen to me...

just random ppl would come up and have a go at me in the street for no reason, i seemed to have a magnet on my back that attracted every dickhead in the country to come up to me and start #.

i'd drive to the shops and have ppl jump in my caR ask for a lift and when i say no they rip out the interior

i'd go for a walk on the beach and be the only one to get told by some stranger don't go swimming you'll be eaten by a shark then a shark sighting is done and the beach fkn closes

i'll go drive to relax and park then be followed by hoons doing burnouts

i'll buy something and it doesn'tr work or they don't supply the software

like my new camcorder i bought it but they never supplied software to watch it in blu ray quality... but nope stiff # gotta buy it..

just petty # like that over and over an over but like i said it's all stopped.. just stopped and now my g/f has it and i need to put an end to it

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by Destroyer2012
what happened to me before hand, well i could fill the entire site

but i'll pick a few key briefs...

first job 4 year apprenticeship.. worked there previously a year before taking it on, started learning to cook was shoved on dishes for a year.. i said after a year hey this is going backwards i wanna learn to cook and got fired. the apprenticeship board who was meant to regulate training said nothing in my defence

lets see what else lets skip ahead, taking on a GOOD paying job leaving for 6 months to work as personal assistant for a buisness owner of a vehicle company while he was on holidays. sound like a good job for money drive, cook, clean, pack truck... easy.. meh turns out he was one of australias most wanted criminals a fraudster and pedophile....

umm lets see what else skippingt to major ones here, back to cooking i moved totaly new towns to continue my career but got stuck with another retarded apprenticeship board who states every time i change jobs for different cooking experience they will set my apprenticeship back 6 months... so it took 6 years to complete instead of 4 because i kept changing towns due to bad luck happening to me everywhere i went.

lets see everywhere i go my car seems to be a target, finally i found a town in australia where my windows and tyres don't get trashed for no reason at all

ahh that's right my first job as a chef... new town i apply for it cook for 3 months then get told by the boss my experience i learnt means nothing because the town i learnt in was remote ... been 500km away from the city but a regional centre so i walked out and changed careers

got into security, the first day of course i drive 250km to do the course and get told it's been posponed... call up next time is it going aherad yes.. i drive 250km the guy doing it was in an accident got posponed again.. i call up again is it going ahead i get there and they screwed up the dates on me... so i try a different company to learn through i get there and it's a 1 week course i mean wtf are you gonna learn in a week

anyway lets see for my luck ahh my first job new career change i start work only to find out i've been underpaid massivly and i get back paid $5500.. i change towns drive 3500km for a new job far away and yeh turns out to be a dodgy boss who doesn't supply uniforms radios nothing.. pays incorrectly and then worse of all fails to tell me where the bloody contract is.. so i walk away from it go back to my old job.. but the towns # and full of trash so i travel further 4500km for work

i get there and me and my g/f have the job.. all to ourselves good start but the guy came in saying he lost his job.. sad sack story family to feed ect.. i take pity on him and give him 2 days a week 23 hours part time work.. so his all good with that and what does the #er do.. dobs us in for not having out state licences... we paid for them.. had our receipts.. were told we were allowed to work off it but nope he dobs us in to store manager then our boss and we lose the jobs.. so i argue saying what i did to him and how his #ed us over we travelled 4500km for work.. anyway boss says come back when you have the plastic cards.. 2 weeks later i go back and get told that the co workers said we can't be trusted and we don't have work.. i mean wtf .. then i find out the lady who hired us to begin with wasn't even meant to be getting new staff in the first place!!

so i get a new job get told if i pay for my other state licecnce i can have plenty of hours so i fork out cash for yet another licence last of my money left.. get 2 weeks work the contract ends...

like i said i could fill the site with how much bosses have #ed me around with how much other bad luck i've had and with how much friends have #ed me around but there aint much point in rambling these are just some examples for those who asked

anyway i don't get it. some ppl just have bad luck but it doesn't last 10 years.. and then suddenly just stop
O_o Having that much trouble is freaking weird. As I stated above. You were probably chosen for such bad luck and your gf was the one to inherit it. Oh and I wondered why I liked joo abit. Imagine my surprise to realize you were a girl too LOL For some odd reason I kept thinking you were a guy.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 07:38 PM
Mhmmmm now that I think about it, there might be "ONE" thing to make it quit but you'd have to give something up for it to stop. Which is kind of dangerous. Like A: Take back your old bad luck, or B: You could offer to make a material offering to the entity each night, or C: You make a bargain with it that you will endure one week of suffering each month. ~Shrugs~ Only thing I can think of.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by Rishiana

I am a guy
but yeh i think she was the one to suddenyl become vicitm of the bad luck cos i went to the shop today and i was fine, but my g/f sat in the car with the dog on the air con on

someones tried opening her back door to let them out, then another car nearly hit hers while she was parked sitting in it, then someone walked past knocked on her window she wound it down and got abused for having 3 dogs in a car, then she decided # this she wasn't sitting in the car any more she went in to find me and got told by some stranger to put more clothes on and she looked fat and yeh..

I couldn'tr believe it, suddenyl she is copping the whole lot of # i used to live with every day

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Rishiana
Mhmmmm now that I think about it, there might be "ONE" thing to make it quit but you'd have to give something up for it to stop. Which is kind of dangerous. Like A: Take back your old bad luck, or B: You could offer to make a material offering to the entity each night, or C: You make a bargain with it that you will endure one week of suffering each month. ~Shrugs~ Only thing I can think of.

She can keep the bad luck! 10 years and no more, now i might actrually be able to get ahead in life, is there a way i can curse it on someone else, anyone..

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:02 PM

Originally posted by Destroyer2012
reply to post by Rishiana

I am a guy
but yeh i think she was the one to suddenyl become vicitm of the bad luck cos i went to the shop today and i was fine, but my g/f sat in the car with the dog on the air con on

someones tried opening her back door to let them out, then another car nearly hit hers while she was parked sitting in it, then someone walked past knocked on her window she wound it down and got abused for having 3 dogs in a car, then she decided # this she wasn't sitting in the car any more she went in to find me and got told by some stranger to put more clothes on and she looked fat and yeh..

I couldn'tr believe it, suddenyl she is copping the whole lot of # i used to live with every day
Yeah... which made me think of the entity I like to call Pain. I still to this day do not know why he saved me so long ago from death irl.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by Destroyer2012

Originally posted by Rishiana
Mhmmmm now that I think about it, there might be "ONE" thing to make it quit but you'd have to give something up for it to stop. Which is kind of dangerous. Like A: Take back your old bad luck, or B: You could offer to make a material offering to the entity each night, or C: You make a bargain with it that you will endure one week of suffering each month. ~Shrugs~ Only thing I can think of.

She can keep the bad luck! 10 years and no more, now i might actrually be able to get ahead in life, is there a way i can curse it on someone else, anyone..
OMG.... your heartless. You "WANTED" to get rid of it at first and now you don't? I'm not gonna tell you anything if you can put it on someone else. Yeesh you kind of just turned me off really.

posted on Jan, 1 2011 @ 09:06 PM
Once you go 10 years of bad luck one after the other day after day you learn to stop caring and have a i don't give a # attitude

maybe that's why it left me it got the better of me?

i just don't wanna see it on her or me but obviously it needs to feed off someone

there are tonnes of ppl out there who deserve it... tonnes who are in jail for instance can't i curse it upon one of them i know someone.. that pedophile who #ed my best friend all those years ago
edit on 1/1/11 by Destroyer2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 01:41 AM
As a programmer I have thought about luck and how it is defined. Personal attitude can help, but usually takes time to sink in. As for the sudden flip to your girlfriend, I expect both of you would have talked about your luck so there may be a psychological component to it, if so try and work on controlling your emotion to feel more positive. Don't worry if it feels fake at first, keep it up and it will become more natural with time.

Otherwise, it does not sound like any external entity is involved. So try and get some kirlian photography done. This is special film that is receptive to electrons instead of photons with usual film. It allows you to see the electromagnetic field around a persons body, some call this the aura. This will help you see if there is some crazy energy around the body to help cause people around you to go nuts. Science is this area is still a bit grey, but work from Russians with psyclotrons (not certain of spelling) have shown how different forms of energy can effect emotional behaviour. Maybe it has something to do with that, hope it helps.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

If this is really a big problem for you and you are at your wits ends trying to get rid of it. Try just laying in the bush or a forest and just let the insects crawl over you naturally for a while. This is just an idea and I really do not know if it would do anything, but nature can be pretty cool at times.

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 07:43 PM
Not any more, the curse shifted to my missus
but seriously now she is having nothing but bad luck while my life seems to be moving forward

how can i get rid of it completly

posted on Jan, 2 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Destroyer2012

how can i get rid of it completly

I am not really sure, this is still a grey area for science. The same ideas I gave you, you can give to her. Maybe there are other sites out on the internet with a bit more information so some looking and research will be required. I wish you well in your search.

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 04:43 AM
hope not lol

posted on Jan, 3 2011 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by iSHRED
it very well could be a curse/ evil spirit. idk if you know Jesus, if you dont, go to a church and tell the pastor you want to be saved,

"being saved' has nothing to do with getting rid of a curse. Christians have curses put on them all the time. Bad wiccans (as opposed to the good ones) cast on Christians too and it sticks .. saved or not.

I swear I'm cursed. I have no doubt someone nailed me with something. And all this came down when i was a God-luv'n and prayerful person. Being in love with God and being prayerful didn't shield me from being cursed.

I've been actively looking for a way to break it but have been unable to find one.
If anyone has VALID curse breaking knowledge .. please post it.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go. I have to spend the day at a new Neurologists office getting checked over ... I'm having MS symptoms along with everything else .. and I have to get the car over to the shop because they have to put dark window tint all around since now I can't have any sunlight (UV) near me or my autoimmune will explode. After that I have to get ahold of my eyedoctor because my glaucoma pressure is up and then I have to prepare for the beating I'm going to take at the dentists office tomorrow when I have to go through the torture of xrays and cleaning ... and when you have SJogrens like I do it's awful!

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