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The Nazis A Warning From History, Truely Disgusting!

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posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:37 AM
The same rhetoric about not forgetting and buy this book or video so we don't forget or let history repeat itself, all the while we are already in the process of repeating history, we're just doing it in the present so it isn't exactly history yet......

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 10:55 AM
I can understand the nature of some folks being "thin-skinned" when it comes to certain things, but being "disgusted" over a COMMERCIAL that is advertising an event in history is quite silly and ridiculous.

If this COMMERCIAL contained racist comments or insults or lies, I can understand someone being "disgusted" with this. But, ITS JUST A COMMERCIAL. A COMMERCIAL that contains NO OFFENSIVE material IN ITSELF, and simply just shows the HISTORY of a disgraceful period of time is not "truly disgusting".

edit on 20-12-2010 by pplrnuts because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by jheated5

Interesting that that commercial was made so long ago. Maybe they were just waiting for the "right time" to air it. Got the cart a little before the horse. I have seen that happen with a few "Illuminati subliminals" in the past where the symbolism was way ahead of it's time. I can only surmise that their plans were thwarted or postponed. While I do think that a lot of these "revelation of method" images are false flags (like the 'quarantine and kill', etc. being related to pandemic) I do think this one that you have found is a blatant warning of what is about to come.

There is about to be a major dividing line between peoples. It will be because of ethics, integrity, and allegiances that will divide them.

Even in scripture we are told this. Sometimes it has been referred to as the division of the "sheep and the goats". It has also been revealed as the division between those who have the "mark of the beast" and those who do not. One group will turn on the other and call for blood.

This is already happening and has been happening, though it has been so subtle many have not seen through it. It will become more pronounced until it is really out in the open.

Many people are dependent on government, social programs, and hand-outs from religious/charitable organizations. This is why the middle classes have been drained dry in order to support those who are enlisted in programs because these organizations know they have an allegiance from these people. If they don't support all of Caesar's dictates they won't get their checks and bonuses. Got to keep the bread and circuses going. It's not just the governments---it's all the religions and interfaith programs, too. Many religions now require a "tithe contract" from their congregants. If you do not pay your pledge, you may be publicly shamed or "put out" from the church. In some countries, there is now a church tax and the gov. returns the percentage to the churches depending on its membership numbers. All of the people who benefit from religion and government are giving allegiance and support to lies and falsehood. Some may even realize this, but do not have the integrity to walk away from it. These are the ones who sell their freedom for a pittance of "security". They sell their soul knowingly for the lies of a bowl of red soup.

When it comes down to the wire, there will be a great division between those who willingly and knowingly support the lies for the benefits they provide to their supporters.

I think your commercial find is one of those "Illuminati revelation of method" symbols, whereby we are being told that the dividing lines are about to become very clear.

I think Stephan Molyneaux explains it very well.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:29 AM
I think you may be a little overly sensitive. I DESPISE Time Life and anything "Time(s). The message is a good one though. Let's learn from the past! With everything happening right now, it is eerily to the likes of what the NAZI's have done.

Our rights are being assaulted.
People who disagree with the status quo are demonized.
Spy on your neighbors.
Freedom of speech is under attack.
We have to be "politically correct', as to not offend people! WTF?

The list goes on for pages and pages! I guess I don't understand why you are offended?

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:02 PM
I am 60 years old and I find this very offensive. I had relatives on both sides in World War II. Maybe you don't know this but there were no concientious objectors in Germany. They were either conscripted or sent to concentration camps if they were old enough. They had to prove they were of pure aryan lineage or they were sent to camps. I was told this by my Grandfathers cousin who as a young girl was forced to escape Germany on foot because her family was sent to the infantry. My mother on the other side of the family (maternal) suffered as a schoolgirl in a small farming community in Canada because her family was German. She was called a little Nazi. Their family had to give up a gun that they used to kill their livestock and my Grandfather was forced to use a sledge hammer which made him cry as he found it so inhumane. The ad acts like the entire German populace was enjoying themselves while millions were murdered. They don't teach much in history class anymore.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 12:08 PM
As Americans we need to watch this video. Then we need to look at ourselves and our Nationalistic programs which subdue foreign countries so that American corporations can make huge profits. Think that it cannot happen here? It has already begun.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by groingrinder

Some people simply can't comprehend that at this point in time.... The "Never Forget" phrase has actually helped play down and got people to forget what is happening today, I find it rather Ironic...

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by michial
They had to prove they were of pure aryan lineage or they were sent to camps. I was told this by my Grandfathers cousin who as a young girl was forced to escape Germany on foot because her family was sent to the infantry. My mother on the other side of the family (maternal) suffered as a schoolgirl in a small farming community in Canada because her family was German. She was called a little Nazi.

I question if these "perfect aryan race" projects have continued even into today. I know that through the years many have purposely destroyed links and papers to family lineages because it either endangered them personally or as a tribe of people. Even today many who are part American Indian have trouble proving it because heritage was purposely erased.

These are some of the reasons I have concerns about the "Great Genealogy Work" that has been on-going through the Mormon cult. To what end? Is it just simply a hobby for people...or is something sinister in the works? The religionists are preaching that most of humanity is to soon be destroyed. The Georgia Guidestones allude to such a proposition by the engravings of keeping humanity down to a "manageable" size. Will this soon-to-be-destruction of humans have anything to do with their genealogy ---once again?

You may find this thread of interest:

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by jheated5

fact are so awful.

hey maybe HISTORY IS RACIST... or better yet anti-semitic?

aahhhhh irony...

is this ironic??

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by rebeldog

Wow shocker you pulled out the anti-semite card congratulations in showing you know nothing about history.... I guess the jewish populace was the only one targeted? or are their lives more meaningful somehow compared to the other millions who have died then??? Funny how people pick and choose what history fits their agenda, ironic isn't it?

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:51 PM
we should Never forget.
the Germans are trying to forget and hide from it.
it could happen Again!
that is the point.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by buddha

The point is you already forgotten it is happening right now.....

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by MMPI2

Both leftist ideologies - National socialists and global socialists (communists) are into mass murder of social and political enemies. They can not tolerate disagreement with their social beliefs and ideology.

It is interesting to note a lot of the similarities of Nazism and today's eititsm in America. Uniformity - everyone must think and speak alike or they should be harmed and even die because they are evil, stupid and worthless people. Americans can see it in our own situation today. It is called political correctness and it does not tolerate free speech and a diversity of free thought and opinion. For example, today we have the order that everyone must celebrate gay sex and find it replace the previous order that everyone must hate gays for performing gay sex. The more we "progress" the further we get behind. One intolerance replaces another intolerance.

It is aggressive in its demand for social thought and speech conformance. Live and let live is not an acceptable concept in today's regimented elitist (top down) social dictates. Twisted freaks.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 07:20 PM
reply to post by Alethea

You sir got a star from me!

I agree totally! This is a warning to what is on it's way! We really only have two choices. Sit back and watch it happen! Or get out there and do something about it!

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:13 PM
OMG OMG OMG!!! If you were aware of the reptilians eating children and their genetically modified experiments deep underground you might be a bit more offended.

I'm kind of partial to the Nazis, they were so noble and Adolf was great with kids.

The fact that you still take TV and mainstream history seriously is much more disturbing to me.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by acmpnsfal

I do not understand your outrage either. Have you actually watched the documentary?

As the title states: The Nazis A WARNING FROM HISTORY. It is documentary - a very good one I might add - which describes the Nazis ascension to power, to the destruction of Berlin and of the Third Reich itself.

If you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it. Your outrage in this case is misguided, I suggest you watch it, you may learn something.

posted on Dec, 20 2010 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by kommunist

I didn't say I was angry with the documentary, just the way it is being advertised.... Well I'm guessing you watched it then? Is there any secret knowledge inside that already wasn't commonly known?
edit on 20-12-2010 by jheated5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:12 AM
Well im not horrofied because this is not the only holocaust focused on a race that humanity experiment.There the holocaust of millions of american natives [south, central and north] All the natives that where killed by the spaniards conquistadors[nazis from the 1500] how thousands of the Inca ,maya ,olmecas,seris,aztecs,all those races where wipout by wars too,the difference is that in those years wasnt any video cameras.And just like the nazi from the 1945 the spaniards where looting gold from the dead emperors.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by sara123123
reply to post by MMPI2

Both leftist ideologies - National socialists and global socialists (communists) are into mass murder of social and political enemies. They can not tolerate disagreement with their social beliefs and ideology.

It is interesting to note a lot of the similarities of Nazism and today's eititsm in America. Uniformity - everyone must think and speak alike or they should be harmed and even die because they are evil, stupid and worthless people. Americans can see it in our own situation today. It is called political correctness and it does not tolerate free speech and a diversity of free thought and opinion. For example, today we have the order that everyone must celebrate gay sex and find it replace the previous order that everyone must hate gays for performing gay sex. The more we "progress" the further we get behind. One intolerance replaces another intolerance.

It is aggressive in its demand for social thought and speech conformance. Live and let live is not an acceptable concept in today's regimented elitist (top down) social dictates. Twisted freaks.

Hitler was a Facist claiming to be a National Socialist. I'd say that is about as midnight as one can get...super radical and opressively conservative.
It's a wheel (or sphere) not a line (political views)
He was neither liberal (liberty=freedom)
or conservative (reluctant for war)

The examples you give of American, (also happening in the UK) have more in common with Communsim, as warned by Orwell.

posted on Dec, 21 2010 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by jheated5

I'm half German, my mother is German born and I have spent most of my life between the two countries and she nor i were offended and we have already seen this documentary, most Germans accept their own history without revulsion, why should they feel bad for something their grandparents were involved with?...thats like me feeling guilty for the centuries of murder the English for responsible for and the killing and women and children during the crusades.

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