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African Gold mine, Sumerian Connection....80,000 yrs ago!

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posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 04:22 PM
Looking for half remebred back up material, i thought this deserved its own thread.
I dont know if this has been posted yet, but in view of the 12000 yr old mine in Chile being so remarkable, heres one mine that can be traced to Annunaki rule through Sumerian records
At least i think that is the general implication here...
The miine may date back as much as 115,000 yrs...!
read on macduff

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by stirling

Looking for half remebred back up material, i thought this deserved its own thread.
I dont know if this has been posted yet, but in view of the 12000 yr old mine in Chile being so remarkable, heres one mine that can be traced to Annunaki rule through Sumerian records
At least i think that is the general implication here...
The miine may date back as much as 115,000 yrs...!
read on macduff

Nice find mate, simply amazing post. I was reading the the one the other day about the chillian mine which was supposed to be 12,000 years old. I did a little reseach on it, and how our history evoled according to mainstream archiologists. I found some amazing things out. But what you have posted here has made the reseach i did look like a pinic.

The chillian mine was aparently an iron mine, we didnt enter the iron age untill about 1200 BC (roughly 3800 years ago). So its taken us nearly 4000 years to get from mud huts to space travel.

If ancient civilizations were messing around with ores 80,000 to 150,000 years ago then its boggles the mind as to what they must have achived. It took us nearly 4000 years to get to where we are today from basic mines, if thease dudes were doing it 150,000 years my calculation that would put thier technology 146,000 years ahead of ours if there were still alive today.

You gotta think that the pyramids are only about 4000 years old too, so when they say ancient man could never have built them then this proves them totaly wrong. 144,000 years more then enough time to develop the technology nesseasry to build such structures. Its explains why atlantis was so advance, and how people were able to achive amazing feats of engineering. Its explains the myans increadble graps of mathamatics and astrophysics.

Alot of people would look at this story and think nothing of it, but when you consider the time frames and technology of the ages in question, it simply re-writes history as we know it. Personally i think it would criminal to call ancinet man primitive....they were anything but that.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by stirling

Cool man
, So the Ancient Sumerian (Gods) really wanted gold bad ae...

Why did they want the Gold? Did it power somthing? A key to perfect health?...

Any ideas

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 04:59 PM
gold was the physical representation of god on earth. they believed god was the sun and gold was sunlight in solid form.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:00 PM
or the annunaki needed the gold to balance their atmosphere on nibiru, as other theories have stated.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:12 PM
Makes sense why they seem to observe us like an experiment rather than commune. Scary thing is if they didn't care back then why would they now? Maybe thats why we haven't seen 'official contact', been saved or exterminated yet-they just don't care beyond entertainment/curiosity.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by stirling


...I too have wondered, Why is gold so valuable?

What are it's main properties? Does anyone know? I think it is used in ancient health remedies but can't remember any details...

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:23 PM
I believe the "gods" left in a bit of dissarray.
According to my study the gold wasnt sufficient to keep Nibiru in its atmosphere....the population may have left for another star, perished, or some other explanation.They do mention a Martian way station where perished one of the gods....It is still there probably....maybe the hole in the desert, maybe the face and pyramids, or even the undderground heat source at the south pole of mars which when photographed with infra red, looks exactly like the layout of a modern city from the air....outlined by its radiant heat.....
They had space travel from planet to plante, but im not sure they could travel iinterstellar distances yet.
If youll notice, in the article we are all decendant from a SINGLE MOTHER! (i dont know why she wasnt married but...heheh)
The whole remaning human race comes from that one Eve...
mitochondrial DNA tells no lies.
The topper is that about that time, The annunaki are said to have created men to work the mines .!
It all sort of fits, and makes a kind of sense.
Of course this isnt proof of anything.....just more fuel to the fire of speculation really,isnt that what archaeology is all about?

edit on 10-12-2010 by stirling because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by tonypazzohome

Fair enough, good theories...
(Just what i think)

Nibiru is their home planet (the Annuki) and it needed/need gold to sustain its atmosphere... makes sense if its orbit is so far out they need the Solid sunlight (gold) to maintain it.
I read in another thread that its that the there have been great floods about 4000 years apart, so would that be the orbit of Nibiru? They come in enslave people and mine gold... then leave for another 4000 years

So The Ancient Sumerians (Annukai) Get 4000 years worth of gold to maintain there planet until the next orbit close to earth, then do the same.

So 115,000 to 80,000 years ago did they decide to stay on Earth for a whole 4000 year cycle and try and Hoarde heaps of gold so they don't need to return for ages, The (Gods) Cant handle the Jandle of hard work and decide to create humans to do the job.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:29 PM
It gets better concerning the gold, as they actually sprayed it or whatever, iinto their own atmosphere, to retain it. sort of a prehistoric chem trail story....who can say thats not what we are doing today for other reasons...?

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:40 PM
i had the same thought on gold as i was throwing away junk mail from cash4gold just last night... about perserving life or somthin of the sort.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:48 PM
There was a copper mine on Manitoulin Island in the Great Lakes
When the Archaeologist who supervised the original dig judged the age to be 120 thousand years or so
both he and the head of the Department that hired him were fired and the whole story has been buried.

here is an interesting link
there are a couple of hundred anomolies here
edit on 10-12-2010 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 05:52 PM
The "Adams Calendar" in Africa has already been debunked.

Trying to connect it to the "Annunaki" of Sumerian lore is a new twist though.

posted on Dec, 10 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Sheguaiandah, Manitoulin Island in northern Lake Huron—1952—advanced stone tools, found in glacial deposits—65,000 to 125,000 years old

hey, from the link above
the story was in there after all.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 06:44 AM
I had no idea there were a few in the billions....
*Mediterranean region, Indonesian region, other planetary locations—2005—gravitational anomalies revealing huge mega-figures, symbols and tunnel systems shaped into rock formations at great depth—estimated 20 million years old
But these things are even more intriguing....
If neutrenos can zip thoughthe earth like air throughascreen, couldnt a satelite or two be positioned out there to use them as a giant xray fpr the planet?
Maybe gamma or some other type?
The construction of DUMBs makes a lot more sense in light of these findings...
The volatility of the upper reaches of the earths crust is amazing.
Cataclysms must abound in our history, and we be mere remnants of the last upheaval.
It explains much of why the progress of the last hundred fifty years has been so rapid and the curve so steep.
All this is in our bones.
Speaking of which, many thanks for that list Danbones, i was aware of only a small percentage of these.
Four billion? we have been here a long time....
edit on 11-12-2010 by stirling because: edit not to correct my lousey spelling, but to add a thought here that with this kind of extended span of history, there is no reason to be so skeptical of finding artifacts on the moon, and eslewhere in our solar syste.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by stirling
....heres one mine that can be traced to Annunaki rule through Sumerian records
At least i think that is the general implication here...

What exact Sumerian records connect this mine to the "Annunaki"?

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:50 AM
So the annunaki have the technology to reach earth but need inefficient, fragile humans to mine their gold? never mind the fact there are probably planets far richer in resources than on earth that are not inhabited. Hell i don't even know why im trying to think rationally about such an irrational and absurd theory in the first place, interesting story i guess....

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:04 AM
Wow that is a really good find, ive believed in the ancient astronaut theory for along time. And every since seeing that the first civilisation on earth, the sumerians, talking about how they was created by a god like race from another planet called the anunnaki, who created us to work the gold mines of earth made it very interesting. Finding evidence that this kind of gold mining operation in connection with what the sumerians actually said should be headline news, rather than mainstream 'religion' being blasted at us every day it would be nice to see more theorys involving actually facts.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by stirling

The miine may date back as much as 115,000 yrs...!
read on macduff

Wow, that site's amazing!!

Not a single reference
Not a shred of evidence
Amazingly tenuous connections
Previously debunked sites
Garbled history
Play-school physics
Unnamed "researchers"

It's got the lot! Great find!

Apparently, the cyclical passage of the home planet of the gods, Nibiru, was going to bring it close enough to the orbit of Earth that its gravity would cause the oceans to rise and flood the land, putting an end to the hybrid species -- homo sapiens.

Did this really happen?


posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 10:11 AM
The Terra Papers mesh well with this and explain why history vanished before the Egyptians (except for oral transmissions of the Vedas), with Egypt beginning in its "hayday." They tell a story very much like the Sumerian tablets with details added.

They are linked in my sig.

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