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Is Richard c hogland credible?

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posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

I respectfully disagree.


posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

The structure of anomalous buildings on the moon and mars for one.

Also, his theory that the moons atmosphere is littered with shattered glass which is why the astronaughts couldn't see the stars. Science shows that glass forged in a vacuum is as strong as steel.

I lent out the book so i can't use specific references. Apologies. I come from a scientific standpoint that unless we are higher dimensional beings, our knowledge has very defined limits. We must be willing to unlearn what we think we know, to learn what we MUST know.


posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by WisdomSeeker
The structure of anomalous buildings on the moon and mars for one.

Slight problem about that.... there are no buildings on the moon or mars!

Science shows that glass forged in a vacuum is as strong as steel.

It does? Care to show us that "science" from a peer reviewed science publication, and if it was true then why isnt window glass made in a vacumn today!

I come from a scientific standpoint

Not if you believe a fraud like Hoagland you do not!

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by AlreadyGone
Hoagland is great entertainment at 2am...and a lot of "coincidences" that he points out are pretty intriguing, but for the most part, I am still waiting for the grand finale.. the big unveiling.... the revelation, but it never comes.

He does raise some pretty interesting points... especially his idea of 19.5 and hyperdimensional physics. The most provoking theory of his is the idea that NASA orchestrates it's program with the placement of constellations, ancient mythology, and sun worship...which ties in with the NASA/Nazi and Operation PaperClip Conspiracy.

If you want some solid criticism of Hoagland and co-author Bara, touching on the questionable 19.5, go to THE EMOLUMENTS OF MARS at:

Get ready for an education in common sense, logic and reason, all of which are foreign concepts to Hoagland and Bara. Their theories are torn to shreds.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:43 PM
He had some pictures of "horse apperitions" which I think were kind of made up looking. I think he is credible in some of the information he provides but some of the evidence such as pictures and videos seem alot less credible. As a informationalist on the paranormal I think he knows alot.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by WisdomSeeker

Where did this incredible notion come from?:

....moons atmosphere is littered with shattered glass which is why the astronaughts couldn't see the stars.

There is nothing at all about Astronauts being unable to see stars....ONCE their eyes were dark-adapted enough, and out of the glare of the bright landscape. But, for their missions on the surface EVAs, they didn't have the time to waste, standing and gazing upwards, to let their eyes adjust (15-20 minutes, at least).

As to the "atmosphere" being "littered with shattered glass"??? Huh? What keeps all that "shattered glass" up there? Invisible pixies?

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 02:58 PM
Facepalm time!

You don't see starts because the surface of the moon is bright WHITE and cameras can't cope with that. You get a similar effect when you try to photograph the sky in a well lit might see the stars with your eyes (barely), but a camera lens won't unless you use ultra long exposure. Exposure times like that aren't possible with a hand held camera, especially at the time before digital cameras.

Seriously people, don't fall for this pseudo-science! He makes a lot of outrageous claims, like the energy vortexes, and then never presents any proof.

He says the energy vortexes are at 19.5 degrees N and S. Well, I claim they are at exactly 23.3345 degrees N and S. Why? Who cares, he can make stuff up, and so can I

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 03:00 PM
Enough replies have stated what is evident that Hoagland is all mouth and no substance.

Just let me add that I started criticizing and challenging him from the early 1990s in letters to the editors of certain magazines regarding his claims of Ukert crater, his "castle", etc. All b.s. claims.

I even recently debunked his hoaxing when he showed an upside down photo of the walls of a crater and calling the falling debris "towers".

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 04:01 PM
According to "popular" sentiment he is a fraud because he can't prove his "outrageous" claims. I bet most of the people have not ready any of his books because they can't stand being proved wrong and "to get even" they need to bash the man on internet forumns.

Seriously guys, go read his books before attacking him. One of his books is like 300 pages(if I remember correctly) and he even says he worked for nasa at JPL and cbs as an astronomy correspondent. Wild imagination...doubtful!

The world does not want the truth because they can't handle it. The government run by luciferians understands this so they need to tax people to pay for the fraud. If your not in the loop, then your out of the loop. Brave people that want to share esoteric knowledge with the public become victims of the machine. A ufo board dominated by disinfo agents should provide the first good clue............

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

Yeah, right....Hoaxland's 300-some page book makes him credible???

Stephen King wrote the novel, "The Stand", and it's over 800 pages.

Is IT true too??

We are talking, here, about claims that can be verified. NOTHING that Hoaxland ever claimed meets that criterion.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
According to "popular" sentiment he is a fraud because he can't prove his "outrageous" claims. I bet most of the people have not ready any of his books because they can't stand being proved wrong and "to get even" they need to bash the man on internet forumns.

Seriously guys, go read his books before attacking him. One of his books is like 300 pages(if I remember correctly) and he even says he worked for nasa at JPL and cbs as an astronomy correspondent. Wild imagination...doubtful!

The world does not want the truth because they can't handle it. The government run by luciferians understands this so they need to tax people to pay for the fraud. If your not in the loop, then your out of the loop. Brave people that want to share esoteric knowledge with the public become victims of the machine. A ufo board dominated by disinfo agents should provide the first good clue............

Hoagland never worked for NASA, he held 1 (!!) conference about a theory. He also never worked for JPL, and as for his claim to have worked as a consultant for CBS during the Apollo program, the founder of CBS called his views "hocus pocus nonsense." That's how CBS views him.

Look, I'm sure there's conspiracies. But Hoagland is a charlatan, watch the videos on page 1. His work has never been peer reviewed by anyone because he won't let people look at results. Not one of his claims has been independently verified, and his hyperdimensional vortex theory is based on complete pseudo-science...and anyone who ever took an astronomy/history class can tell.

Still fall for it? I'm selling tinfoil hats, special thanksgiving price of $9.99, or $14.99 for two!

As for me never having read his books: I travel a lot, and airport book shops are crappy enough to sell his books. I read 2 of them, and they were entertaining. Scientifically complete hogwash, but still entertaining. Like a Grisham novel...but at least Grisham isn't claiming to write about facts.
edit on 25-11-2010 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

....airport book shops are crappy enough to sell his books. I read 2 of them, and they were entertaining....

SUCKER!!!! HaHa! (just kidding, of course)....but....sucker!! This means you actually bought them??

In all honesty, and seriousness....I tried, I really did....went to something called a "library", and pulled them off the shelf, to peruse. I was afraid I'd vomit my lunch, it was a near thing....I laughed, I swallowed a bit of my own sputum, it was quite an ordeal..... (OK, I exaggerate...)....

...but, to actually shell out good money for them? You're a better man/woman than I..."....alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio...."

edit on 25 November 2010 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 05:42 PM

...Martian moon Phobos being a alien spacecraft..

I saw the c-span Buzz Aldrin interview where he mentions the monolith on Phobos. Maybe Hoagland can't get much respect, but Aldrin still does. How much he really "knows" is another story.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by JR MacBeth

True....Aldrin mentioned the "monolith". BUT, Aldrin also is a very vocal advocate of skipping any Lunar Base precursors to future manned space exploration endeavors. He advocates a more focused manned Mars mission, and return. But, it is a personal opinion, at this point. The relative costs and benefits and inherent risks of various strategies, going forward, for the continued manned exploration (and eventually, off-world permanent settlement) of our Solar System.

It is important to put some historical perspective on these sorts of debates/discussions. Harking back to pre-Apollo, there was a GREAT debate about how to achieve it. What ultimately worked (proven from history), the "Lunar Rendezvous in Orbit" concept, or LRO, was discounted initially.

It was thought, at first, to be too complex, and dangerous. The reality of physics got in the way, though....mass, propellants, thrust requirements, etc.

Historically, when you look at the USA's Space Program, you see the many practices of rendezvous in orbit, in Gemini especially. Those were precursors to the Apollo mission requirements. An "orbit" is an orbit, whether it is around the Earth, or the is just a matter of different math and trajectory delta-v amounts, depending on the gravitational forces of the body "you" are orbiting.

This is based on physics, celestial orbital mechanics, and "rocket science"...
Simple, yet complicated in depth, once you get into the maths....

Shame that these things are so easily misunderstood by the general public....who might be gullible enough to fall for the hogwash that a person like HOAGLAND can spew...when he uses that naivete' that is natural, to his advantage, in order to deceive the innocent........


Oh, and edit in to add.....the Phobos' "monolith" that Aldrin mentioned?

There is a distinct possiblity that he took advantage of Mars Surveyor (or was it "Voyager"? I forget) image, and wished to "stoke the imagination", and feed the fire of desire......

Could be a very normal outcrop of some sort, caught at just the right angle of sunlight, shadow and camera position......who knows???

edit on 25 November 2010 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
reply to post by MrXYZ

....airport book shops are crappy enough to sell his books. I read 2 of them, and they were entertaining....

SUCKER!!!! HaHa! (just kidding, of course)....but....sucker!! This means you actually bought them??

In all honesty, and seriousness....I tried, I really did....went to something called a "library", and pulled them off the shelf, to peruse. I was afraid I'd vomit my lunch, it was a near thing....I laughed, I swallowed a bit of my own sputum, it was quite an ordeal..... (OK, I exaggerate...)....

...but, to actually shell out good money for them? You're a better man/woman than I..."....alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio...."

edit on 25 November 2010 by weedwhacker because: (no reason given)

I always try to get different viewpoints, no matter how retarded they are. I also watch the Glenn Beck show twice a week...followed up by Colbert and Stewart to get back my sanity. At least that way I can criticize stuff and have backup to support my claims

I did feel a bit dirty for buying them, and I threw them away last time I moved and I ran out of moving space...figured better take along my humidor than bound somewhat-entertaining toiletpaper.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 06:11 PM
I think the modest amount of information presented in this thread is enough to fully answer the op's initial question. No, Ricky boy is not credible. Nuff said. OP, you have now other avenues presented to you, and the search feature that will flesh out even more reasons why this moron is a total sham. I suggest you look into it further, so you can protect yourself in the future from the many other ignorant morons that make us all look like fools to the general public.

I see no reason for this thread to continue. Anyone who wants to come in here and try to convince us that Ricky boy is even remotely credible has no grasp of logic, reason and common sense...thus they will never comprehend why he is not, not matter how hard you try.

Think about what I say before you blast me, let it sink in a moment.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Well all I can say is that anyone who wears his overcoat like a cape has got to know lots of stuff.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:21 PM
Is Richard c hogland credible?,

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:32 PM
Yes, thats true.Our moon is also a hollowed out space craft and so is Planet X/Nibiru. Search up Alex Collier on youtube, this guy is also intelligent.

posted on Nov, 25 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by HazyChestNutz

"Alex Collier"????

OH,, not "credible", sorry. Neither he, nor "Hoagland".

A bit of very important vetting of these men is going to be required, and soon. BECAUSE their spewing nonsense seems to have been getting everywhere....dribbling into crevices never imagined...even 'UP' to rational people!!

Time to stop these CHARLATANS in their tracks, lest they continue to profit off of the gullible, donthcha think????

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