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Feds Propose Graphic Cigarette Warning Labels

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posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
They don't care about us, so I wish they would stop pretending. There is another reason for this happening.

Most likely so they can sneak in one or two of their occult symbols.

Take this Eye of Horus we have here in Oz.


If you look at the skin of this guy on the picture, how long did he smoke? 200 years?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by cushycrux

Yeah. He does sort of look old, doesn't he?


posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 06:38 AM
The smoking ban was just the test balloon. This is only the beginning, as we see now. Smoking was attacked to see how far the government can encroach on private business without too much backlash. The government, after wiping the sheeple into an anti smoking frenzy with their fantasized second hand smoke debacle, went into private businesses to dictate what they can and can’t do. Going into a private business that was started by someone who saved, struggled and took a chance, and demand that they can’t allow smoking in their establishment of a legal product smells like Stalinism. Like I said it’s only the beginning.
Ask Mac Donald’s. Now the government is going after Mikey D’s! Can’t put toys in Happy Meals, What? Isn’t it the parent’s decision? Don’t the parents take the kids to Mac Donald’s? Is this a problem? Are kids wandering the streets at night, looking for their Happy Meal fix? Are kids hanging out at the drive thru asking you to buy them a Happy Meal and keep it on the quiet? What da hell is this? Have you ever, ever seen a child, or group of children, go into Mac Donald’s without a parent, and come out with a Happy Meal? Never, never, have I seen that. Don’t the parents decide what’s for dinner? It’s Joe Camel, Winston cup races, and second hand smoke, and the heavy hand of the government all over again. What next Chinese restaurants won’t be able to sell dishes with peanuts in them?
I’m glad they decided to do this. What else do they have to do, since the war on terror is over? Now that we have an Ethiopian Communist Muslim in the White House, the world loves us. What was that, that created that contrail over California?

And yes I am a smoker. Proud and puffy for 40 years!

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by StinkFist
reply to post by jaynkeel

If they do this then I hope they put pictures of spouses being beaten, people lying and choking in pools of vomit and the resulting drunk driving accidental car crashes with body parts scattered over the road on alcohol packages too.

Oh- pictures of morbidly obese diabetics getting limbs amputated on McDonalds packages and other bad-for-you-foods.

Tons of ideas come to mind, actually.
Yep its the same thing,the die hard smokers are going to smoke regardless of what they put on the cigarettes,people have a great way of ignoring things they don't want to see.But I agree with what you are saying alcohol is the number one killer(consumption based) the U.S. every year there's a tax hike or price increase on cigarettes,I think they should start hiking up the prices and the taxes on alcohol for a change,and put warning lables on all fast food,fried food,carnival food,soda diet soda,and the list goes on and on.

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by predator0187

OMG,where do you live?there still 4.00a pack here,and thought that was too much,that's insane,I remember when they were 59cents can you imagine?

posted on Nov, 11 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by jaynkeel

Seriously, this is a non-issue. I mean, really...think about it. These warnings already happen in the UK (from what a friend told me) and they still smoke. Addiction is more powerful then a warning label. Look at all the people that get DIU's, kill someone, and still go out and drink and drive....look at all the people that have been attacked or hurt because of their drug use, only to stay on the stuff...If a first hand experience does not make people quit, then what good would a warning label do?

Now, on the flip side, maybe these labels will stop someone from trying them for the first time? That is the only thing that I can see happening here.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 08:58 AM
I just quit smoking on holloween day haven't had one since without any issues really. Had a craving or 2 here and thier but nothing to bad and I smoked over a pack a day, over 15 years. I smoked the hard ones too camel filters

The addiction nonsence is all in the mind anyway. Its not as bad as people say its more of and excuse cause they don't want to really stop smoking. To compare the addiction to a heroin addiction is pretty rediculous at best.

At 10 dollars a pack thats what got me to quit, that is alot of money every month to be just smoking away (new car anyone).

Bottom line is that people wont quit unless they are ready to quit or they can't afford them no more or just wont pay the price even if they could afford them.

No warning label or picture is going to deture all people from smoking maybe a few.

posted on Nov, 13 2010 @ 09:33 AM

Originally posted by doobydoll
reply to post by jaynkeel

We in the UK have truly horrific graphics on cigarette packets, such as a huge cancer hanging out of a man's throat, lungs black with cancer, and others.

I still smoke by the way.

I don't notice the images anymore.

So it looks like that idea didn't work.

Exactly... the only thing those images have done is really upset our youngest children who now harrass my husband daily about smoking. But he is addicted and seems to have a huge battle to try and stop.

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