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A question I have towards all religious people!

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posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by The Endtime Warrior

Regardless if you feel it has hindered technological process, or had a bad rep in the past, religion, for the most part, is here to stay. You live in the world, and so you must deal with it. It is what it is, so why care?

It promotes ignorance in place of skepticism and reason, and does no more good than believing in the tooth fairy.

If people start blowing themselves up in the name of the tooth fairy, or tried to "balance" the education system, allowing the tooth fairy theory into schools, I'd tried to get rid of the tooth fairy idea too.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:27 PM

Originally posted by theRhenn

Originally posted by Somehumanbeing
reply to post by sparrowstail

Each and every one of us want a better life, ask yourself. We look at man to help and it's every man for himself. This is the byproduct of athiesm, I believe this. BUT on the same side of that coin are labels trying to take a part of the world by force carring little to those that fund their meals.

I agree with most of what you wrote, except this part. Regarding your first sentence: Maybe this would apply to most, but to me, i'm of a different kind of thought, and I don't really believe in God, though this is not the point.

The second statement is as much as the byproduct of atheism as it is of human nature in general. Most people are selfish to certain extents, but it is necessary. I know people who believe themselves to belong to a certain religious belief yet they act perversely worse than some atheist I know, like you said in your introductive statement.

Being atheist is NOT believing in a deity without proof, yes, but that does not mean that they do not believe in morals or values. My current idea is that if believing in a deity makes you a productive, intelligent, efficient individual, than by all means, do it, anyone that tries to stop you from believing in that deity is attacking your foundations for growth.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:30 PM
People who convert to Christianity, Islam etc do so for philosophical or cultural reasons: people who become atheists do so because they got picked on in high school. Rummage through an atheist's emotional baggage and you will find a pile of leftover teenage angst, a few cases of repressed rage at mommy and daddy, and an overpowering urge to feel superior wrapped around a stupendous amount of self-loathing.

Atheists suffer from a rare, aggressive form of unwarranted self-importance, invariably overestimating their own intelligence. It's mandatory for atheists, because if they're not the geniuses of Earth, they're forced into admitting that they're not always right - and they'd rather castrate themselves with a hacksaw than do THAT.

In fact, atheists are so fanatical that they go around with a chip on their shoulder looking for 'rational' debates. Upon watching an atheist in an argument, it becomes clear that their points consist entirely of condescension, lofty moralizing, and 'clever' quips about their opponents' intelligence - in other words, atheists think that sarcasm amounts to a valid argument. They will begin by stating they only want food for thought to 'improve their position'; five minutes later, they'll state that talking to their opponent is like arguing with a brick wall. The irony of this statement is consistently lost on the atheist.

To the OP >
I have faith, you do not. Why do you care ? - is it to feel that you are "right" !!!!

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

Yes but you aren't going to change it, so why worry? Why be bothered with it? Its not going anywhere quite yet, well at least not until the aliens arrive and I think it would do much good to channel that indifference elsewhere, don't you agree?

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:34 PM
Tell me something.

How come when you all have arguments, it is equivalent to monkeys throwing poop at each other?

It is under each individual perspective and opinion through their own view. no one is gonna have a life changing moment looking at an ats reply.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

Eh, I guess you could argue that, but lack of belief sounds like Agnosticism to me.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by BobbinHood
reply to post by Whyhi

Eh, I guess you could argue that, but lack of belief sounds like Agnosticism to me.

Agnosticism is the bisexuality of beliefs

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by imjustlikeyou
People who convert to Christianity, Islam etc do so for philosophical or cultural reasons: people who become atheists do so because they got picked on in high school. Rummage through an atheist's emotional baggage and you will find a pile of leftover teenage angst, a few cases of repressed rage at mommy and daddy, and an overpowering urge to feel superior wrapped around a stupendous amount of self-loathing.

Atheists suffer from a rare, aggressive form of unwarranted self-importance, invariably overestimating their own intelligence. It's mandatory for atheists, because if they're not the geniuses of Earth, they're forced into admitting that they're not always right - and they'd rather castrate themselves with a hacksaw than do THAT.

In fact, atheists are so fanatical that they go around with a chip on their shoulder looking for 'rational' debates. Upon watching an atheist in an argument, it becomes clear that their points consist entirely of condescension, lofty moralizing, and 'clever' quips about their opponents' intelligence - in other words, atheists think that sarcasm amounts to a valid argument. They will begin by stating they only want food for thought to 'improve their position'; five minutes later, they'll state that talking to their opponent is like arguing with a brick wall. The irony of this statement is consistently lost on the atheist.

To the OP >
I have faith, you do not. Why do you care ? - is it to feel that you are "right" !!!!

You are doing what you just said that atheists do. I can see the condescension, and your form of "'clever' quips about their opponents' intelligence" manifested in the last sentence of the first paragraph . To add to that you are generalising all of them under the same attributes by simply stating "the atheist", "athiests this..", "Atheists that". Lastly, replacing sarcasm, you pursue an outright defecation upon the "atheist" with this entire post by stating them to be "fanatical" .

How do you feel?
edit on 1-11-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by BobbinHood

That's how atheism is defined, I haven't heard any other definition of it.

Atheism VS Agnosticism - What's the difference?

Agnostic Atheism & Agnostic Theism

Once it is understood that atheism is merely the absence of belief in any gods, it becomes evident that agnosticism is not, as many assume, a “third way” between atheism and theism. The presence of a belief in a god and the absence of a belief in a god exhaust all of the possibilities. Agnosticism is not about belief in god but about knowledge — it was coined originally to describe the position of a person who could not claim to know for sure if any gods exist or not.

reply to post by Jordan River

Agnosticism is the bisexuality of beliefs

I lol'd.

edit on 1-11-2010 by Whyhi because: emilio estevez

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by imjustlikeyou

Some Atheists behave like that, but certainly not all. I'd have to agree with the Somehumanbeing... This kind of broad attack on a group of people (whether or not it is true) is immature and massively hypocritical.

edit on 11/1/2010 by BobbinHood because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by Whyhi

Well if that's the case, I'll restate my first post. Gnostic Atheism requires just as much faith as any religion.

You just have to be technical about it don't you

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Somehumanbeing

Originally posted by imjustlikeyou
People who convert to Christianity, Islam etc do so for philosophical or cultural reasons: people who become atheists do so because they got picked on in high school. Rummage through an atheist's emotional baggage and you will find a pile of leftover teenage angst, a few cases of repressed rage at mommy and daddy, and an overpowering urge to feel superior wrapped around a stupendous amount of self-loathing.

Atheists suffer from a rare, aggressive form of unwarranted self-importance, invariably overestimating their own intelligence. It's mandatory for atheists, because if they're not the geniuses of Earth, they're forced into admitting that they're not always right - and they'd rather castrate themselves with a hacksaw than do THAT.

In fact, atheists are so fanatical that they go around with a chip on their shoulder looking for 'rational' debates. Upon watching an atheist in an argument, it becomes clear that their points consist entirely of condescension, lofty moralizing, and 'clever' quips about their opponents' intelligence - in other words, atheists think that sarcasm amounts to a valid argument. They will begin by stating they only want food for thought to 'improve their position'; five minutes later, they'll state that talking to their opponent is like arguing with a brick wall. The irony of this statement is consistently lost on the atheist.

To the OP >
I have faith, you do not. Why do you care ? - is it to feel that you are "right" !!!!

You are doing what you just said that atheists do. I can see the condescension, and your form of "'clever' quips about their opponents' intelligence" manifested in the last sentence of the first paragraph . To add to that you are generalising all of them under the same attributes by simply stating "the atheist", "athiests this..", "Atheists that". Lastly, replacing sarcasm, you pursue an outright defecation upon the "atheist" with this entire post by stating them to be "fanatical" .

How do you feel?
edit on 1-11-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

I feel great. (One of the benefits of Faith)

IRONY is lost on the masses - do you see it ?

You know that God said Atheists are fools, why can't I join the bandwagon.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by imjustlikeyou

I understood your statement about irony, though I see it both from the faithful and the "fools". But do you see that you are being hypocritical in your post?
edit on 1-11-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Somehumanbeing
reply to post by imjustlikeyou

I understood your statement about irony, though I see it both from the faithful and the "fools". But do you see that you are being hypocritical in your post?
edit on 1-11-2010 by Somehumanbeing because: (no reason given)

intentionally so / to help give some balance

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by imjustlikeyou

To help give some balance.. Intentionally balancing hypocrisy with hypocrisy is a pointless endeavor. So your entire post was for your own amusement or an outburst of anger, either way, pointless for other people. Enjoy, troll.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by BobbinHood

Well if that's the case, I'll restate my first post. Gnostic Atheism requires just as much faith as any religion.

If only to make something out of nothing here, do you mean "Agnostic theism", as in believing in god without being completely sure? Or just theism in general?

Agnostic atheism, or just atheism in general, is not a belief, it is basically a word for people who lack a belief, do to the evidence being presented in favour of the existence of god not meeting their standards, among other things.

Really though, atheism cannot be "proven", you can't prove a negative. It's the only viable option when the one making the claim cannot provide sufficient evidence, so you doubt them, and don't believe, lack a belief, etc. The burden of proof is on the religious.

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Somehumanbeing

I mean to say, the byproduct of both is corrupting. But good points!

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 09:43 PM
I know in my heart he is real, He revealed himself to me in a dream. He told me where I came from, explained why I am where I am at now, and what the future has in store. I know my purpose, I felt everything he said was true. I know it, I see it, I feel it. He speaks to me all the time, he will speak to you also, all you have to do is listen. He is all around us, he knows all and sees all. I am glad to be a chosen one, I know because he told me so. Tells me so all the time. He is real, nothing you can say will make me think twice about believing. There is proof if you take the chance, you will find it. He is the only truth, always will be, always was. All hail zeus!

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Somehumanbeing
reply to post by imjustlikeyou

To help give some balance.. Intentionally balancing hypocrisy with hypocrisy is a pointless endeavor. So your entire post was for your own amusement or an outburst of anger, either way, pointless for other people. Enjoy, troll.

Neither amusement or anger but balance.

Is the purpose of this thread not to "TROLL" the Religious ????? ( BE TRUTHFUL ! )

Are you saying that Atheists don't "TROLL" ??????

Is there such a thing as a "TROLL" or is just a label applied by the opposite who doesn't agree ?????

Who gets the exclusive usage of the "TROLL" term ???????

My posts point out that - asking about faith by the non-faithful is a POINTLESS ENDEAVOR.

Getting back to IRONY etc etc

Do you think you will get life's answers from a forum ??

posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by XxRagingxPandaxX
My question is how can you be religious? I mean, not having any concrete facts to support your religion only faith. What makes your religion so much more credible than another? There all supported by the same thing, faith.

I don't have any desire to convince you or anyone, my spirituality is my own personal path, I can't teach it, and no one else can walk it.

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