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Government Agents Seize Oath Keeper's New Born From Hospital(Baby Returned)

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:05 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I think your confused here,where did you get that the Oathkeepers was listed rather than Sons Of Liberty Riders? Of which I am a member and is NOT A MILITIA. The fact is its Mr Irish's father who is a member of SOL,a little closer examination of the link you provided proves this.

Are You a Rider or a Supporter
RIDER......35 years

The defendant in this case isnt even 35 years old.

Now I dont know what your experience with SOL was or how you came to the conclusion that they are a militia but your wrong on that matter also. Just check out the home page.

Sons Of Liberty is a NON-violent, law abiding gathering of like minded Patriots. We stand united AGAINST ANY acts of violence or illegal activity The Sons of Liberty Riders does not endorse or tolerate radical, extreme, violent or racial postings. There are sites on the Internet where these beliefs are welcome; this is not one of them.

Lets stick to the facts please.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Dude, it's real simple.
I'm going to lay it out for you as clearly as I can.

There is a financial incentive when DFCS places a child.
That is different from the adoptive assistance that goes to potentially adoptive parents that the other poster claimed.
There is no incentive if they child goes back to it's parents and is NOT adopted out.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

The petition against the mother (Taylor) is because of her refusal to limit her contact with Irish, whom she has filed multiple Domestic Abuse charges against! She filed domestic abuse charges against Irish....more than once.....and neighbors reported the two boys were being "beaten," and Taylor refuses to keep them safe from Irish, whom she is not married to. She is still married to her ex-husband, although she has lived with Irish for over 2 years!

Concord Monitor lengthy article

But according to an affidavit provided to Irish by the state Division for Children, Youth and Families, state officials took the child because of Irish's long record of violence and abuse. According to the affidavit, a judge determined that Irish abused Taylor's two other children. She is still married to the father of those children, though Taylor said yesterday that her husband has refused to accept her divorce petition for the past two years.

The affidavit also says that the police in Rochester report a "lengthy history of domestic violence" between Taylor and Irish, and that she accused him of choking and hitting her on more than one occasion. According to the document, Irish failed to complete a domestic violence course as ordered by the state, and that a hearing was held last month to terminate Taylor's parental rights over her two older children.

Taylor "has failed to recognize the impact of domestic violence in her life and the potential danger it poses to a newborn baby," the affidavit reads. "Mr. Irish has not acknowledged any responsibility to date and remains a significant safety risk to an infant in his care. . . . Without the intervention of the court, the infant will be at risk of harm."

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:09 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Was he convicted? If so for what?

He was 17 and some girl made a claim.

Hell when I was is high school I stuck some wires in silly putty and tossed to a friend in AG class. I got suspended. If that would happen today the school would have been evacuated and the bebm squad called in then I would have been jiled on terrorism charges even though it was a joke in a class between 2 friends.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Why is this man not in jail?

If he has commited all these offenses he should be in jail.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:13 PM
Gosh I am so glad that even if I do frequent conspiracy sites like this, am a neopagan, question the govt. and like the constitution too much, that ....

....AT LEAST I've been completely faithful and married to one man a LONG time and had one child that no one has ever doubted was his, and there's no one's ex causing trouble for us ever.
I'm also glad that I don't rely on the govt for any income.

I just had to say that.

But I think putting these folks on trial is not doing the problem of the oathkeepers being listed on the affidavit justice. It's diverting attention from it, IMO.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

Come on now??????

The Oathkeeper thing is wrong, and if this case gets national attention to our overbearing government, then GREAT!

BUT, how can you guys still be questioning the legitimacy of the danger to the children?

OK, maybe the highschool thing was a threat or prank that went to far, maybe choking and hitting his live-in girlfriend was just a misunderstanding and he apologized, maybe she deserved it and after he was arrested, she realized the error of her ways and went and bailed him out like a good abused woman does, maybe the man-sized handprint on the face of a very young child was an accident, maybe the police frequent the residence because of the scenic drive, maybe the neighbors misinterpret the sounds of a fight because of a loud TV, maybe the concealed weapons charge was just a coincidence, maybe he just forgot to go to the anger counseling, maybe they are "well known" to the hospital staff because of their chaity work? Really? Really, really?

Lets criticize the stupid law clerk that listed a #7 when they didn't need to. Lets criticize the fact that the judge let it stand. BUT HOW CAN ANYONE REALLY GIVE THIS GUY AND GIRL THIS MUCH BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT? They are not "good people." (Thats how we say it in the Midwest and South anyway.) Either you are "good people" or you are not "good people," and these are not "good people!"

edit on 11-10-2010 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by nenothtu

Don't overlook this important part of his history, because I put too much into one post!! This is a known violent man that has had problems with threats, violence, and guns his whole life since highschool! His neighbors are afraid of him. He is "well-known" to the police and hospital staff. He has refused the court order to get anger counseling. He has outstanding weapons charges at this very time. Etc., Etc.

Jonathan Irish, 17, of Seabrook, who was to begin his senior year Wednesday, is charged with criminal threatening.

Court records say Irish told another teenager he was "going to bring guns to school, hide them in the woods and bathrooms, and kill anyone he wanted."

According to the arrest warrant, the other teen believed what she was being told and "feared for her life."

District Court Judge Francis Frasier ordered Irish held without bail at the Rockingham County jail, pending a psychiatric evaluation to help determine if he is a threat to himself or others.

Asked if he thought Irish is a threat to the community or himself, police Sgt. Jim Jiguere said, "That’s why he’s being held on no bail."

Since he was 17 at the time, there should have been some resolution to that by now. I noticed that article said that it was unknown if any actual firearms had been found, and that a "friend" of his, who ought to know him, was surprised at the charges. It further states that he appeared "frightened" in court, not your typical psycopathic mass murderer.

What was the outcome of the case, I wonder?

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:33 PM
i believe the sam from and are the ones who interviewed the is the broadcast from free talk live where they are talking about it....freetalklive is one of the best liberty/anti-tyranny radio/podcast shows out there and definitely need to be listened to daily.....

Saturday October 9, 2010

Bureaucrats Steal Newborn :: The Free State Project :: Influencing Morality :: Your DCF Kidnapping Stories :: Insane Child Transfer Centers and Supervised Visits :: Divorce and Government :: Conspiracy to Kidnap :: Courtesy Declining :: Being in Foster Care :: Apparently you need a lawyer when giving birth! :: Oath Keepers is Peaceful :: Child Support :: Business Punks :: Profit
listen to sat show here... =2136112&t=05ef7cf254df7fca10231

video of the interview.... and are sorta sister sites that are run by the same talk live is the main show so if you are looking for a really good liberty oriented podcast/radio show and cant seem to find one freetalklive is the one you need to go to.

oh yeah...on thursday the 7th freetalklive talked a little bit about the abduction of the might want to hear this as well....

Thrusday October 7th

Bureaucrat Rapes Teens, Gets No Prison :: Government Agents Abduct Oath Keeper's Baby :: Another Know-it-All Control Freak :: Money Printing :: Birthing Centers :: Whose Debt? :: Tax Reduction in IL? :: Prostitution Ruled Legal in Canada :: Jesus and Prostitutes :: Atheists and Agnostics Know More About Religion :: Prepare for Betrayal :: Free State Project
listen here... =2129826&t=0151b4fbe8531382e2662

if you want to hear the daily shows just go to the top of freetalkslives page and click on the days of weeks that you want to listen to....

Wednesday October 6th subject that were discussed on freetalk.....3 hour show daily....

Depleted Uranium :: The Real Purpose of the Military :: Fire Protection :: The NH Liberty Community :: Military Sadists Photoed With Victims :: Update on Cop Shooting Peaceful Whittler :: Cops Getting Away With Murder :: Lumping Police Together :: The Law and Morality :: The Linchpins of Society? :: Things Speeding Up :: Preparedness =2122507&t=013c50c7f58f278f6ec5b
edit on 11-10-2010 by Funkydung because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-10-2010 by Funkydung because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I was agreeing with you.

If he is a danger to kids and others put him under the jail.

The connection to Oath Keepers is insulting and Needs to be address publicly.

Regardless of his guilt or innocence it is an out right attack on the true Patriot Movement.

They want to push to get us to fire the first shot.

It won't happen.

Real Patriots are far to smart to fall for these stupid games.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by SWCCFAN

Totally Agreed!!

The only part of my stance that I am not totally certain of, is the "law clerk mistake" part. I am operating under the assumption that the prosecutor, judge, and LEO were not involved in the drafting of that document, and that it was just someone trying too hard to draw up a convincing document, without realizing the possible repercussions.

However, as you say, there are a lot of "feelers" out there right now trying to get a violent response from the TPM, the militia, the OK, or any other "conservative" movement. TPTB, the entrenched politicians, the current Congress and Administration, the banking cartel, they all need a scapegoat to focus attention an blame on before this election rolls around. It is a very, scary and volatile time. If we make it to Nov 2 without a mishap, and if there is some shakeup within the political realm, we will avoid violence for at least 2 more years, but it is high, thin wire we are walking!

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by SWCCFAN

Come on now??????

The Oathkeeper thing is wrong, and if this case gets national attention to our overbearing government, then GREAT!

BUT, how can you guys still be questioning the legitimacy of the danger to the children?

Because of my dealings with DCS going back to when I was the "child" in question, and seeing their underhanded tactics to try to destroy families, up close and in person. That experience developed a SEVERE distrust of all things DCS in particular, and a serious distrust of government in general. After all, they were just "from the government, and here to help". My ass they were.

They tried to make up all sorts of BS, and I KNEW better. I LIVED there. I actually asked one of the Social workers interviewing me if she'd brought any hand cuffs. She said "No, why would I do that?" and I flat out told her she was gonna have a hell of a time getting me into a car to kidnap me without them.

That was back when I was about 15 years old, mid 70's, and it doesn't look like they've gotten any better to me.

OK, maybe the highschool thing was a threat or prank that went to far, maybe choking and hitting his live-in girlfriend was just a misunderstanding and he apologized, maybe she deserved it and after he was arrested, she realized the error of her ways and went and bailed him out like a good abused woman does, maybe the man-sized handprint on the face of a very young child was an accident, maybe the police frequent the residence because of the scenic drive, maybe the neighbors misinterpret the sounds of a fight because of a loud TV, maybe the concealed weapons charge was just a coincidence, maybe he just forgot to go to the anger counseling, maybe they are "well known" to the hospital staff because of their chaity work? Really? Really, really?

Maybe. Also, maybe it's all true, and again maybe he pissed off his neighbors because his lawn is an inch too tall or something. We already KNOW there's a vindictive Ex in the mix. There are a lot of "maybes" in the case, but that one point we KNOW is true.

Lets criticize the stupid law clerk that listed a #7 when they didn't need to. Lets criticize the fact that the judge let it stand. BUT HOW CAN ANYONE REALLY GIVE THIS GUY AND GIRL THIS MUCH BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT? They are not "good people." (Thats how we say it in the Midwest and South anyway.) Either you are "good people" or you are not "good people," and these are not "good people!"

I can't say that I know they're "good folks" or "not good folks". I don't know them. I DO know governmental misconduct, though. If YOU do know them, THEN I may have to just accept judgment being passed on them before trial...
edit on 2010/10/11 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 06:32 PM
I said I would be back to back up my claims. Here I am. The actual document I was referring to happened to be on my old computer, until I can figure out how to transfer it to my new one this should suffice to start with .

some more reading

Some good sites that hold a wealth of information about what is really going on. You might have to dig a little but well worth the time.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by SWCCFAN

They want to push to get us to fire the first shot.

That sounds like a delusional persecution complex. How could this possibly justify a 'shot'? If anything, it's a excellent opportunity for a movement like the Oath Keepers to show how the government oversteps the lines.

It won't happen.

Real Patriots are far to smart to fall for these stupid games.

exactly. Because 'true patriots' dont walk around with a persecution complex, mistaking mountains for molehills, itching for a fight.

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by SWCCFAN

Come on now??????

The Oathkeeper thing is wrong, and if this case gets national attention to our overbearing government, then GREAT!

BUT, how can you guys still be questioning the legitimacy of the danger to the children?

OK, maybe the highschool thing was a threat or prank that went to far, maybe choking and hitting his live-in girlfriend was just a misunderstanding and he apologized, maybe she deserved it and after he was arrested, she realized the error of her ways and went and bailed him out like a good abused woman does, ...

Because many people consume their information, instead of figuring it our for themselves. And the narrative on this so far on Alex Jones, et al. is 'this man's child was stolen because he was a true patriot'.
edit on 11-10-2010 by justadood because: add third quote and response

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by iamsupermanv2
Where's the hard proof that this happened...

Also, do we know that this guy or his fiance don't have other reason to have their baby taken away?

Also, he states a militia is formed in order to allow for an armed isn't. A true militia is formed to help defend the country from outside invasion when the military is not able to.
edit on 10/7/2010 by iamsupermanv2 because: (no reason given)

domestic and foreign and either way we have the god given right to do so.

posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by justadood

Originally posted by SWCCFAN

They want to push to get us to fire the first shot.

That sounds like a delusional persecution complex. How could this possibly justify a 'shot'? If anything, it's a excellent opportunity for a movement like the Oath Keepers to show how the government oversteps the lines.

It really doesn't "justify a shot", I suppose, until it's YOUR newborn they're kidnapping.

exactly. Because 'true patriots' dont walk around with a persecution complex, mistaking mountains for molehills, itching for a fight.

I don't know that I qualify as a "patriot", real or imaginary, I don't have a "persecution complex", and I don't walk around "itching for a fight", but I can tell you this much: if it's MY kid they're planning on kidnapping, there's going to be large trouble involved in the doing.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:05 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
I am operating under the assumption that the prosecutor, judge, and LEO were not involved in the drafting of that document, and that it was just someone trying too hard to draw up a convincing document, without realizing the possible repercussions.

But even if it was a clerk doing that, it still doesn't excuse the judge who signed the damn thing. He or she should have at least read what they were signing. So they are ALL guilty, every single pair of law enforcement, DHS, and CPS eyes that read it before it was served. And speaking of which, how many people do you suppose read it before it WAS served? And out of all those people, not ONE called into question whether OK was a indeed a militia and bothered to check?

We are supposed to be paying taxes for authorities that READ what they legislate. :shk:

However, as you say, there are a lot of "feelers" out there right now trying to get a violent response from the TPM, the militia, the OK, or any other "conservative" movement. TPTB, the entrenched politicians, the current Congress and Administration, the banking cartel, they all need a scapegoat to focus attention an blame on before this election rolls around. It is a very, scary and volatile time. If we make it to Nov 2 without a mishap, and if there is some shakeup within the political realm, we will avoid violence for at least 2 more years, but it is high, thin wire we are walking!

I'd be willing to bet that legislation has already been drawn up to make illegal the public participation in any form of militia at all. And along with it, much stiffer regulations on public gatherings, firearms stockpiling, and further limits on ammo and guns. Hell, they had the documents drawn up for the Patriot Act and the invasion of Afghanistan/Iraq all ready to go the day Bush took office. All they are looking for is the one big shootout with DHS or FBI to declare "Emergency Action by Executive Order."

A single militia bad apple acting alone will bring the whole barrel down with it.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 12:57 AM
The guy is just an abusive Father/Husband. Even Drudge report picked up on this and the guy refuses to sign divorce documents for 2 years straight. Dead story, he is using Oathkeeprs as a reason to bring politics mischief to a situation that begs domestic violance and abuse.

He is just a loser that is trying to bring others down with his miserable hateful lifestyle.

edit : this link came straight from Drudge, just fyi
edit on 12-10-2010 by Eavel because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:05 AM
There are some things here that still don't add up:

If they took the newborn to protect it from John Irish, why didn't they take Stephanie Taylor's other two children along with it?

They use the excuse that they must protect the newborn from John Irish because of his domestic abuse and affiliation with oathkeepers, then why didn't they arrest HIM and leave the baby with the mother?

Why are they adding in his affiliation with Oathkeepers on the document, as one of the reasons to remove the baby? If they want to charge him with domestic abuse and handle that aspect of it, fine.

posted on Oct, 12 2010 @ 04:07 AM
This sounds like make believe.

No-one seizes a newborn except a demented wanna be mother.

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