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The British Invasion of 1964 – How the London Bankers Ended American Sovereignty

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by daddio

What is fairly interesting is shortly before Lennon's death, McCartney years later claimed to have been in New York City and seriously contemplated calling Lennon to invite him down to the set of Saturday Night Live to play a couple of songs together and ideally announce a Beatles Reunion tour.

McCartney claimed he then thought better of it, but it begs the question as to whether perhaps he did and Lennon turned him down, perhaps prompting a whole other chain of events regarding Lennon's own death that remain unanswered and unknown to this day.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

PT, thanks for filling in a lot of blank spaces for me. Most of the 60s and 70s are at best cloaked in a drug, alcohol, hedonistic haze. How I ever acquired a BS and a MA during those years still remains a mystery.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by whaaa

I think a lot of us fit that desription. If memory serves you are a musician and as such had to ingest at least double the amount of non-musicians!

Yet it is important to note the Ken Kesley did feel that drug use could transform society as a whole, and in a lot of ways it certainly did end up transforming the society in a lot more ways than one.

The War on Drugs is a trillion dollar a year business, that fuels the Prison Industrial Complex with the largest per capita prison population of any nation on earth.

I wonder if that's the kind of transformation Kesley was shooting for, and the one Timmothy Leary was trying to avoid with a more clinical labratory study approach to how drugs altered the human conscious?

Thanks for posting my friend.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Great thread Proto my friend, I am still reading through before I comment more.

From what I have seen it reminds of these words of wisdom.

Stars & Flag

If only I could learn to let it be! What a different place the world might be.

I think Paul made a mistake though by letting his facial hair be, the bearded look just doesn't work for him!

Thanks for posting.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

If only I could learn to let it be! What a different place the world might be.

Maybe that is the problem Proto, we have "let it be" for way to long, look where we are today, time to wake up before it's to late, maybe it is too little to late, all we have to do is look around, the smoke screens of the sixties was only one of the very many beginnings, it started about 2000 years ago and tells exactly what happened in the epic thread All Roads Lead To Rome

edit on 27-9-2010 by Aquarius1 because: text

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

It seems our history is full of nothing but manipulations of the masses. Is it fated to remain that way moving forward?

That's the million dollar question. We don't do a very good job at keeping our eyes on who really has the ball. In this case the ability to print, issue and loan the money that makes the world go round.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 09:49 PM
Proto.... you are one of my Heroes here on ATS. Your reports are - every one of them - detailed acounts of the way it is, and how history came about to make it that way.

I'd like to correct one aspect of your original post however - if I may - concerning the value of our fiat currency...

The fiat de facto instrument of debt currency for all debts public and private as legal tender attached to nothing of any value at all whatsoever.

Except for the value the bankers want to give to it. The very same bankers who issue it and the bankers who without firing a shot had just gotten the mightiest nation on earth to surrender its sovereignty with nary a whimper of protest or complaint against their actions to that end had won a stunning victory.

Make no mistake about it, the Federal Reserve, tied to the International Monetary Fund both international in scope, now determines just how much cash can be issued into the economy and loaned to the government arbitrarily, with no actual need to have anything of value to back its own actions. With the U.S. Government it self having nothing of convertible value itself that can be rendered into any easily transferable instrument on its own, without the foreign owned Federal Reserve becoming involved and being involved.

You may remember a member by the name of DarkspARCS who not long ago posted an article here on ATS entitled You don't own yourself -- the Federal Reserve does! Where he exposed the fact that the Federal Reserve actually holds the leash of our collared existances - as Americans. It was the physical embodiment of the person of the American Citizen that became the valuating collateral that backed the Dollar when Nixon took it off of the Gold Standard.

The original birth or naturalization record for every U.S. Citizen is on file in the official records in Washington, D.C. (you get to keep a copy!) and the property and assets of every living U.S. Citizen is pledged as collateral for the National Debt!

Within two weeks and three days each Certificate of Live Birth is to be filed in Washington D.C. Evidence reveals that there is even a Federal Children Department established by the Shepherd/Townsend Act of 1922 under the Department of Commerce that appears to be involved in this process in some way. Every citizen is given a number (the red number on the Birth Certificate) and each live birth is valued at from 650,000 to 750,000 Federal Reserve dollars in collateral from the Fed.

The capitalization of the American Strawman's Name became the Capitis Diminutio Maxima that provides proof of this. We are not citizens of a country but rather a commodity of a corporation...

Another ATS post entitled Your Birth Certificate is a security traded on the Stock Exchange , how much are you worth ? supported this claim, goes on to reveal that our certification of birth is printed on authentic BankNote Paper, most of which is supplied by a company that does the certificates for such financial instruments as Bonds, Checks, Stocks, etc, known as the American Banknote Company... proving without a shadow of a doubt that indeed, the American Citizen thus was changed into the American Instrument of Debt.

Your Report on All Roads Leads to Rome provides another excellent research tool that verifies the validity of aspects on this as well. In the report provided by DarkspARCS, a member posted this:

Yes, this is the USA corporate thinking which is the Pope's total ownership of everything. The bankruptcy of 1930s set this in motion. Just as corporations was set in motion by the civil war. The USA was manufactured by the Jesuits as a tool. The progression of rationals only extends their plan. The Vatican is a foreign country believing nothing to be higher or superior to itself and that it owns all of the world and can freely destroy governments to suit itself.

The long term goal is to create a population that believes the same way. The land that became Washington DC was previously known as ROME and was deeded by a Jesuit/Masonic family. The founding father of the US was the Black Pope, General Ricci (Richy). The Revolutionary war put Protestant England (vehemently anti-Jesuit) against Protestant America while at the same time the Jesuits where being falsly disbanded by the Pope to convince both sides the Jesuit threat no longer existed and Catholicism was ok. The Fed strangle hold is the IMF which is the Illuminati/NWO/Masonic = Jesuit/Vatican empire.

An interesting answer to the topic of American Enslavement, that ties in beautifully with you Report on Rome, as well as this report...

Proof that provides source for the claim of American Enslavement was given at least on two occasions by American Politicians themselves...

The first report came from Rep. Louis T. McFadden in his speech from 1932, covering the topic of the Federal Reserve Act.

Not too long ago, a second Politician exposed this very fact as he addressed Congress concerning America's apparent state of Bankruptcy... Representative Traficant Reports On The Bankruptcy Of The United States, United States Congressional Record, March 17, 1993 VOL. 33, page H-1303

Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until the Federal Reserve Act (1913) “hypothecated” all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, - in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title, the U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a “beneficiary” of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their “subjects”, the 14th. Amendment U.S. citizens, to the Federal Reserve System.

President William Jefferson Clinton was even on file before Congress revealing this fact and the fact that Admiralty Law is the Law of the Land, superceeding our Constitution, because of the War Powers Act(s) currently still on the books as Law, beginning with Roosevelt's declaration in 1933...

So yes, America has definitely been invaded by the Royalty of Free Masonry and it's Vatican Lead Agenda to become the machine that greases the Vatican's Wheels of Global Dominance at the cost of American Blood, and American Sweat...

Great Report my friend!!! S&F

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by stumason
Good read, but I do disagree with the below part of your post..

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
When World War I saw a nearly bankrupt Brittan all but having lost the war on European battlefields manipulation of the Federal Reserve through the Papal Rothschild Family of London soon saw American Doughboys rushing to European battlefields and laying down their lives to reverse the tide.

By the time the Yanks turned up, in 1917, there was no "tide to turn" and we most certainly had not been defeated on the Eorpean battlefields, it was in fact the opposite. germany was virtually done, had bled alot and run out of treasure and food. The UK and France could have continued for much longer, by sheer virtue of the fact we had more men and were'nt hungry..

It's this little bit of your entire post that has me doubting the veracity of the rest of it. If you can't get simple, verifiable facts correct, what hope is there the rest is accurate?

Some one's been reading the history books again.

It's a great way to impress teachers and professors but a horrible way to understand the history of the world.

Every year starting in 1914 the participants in the European War all being from Christian Nations would call an unofficial, official cease fire beginning the day before Christmas and lasting to the day after New Years. The men would climb out of their trenches cross no-man's land and exchange simple gifts and toasts of schnapps, cognac and whiskey and sing Christmas Carols before heading back to their own lines and going back about the business of killing one another.

In 1916 when the Christmas Holidays rolled around the British were nearly bankrupt, and almost completely out of ammunition and the French Army was in a near state of mutiny.

The Germans offered to extend out the truce as long as the other side wished to and made an offer of all parties simply quitting the war and everyone going home without any conditions being set. They even allowed the Brittish and French to take as long as they needed to think about this.

A few weeks later the Balfour Declaration came out. Addressed to Lord Rothschild personally from the British Parliment it promised land in Palestine for a Zionist/Jewish homeland.

There was just one problem, Palestine was firmly in the hands of the Ottoman Turks which the British had as little luck defeating in Gallopolli as they did with the Huns in Europe where in three long years of war the lines had barely moved 14 miles.

Using his banking clout once Rothschild held the agreement in hand he used economic leverage then to redecide the outcome of the war.

Max Warburg a long time Rothschild Family friend and head of the German Reichs Bank froze Germany's credit lines. While over in America his biological brother Paul Warburg just happened to be the Chairman of the Federal Reserve. See where this is going yet? America was then put on the hook through the Federal Reserve to issue fresh lines of credit to both France and England and to raise an army and enter the war or risk having it's own credit be frozen similiar to what Germany's had been.

Now you won't find any of that in the History books, but you will find it in the New York Times archives where the Powers that Be don't have the power to rewrite microfish copies of original Newspaper Articles dating back to the late 1800's.

The duplicity regarding the Balfour Agreement and the financial manipulation employed by Rothschild and the British actually led to the U.S. Congress rejecting the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations attached to it.

Once again something detailed quite differently in Newspaper Accounts of the time versus the history books rewritten by the victors.

Knowing textbook history is great, well if you like going through life with blinders on.

Knowing the truth is priceless though!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler


Very thought provoking, with your signature depth. Patriotic decor given.

I recall with fond memories as a young girl in Yosemite, listening to The Beatles. Strawberry Fields Forever, my favorite song ofThe Beatles as very very young girl. I would sneak around the campfire loop with my friends listening to the teen hippies having parties. Strawberry Fields, its lyrics written from the young boys nostalgic experience with a Salvation Army Childrens House, and a Salvation Army Band. Yes, another great musician influenced by a religious institutions music. He would say to his Aunt, "Mimi, come on were going to be late"

Along with Lennons Strawberry Fields, McCartneys song Penny Lane was also about a nostalgic physical place, lending an air of innocence to The Beatles music. Even so, my parents were not so enamored with The Beatles, and forbid me to listen to the music at home. I laugh at that as my mom would listen to Elvis, and Tom Jones. Funny how generations are quick to point the finger to the latter generation as being corrupted.

When Lennon was murdered, the rumors amoungst my freinds never ended. It was a conspiracy. We knew it back then. Young as we were, we knew something deeper, dark lurked.

Here, I will digress for a moment as when I get into the deep conspiracy aspects of these world events, sometimes it is hard to limit my mind, and keep track of all of the rabbit trails. So forgive me if I leave gaps in my written thoughts.

I always took interest in Lennons published interview with Playboy Magazine, in which he supposedly admitted he was the work of Tavistock. It is a challenge to find real hard evidence for this, but the actual interview is available.

Lennon was murdered after the interview.

"Changing the lifestyle and appearance of youth throughout the world didn't just happen - we set out to do it. We knew what we were doing."
~ John Lennon, 1972

No good conspiracy would be complete without the mention of Lyndon LaRouch, and the wild speculations, which sometimes are not so wild.

"The Beatles had no genuine musical talent, but were a product shaped according to British Psychological Warfare Division (Tavistock) specifications, and promoted in Britain by agencies which are controlled by British intelligence."

"Why Your Child Became A Drug Addict" Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Campaigner Special Report, Copyright 1978

What I find so insidious about the social engineering. and you mention this in your OP, and of course I agree...Is that this generation did really think that the entire idea of free love, uninhibited drug use, experimental drug use was thier own idea rather than one being thrust upon them by a hidden agenda, a powerful organization, perhaps even the CIA.

Again, it is hard to find hard proof, still today I think that many online sources get scrubbed. I did manage to find a very interesting little blurb in the New York Times on the CIA's war at home. Indeed, the young were infiltrated, controlled, and much effort was made to subvert.

"I was damned if I was going to let the CIA scoop me," recalled Hinckle. "I bought full-page advertisements in The New York Times and Washington Post to scoop myself, which seemed the preferable alternative." Hinckle's ad read, "In its March issue, Ramparts magazine will document how the CIA has infiltrated and subverted the world of American student leaders over the past fifteen years." On February 13, 1967, the day before Hinckle's advertisements appeared, the news that they were forthcoming panicked the CIA, the State Department, and the White House. The acting secretary of state drafted a secret memorandum for President Johnson suggesting a Plan B for handling this fiasco. The State Department, making a "bare bones" admission, would claim that the student operation was "tapering off" and would soon come to a complete halt.

Keeping my rabbit trails to a minimum, on the vein of JFK, I have been intrigued by this interview of Madeleine Duncan Brown.

Google Video Link

Well, I have to climb out of the hole now, but hey how about that Bob Marley...

edit on 27-9-2010 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

In his blockbuster 'Cellarful of Noise', Epstein as much as admits that the Kennedy conspiracy (assassination) enabled the Beatles to conquer America. Your post is much like my normal thought processes before I start to think in practical terms. Probably we should consider a band. I have to tell you though....I recall a Swiss percussionist who played alone who stated that the sound of other instruments disturbed his sensibilities. I always related to this guy. The best stuff comes from the thoughts, when you aren't aware that you are playing. Hardly top ten material, at any rate, but it is real.

Now, about Billy Sheppard. How come I can find nothing about this guy? Everywhere it's Billy this or that but never Shepperd, whom you mention as Faul?

I watched the Heather Mills stuff. I am pretty sure I could wig her out with my head, but I have no money so there's no way she's coming near to me. A broad like that doesn't take much to tip off balance, as she could have been ranting about anything. All she knows is she is about to be rich, and that she wants out of the Faul marriage.

Nice way to bring together a bunch of thoughts on why we are the way we are. I knew Kennedy was killed for his spurning of the reserve bank. All the standard mossad clues are there: Ruby, the jew clean up man with cancer. The zapruder film (naudet equivalent/foreknowledge). And of course, Oswald the patsy, just like McVeigh, or anyone else who really believes their cell is free from outsiders. You wanna play ball? Then let's play ball. I heard that the feds had to cover up the crater at Oklahoma with hundreds of sheets of plywood due to the massive damage left by the planted explosives. Then, 3 months to the minute of McVeighs execution, we have 911.

There is no way on earth that there is a free anything anymore. It would be impossible to do a 'merry pranksters' bus trip or anything fun or spontaneous these days due to the spy with a cell link who will always be shaping political discussions, each and every mile, and setting up a raid to detain any dissenters along the way. No, the battle has progressed to the realm of the mind, and controlling it. I'm just saying...there's no way a cell can operate anymore, as even thoughts are being analyzed. They aren't wasting time cracking passwords. They are setting up superhighways straight to the mind of man.

BTW-Kesey's methods of dosing people was rude and deserving of reprisal. I can see why Leary got a detention, while Kesey got a pass. Leary is the guy who thought that stringed instruments might clash with his drums...he took enlightenment seriously. It's a drag to party with most people because they literally revolve around the tv set instead of doing something deep and wonderful for their mind, their spirit. We've all seen how stupidly hemp is portrayed, a nearly pornographic display of the stupidest statements of ambitions and desires. I'm not sure if acid even exists anymore...but if it did, I am pretty sure the beat would go on just the way the die was cast years ago. A bunch of ego freaks seeing who can bag the most girls, play the loudest, and garner the most glory.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by burntheships

An excellent post my friend and thank you so much for sharing those memories as well as words.

It is hard to prove Tavistock's involvement yet it's also very hard to discount too. Operating under the guise of a charity, a charity to whom though? Tavistock may loom as one of the most sinister tools ever developed when it comes to controlling the masses.

I don't think anyone who has ever enjoyed music can't claim to be transformed by it.

So where then does artistry and passion end and science begin? The science of purposefully composing music with the aim of a precise transformation to a precise dispositition?

I believe that they did do it. They did it knowing it would be far more effective and much harder to concieve and rebel against as well.

After all how could something that bring so many so much joy and entertainment possibly be bad for them?

Bread and circuses, beware of strangers bearing gifts.

Great post, thanks for sharing my friend.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Every year starting in 1914 the participants in the European War all being from Christian Nations would call an unofficial, official cease fire beginning the day before Christmas and lasting to the day after New Years. The men would climb out of their trenches cross no-man's land and exchange simple gifts and toasts of schnapps, cognac and whiskey and sing Christmas Carols before heading back to their own lines and going back about the business of killing one another.

Bah, I promised myself I wouldn't but I couldn't just let this slide..

Every year, hey? It happened in 1914 and sporadically in 1915, but that is where it ended and it wasn't an official Truce like you're making it out. The Commanders on both sides were quite appalled at the behaviour of their men, in fact.

The 1916 "truce" your referring to never happened and Germany didn't try to end the war in 1916 by virtue of a Truce, but rather tried to declare themselves victors after the Battle of Verdun. Neither the French or british were in a position to concede defeat and made their own demands for any settlement, which the Germans rejected, but ultimately had to give in to (and worse) in 1918.

Also, Britain was not "out of ammo" or "nearly bankrupt" in 1916, in fact, they launched their biggest ever offensive in that year that went on for months. Also, the French were fighting the Battle of Verdun for over 10 months in that year. In fact, it was the Germans who were being strangled by the British naval blockade and while merhcant shipping losses peaked in 1916 for the UK, they fell markedly during that year in 1917 with developing naval tactics being used to counter the U-boats.

Thing is, you're citing (yet not providing evidence of) random newpaper articles as some sort of proof (and we all know how accurate newspapers are), whereas the history books your keen on villifying are written by people who were actually there. I've spent years reading about both wars, and I have books going back decades passed to me by members of my family who served in both.

You may think "hostory is written by the victors", but one thing you learn in history class is a GOOD historical source is one that can be verified with primary evidence. You know what this is, I assume?

Also, it is rediculous to assume that Rothchild and chums could control every publication ever written to distort facts as you claim, so this isn't a case of them re-writing the books to suit their version of history. Such a thing is virtually impossible.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by starless and bible black

As a drummer from way back I can certainly appreciate the Swiss man who felt the other instruments intruded.

Music though is as much about the vibration that the resonating of the instruments then causes the cerebral cortext of the listener to modulate in it's vibration too.

Some significant studies on concert pitch G show it to be particuarlly effective in elliciting a certain type of response from the listener.

The vibration and the tone, is actually more important than the lyrics themselves.

It is odd though how Kesley never saw any significant run in with the law over his activities, and odder still that the Grateful Dead members never did any time on all their numerous drug arrests.

The Dead along with Kesley played a huge role in the transformation of the Haight-Ashbury district and getting the whole movement off the ground.

More interesting still surving Dead Member Bob Weir has now for the past several years been made an honorary member of the Bohemian Club and attends the Grove Retreat every year.

Reward for jobs well done?

Great post, thanks for sharing it.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

But again, how does that counter the fact that the war was pretty much over by the time the American soldiers started pouring onto the battlefields? By the time the American's came all of Germany's allies had surrendered and the nation was on the brink of internal revolt.

It's an interesting theory you proposed. I'm not too sure I agree with everything you've said about the Beatles, especially the case with the "fake Paul" which was merely a case of exceptional marketing tactics which got carried on through the years due to the Beatles large fan base.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by stumason

At the suggestion of others I turned to the Newspaper archives to better understand some of the deceptions and manipulations of World War I.

I highly suggest anyone who is really interested in REAL history doing the same. The New York Times archives are free, and yes, while reading several years of old newspapers for the accounts as they really did transpire is a time consuming task, those who love history and nostalgia will find it a rather enjoyable one.

One may posture and bluster all they want, but the truth is, that there are real reasons, and reasons of record that the Versailles treaty was rejected by the U.S. Congress and those reasons not only had to do with the side deals cut in Europe over the shameful Balfour Declaration but the malfeasance of the Warburg Brothers in Rothschild's employ as they pertained to the Reich's bank and Federal Reserve which they ran on his behalf.

If you haven't read contemporary accounts of the war, written by the correspondents who were there at the time, as events happened, why pretend you imagine what's in them?

Learning is a passion that never goes out of style my friend.


posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by serbsta
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

But again, how does that counter the fact that the war was pretty much over by the time the American soldiers started pouring onto the battlefields? By the time the American's came all of Germany's allies had surrendered and the nation was on the brink of internal revolt.

It's an interesting theory you proposed. I'm not too sure I agree with everything you've said about the Beatles, especially the case with the "fake Paul" which was merely a case of exceptional marketing tactics which got carried on through the years due to the Beatles large fan base.

The war was not over by the time Americans started pouring on to the Battle Fields of Europe in fact Americans saw heavy casualties in the war that was almost over.

Once again reading contemporary newspaper accounts sheds a whole new light on what the History books butcher.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:59 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by stumason

One may posture and bluster all they want, but the truth is, that there are real reasons, and reasons of record that the Versailles treaty was rejected by the U.S. Congress and those reasons not only had to do with the side deals cut in Europe over the shameful Balfour Declaration but the malfeasance of the Warburg Brothers in Rothschild's employ as they pertained to the Reich's bank and Federal Reserve which they ran on his behalf.

I studied this a while ago so I'm not 100% on the specifics.

But wasn't the reason that the US rejected the Versailles treaty was due to the nature of Article X in the Covenant of the League of Nations? The article implied that the US would have to militarily support conflicts which may lay outside of their sphere of influence, in the old world. It went against what some of the founding fathers advocated, that is an isolationist foreign policy. This is why Republican senators like Lodge were so fiercely opposing the article and in turn all of Wilson's 14 points?

Again, not too sure on the details since its been a while, but surely the role of the Warburg brothers was less significant than total unquestionable allegiance to the needs of supposed "allies" in the old world?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Well, in my copy of 'Hypnotism, Communism, and the Beatles', these theories abound. They even blame a specific children's music company for abetting the cause. Even so...the language is so absurd, so predictably biblical/palinesque (these revivals are NEVER by accident) that one can only recoil from taking the writings to heart. Of course the Beatles knew what they were doing. Faul said that they all stopped screwing anything with a pulse just before aids was discovered! Talk about payback!

Here Satan, will this do? lol

There are times when listening to the past greats when I want to just split from the race. I cannot imagine bearing children into this day and age...the stuff they would drag home to listen digital...sigh.

I am almost embarrassed to say what I like to hear.

Many many old bands, who were not exactly mainstream, gave glimpses into the order of the future, of today. I am guessing that the ones who made it really big must have been doing something right for their handlers. I watched as time passed, and the ones with meaning and with foresight seemed to eventually cave to smegma-rock. All heros die eventually, I guess. I liked the Beatles...but there was something unfair about them...the production, the pseudo spirituality, the hypocrisy. For anyone to step out means death. It's no wonder that there's only one standing, Ringo, and I don't expect he'll be telling any truths anytime soon.

No way Lennon would have been allowed to live, even though he was obviously wasted, and suffered in poor taste. He was just too aware of tptb. Harrison? Anything's possible. I know his jewish doctor forced him in to signing some guitars, pre-death, so I would imagine the fix was in. He too was a little above the Beatles. Once you see the power of the universe, earthly games are boring and sophomoric. Truth matters much more than trappings which you cannot take with you anyway. It would be easier for the camel to thread the needle than a Beatle to enter Heaven...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:02 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The war was not over by the time Americans started pouring on to the Battle Fields of Europe in fact Americans saw heavy casualties in the war that was almost over.

Once again reading contemporary newspaper accounts sheds a whole new light on what the History books butcher.

The primary sources from the time are vital in understanding any history, of course. But primary sources such as newspapers may offer a view which was manipulated/censored/morphed in order to suite the needs of those who were running the war. I think a newspaper of the time may not offer an encompassing enough view of the events that transpired simply because of the conflict of interest.

Mind sharing some of these newspaper accounts so we can have a look anyway?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by starless and bible black

Very interesting post. I was never really a Beatles fan by the way. I am much more of a Led Zeppelin kind of guy.

Yet the truth is when you look at any Rock Concert where you have 20,000 up to sometimes 100,000 people jammed into an arena for a few hours of insanity, and often it is insanity, if ever there was a place to reach into the minds of people in mass and program them subliminally it would be a rock concert.

The funny thing is when it comes to the Beatles or really just about any Rock band unless you are the scion of Hollywood Royalty, when you are starting out, you are so dirt poor and full of hope and dreams most would cut a deal with the devil and laugh at the very notion it was the devil who bothered to cut a deal with them.

I doubt any of them saw where it would be going in the beginning and what would become of it all, and I imagine there were some pretty soul searching moments along the way once fortune and fame had claimed them.

At the end of the day, we are all just people, and relatively the same, inside and out, fortune and fame not withstanding.

I live in Miami Beach and recently Paul McCartney was in town staying at the Delano down in South Beach, he went to a trendy Sushi/Japanese restaurant and no one there or at the Delano knew who he was until he pulled out his American Express Card and they read the name.

Fame like youth is fleeting.

I don't honestly know if Lennon was lucky or misfortunate considering that, to have been snuffed out while still relevant and at the top of his game.

At least they didn't make Faul/Paul do the dishes, money helps!

Thanks for posting.

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